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name: Performance Management

Screen title: Intro & Navigation

Screen #: 1
Graphic info:

Graphic of woman will be

animated with audio. Graphic
from Lectora library trial
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 14
Optional: Voki welcoming
learners to the Module and
giving navigational details.

Learners will need to click on

audio prior to leaving page.
This will act as a landing page
for the course and will also
have progress bar for learner
built in.
Reviewer comments:


Welcome Audio to hook learners

Text Notes: ( recorded voice)
Welcome to todays session Performance Management one of the learning components as a new employee of Company A. Overall the purpose of
today is for YOU to learn all the key information nuggets that will help you maximize your experience and your potential in the Bank! Its all about YOU in your role
at the Bank! Specifically, there are key objectives we want you to go away knowing. We will share with you interesting information that will give you crucial
insights into your journey at the Bank and help you understand what performance management looks like at Company A.
Before we start the session, lets get to know our learning space. (Navigational icons explained)

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Course Objectives

Screen #: 2
Graphic info:

Performance management
graphic from:
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14

The purpose of this page is to inform
learners about the objectives of the
e-learning. WIIFM ( Whats in it for
Me) will be noted here
Learners will need to click on the
image to access a pdf file of the
Performance Management policy of
Company A.

Reviewer comments:


Voiceover reading objectives

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Performance Management Approach

Screen #: 3
Graphic info:

Video 1: YouTube
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 14


Learners will need to click on

video file to play. no auto
player installed.

Reviewer comments:


Audio from video Voice recording reads text then ask learners to click on video to continue
Text and video outlines importance of new information to learner.
Note: Before the start of each activity, the learner is given information to know what skills or knowledge they will be applying to the task,
as well as how the subject matter is connected to information they already have in their knowledge base.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Performance Management Approach

Screen #: 4
Graphic info:

Graphic from:
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 14
Optional: Embedded Voki to
replace picture

Reviewer comments:

Text Notes (voice recorded or Voki)
Performance management is an ongoing business process that enables employees to be successful and be recognized for their accomplishments .
This ongoing business process is designed to ensure achievement of the Banks objectives. Helps you target your work to the right objective and
support, and guides and recognized your achieve
And can lead to business success.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Performance Management Process

Screen #: 5
Graphic info:

Smart graphic embedded from

Microsoft Word


Animated text

Reviewer comments:


Voiceover or Voki
At the individual level performance management includes activities like setting objectives, development & career opportunities, tracking
progress against your development plan and annual objectives, and a year end assessment that will be recorded on the PAR (Performance
Achievement Review) document. And tying all of that together are ongoing coaching and feedback conversations between you and your
manager throughout the year.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Process: Setting Expectations

Screen #: 6
Graphic info:

Graphic of woman will be

animated with audio. Graphic
from Lectora library trial
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Learners will click on woman

graphic and other links to
access further information.. All
links need to to accessed to
progress from page.
Reviewer comments:


Performance objectives are essential because: They clarify what each employee needs to do to contribute to de partme nt and corporate objectives; They provide the
basis for ongoing dialogue between manager and employee around performance and achievements; Setting pe rformance objectives at the beginning of the year
provides both managers and em ployees with a clea r picture of whats expe cted and how success will be measure d. Lets see how objectives are aligned to the
Companys goals. Click on links and Jane to learn more

Jane audio: Brief intro of herself and learning journey learning about setting expectations.

Project name: Performance Assessment

Screen title: Learning Check Objective Setting

Screen #: 9
Graphic info:

Graphic Smart Art Graphic

from Microsoft word
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14

The objectives below are not SMART enough . In this activity you will redo the
statements ensuring it meets the SMART criteria.

Feedback will be built into

course to provide guidance to

Reviewer comments:

Once learners hit submit sample answered will pop, allowing learners to self-evaluate their answers. Possible responses: (response are not limited to the below
1. Provide excellent customer service to all customers by using the customers name 3 times in every interaction commencing today.
2. Meet monthly referral goals by generating 7 referrals weekly and following up with the Sales Team every Wednesday on the progress of the referrals generated
3. Maintain a balancing ration of 85% or higher by keeping my cash drawer organized daily and confirming the customer receipt for every customer transaction.
4. Ensure work station is ready before morning kick off by arriving to work by 7:30 am everyday.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Benefits of Development Planning

Screen #: 8
Graphic info:

Clip Art Graphic from Lectora

Library Trial version

Learners will be able to click on body of
woman to learn more about her role in
development planning.
Links will provide learners with further
information and external links. Learners will
not be able to move on from page until all
links are reviewed.
Option for voice recording of Asia stating her
role is open to provide greater access to
varying learning styles.

Reviewer comments:


Voice recording of key points

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Development & Career Opportunities

Screen #: 7
Graphic info:

Smart Art graphic created in

Microsoft Word 2016
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Learners will click on graphic

to learn of Manager and
Employee roles in
Development Planning
Reviewer comments:


Development planning which includes Development and Career Opportunities, helps you become proficient in your current role and
prepare for future roles through a variety of activities and experiences. Employees are responsible for their development, and managers
provide coaching, feedback and support to help employees in determining their career goals, assessing their strengths, and identifying
development needs and opportunities.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Development Planning

Screen #: 10
Graphic info:

PDP Link to sample


Follow the link to sample Personal Development Plan Template.

Prior to completing the Personal Development Plan the learner should
undertake a skills analysis activity to determine their learning and
development needs and identify development objectives to meet those
View the following links for tools to help you do this:

Please complete template and discuss with your coach during your
next bi-weekly session.


No audio
Font Size 12 - 14
Animated text
Learners will need to go through all links to proceed from page.

Font: Arial
Size: 12 -14

External Link
Learners will be asked to complete the
online development plan template to
reflect first 90 days on job
Learners must always be aware of how
they can apply what they have learned
once they step out of the virtual learning
environment. This will give hands on

Reviewer comments:

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Performance Assessment

Screen #: 11
Graphic info:

Clip Art Graphic from Lectora

Library Trial Version
Smart Art Graphic from
Microsoft Word 2016
Font: Arial


Learners are to click on James

to learn more about each
stage of the performance
assessment process.
Learners will not be allowed to
Reviewer comments:


Audio file of James walking learners through the process or pop up animated text over each graphic.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Coaching and Feedback Conversations

Screen #: 12
Graphic info:
Graphic from:
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14
Learners are to click on each
button to access further
- Coaching Simulation
- Coaching Template
- Additional Resources.
Navigation from the page will be
limited until all links are accessed.
Reviewer comments:


Coaching Simulation Avatar animation with audio to allow learners to view an example of coaching in the work environment. Learners
must always be aware of how they can apply what they have learned once they step out of the virtual learning environment.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Summary Benefits of Performance Management

Screen #: 13
Graphic info:

Icon for Assessment and End

of module survey to be placed
on this page.
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Animated text. Learners will

access end of module text and
survey from this page.

Reviewer comments:


No audio

Project name:

Screen title:

Screen #:
Graphic info:

Font: Arial
Size: 12 -14
Putting it all Together
In Summary, the performance management
process helps you to see how you are contributing
to the Companys overall success.
Click on the following video to see what
performance management looks like back on the


Performance Management at
ABC Company Video

Reviewer comments:


Learners will look at a video of new employee having conversation with Coach, sharing development plan created, setting expectations.
This will prepare learners to transition from learning to doing. Video will provide instruction to learners on their next steps .

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: End of Module Test

Screen #: 20
Graphic info:

Graphic from ClipArt Library

Lectora Online Trial Version
Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Timing will start once the

learner starts the test..
Learners will have 5 minutes
to complete

Reviewer comments:


No Audio
Option for embedded Voki to give learners assessment instructions.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: End of Module Test

Screen #: 14 - 19
Graphic info:

Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Test Navigation buttons at end

on page. Next, Cancel, Back

Reviewer comments:


Warning audio sound will play last 30 seconds of timer.

Project name: Performance Management

Screen title: Quiz Results

Screen #: 20
Graphic info:

Font: Arial
Font Size 12 - 14


Learners will navigate to

certificate printout if
successful or back to course
summary page to review
content if they fail.
Reviewer comments:


Sound of cheers will play is learners pass or womp womp sound if they fail

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