Abdullahi - Float or Sink

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Does it float or sink?

Abdullahi, today we had a science activity set up for the older children to explore objects that
float or sink. We had a large blue container filled with water, objects including a rubber duck,
a plastic egg, a rock, a cotton wool, an inflated balloon and we had the whiteboard out to
record our observation.
First, had a discussion about why we think some objects floats and some objects sinks. I
asked you and your peers, What do you think will happen to the balloon?, all of you quickly
said float. I proceeded by asking Why do you think the balloon floats?. Your peer, Amina
responded by saying Because it is light.
Upon completing the few objects we had in hand, I asked you and your peers to pick an
object in the classroom that you would like to test to see if it will float or sink. You went
straight to the mat area and grabbed a metal car. When it was your turn, I asked What do you
think will happen to the car, Abdullahi? and you replied Sink because it is heavy,
MashaAllah, great job, Abdullahi you are understanding cause and effect!
Abdullahi, while we were busy understanding what causes an object to float or sinks,
you were predicting what might happen through testing, therefore developing your own
working theories. You displayed great concentration, focus, curiosity and engagement.
Perhaps next time we can carry out more scientific experiments that encourages you to
develop your own working theory.


April 2016

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