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Monika Frank
describes life and
work at Sunseed
Desert Technology
in Spain.

Left: Cooking African food

on a fuel efficient
stove made from
an old metal

Cooking Up Solutions bucket and

a piece of
chimney pipe.
in Almeria Right:
Monika Frank

n a beautiful valley in the Bottom right: Los Molinos was a rich village
arid landscape of Almeria Running with several oil and corn mills
in Andalucia in Spain, the on the sun: and plenty of land to grow food.
British charity, The Sunseed these seven Today, locals from the neigh-
Trust, established a small re- solar panels bouring town, and also more
search station some 15 years produce enough and more foreign ‘villagers’, are
ago called Sunseed Desert electricity for bringing the terraces into
Technology. Sited in what was a telephone, production again.
the abandoned village of Los computer and Apart from the Sunseed
Molinos, the project lies in a lights, and can community there are other per-
spectacular depression of the bridge five manent residents and houses
gypsum rock, typical of the cloudy days. only used for holidays. The
area. The Rio Aguas (river of volunteers and staff members
waters) – one of the only two of the project live in several old
rivers running all year round in buildings which are repaired
the whole province of Almeria and maintained by the com-
– provides water for irrigating munity itself.
the crop terraces. In the past, The aim of Sunseed Desert

26 Permaculture Magazine No. 35

Technology is “to find and
spread methods to improve
the lives of people on degraded
areas and to demonstrate sus-
tainable technologies and life-
style”, applicable to desertified
areas mainly in Africa – but this
also applies to Southern Spain!
Almeria is the driest and hot-
test spot in Europe with signs
of severe degradation and soil
erosion; therefore it is an ideal
site for experiments.

The running of a tree nursery,
tree planting activities, sowing
and monitoring of dryland
crops occupy the BIO-depart- Above: The ‘Rio Aguas’ valley in winter. invent and construct low-cost
ment. Between 1988 and 1994, solar cookers and water stills
Sunseed carried out an intensive Centre: One of Sunseed’s garden terraces with a of every thinkable material
tree planting programme for compost toilet block on the right. and design: adobe, cardboard,
the Henry Doubleday Research wood, metal, glass or plastic.
Association (HDRA), monitor- Bottom: The tree nursery grows mainly native species The idea is to use the sun’s
ing the survival rate and develop- like carob, pine, wild olive and various shrubs. power in order to cut down
ment of different tree species. At on firewood consumption. All
the moment, research is concen- designs are as low-tech and
trated on shrubs, as they provide low-cost as possible. “There
micro-habitats and shade for are no white coats or complex
other species to germinate. laboratories,” says the visitors’
Also research into wastewater guide – instead you find plastic
treatment using a combination bottles and bits of cane used in
of reedbeds and hydroponic the most unusual ways.
crop production (see PM19) The adobe solar cookers
is undertaken at Sunseed, to were tested in several villages
process the wastewater before in Tanzania between 1995 and
it joins the river again. The 1998 but these trials showed the
other important area of focus difficulties of transferring tech-
of Sunseed is the Appropriate nologies developed in one place
Technology Department (AT); to another place with a very
volunteers and staff members different culture. The adobe
solar cooker was eventually
abandoned because of technical
problems (e.g. termites loved to
chew the straw incorporated in
the adobe mix) and cultural
ones (e.g. women prefer to
cook indoors). However, in
1996 an offshoot of Sunseed,
Sunseed Tanzania Trust (STT),
was formed by a small team
of volunteers. STT now works
with local partner organisations
in the Dodoma region on a
successful Domestic Energy
Project, which is spreading the
use of heat retention cookers
(sometimes known as hay boxes
or hot boxes). Local women
chose this simple technology, No. 35 Permaculture Magazine 27

as it suits their style of cooking
and their lifestyle, is cheap to
make and can reduce the amount
of fuel wood needed by half.
The way of testing solar
cookers, of course, is using
them and experimenting with
different ways of cooking and
preparing the food. According
to the number of volunteers
staying at the project, there is an
alternating solar family of four
or five people, cooking all their
food in solar cookers and on one
parabolic dish during one week.
If there are not enough volunteers
to take part, the AT coordinator
prepares one solar meal a week
for the entire community. The
big winners always are solar cakes
and bread; the fact that the cake
or bread cooks at a very steady but Above: Work (but yes, they have a telephone itional system of irrigation lines
not too high temperature over a in the tree now and even email!) can be real (acequias) is a typical feature of
long time (3-4 hours instead of nursery. Many fun in a well organised commu- small-scale horticulture all over
less than 1 hour in a conventional combinations nity. Rainwater is collected, the Andalucia. Although some say it
oven) seems to be the secret. of soil mixes compost toilets work well and a washes nutrients to layers too
They bake best in one of the and ways of solar water heating unit provides deep for plant roots to reach,
oldest and most reliable cookers, hardening off hot water for showers. A big step this irrigation system has been
built entirely from car scrap are trialled forward in providing enough used for centuries and the
material. Hay boxes are used in here to achieve electricity for lights, computer locals seem to be happy with it,
the kitchen for cooking pulses, a high rate of and telephone was made in 1997 producing vast quantities of
rice and raising bread dough. success when by installing more solar panels vegetables. In this hot-dry
The spirit of Sunseed’s phi- planted out. with a rated output of 500W. climate all ingredients of Med-
losophy is also adopted in the iterranean cooking grow well:
community itself and therefore Below: The YEAR LONG GROWING tomatoes, peppers, aubergines,
it is a great experience for all Rio Arguas Apart from the two research courgettes, pumpkins and basil
visitors and volunteers to share flowing departments there are other in the summer; the autumn is
in the daily life at Sunseed. A life through the voluntary staff members look- peak sowing time for broad
without modern conveniences valley provides ing after the functioning and beans, peas and transplanting
such as TV, conventionally water all year well-being of the whole project: brassicas; garlic is put in in
heated hot water and heating round. management, finances, house- January, potatoes after the last
hold, education/publicity/fund- frost in February as well as all
raising, construction and gardens. root crops like carrots, radishes
Half a hectare (1.25 acres) and onions – then it starts all over
of flood irrigated land is again! The head gardener at the
under the control of the staff moment, Elena from Sevilla, is
gardener. In this decent climate following a crop rotation of root
vegetable growing is possible crops, strong feeding plants and
all year round. But despite different beans.
all efforts, the garden area is
not big enough to feed all the WELL ORGANISED COMMUNITY
mouths all year round. Also the Although Sunseed is a registered
(wo)man power is often too British charity whose legal
scarce, although volunteering decisions are taken by a board
in the gardens always seems to of trustees based in England,
be the most popular task. the day to day decisions and
I had the pleasure of gar- the overall direction of the
dening for a full year’s cycle at project is taken by the project
Sunseed, gaining valuable exp- manager in Spain. Since last
eriences in this type of climate. summer, Carol Biggs took over
Flood irrigation with the trad- this post with lots of enthusiasm

28 Permaculture Magazine No. 35

and experience in ecological ‘sustainable living’ was never
building. In quarterly meetings, a primary aim for Sunseed
the manager reports to the Desert Technology, it is now
trustees but this is not a top- the most valuable experience
to-bottom-hierarchy. In weekly visitors gain from their stay at
meetings, staff members and the the project. Consequently, it is
project manager discuss details now included in the objectives
of safety issues as well as new of the project!
research projects, proposals and It is the joy of sitting under
communal activities. Support the pergola outside, while some-
and feedback comes through one is cracking almonds, the
‘Friends of Sunseed’ (mostly gardener coming in with a basket
former volunteers and staff full of freshly picked delicacies,
members) who also receive a bi- smells and laughter coming out
annual newsletter. Sunseed is now of the kitchen, which makes so
also a registered Spanish NGO in many come back – and some
order to play a more important even stay forever
role in Spanish society.
The whole organisation is Monika Frank is a writer,
run by volunteers: from trustees, g a rd e n e r, t r a v e l l e r a n d
booking agent, staff and advisors volunteer. She has recently
to placements. Volunteers come been involved with sustainable
to stay from one week up to one development in the Ukraine and
year although there is no upper the EU programme, YOUTH.
limit. ‘Working visitors’ work Having studied landscape
four hours in the mornings, management in Germany, lived
choosing the department they in Switzerland and travelled a
want to work in every day. lot in southern Spain she now
‘Full-time volunteers’ commit plans to settle there for good.
themselves to at least a five week For her, permaculture is a way
stay and to a special project, of thinking and acting sensibly
therefore working in one on planet Earth.
department seven hours a day.
The staff members receive pocket FURTHER INFORMATION
money and are asked to stay for For further information and
at least one year, carrying out the staff vacancies, please contact:
objectives of their department Email:
and taking volunteers and their Web:
daily tasks on board. Full-time
volunteers and staff are mostly For bookings and enquiries:
university placements or people Xandra Gilchrist, 8 Rugby Road,
using this as a first step into an Milverton, Leamington Spa
environmental career. Sunseed CV32 6DH, U.K.
welcomes volunteers of any age,
skills or abilities. CONTACTS
Definitely the most pleasant Contact for Sunseed Tanzania
side of Sunseed (apart from Trust (STT)
the amazing natural setting!) Please include a first class stamp
is the social life and the well or international mail coupon
organised community – although for enquiries: Dilys Beaumont,
(or because?) it is mostly a 8 Marchent Crescent,
community of transient people. Edinburgh EH9 1HN. Email:
Everybody, from management
to one week volunteers, is asked
to cook a meal, clean or make Contact for Author
bread in rotation, so everybody Monika Frank, Buzon 1, Gochar
gets a feeling of sharing a basic, E - 04270 Sorbas, Almeria, Spain.
but pleasant lifestyle where Tel: int code +34 696 104 846
your actions are important Email:
for the functioning of the Above: Growing trees in such hostile conditions
whole community. Although Web 2: requires care and regular checks. No. 35 Permaculture Magazine 29

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