Standard 4 Artefact

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Standard 4: Create and maintain safe learning environments

Note the focus area and standard
descriptor/s the artefact /
document reflects

4.1 Support student


4.2 Manage classroom activities

4.5 Use ICT safely,

responsibly and ethically

1.2 Understand how

students learn

Note the type of

artefact / document

Describe the document / artefact and

indicate the possible impact or result of the
artefact / document on teaching and/ or
student learning

Describe how the document /

artefact meets the standard
descriptors you have identified.

The final
experience report
for Standard 4 from
my 3rd professional
experience in
kindergarten. As
supported by the
schools positive
behaviour plan, and
student behaviour

The practicum report comments on the

success of my create and maintain
safe learning environment. The
professional experience was 4 weeks
in an ES1 setting. The professional
experience began on the first day of
term, which allowed for myself and my
mentor teacher to discuss the types of
positive behaviour systems we would
use, and how to demonstrate
appropriate and inappropriate
expectations at school.

The whole school behaviour

policy was implemented in
the classroom. Using
dialogue, body language and
eye contact I was able to
manage the classroom, and
ensure students were
engaged in a safe

The feedback supports the idea that I

utilised the existing school behaviour
policy, adapting my teaching to the
needs of the school.
The professional experience I taught
across all KLAs and developed some
new teaching strategies, and ways to
transition between lessons. I utilised
ICT and resources to accommodate for

Mentor teacher stated I used

brain breaks and clear
instructions this ensured the
behaviour was controlled,
and students understood the
expectations of lessons or
activities, this was achieved
by understanding how the
students learn and
appropriate strategies for the
ES1 class (4.2).
Through the brain breaks and

all students to support participation.

The ongoing feedback which
contributed to the report allowed me
to create a positive learning
environment, which ensured students
were engaged throughout lessons and
the lessons were organised.

behaviour management I
gained an understanding
about how the students in the
class learn, and what
behaviour strategies worked
for them (1.2).
Mentor teacher stated
always maintained inclusive
student participation, this
was supported by the use of
resources for individual
students and selecting
strategies to engage and
enrich their learning (4.1).
Integrating ICT in the daily
plan to engage students and
teach key concepts. Through
clear instruction students had
a thorough understanding of
how to use classroom IWB
and Ipads safely and
responsibly (4.5) Ongoing
discussion with the mentor
teacher on how to use ICT in
the classroom safely and
ethically is evidenced in the
Exceeding Expectations for


On the bonus side of dealing with any student are the times we must applaud their achievements. The school has a number
of positive monitoring initiatives in place:

Playground raffle tickets given when a student is caught doing something good
Awards given at Assembly. These are not solely based on class work achievement.
Special rewards such as being given extra play, time to choose an activity theyd like to do, Affirmation and fun days
are all in place to reward students.
Special mention in Newsletters.
We also try to pass on these great achievements individually to parents as we see them at school related events.

Level 1

Self Managed (student Alone)

Teacher Response See Acknowledgement Plan

Level 2

Self Managed + Teacher Support

Teacher response See Correction Plan/Acknowledgement Plan

Level 3

Self Managed + Teacher Support + Parent

Teacher Response - See Correction Plan/Acknowledgement Plan

Level 4

Self Managed + Teacher Support + Parent + Behaviour Support Teacher (Assistant Principal)
Teacher Response- See Correction Plan / Acknowledgement Plan

See Crisis Plan

Level 5

Self Managed + Teacher Support + Parent + Behaviour Support Teacher (Assistant Principal) +
Teacher Response- See Correction Plan / Acknowledgement Plan

- See Crisis Plan

- Possible Individual Behaviour Management Plan
**Note** At Level 5, formal referral to other agencies and support personnel may also take place. Informal approaches to
such personnel, including the school counsellor, may be instigated by the class teacher as early as Level 2.

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