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Emergency Resuscitaon using CPR

Ausn LeSueur
English 2100
Salt Lake Community College

Lidocaine, as was stated in the previous document, has a very miniscule chance to cause an allergic reacon.
However, if someone is allergic, they may go into cardiac arrest, necessitang emergency CPR to restart the paents
heart. Knowing how to perform CPR can mean the dierence between life and death.

Step 1. In any situaon in which someone has stopped breathing and is unresponsive, it is best to call emergency personnel (911). These personnel are
trained in rst aid procedures and can assist you if do not know how to perform
CPR. This also allows professionals to get to the scene as soon as possible to
provide medical care to the person.

Fig 1.
Step 2. If the vicm is sll not breathing, put both palms, one over the other, on the
middle of the persons chest and pump 30 mes ( see g 1.). This should be quick, at a
rate of about 100 mes per minute, or twice a second. These compressions need to be
hard enough to depress the chest by about two inches each me.
Step 3. A"er compleon of compressions, lt the persons head back, and li" their
chin. This opens their airways and allows for air ow to the persons lungs, which helps
Fig 2.

oxygenate the blood. This oxygenated blood can prevent brain damage due to insucient oxygen ow to the brain.

Step 4. To facilitate oxygen ow through the body, pinch the vicms nose shut, and give one rescue breath. A"er this
breath, if the chest has moved, perform one more rescue breath (see g 2.). If the chest did not move, repeat the head
lt chin li" method and repeat unl the chest moves.
Connue CPR unl the vicm starts moving, or unl medical personnel take over. A good way to remember how to perform CPR is to remember the le%ers C.A.B. Compress, Airway, Breathing. These are the major steps for performing CPR.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): First aid. (16, February 06). Retrieved April 28, 2016, from http://www.

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