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Government-Introduction to Congress Quiz

Name: _________________________

Date & Class Period: __________

For questions 1-6 circle the letter next to the correct answer.
1. When considering a bill, members of Congress should think about: (DOK Level 1)
a. Only themselves
b. Voters back home
c. The entire United States
d. The world as a whole
2. Which of the following is NOT a type of appeal that can be used in an argument? (DOK Level

a. Emotion
b. Logic
c. Ethics
d. Majority
3. How often do elections take place within the Senate? (DOK Level 1)
a. Once a year
b. Once every two years
c. Once every 5 years
d. Once every 6 years
4. If one congressional district in a state were to have three times the population of another
district in the state, the problem would be referred to as (DOK Level 1)
a. pork-barreling
b. malapportionment
c. gerrymandering
d. cloture
5. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? (DOK Level 1)
a. Vice President
b. Speaker of the House
c. Majority Leader
d. President Pro Tempore
6. Who is the leader of the Senate? (DOK Level 1)
a. Vice President
b. Speaker of the House
c. Majority Leader
d. President Pro Tempore

U.S. Government-Introduction to Congress Quiz

7. Compare and contrast the differences between members of the senate and members of the
House of Representatives. Make sure to include who they represent, how often they are elected,
how many represent each state, qualifications to get elected, etc. (1 paragraph) (DOK Levels 2 & 3)

8. Tell me the 7 steps in short detail as to how a bill becomes a law. (DOK Levels 1 & 2)

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