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16th Century & 17th Century- Bethlem Royal Hospital becomes

focused on the poor and mentally insane. It becomes the first asylum
in England. People believed mental illness was caused by possessions
and lunacy. Witchcraft was often explanations for mental illness.

18th Century- Philippe Pinel shared his ideas on mental illness being
caused by problems within the mind. He stopped using popular forms
of treatments and instilled moral treatment.

19th Century
1812- Benjamin Rush became an early advocate of the moral
treatment of mentally ill patients in the US
1841- Dorothea Dix saw the mistreatment of patients in mental
asylums and prisons and began her reform movement.
1844- The Association of Medical Superintendents of American
Institutions for the Insane was founded in Philadelphia. The objectives
of the association included improving conditions later on
overcrowding occurred in the insane asylums and moral treatment fell
to the wayside.
1845- The Lunacy Act and the County Asylums Act 1845 were passed
in England creating the Lunacy Commission. The Lunacy Commission
was established to oversee the insane asylums in England and visit

them once a year. They were to report and improve the conditions of
the asylums.

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