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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 28, 2016

What is one simple yet profoundly powerful technique we must practice to

improve our health and mental peace? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today

Without the control of your senses, your sadhana will be

ineffective; it is like keeping water in a leaky pot! When the
tongue craves for some delicacy, assert that you will not cater to
its whims. If you persist in giving yourself simple food that is not
savoury or hot, but amply sustaining, the tongue may squirm for
a few days, but it will soon welcome it. That is the way to subdue
it and overcome the evil consequences of its being your master.
Since the tongue is equally insistent on scandal and lascivious
talk, you have to curb that tendency also. Talk little, talk sweetly,
talk only when there is pressing need. Also, talk only to those to
whom you must, and do not shout or raise the voice in anger or
excitement. Such control will improve health and mental peace. It
will lead to better public relations and less involvement in
contacts and conflicts with others.
- Divine Discourse, 23 Nov 1968.

Reining in your senses is growing in wisdom. Baba

28 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,AwpxI SwrIirk Aqy mwnisk ishq iv`c vwDw krn leI, ikhVw
swDwrx pr bhuq SkqISwlI FMg Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwey ibnW,quhwfI swDnw,byAsr hY[ieh,aus
qrHW hY ijvyN iek surwK vwly brqn iv`c,pwxI pwieAw hovy[jd quhwfI
jIhvw,quhwnUM ku`J nzwkq leI pRyirq kry qW ies dI mrzI au`qy rok

lgwau[jd qusIN,Awpxw Bojn swDwrx,ijhVw nw qW bhuq grm hY Aqy nw hI

sugMDI vwlw hY,pr ishq leI cMgw hY qW quhwfI jIhv ,ku`J idxW leI qVPy gI
pr ku`J idxW bwd,ieh swDwrx Kwxy dw svwgq kry gI[iehI FMg hY ijhdy
nwl qusIN ies nUM Awpxy au`qy hwvI hox qoN rok skdy ho[ikauN jo jIhvw,lok
inMdw Aqy Bog-ivlws vwlI g`lW krn dI iz`d krdI hY,quhwnUM,ies dI ies
rucI au`qy lgwm lgwauxI hY[QoVw bolo,im`Tw bolo Aqy aus vyly hI bolo,ijs
vyly,bolxw zrUrI hovy[aunHW nwl hI gl kro,ijhdy nwl qusIN gl krnw zrUrI
smJdy ho[kdy vI gu`sy iv`c Aqy au`qyijq ho ky gl nw kro[ienHW cIzW au`qy kwbU
pwaux nwl,quhwfI SwrIirk Aqy mwnisk ishq TIk hovy gI[Awm pbilk nwl
quhwfw rwbqw vDy gw Aqy dUjy lokW nwl,quhwfw Kwh-muKw dKl Gty gw[(23
nvMbr,1968 dy idvX pRvcn)[
AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux nwl hI,bu`DImqw dw ivkws huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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