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Detective Conan in: A Shrew in Scarlet - Script


(Part 1 is entirely in Conan voiceover. Theme song plays.)
Conan: Im high school detective, Jin Joung.
(newspapers showing his fame & intelligence)
(Rachel & Big Conan walking outside.)
One day when I was walking at school with my friend and classmate, Rachel, I
witnessed a man in black
making a suspicious transaction with dead presidents.
(Two men exchange money in a shady manner.)
Unfortunately, I was so caught up in watching the deal that I did not notice
his accomplice creeping up on me.
Man in black 1 (Mr. Parker): Hasta la vista, baby!
(Mr. Parker comes up behind Big Conan and bangs him on the
head w/ a Precalc textbook. Conan unconscious.)
Conan: Those men in black forced me to swallow a poison, which made my body
shrink to the size of a 1st grader. If those guys find out Im still alive,
they would come after me and put my friends and family in danger.
With the help of my friend Professor Brown, I decided to hide my true
(Conan at Browns house. Conan wears kid clothing & puts on
When Rachel asked for my name one day, I became Conan.
(Rachel looks down at Conan curiously. Conan nervously
backs against a wall/table & sees Sherlock Holmes book by
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
In order to learn more about those men and return to my true self, I went to
live with Rachel, whose father is a private detective.
(Conan goes with Rachel to Rachels house).
This is Rachels dad. Now hes the famous Detective Moore. (Moore yawns.)
In reality, hes not much of a detective. We all know who really solves his
cases, right? (Moore unconscious w/Conan behind him using bow-tie.)
I am able to do this with the two inventions Professor Brown made for me:
the stun-gun wristwatch and the voice-changing bow-tie.
Professor Brown (Mr. Shenton): This stun-gun wristwatch can shoot out an
anesthetic needle that will instantly knock out a person temporarily. For
the voice-changing bow-tie, the frequency dials on the back can be adjusted
to produce any type of voice.
Conan: I still dont know who those men in black are, but crimes dont wait for
me. Even though my body has gotten smaller, my mind is still the same. I
leave no crime unsolved. There is always only one truth!
(Conan index finger point.)


Act 1

Act 1, Scene 1 (Setting: Party room - living room)

Conan: (voiceover) One day we were invited to a billionaire daughters
birthday party.
(suitors spot Moore & go over to him. People mingling)
George: Hey! Arent you the famous Detective Moore?
Moore: Yes I am. (puffed up)
Lucien: Hello. My name is Lucien.
Harry: Its an honor to meet such a great detective. Im Harry.
George: Hi. Im George.
Peter(scoffs): I dont know how you see any greatness in him! He doesnt
look much like a detective, much less a good one.
George: (to Moore) Dont listen to him. Were all here as suitors of
Katherine. Shes so intelligent and clever. (mooning over her)
Lucien: Shes beautiful too.
Harry: Not to mention rich. Her future husband will be one of the
wealthiest people in the nation.
George: Katherines here!
(Katherine walks by at this moment. all suitors go crazy)
Lucien: (Looks at Katherine) Oh dear dear Katie!!! I have a poem I want to
read you. (takes out piece of paper)
Your hair is flowy like reeds in a pond.
Your eyes are brown like mud.
You dance gracefully like a hydrogen bond.
Your lips are red like blood.
Harry: Step aside! Your intellectual ability pales in comparison to my
physical strength.
George: Never mind those. Its obvious Im more skilled in the fine arts.
Peter: Ha! There is nothing finer than my fine voice.
Lucien: Wait, Katherine! Do you have a map? I believe I just got lost in
your eyes.
Harry: (pushes Lucien away) Katie! Are you a camera? Because every time I
look at you I smile! (sheepish grin)
Katherine: (stares at Harry with disapproval) Talk to the hand! (stomps to
George: No dont leave! Life without you is like a broken
pencil...pointless. (Katherine does not hear him)
Katherine: Grandmother! Where is father? (demanding & annoyed)
Grandmother: I dont know. It seems hes running late.
(Katherine looks annoyed)
Servant: Ms. Katherine, your father is on the phone.
(Katherine walks over & picks up the phone)
Katherine: Father! Where are you? (mad & annoyed)
(split screen, Katherine on one & Baptista on another)
Mr. Baptista: Im so sorry Katherine, but something came up and I will not
be able to make it to your birthday party.
Katherine: What?! How could you do that Father? You dont care about me.
Servant: (runs in) Mrs. Yoon! The tires are flat in the car you and Ms.
Katherine came in!
Harry: I can take her home in my Ferrari.
Lucien: How about my Porsche?

George: I think my Lamborghini would be best.

Servant: (sheepishly) Umm, those cars are flat too. Mr. Moores car is
fine, though.
Conan:(muttering to himself) Thats because its a cheap rental car.
Peter: Who could have done this?
Mr. Baptista:(listening in on the conversation) Katherine, youll have to
ride in someone elses car.
Katherine: I refuse! Today is my birthday. I would rather die than be
squished in someones stuffy car. Im going to stay here tonight with
Mr. Baptista: (still on the phone) Now, now, Katherine! Take a chill pill.
Katherine: Whatever! Dont worry about me, father. Come get me tomorrow
morning. (hangs up the phone)
Lucien: Then Ill stay here with Ms. Katherine.
Harry: Ill stay too to spend more time with her.
George: Me as well. Who would want to miss an opportunity to win her hand?
(Suitors, Katherine, Mrs. Yoon go inside. Mr. Baptista &
other guests leave. Rachel, Conan, Moore are still inside)
Harry: (kinda talking to himself, thinking no one is listening) What morons.
Dont they know that it was decided two years ago who Katherine is
going to marry?
(Conan takes note of this.)

Act 1, Scene 2
(Setting: living room)
Katherine: Since we have to stay overnight, why dont we play cards?
Peter: I dont want to stay here with you. Im going home.
Katherine (w/ a sneer): What a shame. I even considered you to be one of my
potential suitors.
Peter: Im not interested in you. I only wanted a business deal with your
father. Dont think youre all that and a bag of potato chips.
Peter: Mr. Moore, could you give me your car keys? Ill drive you home. (Mr.
Moore gives him keys. Katherine comes and slaps them out of Peters
Katherine: If you leave now, Ill make sure your company goes bankrupt.
Peter: (gasp!)
Katherine: (walking away) You guys are like little birdies in a cage. You
need me to survive. (haughty laughter) Grandmother, Im going to go
change upstairs.
(camera pans in to clock)

Act 1, Scene 3

(Setting: living room & house)

(time has passed. camera is still on clock. Characters
playing cards or sitting)
Rachel: I see. So you guys were all part of the same jet ski club.
Harry: We had lots of fun those days.
Peter: Until that incident 2 years ago...
(all suitors have horrified looks)
Conan: What happened?

Lucien: Oh, just some accident a few years ago. Didnt we promise not to
talk about it again?
Harry: Speaking of which, Ms. Katherines been gone an awfully long time.
Lucien: Maybe we should go look for her.
(camera pans in on everyone searching everywhere in the
(in the bathroom w/ the bathtub. lights are off)
George: (more of a self-mutter) Hmm. The lights dont work.
Lucien: (looking in the bathtub, but dont show inside bathtub b/c thats
where Katherine is) Nothing here!
(back in living room)
Moore: Shes nowhere to be found.
George: What should we do?
Lucien: Lets look outside. We should split up.

Act 1, Scene 4

(Setting: outside)
(Moore and Conan are together while the suitors are each
known to be alone)
(Moore and Conan find Harry dead next to the pool.)
Moore: Hey, what are you doing? (shakes Harry, then Moore + Conan + Rachel
realize he is dead & gasp)
Hes dead!
Peter: No! (Everyone else runs to them.)
Moore : Stay back! Its too late. Hes already dead. The cause of death was
drowning. It looks like someone forced his head into this pool.
Lucien (in shock): But he was fine not too long ago...
Moore: Thats right! He must have been killedby someone lurking around the
Peter: The one person who is the most suspicious out of us allthe one whos
missing at this Katherine!
Mrs. Yoon (defensive): No way would she have done that! Shes my own
Moore: There is also the possibility that shes already been murdered
herself...Anyways lets call the police.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act 2
Act 2, Scene 1
(Setting: living room)
George (w/ a phone): None of the phones work!
Peter: (in thought) The murderer must have cut the phone lines.
Moore (enters): I just checked and my cars tires are flat too.
Lucien: So were trapped here?
Moore: Someone did not want us to leave.
Conan: Could you tell us what happened 2 years ago? It might relate to this
murder. I remember Harry saying something interesting before he was
Moore: Conan is right. One of you has to tell us what happened.
George: (after a somber pause) It was an unfortunate incident. It happened
one day when we went jet skiing on a lake. There was a sudden storm
and everyone returned back to shore, except for Harry and Katherine.

We sent someone out to search for them. A bit later, we found

Katherine and Harry safe. However, the person we sent out never came
back. The body was found dead a few days later.
Moore: Who was that person?
Mrs. Yoon (enters into the conversation): She was my granddaughter and
Katherines younger sister, Bianca.
Mrs. Yoon: I will make you guys some coffee.
Rachel: Ill help you.
(All characters except Moore leave the living room)

Act 2, Scene 2

Act 2, Scene 3

Act 2, Scene 4
(Setting: outside)
Moore: Oh, it was just a cat screeching.

(Setting: kitchen)
(Rachel & Mrs. Yoon are in kitchen making coffee. There is
a tray w/ 8 cups of coffee.)
Rachel: What temperature should I heat the water to?
Mrs. Yoon: 451 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rachel: Okay.
(pause. Mrs. Yoon is looking through cabinets)
Mrs. Yoon: I cant find the sugar. Could you look up there for me, Rachel?
Rachel: Sure. (Rachel stands on a stool and looks in a high cupboard.)
(The mysterious murderer in black drops some sleeping pills
into one random cup. It is important to remember that Mrs.
Yoon is not in the screen during this time.)
Mrs. Yoon: (enters screen) Oh, I found it here. The sugar was over there.
(Screen pans over to show a big & obvious box that says

(Setting: living room)

(Mrs. Yoon & Rachel bring in the coffee. Everyone else in
living room.)
(Everyone takes a cup and drinks. Rachel yawns after
Mrs. Yoon: You must be tired. You can go lay on that sofa. Ill sit next to
(Rachel lays down on sofa & Mrs. Yoon sits in chair next to
Moore: We should look for Katherine again.
(hear scream from outside - but is actually a cat
Peter: What was that?
Lucien: That could be Katherine.
Moore: Everyone hurry outside! Well search the front and you guys split up
and search the back.
(Moore, Rachel, & Mrs. Yoon run to front; all suitors are
somewhere else)

Conan: Wait, if Mrs. Yoon is here, then that means Rachel is all alone!

Act 2, Scene 5

(Setting: living room)

(Back in the house, the murderer turns the kitchen sink on.
Rachel is groggy b/c drugged.)
Rachel: (all in her thoughts/voiceover) I hear water running.
(murderer gets Rachel & pushes her face into the water.
Rachel struggles a bit but still weak)
(Meanwhile, some shots of Conan running. He comes into the
kitchen where Rachel is.)
(Rachel is lying on the floor next to the sink & the sink
is still running.)
Conan: Rachel! Rachel!
(shakes Rachel, then finds she is still alive just sleeping) Whew! Shes just sleeping.
(everyone else runs in)
Moore: What happened?
Conan: Someone attacked Rachel. She couldnt fight back because she was
weak. I think someone put sleeping pills into her coffee earlier.
Moore: Who could have done that? Rachel and Mrs. Yoon were the ones who made
the coffee. (look suspiciously at Mrs. Yoon)
Mrs. Yoon: I didnt do anything.
Conan: (voiceover) Somethings fishy around here.
(zoom in to clock. time is 3am)
(still on clock. time is now 7am. time has passed.)
(watching TV)
News Anchor: This is Walter Cronkite. Welcome to the CBS Morning Broadcast!
We have breaking news. The Soviet Union, marked throughout its 74year-old history by great turmoil and great achievement, ended today.
The Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and made way for a
Commonwealth of Independent States created by the former Soviet
republics. More details to come later. And thats the way it is.
George: I need to use the restroom.
Lucien: We should go together in case the murderer is still lurking around.
(2 suitors & Mrs. Yoon leave to bathroom)
Peter: Its almost morning. The cars should be here in a few hours.
(those who went to bathroom come back while she is talking)
(Conan & Moore somehow spill water on themselves)
Conan: Aaah! (runs to bathroom w/ tub)
(enter bathroom & gasp to see Katherines dead body lying
on the ground next to the tub)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act 3
Act 3, Scene 1 (Setting: bathroom w/ tub)
(all characters except Rachel who is still sleeping, are in
bathroom) (Katherines body is covered in sheet)
Lucien: Miss Katherine!

Moore: (checks body & pulse under the sheet. in a grave manner) Shes dead.
The cause of death is drowning. She was probably killed by someone
pushing her head into this bathtub.
Mrs. Yoon: Why would this happen to her? (crying)
Moore: This is the same crime as when Harry died and when Rachel almost
drowned. They were all carried out in the same way.
Peter: Then are these indiscriminate killings?
Moore: Youre probably right. Also, Miss Katherines body is completely
drenched. Her legs are taped and it looks like her hands were too.
George: W-Who would have done something like this?
Conan: Mrs. Yoon, George, and Lucien, when you guys went to the bathroom
earlier, did you notice anything strange?
Lucien: No. When one person was in the bathroom, the other two were waiting
Moore: I think the murderer is you, George! Your name reminds me of a
character who murdered his friend from the book (scratches his head)
Of Men and Mice by Tom Steinbeck.
Conan: You mean Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck?
Moore: You know what I mean. (waves his hand dismissively)
Lucien: I do think I saw George do something weird.
George: Eat my shorts! I dont know what youre talking about!
Peter: Wait, I think youre the most suspicious, Lucien. I didnt see you
outside after we heard that scream.
Moore: On second thought, neither Lucien nor George can be the murderer. The
time of death appears to be around 5-6am. That was at least an hour
ago. Since both went to the bathroom with Mrs. Yoon just a while ago,
none of the three could have done it. No one else left the living room
from 4-7am except for you once Peter. Youre the prime suspect.
Everyone else has alibis. (looks suspiciously at Peter) What did you
Peter: I went to the bathroom to wash my face.
George: So YOU killed Katherine?!
Peter: As if! I dont have an alibi, but that doesnt make me the murderer!
Conan: (voiceover) Mr. Moore seems right about the time of death. That would
make Peter the most suspicious. But its weird. If only Katherines
head was pushed underwater, why is her entire body so wet?
George: But where would Katherine have been held captive? I mean, we
searched the whole house.
Lucien: I checked this bathtub, and there was nothing here.
Moore: The murderer probably hid her body in the trunk of one of the cars
outside. It would appear, Peter, that you are the murderer who likes
to kill people indiscriminately.
Conan: (voiceover) Were they really indiscriminate killings? Its natural to
think so since Rachel is not connected to anyone here. But why? Why
did the murderer not kill Katherine immediately? Also, why kill her in
the bathtub and not the fountain outside? Its closer to the cars.
(Conan walks over to bathtub & turns the handle. is
surprised & jumps when water comes out of the shower as
opposed to the faucet)

Conan: (voiceover) The shower?

(looks at shower) I see. So thats how it
happened! The murderer used a time trick. That explains the wet
clothes, why Rachel was attacked, and why Katherines body was found
so late. I figured it out! Then the murderer must be THAT person.
(pans to show view of all suitors & Mrs. Yoon) But now I need
(Conan leans on bathtub rim but finds that it is
Moore: Hey be careful! Do you want to get wet, idiot?
Conan: (voiceover. has a lightbulb moment) Get wet!
Moore: Anyways, lets go back to the living room and wait until the cars
(Everyone walks back to the living room)

Act 3 Scene 2

(Setting: living room)

(Conan shoots stun gun watch & Moore falls asleep on a
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) I know who the murderer is!
Lucien: What? Really?
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) Everyone please take off your
(suitors take off jackets & throws them on ground)
Peter: So whats the 411? Hurry up and inspect them Mr. Detective!
(screen goes to each suitor & shows the water stains on their shirts.
Peter collar. George wrist. Lucien elbows)
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) So it was you! Youre the one behind
the three crimes. The murderer first drowned Harry in the fountain,
then drugged Rachel to drown her in the kitchen sink, and finally
killed Katherine in this bathtub. The murderer is you...
suspense) ..Lucien!!!
(all gasp & Lucien looks pale)
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) First, last night you suitors split up
outside to look for Katherine. Each of you were alone. Lucien probably
caught up to Harry, attacked him from behind near the fountain, and
drowned him.
Lucien:Youre kidding right? Anyone could have done that. And for the second
case, I just met Rachel today! I have no reason to want to hurt her.
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) After we heard that scream last night
and everyone ran outside, you stayed in the house and carried Rachel
to the kitchen and tried to drown her. You drugged her coffee
previously so she wouldnt fight you.
George: Wait a second. If the murderer put sleeping pills in the coffee, he
could have drank it himself. And how could he have known which cup
Rachel was going to pick?
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) Lucien only pretended to drink the
coffee. And for the cups, it didnt matter who drank it. It could have
been any one of you. Lucien only wanted that persons testimony, not
their life. A testimony that someone pushed their face underwater.

Once the murderer had that, everyone would assume that Katherine died
the same way.
Peter:Then does that mean Katherine didnt drown?
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) No, she did drown, but her head was
not pushed underwater. There are two strange things: first, the long
time between Katherines disappearance to when she was murdered
between 5-6 am. Second, that she was so wet. When you fill a bathtub
with water, you normally do it with the faucet. But, when Conan
turned the faucet earlier, water came out of the shower. Why was
that?...It was because the murderer filled up the bathtub using the
Lucien:Yadda yadda. You seriously dont believe all that do you?
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) If you kept Katherine stuck inside the
bathtub with duct tape, she would drown once the water filled up.
Lucien probably put her to sleep by drugging her nose with chloroform
after she went upstairs around 8 pm. He brought her to this bathtub
and turned the shower on so it would fill up by 5 to 6 am. Therefore,
he didnt have to be here when Katherine died. This ensured him an
alibi. After 7 am, he pretended to go to the bathroom and took
Katherine out of the water. He had another trick, too.
Peter: What was that?
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) Lucien cut the power in the hallway
so no one would come here. And when we searched the house, he made
sure he was the one to check this bathroom earlier and claimed no one
was in here. No one else could have pulled this whole thing off
except for you, Lucien.
Lucien:(awkward laughter) If you put it that way, I would be the most
suspicious. But do you have any evidence it was me?
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) Thats why I had you take off your
jackets. The evidence is in the waters stains on your shirt!
(Lucien is shocked)
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) The stains on Georges wrists are from
when he washed his hands. The stains on Peters collar are from when
he washed his face. But what about your stains at your elbows?
(for each persons stains, zoom in)
Lucien:(stutters) Uh..t-this is from when I washed my hands.
Conan: (in Moores voice using bowtie) I think not. You could only get
those stains if you took off your jacket. Which you did when you
pulled Katherines body out of the bathtub.
(Lucien looks down & looks ashamed)
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) Isnt it right that you rolled up your
sleeves so you wouldnt get them wet?
Peter:(at Lucien) Is all this true? But why?
Conan:(in Moores voice using bowtie) Seeing as how all the crimes had to do
with drowning, the motive was probably related to Biancas accident a
few years ago.
Lucien:She didnt die by accident...Bianca was Harry and
Katherine! (angrily) (Everyone looks shocked) On that day, Bianca
went out to find Katherine on a boat with a life vest for herself and
an extra for Katherine. But when she found Katherine, she and Harry

were sitting on a tree limb together over the lake. Bianca climbed up
the tree to reach them, but those two stole Biancas life vest and
jounced the tree limb, causing my Bianca to fall into the deep water
and drown. They saved themselves and let Bianca die! When her body was
found later, she had no life vest on. And Harry and Katherine said
they never saw Bianca. That was strange. Katherine admitted everything
to me later before I killed her. I had to take revenge for my precious
Mrs. Yoon: You idiot! Biancas death was tragic, but no one deserves to die,
not even Katherine. It would be like shooting a mockingbird. The world
has enough sorrow as it is.

Peter: Oh Mr. Detective! Your deductions were so amazing!
Moore: (voiceover) I dont remember a thing, though.
Peter: I was mistaken in my previous judgement of you. Would you please take
me on as an apprentice? (groveling on his knees)
-- THE END --

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