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Implications for Professional Practice

Vanessa Calonzo
Seattle University


Responsibility (LO 3, 7; Artifact B, C3, F)
One of the most important implications to practice I will keep in mind is the
responsibility I have to use my influence. The Student Development Administration (SDA)
program has given me skills and knowledge to be a more confident and effective a leader. I
recognize that my life, and how I interact in this world impacts others. As explained in Artifact
B (Integrated Mission Statement), the core of my being is a calling to be someone who leaves
a positive imprint in the lives of others, and I am in a position academically and professionally to
play a pivotal role in the lives of many through my work at the community college. With the
knowledge and confidence I have gained, I believe I have a responsibility to be an example of a
well-informed leader who demonstrates a passion for advocacy and is worthy to be a mentor to
others. As I face work life after graduate school, these traits are very important to me as I take
my next steps in professional development.
Informed Leadership (LO 7; Artifact F)
I strive to be seen as leader who is knowledgeable and ahead of the curve on recent
research in our field. Part of the reason I have loved the SDA program is the emphasis on
research, frameworks, and data analysis. I feel so much more prepared through this program to
have data to support the directions I hope to go in as I lead my department in strategic directions
for our campus. In Artifact F (Professional Development and Action Plan), I discuss my
growing interest in First Year Experience programs and my intention to incorporate this into my
future research to keep informed as I progress in my career. I want to work smarter, not harder.
Learning Outcome #7 (Utilizing assessment, evaluation, technology, and research to
improve practice) is a key skill I have practiced as I analyzed implications I needed to be aware
of when developing new programs and facing strategic decision making. I am so much more


confident in my analysis of data and use of research now and I plan to be make good use of it as I
grow in my career and development skills.
Advocacy (Artifact B)
Now that I can better articulate my thoughts on the field, I believe it is my responsibly to
use this knowledge to be an active advocate for positive change. As I progress in my career, I
find that it is easy to fall into the do things as we always have done it crowd. Through my work
experience and through the SDA program, I have gained critical thinking skills that have helped
me question this status quo. Social Justice is engrained in the SDA Program and in the
philosophies we promote in my work at South Seattle College (SSC). The Jesuit tradition is
embedded in the advocacy I will continue to practice in my work. This philosophy is embedded
in my Artifact B (Mission Statement) and demonstrates my commitment. The need for change
cannot be overlooked! To truly advocate, I need to be willing to work for the goal, even if it
sacrifices some time or energy. I do not believe that we should compromise our work-life
balance, but I do recognize that it is important that I be prepared to have different ebbs and flows
to my commitments and make the most of the time I do have. I can be smart about change by
collaborating with others, by networking regularly, and by recognizing that extra work is
investment of time for the long-term impacts. I know I have the resiliency to push through. It is
my responsibility to keep a strong mindset and know that advocacy takes effort.
Mentoring (LO 3; Artifacts C3)
Last, but not least, now that I have grown in the field, I believe it is my responsibility to
pass the torch and be a mentor to support others. I would not have considered or finished
graduate school if it had not been for my mentors encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone
and telling me what I have needed to hear to grow. Artifact C3 (Inspiration to Action


presentation) showcases the impact mentorship had in helping me find education and advocacy
as a career pathway. I have been mentored by some truly inspirational people and it has been one
of the major conduits helping me navigate my challenges and successes in life. It is through
mentorship that I believe my power and positive energy can be shared with those around me. I
want to be an example of someone who demonstrated resiliency and was able to improve
themselves through education. Life will happen, but ones goals are worth fighting for. I truly
believe that with leadership comes responsibility to build up those we connect with. This
philosophy is supported by Learning Outcome #3 (Exhibiting professional integrity and
ethical leadership in professional practice). One of the reasons I chose the SDA program was
the sense of care and authentic connection I was able to gain from the faculty, students, and
alumni. I will forever hold this care-focused connection as a core feature of my student
development work, and I am looking forward to being a mentor for future SDA students as they
progress in their journeys.

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