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Professional Development Plan

Katherine Sheppard
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
NUR 4241

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Nursing is a lifelong commitment in maintaining competence in practice. As a registered
nurse (RN) we are required to have a certain amount of competencies each year. Many
associations such as Institute of Medicine (2011) and American Association of Colleges of
Nursing discuss how lifelong learning is an expectation for nurses (Davis, Taylor, & Reyes,
2013). One example of this is the many credit hours we need to show evidence of when
renewing our nursing licenses. Many hospitals require a registered nurse to hold their bachelors
degree in nursing when hired or require them to obtain their BSN in a specific time period.
There is evidence showing that nursing education can impact the future of the
professional nurse. The Institute of Medicine (2010) discusses nursing as an evolving career.
Thus meaning that curriculum needs to be updated and reexamined frequently (Institute of
Medicine, 2010). Critical thinking is developed within nursing with the more education that the
learner receives. Nursing education should serve as a platform for continued lifelong learning
and should include opportunities for seamless transition to higher degree programs (Institute of
Medicine, 2010). Leadership Development is learned within coursework and lifelong learning.
While obtaining my bachelors in Nursing, I have learned many characteristic that a leader
must possess to demonstrate leadership development. In this paper, I will discuss how lifelong
learning impacts my nursing and how I plan to continue my nursing education to provide the best
care I can for my patients.
I have high expectations for my vision of the future in nursing. As I
close on my bachelors of science in nursing (BSN) degree, I have already


been accepted in a masters program. The masters program that I have
been accepted in is the Adult-Gerontology clinical nurse specialist/educator
at Old Dominion University. Because gerontology is my passion I hope that in
the next five years I will be working more with this population. The masters
program is how I plan to continue my lifelong learning. This program will
take me roughly three years and if I continue on with my schooling then I will
have another two years for my doctorate of nursing practice.
In ten years, I see myself finishing all of my required schooling for a
degree. I will hope to have started working in the field I am most passionate
about and hope to help educate my peers. I will use my educator role from
this program to work in a hospital setting to help improve patient outcomes.
There are many ways that I will incorporate Servant Leadership into
your vision by using my skills that I have learned to share with others. I will
learn to become an active listener to help meet my patients needs. In order
to incorporate servant leadership into my everyday life I also need to assess
the needs of my area. I do this by listening to my peers and setting action
plans in improving care and situations.
Professional Development Plan
I have created a professional development plan to help me reach my
goals. I try to take my education one step at a time. Some identified learning
needs and goals will be to pursue my masters degree. I have already applied
and been accepted into a program.


Some methods to help me achieve my goals are support from peers. I
also use a checklist for areas that need growth. The Professional
Development Plan attached with this paper will show how I hope to achieve
each goal that I have set for myself. I have had to keep up with many
curriculum changes to keep track of pre-requisites for programs of interest.
Other methods that I have been able to use is following other nursing leaders
in their direction to maintaining and advancing in the field of nursing.
Some professional development activities I use for work include my
professional nurse advancement program (PNAP). This program is a portfolio
of all the work I have done within an 18 month period. I include information
such as contact hours, community service events, projects that I have
worked or assisted with. I am expecting to advance the nursing ladder in
August 2016 for the final step in the program.
Measures of success are provided by my grades and how I achieve
status on my professional ladder. I also measure success by the degrees,
certifications, and contact hours that I receive. One success that I have
received with my professional development plan is the raise with the clinical
ladder through work. I have been able to succeed through the stages of the
clinical ladder.
I have a long timeline for all of my goals to be achieved. I do not
believe I should rush myself and feel that I can make baby steps in improving
myself and the care that I can provide with my patients. With this, I have set


semester long or season long goals for myself to help keep me on track. The
first goal on my timeline goal is to complete my final step in the clinical
ladder this August. After I complete the first goal I will begin working on my
masters program beginning in the fall semester.
I will always enjoy learning and will incorporate the knowledge into
caring for my patients. I will always set goals for myself with a reasonable
timeline to complete them. I hope that I can continue to learn and help share
my knowledge with others.


Davis, L., Taylor, H., & Reyes, H. (2013). Lifelong learning in nursing: A Delphi study.
Nurse Education Today, 441-445. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of Nursing: Focus on Education. Retrieved
from Institute of Medicine Advising the Nation Academies:


Appendix A

Identified Learning
Needs and Goals

Maintain credit
hours for serving
the geriatric

Begin Masters
program at ODU.

Advance on the
clinical ladder for

Method for achieving


Attend in-services,
conferences, and
classes to educate
myself on geriatrics.
Sign up for each
semester and follow
curriculum plan.
Community service
-Contact hours
-Evidence Based

Time frame

Once a month,
something with
contact hours.
Taking each
semester one at a
Due August 2016



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