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TEAM Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Darius Taylor

Subject/Grade: 7th Grade Choir
Lesson Title: Do you hear what I hear?


Identify what you intend to teach. State, Common Core,

ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State
Competencies; Enduring Understandings and Essential

TN Standard 7: Students will evaluate music and music performances.

TN Standard 1: Students will sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
TN Standard 6: Students will listen to, analyze, and describe music.
Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work


Connect prior learning to new learning. Clear, Specific,

Observable, Demanding, High Quality, Measurable,
Aligned to Standard(s), and Integrated with other subjects,
build on prior student knowledge
Student-Friendly (I Can Statement)

The students will perform a piece of music that has been rehearsed and performed throughout the year. This
performance will be recorded and played back to students in small groups. As a group, the students will listen
to the performance, evaluate their performance, and discuss their evaluations.
A different recording of the same piece will be played for the students. Following in their score, the students
will discuss how the musical ideas were differently expressed between themselves and the other recording.

Was there a difference in phrasing between our recording and their recording?
Does what the other choir is saying match what you are reading in your score?
Can you understand what you were saying if you didnt have your score in front of you?

Is there anything that was similar between our performance and their performance musically?
If you were the director, what would you have done different for our performance? Their performance?


Content-related: Clearly supports lesson objective(s);

rigorous & relevant; Incorporates multimedia & resources
beyond the textbook.

Music scores
CD player/MP3 Player with speakers
Self-evaluation sheets for students


Learning styles and interests. Anticipate learning

difficulties, regularly incorporate student interests &
cultural heritage; differentiate instructional methods.

Visually Impaired Students

For students with visual impairments, I would have specified music with enlarged notation if the student is farsighted. For a nearsighted student, I would not use my baton for conducting, so they would have a larger focal

Autistic Students
I would work with the students helper, if provided. If not, I would reference the students IEP to see what her
usual accommodations have been and try to incorporate them into the performance and rehearsal.

Behavioral Disorder (ADHD)

If the student hasnt been prescribed medication to assist with his behavior, I would try to figure out the
students triggers and prevent them. If they can not be avoided, I will attempt to calm him the best I could
before trying to contact the special education specialist on site.

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