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Mariah Fludd

January 20, 2016

Professor Raymond
UWRT 1102
My Views on Portfolios
The main thing that interests me about portfolios is that it allows a
person to show all of their skills and growth over a certain amount of time in
a course. I like how portfolios can be intended to show off work but can also
have personal pictures, quotes, and facts. I have done a portfolio before so
the part that I do best on is making revisions to my papers and making sure
that I have all of the documents needed to complete the portfolio. A part that
I struggled with in the beginning was being creative and making my powerpoint decorative because I didnt fully understand how to use those tools on
the website. After attending the peer reviews and making connections, I
found someone that taught me how to add the decorative pieces to my
portfolio. The decorative pieces included pictures, shortcut icons as well as
adding tabs for different sections.

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