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Utah Center for Assistive Technology

Abbreviated as UCAT, the Utah Center for Assistive Technology is a

nonprofit state run agency, located in the Judy Ann Buffmire Building at
1595 W. 500 S. here in Salt Lake City. Phone: (801)-887-9380 Email: and Website: UCATs fundamental
goal is to provide assistance aimed at improving the lives of children
and adults living with disabilities by introducing them to the many
ways in which computer technology can enhance their jobs, careers,
and education ( Essentially Utah Center for
Assistive Technology is a statewide recourse where individuals with
disabilities can gather information, get technical service help, and
acquire assistive technology devises. This agency is free for anyone in
the state of Utah with disabilities, their families and caregivers and is
funded through the state. Said Lynn Marcoux, Executive Secretary,
who I contacted and interviewed.
UCAT offers a wide array of services including, free consultations,
workshops for patients, parents, and professionals, and an information
technology center for trouble shooting problems, answering question,
and fixing devices. Other services offered include design, modification,
and fabrication of custom devices, defining seating and positioning,
teaching patients how to use aides for assisting in activities of daily
living, job and home assessments to determine the best way to
facilitate client access, and aptitude testing for voice-impute

technology. On top of all that, each service is given a 30-day trial

period to ensure the devices and or services are suited to the specific
needs of each client.
Each service is specially customized to meet the individual needs of
the client. Marcoux explained it as this; after consulting with the client
UCAT will send the best specialist for their needs to begin working on
the case. In the example she gave, the client had trouble sitting for
extended periods of time. In cases like this Utah Center for Assistive
Technology will typically start with an assessment of the clients
primary complaint and observe the client in the environment that
needs to be altered. From there they can order or even customize a
seat that will allow the client to sit comfortably at work or at home for
extended periods of time without pain. They may also modify the seat
they currently have to better fit their needs. Each case is special in
that no two clients are the same, so meeting with each client
individually is very important to UCAT.
Within the Utah Center for Assistive Technology are the Utah Assistive
Technology Teams. UATT is a program that was developed by Utah
parents in the 1980s. This sub group is committed to empowering
persons with disabilities and designed to augment their highest
potential through the use of available technology (
As stated earlier, UCAT is free for anyone in the state of Utah with
disabilities, his or her families and caregivers. This organization also

works hand in hand with rehabilitation counselors, independent living

specialists, special educators, Occupational Therapists, Physical
Therapists, allied medical professionals, and any others concerned with
and advocate for people with disabilities ( UCAT
also shares a very important partnership with the Department of
Education in Utah. From this partnership they are able to work with
students, their families, and teachers within the public school system
to find the most comfortable and effective way to educate and
communicate. This alliance allows for a smooth transition for students
and educators and eases any troubles they may have or may run into
in the future. Lastly this amazing partnership also allows augmentative
devises and adaptive equipment to be loaned to teachers and on staff
therapists. Creating an easy and cost effective solution for disabled
students and educators.
The Utah Center for Assistive Technology also has an alliance with Go
Baby GO, which is a project founded by Cole Galloway PhD, and chair
of the department of physical therapy at the University of Delaware
( This project takes battery-powered vehicles for
children and converts them into rehabilitative devices for disabled
children ages 1-5. This is an amazing program that is benefiting young
children all across the United States. However, this is the only program
offered through UCAT that is not entirely free. How Go Baby Go works
is that the parents of a disabled child purchases the battery-powered

car and then UCAT will modify it so it is safe, and can be used as a
rehabilitative devise.
When it comes to physical therapy patients and their families, the Utah
Center for Assistive Technology is a great tool they can use to save
money, time, and stress. As for Physical Therapists and Physical
Therapy Assistants, it is an extremely helpful asset to turn to when
providing the best care for a disabled patient. A PTA can contact UCAT
and set up a meeting to discuss their patients specific needs. From
there UCAT can work together with the patient and the physical
therapy team to determine the best and safest options. Physical
Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants can also recommend UCAT
to their patients who may be from a lower income family, or live in
poverty. One thing to keep in mind is that UCAT and UATT require
future clients to set up a meeting with them before they begin any
service. This is important so they can get to know the client, his or her
family, and care givers, as well as set up a personalized plan of action
for their individual needs.
The Utah Center for Assistive Technologies is a non-profit organization
that is funded by the state and accepts donations. According to
Marcoux, the majority of advertising is though word of mouth by
satisfied clients. They also advertise though social media and their
website. As for the future of UCAT they are planning on continuing to
satisfy their clients by keeping up to date with new and innovative

technologies, as well as continuing to make alliances with great

organizations such as Go Baby Go.
To sum it all up, The Utah Center for Assistive Technologies is a
statewide agency where individuals with disabilities can gather
information, get technical service help, and acquire assistive
technology devises. They work side by side with rehabilitation
counselors, independent living specialists, special educators,
Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, allied medical
professionals, and any others concerned with and advocate for people
with disabilities. This agency is a great resource for Physical Therapist,
Physical Therapy Assistances, their patients and the patients families
to obtain specialized equipment that will better their lives. Through this
state funded program people with disabilities are able to acquire
personalized assistive technological devices free of charge.

Works Cited, Lynn Marcoux Executive Secretary. 3/23/16

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