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The Matrix of Domination vs The Diversity Approach

I side with the matrix of domination argument. Intersectionality is an

important context in the lives of people of color. Race, gender, and class are

connected and are framed by the systematic oppression.

The Matrix of Domination sees social structure as having multiple interlocking
levels of dominations that stem from the connections of race, gender, and
African American men have privilege due to gender, but also face oppression
due to race and class. Women of color face racism, sexism, and classism.

Native American women was given as an example

The diversity approach seeks to compare the illegalization of interracial
marriages to that of same-couple marriage, but does not take and into and
excludes the fact that people of color exist in the LGBT community, and these

people of color also face racism, sexism, and classism.

By comparing the flight of Black people to that of Gay people, you are
excluding the existence of Gay Black people.

Capitalism is vs Is Not Gendered and Racialized

I stand with the argument that capitalism is gendered and racialized,

weve seen centuries of oppression in all realms of the system due to race

and gender.
An important thing to take into account is the intersection of gender and race
when discussing capitalism. Women of color are deeply impacted by the
systems of capitalism, they encounter both racism and sexism in the

workforce, especially when in powerful positions.

Capitalism is rooted in gender and race, the inception of Capitalism started in
Britain and then in Europe which was dominated by White men, which

already contained gender based division of labor.

White men were able to move from farms to factories and business jobs,
white women continued the tradition of housewife. Whereas Black men and
women were still subjected to manual labor for decades

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