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FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. No. 14) KUALA LUMPUR, THURSDAY, 9TH APRIL, 1914. [Vol. VI. CONTENTS. we ° Subject. eee Subject Page uaateBatrrtnoy No, Apes 141. | 154 Me, Koo Keng Hd o bo «Member of does Prt of Cry Sener and Xow; | os, 1038 Laisa Appaie: Teak Ae, Pat mr on a 88 | aggro" auciionssrs: ‘Forak, Notifications Repeated. Gazerre No. 14, Avuit 9, 1914 Selangor and N, Sembilan +» 1054 Exemption from rogistration: * Rahman "Tin Company's Club,” Intan, Perak 1065 Notice re certificate’ of | naturalisation ‘granted to Wong I Ek, of Ipoh, Perak... 681 1020 Mr, B, A. Stubington to bo a Surveyor, | 1006 Tenders novepted * 5st ratio Ti, Survey Department sre | 100 Dre "Hsctmen, ame th 1027 My. C. B. Nagent to bow Surveyor, Grade i, ‘Animals and Binds Protection Buact- Sarvey Department sors mont, 10th. we ee B82 1028 SETS. DRkima to bo Assistant Warden | 1008 Electricity Enactmeni, 1018: exomptions tt Afines, Perak : from el tho provisions Of ee =~ O88 1020 0. WG? Best to"otteiate a Superin: | 1069 Machinery Enactment, 1913: exemptions Tenleut, Convict Establishment, and from te provisions of ee 83 sane Oe Prisons PALS wee 878 | 1070 Post Ofice Hnactments 1008: amendment ye « 1090 Mr. G. H. Nash to act aa Assistant Inspector ‘of Schools, Perak ‘of rules re rates of postage on ne\ papers under oe : a * sn a yeni | won EP _ pec ct em ctpea ones oe ae cee Ay aig arcs ae 3 1033 Mr. N. Kendall to act as Secretary to 1072 Sanitary Boards Enactment, 907: by-laws 1078,1079; Tnventions, Perak and Selangor Resident, Perak, Class Tween. 578 for public slaughter-house, K. Lampurax 584 1034 Mr. F, J. Weld to officiate as District Officer, | 1073-1077; Orders of banishment: Perak, . 9 L, Perak ove | Selangor, N. Sembilan and Pahang 586, 587, vote 1035 Mr. P. A. F. David to act as Secretary to grants of exclusive privileges 588, +1098 1080-1088! —————s Perak and Selangor 1037, applications for 588, 589 1038 ——————— Mr. WC. King | Yoss-1008 7 Notion offorteitur of leases 680-508 1039 extended: Dr. EA. ~ 32) | 3006 Declaration re Port of Bagan Dato... 603 1010 ——————— Mr, B. B, William Of Rantan Irrigation Area, 504 TOA Return from leaves Mx. W. D. Scott reserve, Baloh Telor Sot 1012 ME TG. Blatherwick 879 | 1000-1107; Reservations of land 55-508 1013 = Mr Fog. Weld 1108 Abandonment of proceedings for acq 10H Appointment vacated : Me Arumugam 1045 Societies Enactment, 1913: appointment ‘of Assistant Registrars under 7 1016 Machinery Enactment, 1913: Mr. W. Dram vend! {S bean Assistsnt Inspector under 870 | 1116-1118 : Notices re fort + O02 1047 Mr. B.C. Cussen to be a Collector, Uin 1119,1120; ——— of compl Selangor " e 570 | De len A cupicaen cane ho 2008 1 Ejas to bo 2 Collector, Lipia _;., 600 | 1121-1120; ———# resumption of land 00-900 1019 “—— to be a Second Class Magis- : re-ontry, 3p OO 1000 PS ac : 580 | Toss” of documents of Negotiable Instruments Enactment, 1808 ns "4 Wie Beg.P. Joaquim to bo a Notary 1145-1147: Orders of sale of land 613, 814 Public, Selangor ... F se | 1148-1155 : Notices of sale of land 14.018 2061 Traction’ Hogines and Motor Cara Enact. | 1198 Rowul of sale of lands. Cabal ais. ‘ment, 1912: Mr, P, W. Mager Licensing Officer under, N. Sembilan 1052 Mr. T.S. Adams to be a Member of the Board of Management of the Malay Agri« to bea tion of land, Perak 599) 1100-1114 Acquisitions of land vation, 1914, K. Lampor 601 1157 Notice re Yap Hon Chin, of K. Lumpur, to bbe declared an insolvent... ais. 1158-1163 Notices of eale by order of court 618,619 AIGLILGD: Applications for letters of adminis. cealtural Settloment, K. Lumpur 880, tration +619, 620 1053 Drainage Rato Enactment, 190: Mr. H.C, 1170 Unelaimod deposits, Forest Office, Port Dickton Deaneenes, Butler tobe a Member of the Kapar Drainage Area Bord ss 1m Cet ators pices forexpot duly G2L, g oO F.MS. GOVERNME: Vt GAZETTE. [April 9 sacra | Ragam of game ees i Hoy 914, ‘in quotation, Mar. 2431 and April 16, 1014. 6a1 | erg Selangor N- Sembilan and Pabang 627 Statement of taltivated robber exported, FAUS : , Harehy 1914 as Seated 8, December, 1313 Seeeary fo Bessaber 1018 erie aioe ealeaer rpe Selangor and Somian 4 statem cote of guaran Ni Zonbton sad Pakang 5. Lamnpiie Sagi Market prices: K. Lampurand Seremban — 631, 632 Normeations Rrvearen, The following Notifications are, by direction of the Chief Secretary to Government, published for general information. J. F. OWEN, Acting Unier Seeretary, P.MLS. APPOINTMENTS. No. 1026.—The appointment of Mr. R. A. Stubington, Survey Probationer, to be a Surveyor, Grade I, Survey Department, is approved, with effect from the Ist September, 1913. No. 1027.—The appointment of Mr. to be a Surveyor, Grade IT, Survey Dep from the Ist December, 1913. No. 1028.—The Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the _ Golonies has been pleased to approve the appointment of Mr. A. J. Dishman, inspector of Mines, Perak, to be Assistant Warden of Mines, Perak, with effect from the Ist January, 1914. No. 1029.—Mr. W. D. Scott, an Officer of Class TIL, is appointed to officiate as Superintendent, Convict Ustablishment, and Inspector of Prisons, Federated Malay States, Class IL, with effect from the 9th March, 1914. “No. 1030.—Mr. G. H. Nash, Cadet, is appointed to act as Assistant Inspector of Schools, Perak, with effect from the 12th March, 1914. No. 1031.—The Hon'ble Mr. R. G. Watson, c.u.c., Resident of Perak, is appointed to act as Chief Secretary to Government, Federated Malay States, with effect from the 3rd April, 1914. E, Nugent, Survey Probationer, tment, is approved, with effect No. 1032.—Mr. O. Marks, an Officer of Class LI, is appointed to act as Resident of Perak, with effect from the 3rd April, 1914. No. 1033.— + Kendall, an Officer of Class IL, is appointed to act as Secretary to Resident, Perak, Class II, with effect from the 3rd April, 1914. No. 103 _ officiate as Distr 8rd April, 1914 No. 1035.—Mr. P. A. F. David, an Officer of Class III, Straits Settlements Service, is appointed to act as Secretary to High Commissioner, Class HT, with effect from the 7th April, 1914. . r. F. Weld, an Officer of Class II, is appointed to t Officer, Lower Perak, Class II, with effect from the April 9) F.MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 579 LEAVE, No. 1036.—Mr. T. W. Clayton, an Officer of Class IV, has been granted ten months’ fuli pay leave, with effect from the 24th March, 1914. No. 1037.—Sir E. L. Brockman, K.c.M.G., Chief Secretary to Govern- ment, Federated Malay States, has been granted nine months and seventeen days’ full pay leave, with effect from the 8rd April, 1914. No, 1038.—Mr. W. C. King, Assistant Accountant, Federated Malay States Railways, has been granted eleven months and seven days’ full pay leave, with effect from the 6th April, 1914. No. 1039.—The leave of absence granted to Dr. E. A. Smith, Medical Officer, Grade II, has been extended by the Secretary of State for the Colonies until the arrival of the s.s. “Morea,” due in Penang on or about the 16th April, 1914. No. 1040.—The leave of absence granted to Mr Officer of Class V, has been extended by the Secrets Colonies for two months from the I 1th May, 1914, No. 1041.—Mr. W. D. Scott, an Officer of Class IIT, reported his return from leave of absence and resumed duty on the 9th March, 1914 No. 1042.—Mr. I’. 0. Blatherwick, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Pahang, reported his return from leave of absence and resumed duty on the 29th March, 1914. No. 1043.—Mr. F. J. Weld, an Officer of Class II, reported his return from leave of absence and resumed duty on the 3rd April, 1914. E. B. Williams, an of State for the No. 1044.—Avrowruext Vacarev.—The appointment of Linesman, Post and Telegraph Department, held by M. Arumugam, has been rendered vacant from the 28th December, 1913 by his absence without leave ot reasonable cause. . 1045 rant Reoisrrars uxper Skcriox 8 or “Tue Sootettes Exacruexr, 1913.”—In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 3 of “The Societies Enactment, 1913,” the Chief Seeretary ‘to Government hereby appoints the following olficers to be Assistant Registrars of Societies : Wrrmy tue Srate oF Perax, The Assistant Commissioners of Police, Ipoh and Taiping. Wir rie Stare oF Setaxcor, The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Kuala Lumpur and Klang. x y Exactaznn, 1913.”— In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 3 (i) of “'The Machinery Enactment, 1913,” the Chief S to Government hereby appoints Mr. William Drummond to be nt Inspector of Machinery, with effect from the 30th March, 1914. No. 1047.— sper “Tie Laxp ENacturnr, 1911."—In._ exert vested in him by section 19 (i) of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” the Resident of Selangor has appointed Mr. R. C. Cussen to be a Collector under the provisions of the said Enact- ment, within, and for the district of Ulu Selangor, with effect from the 20th March, [914. 580 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 1048.—Arrorntwent or Contrcror unpre “Tue Lanp Exacturnt, 1911."—In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 19 (i) of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” the Resident of Pahang has appointed Mr. L. Forbes to be a Collector, in and for the district of Lipis, with effect from the 21st March, 191. No. 1049.—Arponrwenr or Macistrare uxper “Tae Courts Enaor- @ of the powers vested in him by section 8 of met, 1905.”—In exerci “The Courts Enactment, 1905,” the Resident of Pahang has appointed Mr. L. Forbes to be a Magistrate of the Second Class, in and for the district of Lipis, with effect from the 21st March, 1914, No. 1050.—ArrorntMENT UNDER THE “ NEGOTIABLE RUMENTS ENAcT- ueNt, 1898.”—Under the provisions of section 138, sub-section (iii), of the above-mentioned Enactment, the Resident of Selangor has appointed Mr. Basil John Parsick Joaquim, Advocate and Solicitor, to be a Notary Public within the State for the purposes of the said Enactment. No. 1051.—Arrorvruent unpen “Tue Traction Exaines ann Motor Cans Evactyeyt, 1912."—Under the provisions of section 3 of the above- mentioned Enactment, the Resident of Negri Sembilan has appointed Mr. F. W. Mager to be a Licensing Officer within the State of Negri Sembilan for the purposes of the said Enactment. No. 1052.—Maray Acricurrurat, Sertuewent—The Resident of Selangor has appointed Mr. 'T. S. Adams to be a Member of the Board of Management of the Malay Agricultural Settlement, Kuala Lumpur, for the year 1914. No. 1053.—* Tur Dratyacr Rate Exactaenr, 1909.”—Coystrretion or Boarp.—Mr. H. C. Butler has, with the approval of the Resident of Selangor, been appointed a Member of the Kee Drainage Area Board under rule 1 of the rules under “The Drainage Rate Enactment, 1909,” vice Mr. Noel Fisher, resigned. No. 1054.—Arrortuent of Mexser uxper “Tur Saxrtany Boanps Evactuent, 1907."—In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 3 (ii) of “The Sanitary Boards Enactment, 1907,” the Resident of Selangor has nominated Mr. Khoo Keng Hooi to be a Member of the Sanitary Board, Knala Lumpur, for the year 1914. No. 1055.—Licensep Avrnatsen.—It is hereby notified that under section 4 of “The Appraisers Enactment, 1907,” the Resident of Perak has issued a First Class Licence to the following Appraiser for the State of Perak for the year 1914: ‘ Mr. A. Patrick Hadow, residing at Penang. No. 1056.—Lices: section 4 of The Appraisers (Amended) Enactmer of Selangor has issued a Second Class Licence to 3 of Klang, to be an Appraiser for the year 1914. ep Arrratser.—It is hereby notified that under 1907,” The Resident DR. Amerasekera, April. 9) FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 581 No. 1057,—Licensep Avcrionrer.—Mr. Khoo Khay Fat, of Ipoh, has been granted a licence an Auctioneer for the State of Perak, for one year, from the 18th March, 1914. No. 1058,—Li ep Au Mr. A. M. Row, of Kuala Lumpur, has been granted a licence as an Auctioneer for the State of Selangor, for one year, from the 18th March, 1914. No. 1059.—Licexsep Auctioxrer.—Mr. K. Vaitialingam, of Kuala Lumpur, “has been granted a licence as an Auctioneer for the State of Selangor, for one year, from the 23rd March, 1914. No. 1060.—Licensnn Avorionrer,—Mr. D. R. Amerasekera, of Klang, has been granted a licence as an Auctioneer for the State of Selangor, for one year, from the 23rd March, 1914. No. 1061.—Licexsep Avotioxeer.—Mr. Li Kim Chuan, of Klang, has been granted a licence as an Auctioneer for the State of Selangor, for one year, from the 28th March, 1914. No. 1062.—Licesnp Avovioneur.—Mr. 'f, Subramanyam, of Kuala Lumpur, has been granted a licence as an Auctioneer for the State of Selangor, for one year, from the 31st March, 1914. No. 1063.—Licensep Avcrionrer.—It is hereby notified that the Resident of Negri Sembilan has issued a licence under “The Auction Sales Enactment, 1905,” to Sheikh Ali bin Sheikh Abdulrabman for the year 1914, No. 1064.—Exemrrion unper “Tue Socrerizs Exacrwent, No. 20 or 1913."—It is hereby notified that the “Rahman Tin Company's Club,” Intan, is, by order of the Resident of Perak, exempted from registration under section 4, sub-section (i), of “The Societies Enactment, 1913.” No. 1065.—* Tur Naruratisarion Enacraent, No. 22 ov 1904.”—A certificate of naturalisation has this day been granted by His Highness the Sultan of Perak in Council, under the provisions of “The Naturalisation naoinene No. 22 of 1904,” to the under-mentioned inhabitant of Ipoh, erak : Wong I Bk. Dated at Taiping, this 12th day of March, 1914. No. 1066.—Trxpens Ay accepted by the Government : Construction of two Blocks of Barracks and Out-buildings for Railway Police at Ipoh DOSER «8 Construction of Quarters, two units, for European Officers, Port Swettenham .., 0 ae oe we oe np,—The following tenders have been Ng Ho, of Ipoh ‘Tan Yat, of Seremban 582 M.S. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 1067.—Draft of an Enactment to amend “''he Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment, 1911,”— Short tile, sil construc: ton. Exportation salient et plumage ‘his of DRAFT, FEDERATED MALAY STATES. ENACTMENT No. or 191. An Enactment to amend “The Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment, 1911.” C 191 J President of the Federal Council. T is hereby enacted by the Rulers of the Federated Malay States in Council as follows: 1. (i) This Enactment may be cited as “The Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment, 1911, Amendment Enactment, 191 ,” and shall come into force on the publication thereof in the Gazette, (ii) ‘This Enactment shall be read and construed as one with “The Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment, 1911,” hereinafter called the “principal Enactment,” and any copies of the principal Enactment printed after the commencement of this Enactment may be printed with the amendment made by this Enactment. 2. Immediately after section 10 of the principal Enactment there is inserted a new Section, to be numbered 10a, as follows : “10a. (i) Any person who shall export, or attempt to export or cause to be exported, to any plice outside the Federated Malay States tho skin or plumage of any rare bird ot common bird which is not excluded from the operation of this section by order of the Chief Secretary to Government published in the Gazette shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on convietion to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, unless he prove that such bird was lawfully killed or taken. “ (ii) Whenever it is notified in the Gazette that the exportation of the plumage or skin of any specified bird is prohibited in any specified country in which that bird is indigenous or has been acelimatized, rson who shall import, or attempt to import ec, into the Federated Malay States the plumage e bird specified in the notification shall, unless and until cancellation of such notification be published in’ the Gazette, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars in respect of each plumage or skin so imported, or attempted or caused to be imported, unless he prove that the plumage or skin was exported from the country ed in the n on before the exportation of the same hited or that the plumage or skin was imported, for caused or attempted to be imported, into the Federated Malay States for educational or seientitie purposes.” April 9] FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 583 No. No. No. 1068.— “THE ELECTRICITY ENACTMENT, 1913.” Iy exercise of the powers vested in him by section 34 of “'The Electricity Enactment, 1913,” the Chief Secretary to Government hereby exempts from all the provisions of the said Enactinent : All installations owned by the Government which are designed for the supply of eleetrie light ; All installations owned by the Government which are controlled by the Government Survey Department. 1069,— “THE MACHINERY ENACTMENT, 1913.” Ty exercise of the powers vested in him by section 23 of “The Machinery Enactment, 1913,” the Chief Secretary to Government hereby exempts from the = ions of the said Enactment: saw PIOV All machinery controlled by. the Government Public Works Department which is installed for the purpose of the supply of electric it at Kuala Lumpur All machinery controlled by the Government Survey Department. 1070.— “THE POST OFFICE ENACTMENTS, 1905.” Iw exercise of the powers vested in him by “The Post Office Enactments; 1905,” and by way of amend- ment of the rules made under the said Enactments by the Resident-General on the 2Ist day of September, 1907, and published in the Gazettes of the several States on the Ist day of October, 1907, the Chief Secretary to Government hereby rescinds that portion of rule No. 2 of the said rules which is expressed to relate to newspapers and substitutes in the place thereof the following rates of postage on newspapers : NEWSPAPERS. On newspapers published in the Federated Malay States and posted within seven days of the date of publication addressed to any lace in the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements, Johore, runei, Sarawak, British North Borneo, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Langkawi Islands or Trengganu and on newspapers registered at the General Post Office, London, and posted within six weeks of the date of publication addressed to any place in the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements or Johore. For a newspaper not exceeding 3 ozs. ve Leent For every additional 2 ozs. or part thereof... 1, provided that the postage on a single such newspaper addressed to any place in the Federated Malay States, the Straits Settlements or Johore shall not exceed 2 cents and provided that no enclosure which is not part of the newspaper of a supplement thereto is enclosed with the newspaper. In other eases the rates prescribed for printed papers apply to newspapers. No. 1071.— “THE POST OFFICE ENACTMENTS, 190! In exercise of the powers vested in him by “'The Post Office Enactments, 1905,” of the several States, the Chief Secretary to Government hereby rescinds rule 11 of the rules relating to Cash-on-Delivery Packets published in the Negri Sembilan Goveru- ment Gazette of the 10th December, 1909, the Selangor Government Gazette of the 17th December, 1909, the Perak Government Gazette of the 24h December, 1909, and the Pahang Government Gazette of the 31st December, 1909, and substitutes therefor the following rule: 11. (i) The trade-charge on a Cash-on-Delivery Packet may at any time before the delivery or return thereof be reduced or cancelled and where the charge is reduced the provisions of these rules shall apply to such reduced charge in the same manner as though it had been the trade-charge first raised on the packet. (ii) The fee for reducing or cancelling the trade-charge on any Cash-on-Delivery Packet posted in the Federated Malay States shall be 13 cents. 1072.— “THE SANITARY BOARDS ENACTMENT, 1907.” BY-LAWS FOR PUBLIC SLAUGHTER-HOUSE, KUALA LUMPUR. By virtue of the provisions of sections 5 and 6 of “The Sanitary Boards Enactment, 1907,” the Sanitary Board of Kuala Lumpur has passed, and the Resident of Selangor, with the approval of the Chief Secretary to Government, has confirmed the additional by-laws hereunder set out, to have effect from the Ist of May, 1914. Grxenan, 1. Every public sliughter-house shall be under the management of ‘an officer of the Sanitary Board, who shall be called a Superintendent, and the term “the Superintendent,” when hereinafter used, shall mean the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent of any public slaughter- house. 2. Animals brought for slaughter must be presented at the gate assigned to their class and at no other, and must be brought at such hours as may, from time to time, be fixed and announced by placard posted in some conspicuous place upon each slaughter-house, 3. Animals brought at other than the appointed hours may be refused admittance or, if admitted, may be detained for inspection till the following day. 4. No animal shall be admitted unless it bears or has attached to it some distinguishing mark by which it can be identified. 5. Animals on being admitted shall be confined in the pen assigned to them and no other, and shall not be removed therefrom except by the order of the Superintendent. 6. Animals suspected by the Superintendent of being diseased may be detained'for observation, removed to a separate pen and dealt with as the Superintendent may direct. Any owner dissatisfied appeal to the Health Officer, whose decision shall 7. The owner of any animal detained in a pen shall be bound on the order of the Superintendent to provide such animal with food, water and bedding, whatever the cause of detention may be. April 9} ~ : = «Ee BMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 8. No animal that has been admitted for slaughter shall be removed from the slaughter-house alive." 9. No animal shall be taken from the pon and introduced into the killing-room, until and unless it has been marked by the Superinten- dent, with a mark to show that it has been passed as fit for slaughter. 10, As far as possible, animals shall be killed in the order of their admission, provided such order ean be adhered to without causing stoppage or delay. . 11. No animal shall be removed from the pen and taken into the illing-room, unless the owner, or at least one person to represent him, he present to claim the carcase. 12. ‘The carcases of all animals dying of disease shall be destroyed or otherwise dealt with as the Board may deem advisable. 13, No person shall inject water into any carcase. 14, Carcases or portions of carcases condemned by the Superinten- dent as unfit for human food shall be destroyed or otherwise dealt with as the Board may deem advistble. Any owner dissatisfied with the decision of the Superintendent may appeal to the Health Officer, whose decision shall be final. 15. No person shall remove or mutilate any portion of 1 carease or substitute for any portion of a carcase a portion of another, so as to make it appear that such earcase was not affected with disease. A. ‘carcase of which any portion is missing at tho time of inspection shall ‘be dealt with as if the whole had been diseased and unfit for human food. 16. No carease or any part thereof shall be removed from the slaughter-house, unless and until the Superintendent or other officer or servant authorized by him shall have marked it with the Sanitary Board stamp. 17. All dead meat shall be removed from the slaughter-house by the gate appointed for its'kind and by no other. No dead meat shall De carried from one department of the slaughter-house to another. 18. Every person admitted to the slaughter-house shall be bound to obey the directions of the Superintendent, and in the event of his + failing or delaying to obey any such direction, the Superintendent may immediately have him removed from the premises, 19. No person shall mutilate any carcase or make any disturbance or fight or quarrel, or use insulting, abusive or obscene language in the slaughter-house. Any person transgressing this by-law shall be removed from the slaughtei-house. 20. No person affected with leprosy, sores, or any other skin disease shall be admitted to the sluughter-house premises. Sprcran, SWINE, 21. Every pig on being admitted to tho slaughter-house shall be weighed and marked or numbered by the Sanitary Board servants, and its weight, together with the mame and address of the owner, shall ‘be entered in the gate book. 22. After killing, scalding, cleaning and dressing by Sanitary Board servants, the whole earcase shall be delivered to the owner or his representative in the cooling-room, and shall there be inspected by the Superintendent or an Assistant Superintendent and, if found free from disease, shall be stamped with the Sanitary Board mark, and thereafter may be removed at any'time during working hours, 23. Every owner or his representative shall provide himself with a dish or tub for the blood, and shall eatch and secure all blood as it flows from the animal. “Blood not so removed shall become the property of the Board. 9 585 586 7 z FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (April 9 No. 1073.—Orpen. CATTLE, SHEEP AND GoaTs, 24, Tho feos for killing cattle, sheep and goats shall be levied per head as per prescribed seale without regan to size or weight of the animals. 25. After killing, skinning and dressing by Sanitary Board servants, the whole carease shall be delivered to’ the ownér or his representative in the eooling-room, and shall there be inspected by ‘the Superintendent or an Assistant Superintendent and, if found froe from disease, shall be stamped with the Sanitary Board mark, and thereafter may be removed at any time during working hours. 26, The skins, horns, hoofs and all offal claimed by the owner shall be removed by him’ promptly after the earease has been stamped for delivery. ss 27. All notices or placards issued under, or in pursuance of these by-la Il be translated into Malay, ‘Tamil and Chinese, and shall be published in the English, Malay, Tamil and Chinese languages. Scaue or Fens. 28. Scale of maximum fees for animals slaughtered at Sanitary Board slaughter-houses and for the use of pens or other buildings attached thereto : 50 cents each cag ear Sheep Ait RODE, OW TDC oon aw ee Oe sBuffaloes 2 yz liesvoks - [1110 2 Long Ensah and Yang Maimunah 5 2105 5 i 2000.“ Andal Zobidah and Hamsiah Changiiat Datok 61.0) “Salleh bin Haji Abmod and Jah 5 2290 2 1i@ : 1113 a : 200 Mat Hesat and Piah Bangal'Batu 1220 \. Long Bnsah bint Haji Bangal Blimbin 1303 einai. 08.1 be | 3118 <. Salleh bin Mat Din “ {2228 °) Draman bin Alt 6007 S 1290 jin bin Haji Abdulrahman 5 S41 in Mala 4239 3 3 i 4 4 3 2 3 1 1 a 2 er ek 1 3 4 2 aa 2 1 3 Cchrok Krol n » « Kampong Boh 232 ao 000 3 00 H ‘Tampa e 0.00. Mat Ali bin Lengang Muda Hulu Lunt | 8320 “Salleh bin Pa'Naing SS eae, April 9) F.MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 605 Locality, Area, Owners Hulu Laat 2 Talong. a7 Kulim Luat 29 Haji Daud 12,1) Mat Din bin Dand Salleh bin Pa'Nainge Beru bin Jusop Dollah bin Bakar Salleh bin Sloman Kulop Bujai bin Mat Ali Koop Taha bin Bae Bukit’Scholah “., Bess 8s 8 s28. in Senile Din Majeh bin Avift Mat Dris bin Mat Sab Jameah binti Leliai Dri An, a1 30 21 12 51 20 ba 30 : 3333 12 12 43 12 21 13 20 20 4 Kulim Neah bin Kasim Kuala Luat Mat Salleh bin Mejah rr 125), Hamat bin Jusoh 7 40 Ali Omar bin Drahim Senahiala 22 i a0 Avwang Keehil bin Mat Diah Kubing Mak Lembat 1) 9 0 Draman, Mat Dris and Sendek Ayer Mul 62 Diman bin Mohamed Kuala Lu 22 Mat Dris bin Lenggang Muda i 3113 ©) Rasiah = i 2100... Tuah bin R Darian Mambang 4028") AW Omar bi Kuala Luat 2121 uso Tampan 3000 ‘ahab bin Lobai Hamad Dated at Grik, this 28th day of March, 1914. H. Beexezey, Collector, Upper Perak. No. 1124.—Norice ov Resumption ov LAND ror ABANDoNatENT.— ‘To the landowners named in the schedule hereto : ‘Take notice that, whereas you have abandoned the land described hereunder, in the amukim of Lenggong, the eld and is lable fo forfeiture under the provisions of poston 96 “The Land Enactment, 1911,” and that unless in three months from the date of this ica youncaiabla Cathey, to se salatasUon Ot tha Nesdant ot Pease tae on tare ase abandoned such land, or unless you enter or re-enter into occupation of such land by making a bond fide commencement to cultivate it, the said land will, at the expiration of that time, be forfeited and resumed hy me on behalf of the Ruler of the State. SCHEDULE, Nature o and No. of Locality. Area, Owners. title, EMR, 1,806. Tanjong Keniring —... 60-12 NOT Kuala Jepai 3019 n 1106 ™ 2211 ©. Abdulrahman bin Min ee 1erT mie 03.35 © Dollah bin Jaftar a aes = 3132“ Cho’ Teh bin Kelantan TIO ” 6028 \ Maja and Alang 1564... i 2291 © Wahab bin Dollsh 1,433 ” B91 2. Draman bin Lodin 1502 1233 "Mat Mop bin Ludin 1434 . BART 0 Wong thoy Bang Leng FE Tast - 8015“) Sudin bin Ma 1565, = S116 °. ima bin Samat 1055 2 2200 1 Sarimah binti Soman 1505. Gas Kajang 2015 Yaa A S 3213 1245. Siw Patch 1032 ‘49/10. . £ 300 | 1402. Suak Kuba 43:26 1495, . 2M 6006“) Maji Mat Akib bin Jusoh 251/10 80.00 Adam bin Noh ae st ae lak Kelawar 510 a 10.08 % Susok a) 0916. Mat Dah bin Team FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 Nature and No. of Locality, title. =) BALE, 1751... Sumpitan > MIST Teluk Kelawar ‘Tasik ira Patch Kuala epai Bukit’ Sus ‘Teluk Batu Ayer Labit Telok Bata. Merbau. Bongkol: Bukit Htimbon 2 B10 ei - 140... Teluk Batu 1455 | i 151 = 171,00". Jamba aso. etn, 1,408 ¥ Y704 Pala tpoh OTA spe a EMR 33 = 1,005 AR “19 00!) Kuala Chopor ALR. 1,007 E 008 sete ese 14082 Chopor 17796“ Labok Gong 138. Chepor PRATT, » 1867... Kuala Chopor » 1708... Serum Berala ak. “2390/. Tetuke Bata ny, 103/09". Gun Badak EMR. 1202 02. Tanjong Neniring | 000. Schar Pa Bal Area. eeu 22 2206 3200 3.0.00 5 0.05 2028 3007 23.08 2127 1120 7007 40.00 3337 a121 1310 3000 2000 6229 71a 5026 4531 43 20 50 20 O38 1 1 21 32 103 31 41 33 63 53 3.000 43.33 3034 3200 4029 2000 5000 30.00 7000 10 0 00 2000 5000 2904 43:33 sou 4000 400 60st 5130 3000 aii 3108 30.00 1337 52a 2130 1320 2237 3110 3082 SHSSSEGESENSSES Owners, Teh bin Pati Mok Lang'and Awang Keebil bin Mentusa, Mek Teh and Mek Senek Che Hat and Fatimal, Tusoh bin Salleh Yotim bin Janel nabu bin Seliman Serifah binti Stapa ‘Leo bin Mat Amin Eeah binti Aris Drapor bin Tas Sebia, Jamilah, Tipah and Bibi Debok bin Abdullah Govindasamy Din bin Jusoh Ismail bin Semaha Rasimah binti Bakar Aris bin Alt Dollah bin Abdurahman Resat bin Taba Toh Dochibke Sithambaram Chetty Husin bin Sleiman Wahab bin Jafar Esah binti Imam Hamat Esa bin Omar Mat Dris and Majid bin 8: Saman and Jusoh bin Pa Tai'ah Haji Arop and Karim Dollah and Taib bin Dollah Haji Hamad and Bakar Haji Mat Ali Haji Patinals ana Hamid bin Imam Salleh Mohamed bin Samad Awang Nik bia Husin Ibrahim and Awang Kechil Jusoh bin Bakar Yacok and Mohamed Ibrahim bin Bilal Seni Mat Diah bin Said Banum bin Bilal Sonik Supaia Dollal bin Said and Zainab Kasim hin Hamat and Jusoh bin Brahim Dahari bin Haji Brahim Lembik binti To'Tun in Bakar Lisab bin Mat Drie Nah bin Haji Daud Ismail bin To’ Kedah, ‘Tehat bin Puteh Jusob bin Drapor Tmam Samsudin bin Mat Aris Mohamed bin Dramat ‘Tilam bin Che Long Ngah bin Py Awang Abdullah Hamat bin Panjang Sripab, Mat Ati bin Samae Wahab bin Patel and Sedik Samat in Khatib Jatfar bin Mat Hasan Thrahiza bia Iman Kari Imam Mol Kel Dollah bin Jimah and Saman bin and binti ‘Omar April 9] F.M.S. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 607 Nature and No. of Area. Owners. title, 30.00... Haji Dand bin Taha Es : 3.000 ".. Awang Abdallah b : 4 $0.00 |. Salleh bin Mat Hasan 2 Ey 3.000... Salam bin Bakar a Palau Ipoh Mat Resat and Dramat hin Drasa » » Said bin Salloh Es Chepor Gmar bin AML y og ” Dramat hin Haji Dolla n es Mek Teh binti Pate Joram Brala Tasam hin Bakar Cl Salleh Che Min 2 Kuala Chepor Dated at Grik, this 28th day of March, 1914. XH, Berxeney, Collector, Upper Perak. No, 1125,—Nonice or Resumprtow or Laxp vor Avanpowarext.— ‘To tho landowners named in the schedule hereto: ‘Take notice that, whereas you have abandoned the land described hereunder, in the mukim of Durian Pipit, the said'land is liable to forfeiture under the provisions of section 36 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” and that unless within three months from the date of this notice you are able to show, to the satisfaction of the Resident of Perak, that you have not abandoned such land, or unless you enter or re-enter into occupation of such land by mak a bond fide commencement to cultivate it, the said land will, at the expiration of that time, be forfeited and resumed by me on behalf of the Ruler of the State, sourpeu, Nature anNovt Locality. Aree Owners ti EMR, 57... Kuak 120. ang bin Jat care 20.00 Nolimot Jafar bn Yakob ae 8.0.08 Rasa bint Mat Sanna ow 2200 Hay ae eee dom Some 2227 0 Kahin Mose > 48 a0 Beh bjt Keon Sa 0210 © Hara bin Haji Abdatah Sat 8.000 Abou bin Haji Tasch RG me oe 2904. Teh Mn Sat var cee 3026 0 Seksh bin Samat "Sa pig $0.20 "Mat Guecin bin Sloman Geese. S 30.85 © Abdul Wahid and Sor Joh 1 abn 21100. Sook bin Mat Hoesin a $09 Mut Jnsoh bin Haj Recht eae coy S91 Das bin Tash SL Dok 29.00 Nan bin ial Abdoeatinan 80 3110. < baoq Hayah ood Onnsa Bestcarcwioy oa 8.8.24 Potuh sletmen bin Saleh a ees ain i Tok Sleiman 3 . Sidon ye ago Piped 3 Moe Sapna ee 3.808 Fatinah bint abn Latoh 2 nik $2.14 Haj Davart bin Bald 2 sok 2 Din thor 20.00 “Wahab om al 2 eS Banging S] 2292 To Miaadand Samat 2m BREE aks Seton som yest Pago 23.00 Dollah setae hin Do ee eae 8125 Dim, mead and Ta SPs 2112 2. Tehlnh bint Samah 1 ttaspeaetp aa 3282 "Ban bine 1s Tone O51 2 temboin 100 Dagny 20.88". Kovomah bint Syed Hasan ue SS #905 SASS One tin aj Matas a er 13.38 2 Awan Keel bn Sak Bris oe ars Cnn oor Pi : 2 cp Mohd, Amin bin pipton cee 3.0.68 Alung Jomiah and Toh alia Seer - Deiginog $0.00 Sarah hints Abarat S10“. Un Ghogar a Kolop Boshi bin Awan Re oo Rink ie ia ie or bi hls Aang Dona SS Tl piles A tame oe SUN Payot to he sa eal G0 00 Haj-Abdalan bin Haj Mek, aba uk LS reek 39°50. Halll Samat int Abtsinbmas . 608 MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Apel 9 Nature and Novot Locality, owners ‘ie EMM 259. Plgot igs, Almada Ban 105 Keng Hesong” Haji Fatah it Tal . fo 7. Taben nt bn Dolla ‘ela Telia Tema bin Alrabanan 2 go Tne ‘Tatang Aba Dee bin Korma : Danang al pnt bi aj 4 at, tien Bin Dramas re « 116 |) Pandak bin Sri : Plage 1231" Dlantin Dre Sy eth emanate 0a alia in Pak ta : Basak 332°. Abdurahman bin Delian . ’ 0.0 ia Abuiraman bin Dols + ” » oo » » . gals tt nen 232°. asin Bn Dolah Hamat 2 ORS Titan 0.15 2 Si hin awa 3 Basal 105; atime bint Awang Hamm : E Dangling 00 2 Duin bin Abuatah : Rink 132 Dahman bint ai Mohamed Tasan Bh oni eso 116 7 Ralop Yahya bin bl Attala fe Plagot Tebuak Batok Plagot Tebuak Litbok Amping. Bong Chuas Beng Telak Tebuak Kuak Perlih Busok Raban. Bakit Ramniah Ula Chogar Bangla Raban Basok Pal Busok Bechah Kemahany aban : ‘Tebuak Raban Permit 33063) 86 AK” 702") Beng 8907... oya. ts 58/12 Datel at Grik, this 23th day of March, o 1 1 4 1 4 ° ° 0 o 1 ° 1 2 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 ° 3 1 SRRSseseeysese SSSSSSEasSSehakase & ete cvereuwareewormesineee Sossscoccos cscs Ss ouuNn wenn ounEKouwauNowauwoNou— amas ssesssssssss 83 & = iah binti Mat Haji Mohd, Akib bin Haji Mohd, Hasan Diah bin Min Dramandin Ali ‘ib bin Demasong skang Abu Basa bin Kerma, Da Dollah Jaftar bin Teh Hamat Mat Husein bin Tukang Aba Basa Pandak bia Drahim Imam Dohat and Panjaug Sabak Panjang Ahmad Alang Fatimah binti Ttam Mat Salleh Panjang bin Ngah Sleiman Mat Sah bin Sleiman Mek Ngah binti Rali Sedik and Andak bin and binti Mejah Ttam bin Abdalla Panjang Isa and Hajiah binti Pateh Sadin Sloiman bin Saman ‘Neah Abmad bin Lesah ‘Tahir bin Dria and Anjang Sahak bin Lebai Mohamed Mohamed bin Mohd. Asi Dabman bin Ngah Sleiman Team Jatihah binti Drahim Poth Kadir bin Hakim. Jaffer bin Lisal ‘Alang Penoh binti Itam Rabid. ‘Mang Harun ‘Abdullah bin Janus and Mat Jalil seers! ne Th Ah hai ens rane ‘ant eine ai ana Keine ete ae Se tara iawn ah bi Mat Taib bin Abdulral ‘lang Ali bin Disab, H. Berxeney, Collector, Upper Perak, ‘5 April 9] FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE boo - No. 1126.—Norice ov Resumption or Lax vor Anaxpoxan ‘To the landholders mentioned hereunder: ‘Take notico that, whereas you have abandoned the land described hereunder, in the mukim of ‘Triang, the said lind is liable to forfeiture under the provisions of section 36 of “The Tand Enactment, 1911,” and that unless within three months from the date of this notice you are able to show, to the satisfaction of the Resident of Pahang, that you have not abandoned such land, or unless you enter or re-enter into occupation of sucli land by making a bond fide commencement to cultivate it, the said land will, at the expiration of that time, be forfeited and resumed by me on behalf of the Ruler of the Staté, ecHEDULE, r Nature and No, - Mukitn a Owner. Area, Tring... 0, A. 84 of 1907 od Mashohor bin Syed Hained —., 10 + 0. 4. 85 of 1907 * Dated at Temerloh, this 25th day of March, 1914. Uda bin Musa Jae. 0. H, Grove, Collector, Temerloh. No. 1127—Norice ov Resuaprioy ov LANp unper Srotiox 48 (iii) or “Tu Lawn Exactuens, 1911."—Whereas Ahamat bin Mat Asil, registered owner of entry in the mukim register of Sungei Tinggi No. 412, lot No. 195, died more than a year ago, iand whereas no legal representative has heen rexistered in this office, and whereas no proceedings are pending in any Court to establish the claim of any representative, I, Raja Abdul Aziz, Collector of Land’ Revenue, Larut, by virtue of the. powers conferred on me by section 48 (iii) of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” do hereby give notice that I shall, on behalf of the Ruler of the State, resume possession of the above-mentioned land after due publication of this notice in two successive issues of the Gazette, Dated at ‘Taiping, this 2nd day of April, 1914. R.A. Ann, Collector, Larut. No. 1128.—Norick. or Resumrto or Laxp unper Suction 48 (iii) ov “Tun Lax Evacratest, 1911.” —Whereas Kertan bin Salleh, registered owner of land held under approved. application No. 34/09, mukim of Kepis, died more than a year ago, and whereas no k representative of Kerlan bin Salleh, deceased, has been registered in the Land Office, Kuala Pilah, the said land will, after the expiration of one month from the date of posting of this notice on the land, be forfeited and resumed by me on behalf of the Ruler of the State. Dated at Kuala Pilab, this Srd day of April, 1914. R. O. Winsteps, Collector, Kuala Pilah. No. 1129.—Nontcr uxpen Sxorrox 48 (iii) or “Tur Lap Exacrwenr, 1911."— ‘Whereas Beh bin Mijak, registered proprietor of the land specified hereunder, died intestate more than twelve months ayo, and whereas no legal representative of the deceased has been registered in this office, and whereas no proceedings are pending in any Court to establish the claim of any person to act as such legal representative, I, by virtue of the powers conferred on mo by section 48 (iii) of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” do hereby give notice that I shall, on behalf of the Ruler of the State, resume possession of the above-inentioned land after due Publication of this notice in two successive issues of the Government Gazette. souEDuLE. Nature and No. of title—Application 50 of 1905. Mukim—Chinor, Area—-3 acres. Dated at Temerloh, this 27th day of March, 1914, O. H. Grove, Collector, Temerloh. No. 1130.—Norrce uxpen Sxcrion 48 ov “Tun Lanp Exactuent, 1911,"— ‘Whereas Syed Osman bin Syed Hamid, registered proprietor of the land specified hereunder, died “intestate more than twelve months ago, and whereas no legal representative of the deceased. has been registered in this office, and whereas no proceedings are pending in any Court to establish the claim of any person to act as such legal representative, I, by virtue of the powers conferred on me by section 48 (iii) of “The Land Enactment, 1911," do hereby give notice that I shall, on behalf of the Ruler of the State, resume possession of the above- mentioned land after due publication of this notice in two successive issues of the Government Gaxetie. scuepune, : “ Nature aud No. of title—Application 83 of 1907. Mukim—Triang. Area —10 eres. Dated at Temerlob, this 27th day of March, 1914, 0, H. Grove, Collector, Pemerloh, - 610 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No 1131.—Norice ov Re-rwrry.—Whereas the registered proprietors mentioned in the schedule hereto have made default or have made a breach in the conditions of their titles by not complying with building conditions within the specified time as has been notified in Gazette Notification No, 2028 of the 18th July, 1913: ‘Take notice that, by virtue of the powers granted to me by section 5 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” I, Maurice Dominic Daly, Collector, have this day re-entered on the said land on behalf of the Ruler of the State. scuxpune. Nature f ¢ Lot Date of and Nor ot Situation, a ae Owners, Grant for laud . Townshipof Chemor .. 95 ... 7/10/1910 ... ‘Teoh Loon Hong ‘Agreement for town Tease a 103... 24/6/1805... J, R.Cruwford and C.R Ephraums Grant for land . 107... Wg/sts10 7 Dated at Batu Gajah, this rd day of April, 1914, * M. D. Dany, Collector, Kinta, No. 1132.--Norice or Re-exrey.—Whereas Lim Tuan and Lim ‘Tian, registered proprietors, have made default in the conditions of their titles—to wit, Pahang grant Nos. 791 and 792, by not complying with the building conditions within the specified time—viz., two years from the 10th December, 1902 : Take notice that, by virtue of the powers granted to me by section 5 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” I, Julius Ernest Nathan, Collector, have this day re-entered on the said land on bebalf of the Ruler of the State. Dated at Raub, this 23rd day of March, 1914. J. 1. Nanas, Collector, Raub, No. 1133.—Norice ov Ru-evtry uvoy Laxp ror Breact or Coxprtiox or Docu- MENT oF ‘TrrLe— ‘To Nain bin Nordin: ‘Take notice that, whereas you have failed to comply with one of the conditions of spalisetion, mukim Sanggang, No. 417 of 1911, dated the 18th December, 1911, by not planting coconut, rubber or frnit trees, the land described in such application le to forfeiture: you are hereby required, within the period of three months from the date of this notice, to plant at least 20 coconut, rubber or fruit trees per acre on the above land: And take notice further that, unless within the above-mentioned period you comply with the requirements of this notice, I shall reenter upon and resume possession of the land comprised in such application on behalf of the Ruler of the State. Dated at Temerloh, this 30th day of March, 1914. O. H. Grove, Collector, Temerloh. No. 1134.—Nortce ov Loss ov Documnnt or ‘Trrne.—Application having been made to the Registrar of Titles, Perak, at Taiping, by Navana Tholasi daughter of Narayana Naiker, as administratrix of the estate of Muna Govinda Naiker, to dispense with the production of the duplicate of Matang lease of land No, 970, registered in the name of Muna Govinda Naiker, for the purpose of entering a memorial of transmission and registering a surrender of the land held under the suid Tease, on the ground that the duplicate of the suid lease has been lost: In accordance with the provisions of section 79 (h) of “The Registration of Titles Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within fourteen (L4) days from the date of publication of this notice good cause be shown to the Registrar of Titles for refusing this application, the said transmission and surrender of the land held under the said lease will, subject the provisions of the said section 79 (hi), be registered. Reotsrean's Orvice, Prnax, Tarrixo, M. Forst, 9th April, 1914 ing Regielrar, Perak. April 9} “FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 611 No. 1135—Nortces_or Loss ov Docuaeyrs or Trrte—Application having been made to the Collector at Selama— By Mohamed Daim bin Barat, for a new extract from the entry in the mukim register , of Slama, on the ground that Mohd. Sahid, Bayah, Alang Nadiah, Mohd, Daim re the reigistered owners thereof and that the original extract has been By Elien son of Munian, for a new extract from the entry in the mukim register No. 152, of Sclama, on the ground that Blien son of Munian is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has been lost: In aceordanco with the provisions of section 17 of “The Tand Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of these notices 00d ease be shown to the Collector for refusing these applications, the extracts applied for ‘will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Taxp Orrice, Srraxa. Wax Morasacap Isa, 9th April, 1914. Collector, Selama. No. 1136.—Nomicr ov Loss or Document ov Trrre—Application having been made to the Collector at Lenggong, by Jemilah binti Bahru, of Chepor, for a new extract from the mukim register No, 1,395, lot No. 642, in the mukim of Lenggong, on the ground that Jemilah binti Bahru is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has been lost: Inaceordance with the provisions of section 17 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby givon that, unless within three months from the date of publication of this notica good cause be shown to the Collector for refusing this application, the fresh extract appliod for will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Tanp Orrice, Lexacoxa, Rasa Anvnaxan, 9th April, 1914. Collector, Lenggong. No, 1187.—Nortces or Loss or Docusents ov Trruz.—Application having been made to the Collector at Parit, Braas— By Mat Jusof bin Haji Mat Ali, of Laiang-Taiang, for a new extract from the mukim register entry No, 344 in respect of a piece of land’ situated at Laiang-Laiang, in the sub-district of Bruas, on the ground that he, Mat Jusof hin Haji Mat Ali, is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has been lost : By Manap bin Imam Rastan, of Laiang-Laiang, for a new extract from the mukim register entry No. 640, in respect of a piece of land situated at Taiang-Taiang, in the sub-district of Broas, on the ground that he, Manap bin Imam Rastan, is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has been lost In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of these notices good cause be shown to the Collector for refusing these applications, the new extracts applied for will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Laxp Orrice, Pantr, M. Rex, + 9th Aprit, 1914. Collector, Bruas. No. 1138.—Noricr or Loss or Documexr op Trrir.—Application having been made to the Collector at Telok Anson, by Taholah bin Sagob, of Kampong Gajah, for a certified copy of entry No, 297, in the mukim register of Kampong Gajah, on the ground that Taholah bin Sagob is the registered owner of the land described therein and that the original extract from the mukim register has been lost In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of “'The Tand Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of this notice good case be shown to the Collector for refysing this application, the certified eopy applied for will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Taxp Orricr, Trrox Axsox, W. L. B. Syas, 9th April, 1914, Collector, Lower Perak, 612 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 1139.—Nortce wpe Secrrox 83 or “Tun Ruatsreattox or Tirens Exact. ment, 1911.”—Whereas declaration has been made by Tim Chia, of loss of document of title—to wit, grant No. 6,037, portion No. 752, in the mukim of Rasa Notios is heroby given that provisional cortificate of title will suo in respect of the same on the expiration of one month from the date of publication hereof, in the absence of proper cause shown by that time to the contrary Reatsrear’s Orricr, Kvata Luarvr, H, W. Tuomsox, 9th Aprit, 1914. Registrar, Selangor. No. 1140.—Nortce or Loss or Documenr of Trrie.—Application having been made to the Collector at Klang, by Chollam Poonoo, for a new extract No. 135 from the register of Kapar mukim, on the geound that she is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has heen lost In accordance with tho provisions of section 17 of “The Tand Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of ‘this notice good cause bo shown to tho Collector for refusing this application, the extract applied for Will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Layp Orvice, Kuano, a -G. W. Bryant,” 9th April, 1914, Collector, Klang. No. 1141.—Norices oF Loss or Documents or TrrL#.—Application having been made to the Collector at Kuala Kubu— By Tan Choo and Oh Yew, for Ulu Yam, on the ground that th extract has been mutilated : |, for a certified copy of M.R.E. No. 2,308, in the mukim of Batang Kali, on the ground that she is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract has been lost. certified copy of MLR-B. No. 2,250, in the mukim of are the registered owners thereof and that the original Tn accordance with the pro of section 17 of “The Land Enactment, 1911," notice is hereby given that, unless within six weoks from the date of publication of thes notices good eatise be Hector for refusing these applications, the certified copies applied for will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted. Lanp Orvicer, Kvata Kunv, R. C. Cussex, 9th April, 1914. Collector, Ulu Selangor. No, 1142.—Norice or Loss or Documest oF Trrtz.—Application having been made to the Collector at Kuala Pilah, by Jidah binti Siamah, for a certified copy of Malay grant No. 195/13, in the mukim of Seri Menanti, on the ground that she is the registered owner thereof and that the original title has been lost : In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of this notice good cause he shown to the Collector for refusing this application, the certified copy applied for will, subject to the provisions of the sid soction 17, be granted. Taxp Orrice, Kara Pran, Rasa Kasrarazamas, 9th April, 1914. Collector, Kuala Pilah, No. 1143.—Nonrces ov Loss or Documents o¥ ‘Trrrz.—Application having been made to the Collector at Lipis— By Haji Ma Ali bin Umar, of No. 327m, i jor a certified copy of Malay certificate nud that Haji Sta Ali bin Umar in the certificate No. 327 has been lost i, for a certified copy of Malay certificate ground that Minah binti Awang Tanjong is al Malay certificate No. 352 has been lost : origi By Haji Sleyman bin Toh, of Tebi No. 352, in the mukim of ‘Tebing Ting the registered owner thereof and that the April 9) F.MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 613 eee By Peh bin Muhammad, of Burau, for a certified eopy of Malay certificate No. $80, in the mukim of Burau, on the ground that Peh hin Muhammad is the registered owner thereof and that the original Malay certificate No. 380 has been lost: . By Mat Yusoh bin Tamby, of Pedah, for a certified copy of entry in the Pedah mukim register No. 45, on the ground that Mat Yusohi bin Tamby is the registered owner thereof and that the original extract No, 45 has been lost: In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of “The Land Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of these notices ‘cause be shown to the Collector for refusing these applications, the eortified copies Applied for will, subject to the provisions of the said section 17, be granted Taxp Orrron, Kuara Lrers, L. Fornes, 9th April, 1914 Collector, Lipis. No. 144.—Norrcn or Loss ov Docemeyr or Trrte.—Application having been made to the Collector at Raub, by Mat Irin bin Samim, for a certifiod copy of Malay certificate No. 5,305, in tho mukim of Batu Talam, on tho ground that he is the registered owner thereof and that the original certificate has been lost: In accordance with the provisions of section 17 of “The Zand Enactment, 1911,” notice is hereby given that, unless within three months from the date of publication of this notice good ease bo shown to the Collector for refusing this application, the certified eopy applied for will, subject to the provisions of tl \id section 17, be granted. Lanp Orrrcr, Ravs, J. B. Naruax, 9h April, 1914. Collector, Raub No. 1145—Orpen ov Saun ny Covuncron ar insranox oF Citsncrs.—Whereas N.S. Annamalai Chetty, of Gopeng, the holder of charge No. 114/13, dated the 9th May, 1913, has applied to me to order tho sale of the land thereby charged, which is described hereunder, and whereof the registered owner is Kahar bin Jagling, of Gopeng, and whereas I have held enquiry and am satisfied that default has been made in the payments secured by the said charge: I now order that the whole of the land shall be sold by public auction at 10 a.m. on the 6th May, 1914, at the Land Office, Tapah, and I appoint the Chief Clerk, Land Offca, 'Lapah, to conduct the sale, and T order that the purchase money shall be paid to the Collector of Land Revenue, Batang Padang. - ‘The above order is subject to tho right of the owner of the said land to stop the sale at any timo prior to tho fall of the hammer upon payment of the sum of $795, together with the costs of the chargee, which amount up to the present to $1. DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND. CHARGED. Locality —Mukim of Chenieriang. Area—5 acres 10 poles. Nature and No, of title— EMR. 605. Description—Lot No. 605. Dated at apab, this 4th day of April, 1914. L. A. Auurx, * Collector, Batang Padang. No. 1146.—Onpre oF Sazu ny Connector at insranck ov Cuarcre.—Whereas N.S. Annamalai Chetty, of Gopong, the holder of charge No. 115/13, dated the 9th May, 1913, has appliod to mo to onler tho sile of the land thereby chirged, which is, described hereunder, and whereof the registered owner is Kahar bin Jagling, of Gopeng, and whereas T have held enquiry and am satisfied that default has been mado in the payments secured by the said charge: I now ordor that the whole of the land shall be sold by public auction at 10 a.m, on the 6th May, 1914, at the Tand Office, Tapah, and appoint the Chief Clerk, Land Office, Tapah, to conduct the sale, and I order the purchase money shall be paid to the Collector of Land Revenue, Batang Padang. ‘The above onler is subject to tho right of the owner of the sai Tau to stop tho sale at any time prior to the fall of the hammer upon payment of the sum of $57.50, together with the costs of the charges, which amount up to the present to $1. DESCRIPTION O¥ THE LAND CHARGED, Locality—Mukim of Chenderiang. Area—5 acres 10 poles. Nature and No. of title— E.M.R. 605. Deseription—Lot No. a Dated at Tapah, this 4th day of April, 1914. L. A. Auum, Collector, Batang Padang. 614 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 1147—Onpen or Satm ny Corrector ar instance or Cuanoee.—Whereas M. R. M. M. Sithamparam Chetty, of Kuala Lumpur, the holder of charge No. 410, dated the 20th December, L911, has applied to me to order the sale of the land thereby charged, which is described hereunder, and whereof the registered owner is Govindamah (/.), of Reko Road, Kajang, and whereas T have held enquiry and am satisfied that default his heen made in the payments secured by the said charge: I now order that the whole of the land shall be sold by public auction at 10 a.m. on the 2nd May, 1914, at the District Office, Kajang, ‘The above order is subject to the right of the owner of the said land to stop the sale at any time prior to the fall of the hammer upon payment of the sum of $1,072.50, together with the costs of the chargee, which amount up to the present to $1. DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND CHARGED, Locality—Reko Road. Avea—3 acres 2 roods 28 poles. Nature and No of title—M.E. 2,178, of Kajang, ated at Kajang, this Ist day of April, 1914. F. E, Taytor, Collector, Ulu Langat, No. 1148.—Norrer or Satn—The under-mentioned town lots, in the township of ‘Taiping, will be offered for sale by public auction at the Land Office, Taiping, on Tuesday, the 28th April, 1914, at 11 a.n,, on the terms below specified : sewzpure. ee | gle ‘i Lot | Puan 3 id2 Loontity, | Hot |B Annual rent. > | Ee Ne. | No. | BLES mee | leet palace e s|sel s fs Taiping | township...) 1,974] 95.2 $ acre or 1 pereent.¢| 15 |240| 9 | ert E var6| | 2 hho premiumreatized | 15 } 240] 3 | BH Z | uzr0] 7 Whichever bo higher (15 ]240| 8 | arn CONDITIONS OF TITLE. ‘That the grantee shall erect within eighteen months from the date of registration of grant and thereafter maintain one and not more than one house of a European tyRe of a value of not less than $5,000 in accordance with such plans as may be approved by the Sanitary Board. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ‘The Collector reserves the right to withdraw or postpone the sale of any property at any time before the fall of the hammer. ‘The highest bidder shall, if his bid be equal to, or greater than, the reserve price, be the purchaser and if any dispute arise as to the bidding the property shall be put up again at the last undisputed bidding. ‘The purchaser shall immediately after the sale pay to the Auctioncer a deposit of 25 per cent. on the purchase money and shall sign in the Auction Book a statement of the lot purchased, and the amount of the purchase money. In default of the immediate payment of such deposit the Auctioneer may again put up the property to auction and any deficiency of price which may arise on such re-sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting purchaser at the suit of the Collector aud any increase of price shall belong to the Government, Within fourteen days of the sale the purchaser shall pay to the Collector the balance of the purchase money. In default of such payment the deposit shall be forfeited and the Government may again re-sell the property by auction and any deficieney of price which may arise on such re-sale and all expenses attending the same shall be recoverable. from the Giusinal purchaser at the suit of the Collector, and any increase of price shall belong to the jovernment, Possession will be given immediately on completion of the sale. Taxp Orriex, Tarrixa, M. B. Seury, 23rd March, 1914, Collector, Larut. April 9] FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 615 No. 1149.—Noricz_ or Saux. ‘The under-mentioned lots will be offered for sale by public auction at the office of the Assistant District Officer, Ipoh, at 10 a.m., on Tuesday, the 28th April, 1914, on the terms below specified : SCHEDULE. Nature of and, Mukim. ey | Plan No. 7 | Agricultural | Tanjong: Rambutan Ula Kinta Tambun ‘The title for each agricultural lot will be a grant under “'The Land Enactn 9 and the title for the mining lot will be a lease for twenty-one years under *'The Mi Enactmnent, 1904.” 19,530 | 19,5112 Annual Premium. boundary Registration > a {and prepara- tion of titles, ‘we | Survey foos anes 110] $11 to 1919 34 and $44 thereafter | | 129] $1180" to 33.40) 3 1019 and $15 ther | | | ater 30 720| $23.80 to/52 40) 3 1919 and) | $95 there. | after | | | | | | | | to 1919 $100 3.36 ot CONDITIONS OF SALE. 780 Special conditi ‘to bo endorsed on titles. (That within ‘one year from the date of registration of this grant one uate of tho area hereb frnied “hal planted 0 acoorling t the couse of ood husband and that nin threo {ears from the date of ‘regis: tration of 1 tai grant the total area hereby grant: ea shall be planted wp Teoording “to the course of ood hsband- By. and. that Miter the said areas have Deen planted ep thay cha be continuons. 17. santatatnod in good ult vations | ai the aly pro: ducta whieh Ie ispermitted to puabiap aud fallivata on the land here- by granted as aforesaid are the following any rubber: Dearing tree, of any cotton: bearing tree, such trees t0 hoof economic (value o sage. 616 PMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 + The purchaser of each lot will be required to deposit not less than 25 per cent. of the purchase money at the close of auction, and the balauce must be paid within fourteen days of that date, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to the Governmen Plans may be seen and other particulars obtained at the Land Office, Ipoh. Laxp Orvice, Iron, ‘M.D. Daty, 26th March, 19.14. Collector, Kinta. No. 1150.—Norice ov Saus.—The under-mentioned town lots will be offered for sale by public auction at the Land Office, Ipoh, on Tuesday, the 28th April, 1914, at 10 a.m, on the terms specified below ical ; aakim. | Locaiy | Annoal [Upset special ding ndiion tobe endored on grant. | oa. tt. | s via | tanj 2,120 | $2 orone per| 120 | It isa condition of this grant that there shall bo inta | Ramb Ot] | erecta! on theta hereby pranted witta Ef = Sear from the date of regiration of great op-house to tho value at the Teast of $2,000, ever) | and timo ig expressly declared tobe # the essence of the condition so that if from any ‘greater, ‘eanse oF circumstance whatsoever such shop- | house as aforesaid bo not erected within the leat pion eee tetand Seth poate by Uscch Ne aie ecb Stetialn ak Ste hg egal Sle got, "ia delta of etoSaste ie ty to entas aa oa o ie'Gaieaae to Seater tpn fhe aed ox ialfaf ie wih fie se CONDITIONS OF SALE. ‘The title for each lot will be a grant under “The Land Enactment, 1911.” ‘The purchaser of each lot will be required to deposit not less than 25 per cent. of the purchase money at the close of auction, and the balance must be paid within fourteen days of that date, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to the Government. Plans may be seen and other particulars obtained at the Land Office, Ipoh. Laxp Orvice, Trou, M.D. Data Bist March, 1914, Collector, inta. No. 1151.—Norice_ov Saxe.—Notice is hereby given that the under- ned lots in the New Town, New Wharf, Telok Anson, in the district of Lower Perak, will be put up « to auction at the Land Office, Telok Anson, on Monday, the 25th May, 1914, at 11 a.m. Further particulars ean be obtained on application at the Land Office, Telok Anson. Lot Nos. (a) 1 to 5, comprising an area of 1,600 square feet each. Lot No. (b) 23, comprising an area of 7,814 squi Upset price of lots 1 to 5, $500 each, and $1,000 in the caso of lot No, 23, Rent on each Jot, one per cent. of the premium realized. e feet. cial condition attaching to lots 1 to 5: “A brick house, costing at the k be built thereon, and that, unless a bond fide commencement to build be 1 from date of the registration of the grant, the said Land m: behalf of the Ruler of the State.” Special condition “A brick building, costing at the least $3,000, shall be built thereon, unless a bow! fide commencement to build be made within one from date of the registration of the grant, the said land may be resumed by the Collector ‘on behalf of the Ruler of the State.” Tax Orvice, Tkiok Axsox, W. LB. Seams, 28th March, 1914, Collector, Lower Perak. st $2,000, shall e within one year y be resumed by the Collector on April 9} FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZEVTE 617 No. 1152.—Nomtce or Satx.—The under-mentioned portions of mining land, in the mukims of Petaling, Ampang, Setapak and Ulu Klang, in the district of Kuala Lumpur, will be offered for sale by public auetion, on Monday, the 27th April, 1914, at 11am, on the terms below specified : Portion Reserve Annual Mukim. ea Area. er ae Ak P, $e 8 Petaling 1}a00: Ha 0% O18 (8G arte idB 007 0 rte Ampang 1143 12198 1. 17400 w # 10. 68.33 108 60 7 Setitpak C1090 11329 63.90)ceett0 de Ula Klang: 43. 9321 4, 14000 10 i ena VS? wo 10% e890 te, ‘The sale will be held at the Land Office, Kuala Lumpur, where plans may be seen and further information obtained. CONDITIONS OF SALE, ‘The purchaser will be required to deposit not less than 25 per cent. of the purchase money at the time of auction, and to pay the balance within two weeks of that date, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to tho State. Laxp Orvicr, Kvata Luurvr, H. E. Sway, 80th March, 1914. Collector, Kuala Lumpur. No. 1158—Norice oF Sarz-—The under-mentioned lots, in the village of Serdang, in the district of Kuala Lumpur, will be offered for sale hy public auetion, on Monday, the 27th April, 1914, at 11 a.m., on the terms below specified : Soction Locality nation YotNo. Area, ears ® Be 3 Serdang village pee eas ieee a8 60 40 2 s ps ck 8s) 00 40 2 : 1 $50 Tam Ae eave a0 2 b 1 2 ss. 6040 2 e Toe teat aries 00 40 2 ® 1 $8 oem ae 0 40 2 i 1 2D 88 0 40 2 E 1 wl Be 60 40 2 1 a ss [0040 2 z 1 a 88 00 40 2 ‘Phe sale will be held at the Land Office, Kuala Lumpur, where plans may be seen and further information obtained. CONDITIONS OF SALE, 1. The purchaser will bo mquired to deposit not less than 25 per cent. of the purchase anoney at the time of auction, and the balance must be paid within two weeks of that date, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to the State 2, Each grant will bo subject to the condition that the grantee shall, within eighteen months from the date of the grant, erect upon the land contained therein a substantial house to the value of not less than $1,000. “ Laxp Orrrce, Kuata Lusrvn, XH. B. Sway, 80th March, 1914. Collector, Kuala Lumpur. No. 1154.—Norice oF Sate.—The under-mentioned lot, in the mukim of Kajang, will be offered for sale by public auction, at Kajang Land Office, on Saturday, the 16th May, 1914, at 10 am,, on the terms below specified : Locality—Sungei Kantan. Lot—No. 41. Plan—No. 657, G. 36. Area—4 acres 3 roods: 80 poles. Premium—S4, Annual rent—86. Demareation fees—$5... Reserve price—$10. conprt10Ns, ‘One-third of the area is to be brought under permanent cultivation within one year. The purchaser will be required to deposit not less than 25 per cent. of the purchaso money at the time of auction, and to pay the balance within fourteen days from that date, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to the State, ‘The title will be entry in the mukim register. Taxp Orrice, Kasano, F, E. Tavtor, lst March, 1914, Collector, Ulu Langat. ne 7 618 ‘ FMS. GOVERN. MENT GAZETTE [April 9 ee No. 1155.—Norice ov Sare.—The under- by public auction, at the office of the As ‘Thursday, the 16th April, 1914, on the terms Mukim—Bentong. Portion No. 2,257. price—$173. conprtt0: uentioned mining lots will be offered for sale stant District Officor, Bentong, at 10 a.m, on below specified : . Area—22 acres 3 roods 14 poles. Reserve NS OF SALE, One-fourth of the purchase money shall be paid on the fall of the hammer, and the balance within fourteen days from the date of sale, On payment of purchase money a mining lease will be issued. Further particulars may be obtained from the District Office, Raub or Bentong. xp Orrice, Rava, Srd April, 1914. No. 1156, ing in the Gazettes of the 13th Februa that the under-mentioned lots wero pul ap to J. EB. Navuax, Collector, Raub, Resvnt ov Sare.—With reference to Notification Nos. 491 and 654, appear- 1914, and 27th February 1914, it is hereby notified on the 12th March, 1914, with the following result: som Makin. Locality. Plan No. Blanja Ula Johan. 19,420 Sungei Raia Bengat Ula. 19,279 Tojo ws Trohoh o 19,428 * Chendrong 1) 15,171 Laxp Orrice, Baru Gagan, 81st March, 1914. public auction at the Land Office, Batu Gajah, EDULE, ey Purchasers. $825... Yoon Kong SL Onman bin Abdulrahman and Vous Na Choo Wong Ngok and Tong Chun No bid ‘M. D. Daty, Collector, Kinta, No. 1157.—Norree.—Juprotat Commusstover’s Crvit Cover, Kvata Lesrur.—Civil Suit No. 33 of 1914.— In the matter of an application by the Société Financitre des Caoutchoues, praying that te y pray’ ‘Yap Hon Chin may be declared an insolvent Under the provisions of section $25 of the Civil Procedure Code it s hereby notified that Yap Hon Chin, of Kuala Lumpur, is declared an insolvent ‘The appointment of a receiver is adjourned Dated at Kuala Lumpur, this 23rd day of March, 1914. G. A. Hererorp, Registrar, . No, 1158 —Norice ov Sant.—Juprotar, Commissioy: proclaimed that the whole of the lind comprised Application No. 19 of 1914. It is hereb Crvit Cour, Iron — in grant for land No. 10,662, in the district of Kinta, the property of Lope Abdulrabman To Muda Kinta bin Che Noh, of Ipoh, whereon as charge presentation No. 38,401, book No. ‘a charge is registered in the register of charges 25, fol. 193, for the sum of $464, in favour of Lee Swee Hoe, of Ipoh, will be put up to be sold by public auction at Ipoh, om the 30th April, 1914, at the instance of the aforesaid chargee for the recovery of the above amount. Dated at Ipoh, this 26th day of March, 1914. J, Rony, Aasistant Registrar. No. 1159.—Norrce ov Satu—Jvvrerat 1. Comatusstonen’s Crvit, Court, Iron. — Application No. 20 of 1914. | It is hereby proclaimed that the whote of the land comprised in lease for agricultural land No. 725, in th Seman, of Tambun, whereon a charg presentation No. 82,607, book No, 22, fo. hettyappa Chetty, of Ipoh, will be put up t April, 1914, at the instance of the aforestid he district of inta, the property of Harun bin ter of charges as change 9, for the sum of $1,490, in favour of S. TD. Re M. o bo sold by public’ au gee for the recovery of the above amount, Dated at Ipoh, this 26th day of March, 1914. M.S. GOVER April 9} NMENT GAZETTE 619 No. 1160.—Norter or Sane—Jupreran Coannsstonee’s Crvs Court, Kvaa Lomrvn.—Civil Suit No, 362 of 1913. It is hereby proclaimed that the whole of the land comprised in grant No. 5,513, situated in the village of Petaling, the property of one Seena Koothan Kangany, of Kuala Lumpur, will, subject toa charge, be put up to be sold by publie auction on the 2nd May, 1914, at 12 noon, on the spot, for the recovery of a sum of $412.50, in execution of a decree obtained in Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Civil Suit No, 1,503 of 1913. Dated at Kuala Lumpur, this 28th day of March, 1914. G. A. Herevonp, Registrar. —Nonice ov Saue—Jvpreran Commrssioxer's Civ, Court, Kvaua 1 Suit No. 13 of 1914. It is hereby proclaimed that the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title No. 3,678 and the whole of the land comprised in grant Nos. 1,523 and 1,524, all situated in the town of Kuala Lumpur, the property of Ong Kan Chan, of Kuala Lumpur will, subject to charges, be put up to be sold by public auetion on the 9th May, 1914, at 12 noon, at No. 2, High Street, Kuala Lumpur, for the recovery of a sum of $1,440, in execution of a decree in the above suit. Dated at Kuala Lumpur, this 30th day of March, 1914, G. A. Herevoxp, Registrar. No. 1162.—Noree or Sane—Juprctar Comansstonen’s Cry, Courr, Kuana Luarur.—Civil Suit No. 325 of 1913. Tt is hereby proclaimed that the two-third share of a = piece of land comprised in entry No. 2,341, containing an area of 2 acres 3 roods 6 poles, situated in the mukim of Bukit Raja, the property of Mima binti Pendaykar, will be sold by public auction on Monday, the 11th May, 1914, at 12 noon, at the District Office, Klang, for the recovery of $1,387, in execution of a deeree in favour of the plaintiff in the above suit. Dated at Klang, this 3rd day of April, 1914. G. W. Brvasr, Magistrate. No. 1163.—Nonrce or Sars. —Junic1ar Cosoussioner’s Civ Count, Senewpax.— Civil Suit No. 23 of 1914. It is hereby proclaimed that the whole of the land held under grant No, 3,534, situated in the mukini of Rasah, in the district of Seremban, containing an area of 53 acres and 20 poles, the property of B, Ban Seng, of Seremban, whereon a charge is registered in the register of charges, vol. IX, fol. 97, for the sum of $2,000 and interest, Will be put up to be sold by public auction on Tursday, the 30th April, 1914, at ILam., at the Seremban Land Office, for the recovery of the principal sum of $2,000 and interest. Dated at Seremban, this 25th day of Mareb, 1914, ‘T. W. Partox, Assistant Registrar. No. 1164—Nonce.—Juprctat, Commissioner's Court, Tarrrvo.—Application to the Court having been made by Santoo, assignee of Sathu Singh, of Kota, Taiping, for letters of administration to the estate and effects of Jaek Singh son of Book Singh, late of Kamunting, deceased, on the ground that he is a creditor of the deceased : Notice is hereby given that the application will be heard in the Court-house, Taiping, at 10 a.m., on the 30th April, 1914. " All persons claiming to have any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required ‘to come and see the proceedings at the time and place above mentioned. fe ‘Any person wishing to object to the application may lodge a caveat with the Registrar or Chief Clerk of the Court betore the above date. Dated at Taiping, this 80th day of Mareb, 1914, M. B. Suzuury, Assistant Registrar. No, 1165,—Nortex,—Juvicra1, Comatisstoxn’s Court, Seneatax—Application to the Court having been made by Batih Iman bin Bongsu, of Batang Labu, for letters of adminis- tration to the estate and effects of Kuning binti Eah, late of Batang Tabu, deceased, on the ground that he is the husband of the deceased: : Notice is hereby given that the application will be heard in the Court-house, Seremban, at 10 a.m, on the 24th April, 1914. ‘All persons claiming to have any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to come aud see the proceedings at the time and place above mentioned. : ‘Any person wishing to object to the application may lodge a caveat with the Registrar or Chief Clerk of the Court before the above date. Dated at § 19L4. T, W. Parrox, Assistant Registrar, remban, this 25th day of Mare 620 PMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Aprit 9 No. 1166—Noricz.—JIupreras, Comanisstoxen’s Count, Srremmax,—Applie: t Court having been made by Tan Hup Neo (f.), of Seremban, for letters of administration to tho estato and effects of Tam Yong, late of Seremban, deceased, on the ground that she is the widow of the decease Notice is hereby given that the application will be heard in the Court-house, Seremban, at 10 a.m.,on the 20th April, 1914, ‘All persons claiming to have any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to come and see the proceedings at the time and place above mentioned. ‘Any person wishing to object to the application may lodge a caveat with the Registrar or Chief Clerk of the Court before the above date. Dated at Seremban, this 30th day of March, 1914. T. W. Parros, Assistant Registrar. No. 1167.—Norien.—Juvrota1, Comatisstoen’s Court, Senumnan.—Application to the Court having been made by Lee Poh, of Senawang, Seremban, for letters of administration to the estate and effects of Chu Lian (/.), late of Senawang, Seremban, deceased, on the ground that he is the husband of the deceased : Notice is hereby given that the application will be heard in the Court-house, Seremban, at 10a.m,, on the 20th April, 1914. All persons claiming to have.any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to come and seo the procecdings at the time and place above mentioned. Any person wishing (o object to the application may lodgo a eaveat with the Registrar or Chief Clerk of the Court before the above date. Dated at Seremban, this Ist day of April, 1914. 'T. W. Parrox, Assistant Registrar, No. 1168—Nortce.—Duvwry Reoisrean’s Covrr, Juana—Application to the Court having been made by Tan Cheok, of Tanjong Duablas, Kuala Tangat, for letters of adminis- tration to the estate and effects of Tan Bor, late of Tanjong Duablas, deceased, on the ground that he is the lawful brother of the deceased Notice is hereby given that the application will be hear at 10 am, on the 30th April, 1914. All persons claiming to have any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to come and see the proceedings at the time and place above mentioned. Any person wishing to object to the application may lodge a caveat with the Deputy Registrar or Clerk of the Court. before the above date. Dated at Jugra, this 23rd day of Mareh, 1914. W. E. Pers, Deputy Registrar, the Court-house, Jugra, Nortcz—Derutr Reatstean's Couns, Kuan Kunv.—Application to the Court having been made by Lam Kam Wab, of Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, for letters of administration to the estate and effects of Lam Tak Yin, late of Kalumpang, deceased, on the ground that he is the son of the deceased : Notico is hereby given that the application will be heard in tho Court-house, Kuala Kubu, at 10 am., on the 4th May, 1914. ae All persons claiming to have any interest in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to come and see the proceedings at the time and place above mentioned. Any person wishing to object to the application may lodge a caveat with the Deput Registrar or Clerk of the Court before the above date, al Dated at Kuala Kubu, this 81st day of March, 1914. 1 2. uma, Deputy Registrar, No. 1170.—Uxcrariep Devostr, Forrst Orricr, Porr Dicksox. ‘under-mentioned deposit mas been left unclaimed in the Forest Office, Port Dickson: Notice is hereby given that, unless legal claims thereto are establish months from this date, the amount will be transferred to Government revenue. No. ‘and date of Forest receipt 1G x rest receipt—16 of Treasury receipt—139 of 20/3/12. Depositor Fonst Orricr, Srxmtnax, IGth March, 1914. Whereas the d within three 3/12. Deposit—No. 8. No. and date of ‘un Leong. Amount deposited $10, G. J, Hesnrey, Dy. Coner. of Forest, N. vembilan. April 9) EMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 621 . No. 1171.—Custous Doris Enactuent.—For the period from 17th to 30th April, 1914, inclusive, the duty on cultivated rubber on which ie export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the Rules under the Customs Duties Enactment will be assessed on the following prices : ‘Smoked Sheet $120 per pilkul Va-smoked Sheet uo Fine Grepe oe Bw Best Serap in Crepe form iW) Bark Scrap in Crepe form... % Rough untreated Scrap By 5 Rambong untreated ... Beas TIN QUOTATIONS. | Market price of Date | Date, refined Tin in ‘Singapore. 1914. | 191 s Mar, 24 3 Mar, 81 | 86.95 site 3B April 1 86.90 > 86 pores 86.80 a7 eek 85.70 meas ied 85.00 Hine 80) iineieas 85.50 Custous Oveice, Pont Swexresnan, G. 0. Koou, 7th April, 1914. Supervisor of Customs. FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Comranartve Statmwenr or Cunsivatep Russxe Exrorren, wir Vaux axp Dury Conrecray Tuenuox, puzixe THe Yeans 1914 axp 1913. Exported dur. | Total export | Fxport during | { Valo of | Duty Destination. ing March, | Proviously. | during the |similarperiod of} Increase. | Decrease, | rubber ex- | collected, ‘ik acai ones, | 101 oaate, ‘Tons. ‘Tons. ‘Tons. ‘Tons. ‘Tons. $ soe Straits Settlements 1,200.67 8,858.00 2,318.04 | 1,589.06 6,067,874 | 166,000 53 United ae os ‘88116 2,860.33, 2,768.17 | 92.16 | 5,017,748 | 125443 72 Cali ee Borope| ” 11G08 sorso | "gone | ue ittan | 68 6 Hon a T4290 198.84 175.53 23.31 - 181,505, 8,289 87 Skee connitos {nse a8 y 3] | anans |. ose 96 rrant..[ 241700 [spoon | aaaaso | syanae | ao‘oe |" ez2 | sais | a8 oF Kvara Lumrvr, H, W. Firustore, joner, Trade and Customs, PMS. 6th April, 1914. Acting Com 622 r F.MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. REVISED Srarmuent oy Buock ‘Tx awp ‘Try Ore exrorten puwxa rue Moxru ov Deceumer, 1913, rocerine wiru tH Arrzoximare VALUE AND THE DUTY COLLECTED THEREON, ‘Tin Ore jl (70% of gross woight). Block Tin. Total Tin, State, 1015. 1912. 2012. 1013. 10912, Pkis, kta.| Pkis. kts. Pkis, kts.| Pils, kts.) Pkla, kts, ais 82 | 9,907 42 | 42,822 OF | 38,172 65 | 49,770 36 | 41,480 07 33364 19 | 4203 42 | 21ol 84) Iss 78) 2405 22,502 18 30 2407 | 281396; 2,924 85 | Zsid 26| — Ba49 82 1000 16 | 1908 91 | 58 a4 | aan as | ATL 50 | 4820 39 Perak Selangor Negri Sembilan Pahang... totat | saa o7 | seu 72 | 7118 08 | azaor va [77021 05 | % Approximate Value (in a ‘i Singapore). rar State. ere) — oi.) 10h wos.) 101 Migke: 42S eee . | 8754183 78] 4,992,225 51) 409,141 72 | 027,814 32 | Blogs\so8 51 | 2,555,027 40| 260)387 20 | 347,783 69 Tr] 'zarisz9 08 | "265,811 64) 30/488 54 | 30,189 03. 555,060 56| 515,061 24 47,720 308) 48,767 61 _ [esac 03 sagas ra) Sig aar [loons os © Abstract of above 1013. —101 Export + Pikuls 6,273.10 + Averagepricefor the month,$ 85.77... $113.12 Value — §1,410,503.86 Highest yy | SO8T MLR Duty — —§ “2i6.s60.79 Lowest "3, 8380... 11250 # Norn—A sum of $865.88 collected in Pahang d boon included in the December total of duty collected, '¢ Rate of duty payable on above averngo price in Perak, Selangor and Negri Sembilan, $32.50 per har of $1083) per pikul; but not applicable to Pahang and Upper Perak, where rates of duty vary. Mixes Orricr, Kvaua Luror, W. E. Kesxy, 20th March, 1914. Senior Warden of Mines, F.M.S. \g February, 1913, and previously not notified has FEDERATED MALAY STATES. REVISED Srarewest or Brock ‘Try aNv Try One exrortep, Avreoxnrare VALUE (tN SiNaaronE) ‘xp Dory Couurcren, puexe xz Moxtus or Jaxvarr to Decumpen, 1913, axp COMPARISON WITH CORRESPONDING PERIOD OF PREVIOUS YEAR, 7 7 7 | Block Ti i Ore ‘Total ae 10% of grons weight) | Increase or site Bech Tes | ioe tema | ETT | Beet voi | ame | sw | oe | a (petal eka Pala Ma] Pile Kis) Pula Kla| PH hte| Pes kta) Pls ka] PK ke Perak | 26,851 43 | 96,885 44 | 467,115 49°) 880,856 07 | 493,966 92 | 477,240 51 |+ 16,726 41 Bere | GRpe0 a0 | orzoo a5 |2izoat oe | 03.012 54 [a5gses 42 |seasi 9 |+ tsa 43 Neget Sembilan | "17 34| "66 81 | 37 | sho04 OF | arose Gt | 20070 85 |+ 2587 7 Pahang 12,943 00 | 16,06: 88 | 20,716 21 | 874078 58 | 61,778 75 |+ 8,800 85 otal... | 86,502 67 (174784 22 | 760,020 90 | 096,087 66 |842,120 69 | $19,472 08 | Total Approximate Value zat . Increase or Total Duty. Tnoreaaa oF uate, |_(nBingnror), Decrente | ecronsst ieeinat [pjoanes| rs | vom x zeal a fe | | cl tes ae | 3 a all Ge Perak 6 10 | 6,409,112 79 |— 107,457 69 Selangor | Sheaiort 6s = ole 72 Nogri Sembilan | are 20 amses 70 | asatas a2 Pahang 495,253 S2t 474496 27 | + 20,817 55 Total |logriar7 5 10s%0,120 20 |= 178742 45 Be m value $643.79, omitted in Uppe 1 October, have been L NorE-—A natn of $505.83, collected in Pahang during February, 1913, aud previously wot notified has fe er ie ce a ee ee eee Mines Orvics,-Kuaua Luarvn, W. E. Kexxy, 20th March, 1914. Senior Warden of Mines, PALS. Perak return STATE OF PERAK. Sramistics or Inatoration axp Extonation Dunia tur Year 1914. fee nanteetriatogea ty mt oa Immigration, ‘Emigration, + A a et pee ster) | Ports Matang. erode reece anal sg , meet ate| acs | BS | 22 | Se | ranjong maim. | 283 | 583 gel ail else aa pel ai | G2 | 22 si | 2s alflElé gyene| 2 | £88] 2 | 2 (E/e Paes) 2 | ee Pk Beal ie January. oe] 7 26| 2206] 27) 2 18} v49|71| 52] 2024+ 270) 8430] ora | s.s0s | 9,225 | — 960 |— 600 Feirary 8|. 1s| 3758 | 28 rors | 172 | 46] 26] 3.268 ]+ 90] 0,190] 10,27 | ss0n | soot |—1.052 | on2 aes iets : f tale Oster i ‘November Be Be Peeters e| ee Yor rl Curxese Szcreranrat, Iron, Penax, |» 25th Marck, 1914. W. 8. Grnsox, Acting Protector of Chinese, (6 wdy ‘SWI NANWNUAAOD~ ALLAZVO $09 Bebe: 624 BMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE’ {Api 9 * STATE OF SELANGOR. Sramtsrics or Imanoration axp Emtaratton Durino tae Year 1914. Chinese Deck Passengers by Sea, Tanigratioo. | Enlgrtion, -« Months. Gain | ‘" Ast. Ast _ | January, Mate, |Pemale.| “434477 | stat, | Femate.| Tansary | “lors, 2 Mate, todate, | todate, | | 3421 | 2218 aia | our | sar : aE |e Curxese Prorecronary, Stxcarorr, 25th March, 1914. ©. J, Savxpens, Secretary for Chinese Affairs. STATE OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. Srartstics or Toororation axp Estoration Denixa te Year 1914. Chinese Deck Passengers by Sea. aul ionalities by Mail on. “Enigniin, 23) [tm gration | Emigration. | 33 ees 6 [ee et Pals # é al "Pe I i Si 413 g Bla | é & z 515) 328) 14 a ra a g “© Cwinesn Pxorzctorate, Stxaaro: 25th March, 1914. 25 C. J. Saunpens, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, April 9] EMS. GOVERNMEN' GAZETTE 625 STATE OF SELANGOR. Statement or Quarantine Resrricrions 1x Foro ox THe Gru Aver, 1914 RELATING TO ANDIALS. < Disease. | Country. | Locality. Restrictions in foree. Authority. Rinderpest |Siam —... | Siam... | No. cattle. shall be_im- rted into the State from Siam or the Siam States except vid Port Swettenham, and all such cattle, on arrival at Port Swettenham, to undergo ten days’ quar- Selangor Government Gazette Notification No. 394 of the 7th June, 1907 antine ” ‘ Province | Prohibition of intro-| Gazette Notification No. : ‘of Nakon| duction into the State,| 2794 of the 30th Sritam- | either by land or sea,| December, 1910 arat of cattle until further notice Penang ... | Penang... | Cattle may only be im-| Gazelle Notification No. orted from Penang | 1360 of the 19th June, Into Selangor via Port | 1911 Swettenham, and all cattle, on arrival at Port Swettenham, to undergo ten days’ qua- | rantine Rinderpest | India... | Madras_| Orders that alleattle im- | Gazette Notification No. Presidency} ported fromthe Madras | 2067 of the 15th Sep- ‘ Presidency of India| tember, 1911 shall undergo ten days’ quarantine on arrival | at Port Swettenham — | Selangor ...] ... | Sheep and goats from | Gazette Notification No. outside the F.MLS. can | 1669 of the 20th June, be imported into| 1913 Selangor by way of Port | Swettenham only » a | ae | Gattle from outside the [Gazette Notification No. F.M.S. can be imported | 1968 of the 18th July, into Selangor by way| 1913 of Port Swettenham | only Rabies ..,| Malacca .., | Malacca | Prohibits the importation | Gazette Notification No. of dogs into Balance 2861 of the 7th October, from Malacca, either! 1913 by land or sea, until | further notice | A. J. McCtosxy, * Ag. Senior Medical Ojicer, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pohang. 626 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 STATE OF, NEGRI SEMBILAN. STATEMENT oF QUARANTINE Resrzictions 1x Force on rue Orn Apri, 1914. RELATING TO ANIMA’ Disease, | Conny. | Locality | Roatit Anthorty. Rindorpest | Siam .. | Provinco of | Prohibits the importation | Gazette Notification No. 32 ‘Nakon Sri-| of cattle from Provineo| of the 6th January, 1911 tamarat of Nakon Sritamarat uw va | sa | West Coast | Importation of cattle from | Gazette Notification No. 265 of Siam | West Coast of Siam is| of the 3rd February, prohibited until further| 1911 notice Negri Cattle from without the | Gazette Notification No. Sembilan | “PMS. may only be] 929 of the 12th April, | imported into Negri) 1912 Sembilan via Port Dick- | som by sea or vid Tam. pin by land; provided that this order shall not prevent. the passage of cattle by train vid Gemas as far as Tampin Rabies ... | Malacca | Malacca ... | Prohibits the importation | Gazette Notification No. of dogs into Negri Sembilan from “the Settlement of Malacca, either by land or sea, until further notice STATE OF PAHANG. Starmaent or Quarantine Restrictions 1x Force on RELATING TO ANIMALS Disease, | Country. | Zocality. | Restrictions in forea, 2857 of the 29th Sep- tember, 1913 rue Gra Aprit, 1914, Authority. Prohibits the introduction | into the State, ether by Province of ‘Nakon Sri- | tamarat Rinderpest | Sian landor sea,andthetran- shipment, at any port in the State, of cattle until further notic Importation of cattle into Pahang through Kuan- | tan is prohibited except by way of the following places : By sea—The port of | ‘Kuantan ; By land—The kam- i | pong of Baloh, 3 v= /Malacea...|Probibits the —import- |e | ation of dogs into the Pahang \ the Settlement of | Malacea, by land or | sea, until further | notice = = |Prescribes Kampong | Batoh, Kuantan dis- | trict, to bo a place by which alone cattle may | be imported by land i | to the State of Pahang from Trengganu and Kelantan: State of Pahang from | Gazette Notification No. 38 of the 6th January, 1911 Gazette Notification No. 2444 of the 27th October, | qe | | | | | Gazette Notification No. ‘3025 of the 24th October, 1913 | Gazette Notification No. 3209 of the 7th November, 1913 A. J. MeCrosxy, ‘ Ag. Senior Medical Officer, Selangor, Ne agri Sembilan and Pahang. M.S. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 627 April 9) STATE OF PERAK. Rervrs or Gasm Licesces Issvep purine tHe Moxri or Faonvanr, 1914. ica Place. Dato of Date of expiry. Bodoh Moin bin Mohd. Jatim ... ‘Temoh . s1/12/le Jasin bin Haji Dollah ..—...—‘Tapah, . Pawanteh Alli bin Haji Abdul Hamid G. A. Hodges a ” Wong Hoi Chenderiang R. J. Acton Bruseh "5 Colin A. MacGregor Ulong bin Jain Malay ‘Temoh : D. H. Laidlaw ‘Tapah ” J. R.N. Charter. a ” Wong Choy, Chop Kampar S ‘Wong, Yoon, Chop sYittah a! A.C. Mullthaji_... a A : Capt. C. D.C. Greenway Pondok Tanjong. - ‘Tungku Suleiman ‘Taiping - Lim Teng Pee 4 ite er J.B, Simon’ Pondok Tanjong... 4 Marimuthu Vengadaraman Chin Yin Fit Taiping Siputeh Mines, ‘Tronoh! GH. L. Cox Sitiawan J.C. Bogers Parit Buntar Woon Tek Sungei Siput ” F. D. Bellow Padang Rengas * 8 L. Potter ” F.J. Davy Sungei Siput rl Inspector H. Hinton. Hera Sub Din, Dresser, Mal Hospital, K. Kangsar R.'T. Davy Sungei Siput Mohamed bin Panjang Haséain| Kota ; Panjang Saman bin Uda Ledin... ‘T. Toh Alang, B. Gajah Dr. R. Dowden... Batu Gajah 8.Somuoille —... Alang bin Kulop Chong Ah Fook ... Mohamed Ariff bin Bendan Haji Mohd. Salleh bin eat Mohamed Basal 5 Foong Ah Ngen .. Tahari bin Haji Abu Bakar Anjang Gaiti bin Imam Mohd. Mohamed Dyan hin Haji Naman ‘Tarnir bin Tasai Misah Kuala Kangsar Wong Yun. Saks 24/9/14 . Bacheo bin Bubs Ttam ‘Telok Anson 3/2/14 r 5/3/14 * se 72/4 ; Bagan Datoh =... 28/2/14 Utan Melintang Laimudin bin Mohamed Noor .., ‘Telok Anson ‘. M. Christer... Pawang Ysmail bin Kapateh “Kampong Gajah, ‘T. Anso Osman bin Bagan Datoh ‘M. 8. Allan Bagan Serai e Cuter Poxice Orrice, Iron, . M. 19th March, 1914. ‘for Chief Police Oficer, Perak. 628 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 STATE OF SELANGOR., Rervny or Game Licences Issvzp purivo tHe Moxtu or Fenrvary, 1914. wee ae peepee Osman bin Ali Kuala Lumpur... 2/2/14, SI/MB/I4 Hussin bin Malacca rs a » ” Nallamuthu Wardiebun Estate... co ” ChongKong,Chop“Kong Gong” Kuala Lumpur... Z es See, Keon, Kongsi “Kong Loe ‘Yap Swee Boh * " ” Yap Lee Sang i ” » Chong Ah Foh Sungei Besi Gg » Nagoor Musa ” » Chuah Cheng Hee Low Leong Gams. W. R. Me Andrew Komarappa Nadan Kuala’ Lumpur Bukit Jalil Est., Petaling. 7th mile, Batu Caves Ang Chew Mue ... ‘Kuala Lumpur e H. L. Grout a & M. Kandiah ” ” ” Lai Ah Kiew ” ” » H. Sarnelis Talalla Sungei Besi 6/24 mn Katuya Juauya ... Kuala Lumpur 7/94 P F. Felis ... b . Chee Kow Chye * 9/2/14 7 Abdullah bin Long . jj "9 Lee Teck Swee im 12/2/14 4 Lee Yow, Chop “Sun Fat Lee” Sungei Besi Muthusamy . vw» Kuala Lumpur R. D. Ramasamy Pillai... _ W. Hay ... Kolimalay G. Finklestone oe - Wong Hin, Chop “ Kong Leo” Lai Nam, Chop “Sang Choy’ Thin Kim Yew a Pachamuttu 8. Ratnasamy Pi H. Montgomery ... uapjlt 16/3/14 Sungei Best Kuala Lampur 10th mile, Ampang E. F. Stephenson, 5 ” ” J.T. L. Giffening Kuala Lumpur 4 F. E. de Souza ” ” Yap Swee Keo zi ; = ” F. Austin ... Ulu Buloh Est., 8. Buloh.. ” K. H, McKenzie Batu Unjor Est., Klang . - Sinnasamy Golden Hope Est., ee ” P. Mailvaganam , Kapar . ” Serif bin Abdul Kahar ... 21st mile, Kapar ” Sungan ... 9th mile, xine Road ” Lim Hin Kiong Klang : a 8. Karuppan Bukit Rajely Klang oe aie Ramasainy Sungei Rengam Est., Klang 11/2/14 o Padarain Golden Hope Est., Klang... 18/2/14 Haji Acob bin Salleh 12th-mile, Kapar ... 23/2/14 ” A.W. Symons Black Water Est, Klang... 25/2/14 ” Nachiappen Damansara Est., Klang. 26/2/14 ” Chong Khan Len Abdul Samat bin Mandara ‘Abdul Latitt Ulu Langat Ath nila, Uls Tangst Kajang 2/2/14 April 9] EMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 629 ——————————————— r Date of, Date of Taownseo, eee iamae, ‘expiry, Ramasamy sw Broome Estate, Kajang w2/ls ... 31/12/14 Kunmasamy Kajang ow A724 sees ‘Chewan Luboh Besar Serendah .. 2 Pereyakaruppan ... E. A. Davidson... J. W. Van Rooyen HL. K. Graburn Dehol bin Prang. Darin bin Ahmad Haji Kassan bin Haji Muriabill — Jeram bin Haji Dollah ... Batang Berjuntai | bin Abdul Rakman Kampong Kuantan, K. Sel. Mohamed Yassim Rahman. D. K. Chakrabutty Marugam . ‘Muttukaruppan ‘Veerappan Kandasamy Goh Kwi Sam Sungei Choh ve Kuala Kuba vs — Batang Kali, K. Kubu . Ulw Yam w Pasar Pernambang bin’ Abdul Kampong Kuantan, Sungei Rambai Est. K. Kuantan Est. Bukit Cheraka Est. ,, Batang Sel. Est. om Sepang, Jugra a Omer Porsce Orrice, Kvana Lumpur, 19th March, 1914. STATE OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. 13/2/14 2/2/4 aft .. 16/2/14 232/14 pps... wee 13/2/\4 /l4 jays A. McD. Granan, Chief Police Officer, Selangor. Rercry or Game Licences Issuep puzio uz Mowrn ov Fennvany, 1914, Licensee, Datoh Perba Salleh bin pss Ma Asih ... Mayin bin Dyce Kling bin 1. mat H. Nayan bin Lehman Tee Cheng Kang... Ong Chai... .. Ahat bin Penghulu Sedik bin Ahmat Mohamed bin Bedin Lebai Hamid bin Akop . C. 8. Durst Haji Hassan bin Woo Gaseh bin Jalel Munchak bin Basir Lim Boon Chiang Guan Ain... Nooran Sallecutty Kangany Vythilingam ALG, Ramasamy Aiyar .. Sambok bin Moha Ramasanay Karuppiah Sembogam ‘Tan Chin Fook ‘Tan Hok Hong ... H.W. Evans. RJ. Galistan Place. Pelin, Rembau —.., Gemencheh, Remban a, Tampin a ‘Tengah, Tampin Kendong Kg. Tengah Lobok China |, Kuala Kepis, 6.P.... Tuasseh ‘Kuala Jempol Kuala Lumpur Padang Lallang ‘Uln Bernang, Mtn, Tengging oy ow Pengkalan Kempas Pasir Panjang _ ... Jimah, P.D. Siliau ,, «+ Port Dickson oe mn Silawy PD, Rantau Seremban, Date of Date of issue. expiry. Qt up 12/2/14 21g 25/2/14 32h a 19/9/14 630 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 Licensee, Chong Long W. R. Boyd 0. R. 8. Bauman. Salleh bin Pram Siliau 8. G. Roberts Sereinban 2 Curer Pouce Orrice, Seremnan, D. Bourter, th March, 1914. Chief Police Oficer, Negri Sembilan STATE OF PAHANG. Retcry or Game Licences Issurp uric tue Monta or Fenrvany, 1914. Date of Date of Licensee. Place. oe nee! Omar bin Imam Hassan ‘Tembeling ... ujg/l4... SI/fle ‘Hamid bin Syed Abdullah Pulau Tawar 16/2/14 By Haji Mat Chakah bin Taib Kuala Teh . ” 7 Matsalleh bin Magat ‘Matsah bin Yeo! 4 Kh. Mohd. Ali bin Dri Abdullah bin Mat K. M. Grist F. P. Godirey J.T. Hackin Leman bin Peyee. ALN Devasahayam Jeransang ‘Tembeling . 27/2/14 4 W. A. D. Edwards Temerloh Sulong . Pekan ” J. Gore Sungei Lembing Oh Gim Thye Gambang a Tan Jong Que Sememba Curer Potrce Orrice, Kvata Laris, R. P. Howtex, 12th March, 1914. for Chief Police Oficer, Pahang. IST’ of unclaimed articles lying at the General Post Oifice, Kuala Lumpur? Barrid, M. Sey Henderson, Edward Gani a pe 8. ‘am . mb, ‘TM. Daniel, 8. Lawford, A. A. Gewenat Post Orv: Kuata Lomror, C. R. Consac, 6th April, 1914. Superintendent, P. and T. FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE April 9] 631 MARKET PRICES, KUALA LUMPUR, APRIL, 1914. Coun Stonscr. Boot on perth, $180 | Poultry and Game— Veal 5 st iia | Turkeys tb. ‘Mutton os » 0, Fowls a Shoop's Kidueys 4 5 Geese Lamb i 35 | Rabbits Sheep's Tonjgie each Haren Smoked Ox Tongue . 185 | Cheese Concentrated Fresh Milk pérguare “70 | Ham... Batter Fert. ‘50 | Bacon base. av perkati$.24,.264.28 | Docks (1 ck (Inge) $ 0 Mg | pee): sou aecn B| 2 fed, - 58 or kati a ee 20 “ ‘ad 38 | Pigeons a per katt 26 Marrow Bones “each a4 Vearrantes. Shoulder 28 ‘ aes +B | Boma Onione ver kati “ pet Esk Cabingo, Bengal 5 2 a cacy OE ‘on a site ices 3 Coconuts cacly —08t0 10 ean Cucumber... per kati lou Mutton ane. French Beans ” 16 »__ (native goat) Gatlie. 7 to sheep's Head Kangkong “4 “oa s Kidney® Katola it : 06 » biver Ladiee’ Fingers, or“ " Sweetbread ‘Bente ‘ , ae 2 ripe Lettuce 5 ft 10 "Trotters Tabak 05 Long Beans ‘05 eats 07 10 08 Pig Brawn mpi 8 n Feot Sa ‘os 2) Mena Sraall ‘os * Tongue Spinach 3 Potk wn ‘Tomatoes 2 Bawal Tear i Patah Bananas 1 for on Bisaa. : Dokus por katt 10 Chincharo i bach = Crabs per katt = Glaxmah Tor a Tina per katt 25 Kerbaa a8 Kona a4 idablidah sc Papaya 0 uy Pineapple: ‘08 es 12 Pomstoes 15 Rambal per kath = Sentitang Slay : ee aeons 2 Trews S small on “os * 03 ; e ry Capote | we Duets (emall) Tce! a 632 MARKET PRICES, SEREMBAN, l5tx MARCH, 1914. Area, po att Becket perth Bang-auen, por kati Botelnut, fresh, per 100 died, por ati Boat fs Boot-toak 5 Beef, Bulfalo Kidney 3 e & Shoulder, per kati .. Suet Hamp é Liver ao Heart ‘Tongue, each’ » Tail a Tripo, per kati“. -aachan Bread, per 1b loa epee Bulior; australian, 1 1b. tin zi 3 Danish, ib. 3. French, 1b. Candles, Chinese, per kati ‘» Buropedn, per packet of 6.. Gapons, each (48 t0 50 conts a kati) Chalk, per kati Ghareval, Let quality, per pikul Chickens, per kati nis fren per kat ari Chopsticks, black, per bundle Chunam, per kati Cinnamon, Gloves ne Coconuts, fresh, each: dried’ Comte, por kati Crabs’ Crackers, per bundle ... Docks each ae font te each duck’s uh my salted, each Birowood, per cart (weight 10 pikuls) Fish, frosh, per kath ‘» "malt, Chencharok, por kati » Kumbong "" 3 Kura * Pari Selar Foo, aalt, each Fowls, per = Md, per kad Gambier (Siak) me (Papan) por 100 Garlic, per kati Geese, per pair Ghee celty, pee Ginger, fresh”, Gregae, dried Gram, Caleatta, por base Rangoon, poe pik, Lt et ‘ality Gunny Bags, Ist quality, each and ard Ham, "Chineve, No. 1, por kuti we Nod Jintad hitam, por kati adam, per Kati a: Jemuja “ $32 t0.36 14.00 to 15.00 65. to.70 to BE & e = BREBR REE ESsss beguobebbke ea | Hoss Sticks, por bundle LacaPeaes ese: per bunals) Kangkong, por btnle Kattinbet! poe ehupah Kaya Chandana, por kat Sepang Lain item | puck Langtuas 4 Ter Lemons, each | afncasee, redfish, per both [eet = Matches, por packet Milk, per tin | Mutton, Austraiian, per kati (falay) * | Nails, Fronch, per kati Nutmogs, per 100 a | Oi caneey por tin of BO kati | Padi, per sant | Patota, per kati Peas, back, per gantang greeny Peria, per kati Pineapples, each Plantains—-Abu, 2 » Kelat, 2t08 Masak hijau, 2 Raja, 2 aw Lean Pork, per kati Fat and lean Pork, per kati Fat Pork, per kati Potatoos Prawns, dried, per kati , Rangoon, per chupah Por guntang 2 perp. sian tal gu asd Séltron fresh por Kati mdiied in Saldrae, per bundle Salt, fine, per kati "coarse, per chupal Sandals, per pair Biri, per bundle Fis + ching 8 t0 05 Sugar Canily, per katt SAD toa Sows “ir to 08 we and quality LOT Teinatinds eee ‘fo to .o7 Toa, Cesloa, peri. 48 to 50 ia Asean ai 3 tess "Chines, por pactat a 08 Vogotablosrinjaly per kati ‘Be to 05 Cucumber ‘3 to 08 Fronch Boats, por kati” 22 to.24 Ladies Fingers or Kachang eno, per kath 04 10.06, Yong Bea Ot 10 0 “SPutipkin, rod, por kati” “08 to ” “2 a OF to.05 08 to.06 “07 00 to.10 Bt ta.0 ero ‘Bs w.0 ‘is to07 April 9] F.M.S. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE i. NOTIFICATIONS REPEATED. No. 742.—Invention, Penax—It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Order in Council, No. 2 of 1896, intituled -« Inventions Order in Council, 1896,” the specification of Mr. James Berry, of Ipoh, in. the State of Perak, Engineer, of his invention for “Improvements in lime burning kilns,” has been accepted. ‘The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Perak State Museum, Taiping. The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan of Perak i Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Seeretary to Resident, Perak, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Sultan in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Taiping, this 28th day of February, 1914. - No. 743.—Invenriox, Perax.—It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Order in Council, No. 2 of 1896, intituled “ Inventions Order in Council, 1896,” the specification of Mr. Joseph Mark Deschamps, of 360-362, Queen Street, Brisbane, in the State of Queensland, Commonwealth of Australia, Manager, of his invention for “Improvements in retorts for burning charcoal and other analogous substances,” has been accepted. The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Perak State Museum, Taiping. __ The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan of Perak in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Secretary to Resident, Perak, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Sultan in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Taiping, this Ind day of March, 1914, No. 934.—Invuxniox, Prnax.—It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Order in Council, No. 2 of 1896, intituled “ Inventions Order im Council, 1896,” the specification of Mr. Alexander Hector Ritchie, of Ulu Piah Company, Limited, Tambun, Ipoh, in the State of Perak, of his invention for “Improvements in puddling machinery,” has been accepted. ___, he petition and specification are open for inspection at the Perak State Museum, Taiping, ii. FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan of Perak in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Seeretary to Resident, Perak, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Sultan in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Taiping, this 18th day of March, 1914. No. 935.—Ixvextioy, Penax,—It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Order in Council, No. 2 of 1896, intituled, “Tuventions Order in Council, 1896,” the specification of Mr. Rees Hughes, Mine Manager, of Wilson’s Downfall, in the State of New South Wales, vid Stanthorpe, Commonwealth of Australia, of his invention for “Improvements in means for separating minerals from alluvial wash,” has been accepted. ‘The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Perak State Museum, Taiping. The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan of Perak in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Secretary to Resident, Perak, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Sultan in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Taiping, this 18th day of March, 1914. No. 936,—Inventiox, Perax.—It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Order in Council, No. 2 of 1396, intituled “ Inventions Order m Council, 1896,” the specification of Mr. Leonidas Norzagaray, of 19, Richmond Street, Old Street, London, England, Engineer, and Economic Rubber Machines, Limited, of 19, Richmond Street, Old Street, London, England, Manufacturers, of their invention for “A machine or apparatus for treating rubber milk or latex and sheeting the coagulated product,” has been accepted. The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Perak State Museum, Taiping. ‘The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan of Perak in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Secretary to Resident, Perak, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of April 9] F.MS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE iii, his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Sultan in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition, Dated at Taiping, this 18th day of March, 1914, No. 744.—Invextiox, Sutaxcor.—In_ pursuance of section 7 of the “Tnventions Regulation, 1896,” it is hereby notified that. the specification of Mr. Rees Hughes, Mine Manager, of Wilson’s Downfall, in the State of New South Wales, vid Stanthorpe, Commonwealth of Australia, for his invention for “Improvements in means for separating minerals from alluvial wash,” has been accepted. The petition for grant of exclusive privileges in respect of such invention and the specification and drawings are open to public inspection at the office of the Secretary ent, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. It is further notified that the said petition will be taken into con- sideration by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor in Council on the 5th May, 1914, Dated at Kuala Lumpur, this 28th day of February, 1914. No. 745.—Invention, Setancor.—In pursuance of section 7 of the “ Tnventions Regulation, 1896,” it is hereby notified that the specification of Mr. A. Hector Ritchie, of Ulu Piah Co., Ltd., ‘tambun, for his invention for“ Improvements in puddling machinery,” has been accepted. The petition for grant of exclusive privileges in respect of such itiven- tion and the specification and drawings are open to public inspection at the office of the Secretary to Resident, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. It is further notified that the said petition will be taken into consider- ation by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor in Council on the 5th May, 1914. Dated at Kuala Lumpur, this 3rd day of March, 1914. No. 746.—Investion, Necrt SemptaN.—Under the “ Inventions Order in Council, 1896,” it is hereby notified that Mr. Leonidas Norzagaray, of 19, Richmond Street, Old Street, London, England, having made application for the grant of exclusive privileges for an invention for “ Machine or apparatus for treating rubber milk or latex and sheeting the coagulated product,” the Resident of Negri Sembilan has been pleased to accept the specification for the same, The said petition and specification will be open for inspection at the Secretariat, Seremban, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on all week-days (Saturdays excepted), for two months from the date hereof. At the expiration of that period the petition will be taken into consideration by His Highness the Yang di Pertuan Besar and Chiefs of Negri Sembilan in Council, and every one interested in opposing the prayer of the petition must serve on the Resident, Negri Sembilan, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose the tition. Such notice must be served before the expiration of two months rom the date hereof. Dated at Seremban, this 25th day of February, 1914. iv. F.M.S. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 747.— , Neort Sevntax.—Under the “Inventions Order in Council, 1896,” it is hereby notified that Mr. Harold Hawthorn, Engineer, of “Sheenhurst,”. East Sheen, Surrey, England, and Mr. Tom Bennett Bishop, Broker, of Kline House, Forest Hill, London, 8.E., England, having made application for the grant of exclusive privileges for an invention for “Improvements in and relating to apparatus for coagulating, smoking and manufacturing rubber,” the Resident of Negri Sembilan has been pleased to accept the specification for the same. The said petition and specification will be open for inspection at the Seeretariat, Seremban, between the hours of 10 am. and 4 pan. on all week-days (Saturdays excepted), for two months from the date hereof, At the expiration of that period the petition will be taken into consideration by His Highness the Yang di Pertuan Besar and Chiefs of Negri Sembilan in Council, and every one interested in opposing the prayer of the petition must serve on the Resident, Negri Sembilan, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose the Penton Such notice must be served before the expiration of two months ‘rom the date hereof. Dated at Seremban, this 26th day of February, 1914. No. 937,—Ixv vet Sewpttay.—Under the “Inventions Order in Council, 1896,” it is hereby notified that Mr. Walter Jackson, of No. 57, The Arcade, Singapore, Merchant, having made application for the grant of exclusive privileges for an invention for “An apparatus for smoke curing and drying rubber,” the Resident of Negri Sembilan has been pleased to accept the specification for the same, ‘The said petition and specification will be open for inspection at the Secretariat, Seremban, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on all week-days (Saturdays excepted), for two months from the date hereof. At tho expiration of that period the petition will be taken into con- sideration by His Highness the Yang di Pertuan Besar and Chiefs of Negri Sembilan in Council, and every one interested in opposing the prayer of the petition must serve on the Resident, Negri Sembilan, a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose the etition, Such notice must be served before the expiration of two months rom the date hereof. Dated at Seremban, this 12th day of March, 1914. No. 938.—Ixvention, Pata: It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Enactment V of 1897, intituled “ Inventions Enactment, 1897,” the specification of Messrs. Harold Hawthorn, Engineer, of “ Sheenhurst,”” East Sheen, Surrey, England, and ‘Tom Bennett Bishop, Broker, of Kline House, Forest Hill, pea iout S.E., England, of their invention for “Tmprovements in and relating to apparatus for coagulating, smoking and manufacturing rubber,” has been accepted. ‘The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Resident's Office, Lipis. April 9) FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ve The petition for a grant of ex invention will be considered by Jusive privileges in respect of the said is Highness the Regent of Pahang in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may serve on the Resident of Pahang a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Regent in Council at the said Council mecting in opposition. to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Kuala Lipis, this 11th day of March, 1914. No. 939.— sTIoN, Panne It is hereby notified that under the provisions of Enactment V of 1897, intituled “Inventions Enactment, 1897,” the specification of Mr. Alexander Hector Ritchie, of Ulu Piah Company, Limited, Tambun, Perak, of his invention for “ Improvements in puddling machinery,” has been accepted. ‘The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Resident's Office, Lipis. The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Regent of Pahang in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of the petition may ‘serve on the Resident. of Pahang a notice, ona paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Regent in Council at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Kuala Lipis, this 14th day of March, 1914. . No. 940.—Inventioy, Pananc.—It is hereby notified that under the ions of Enactment V of 1897, intituled’ “Inventions Enactment, 1897,” the specification of Mes Leonidas Norzagaray, Engineer, and Economie Rubber Machines, Limited, Manufact both of 19, Richmond Street, Old Street, London, England, of their invention for “ Machine or apparatus for treating rubber milk or latex and sheeting the coagulated product,” has been accepted. ‘The petition and specification are open for inspection at the Resident's Office, Lipis. The petition for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of the said invention will be considered by His Highness the Regent of Pahang in Council, at the meeting of the said Council held next after the expiration of two months from the date of this notification, and any person interested in opposing the prayer of tho petition may serve on the Resident of Pahang ‘a notice, on a paper bearing a stamp of the value of $1, of his intention to oppose, and every person so serving a notice will be heard by His Highness the Regent in Conneil at the said Council meeting in opposition to the prayer of the said petition. Dated at Kuala Lipis, this 16th day of March, 1914. vi FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 No. 967-—Norice 10 Lussers to snow Cavsz way Leases suovnp Nor BE Forrerren.— Whereas there is reason to believe that the persons enumerated in the schedule hereto have severally failed to fulfil the labour conditions of the leases herein shown as held by cach of them respectively, in consequence whereof the said leases have become liable to forfeiture; now, with the approval of the Resident of Pentk, I hereby call upon each of the said persons, within three months from the service on them of this notice, to show cause to the satisfaction of the Resident why the said leases should not be forfeited. somsrou, ees i Nature 4 wat Gls oe Nate pan 2 Dateot ei a ae rd sued, ae a - ; ate GL tol 901” Chew OonNeoh (7), 20°) (2012102 125350 Ny lotNo,Oand stato ‘ian as Wy Sons ong ints to Neat Ae reas theo v8 Leong tin Yow and 44 || aujsjon 428 pk ee | 89 NgHloiand Ng Boon 100 | | arise avazs 0 Foofamcucia.. sin | ass ise wosibtvencaers | “Gajah bridle-path; | ‘Slate iand 3 | Biate land; W. lot Roviss TM Hawes and 220 481 Napanee et No. 118 A. Hawes | ani lot No. 18 By | pert of tt No | Boa Stas a 8 eaten wd | State land and’ pare ote Sens v0 Ne Yoow Sen, Ne 905 || asta 12005 Nolet Nats, 2, cos Ben Ch unk | eae maa Ost Shin | Beets tends Bite lad fh meee oo ny 9087 Na Blato land sa cua | hel Wa State land 485 Maj Umarbin Noga 965 [E| mniyna 4902 xs asec, hd. Prougin, ba bey No. 188 and Stato a branes i ined, By datolandy ei 454 soz |“ | 10/3/98 24110 shoo art oso | | mjggo aus s 483 Ma Fat Ting and 458 10/898 26027 ‘Lim Toy Hin is 494 Koh Wan Chuan aa} | 4 iss and and part of lot No, 212; W,, part of Jot No. 212 and Stato land ares S72 Ma Fut Ting and 976. | | 22/1108 30001 —_N,, part of lot No. 211 ‘Lim Toy Hin pte shnd State land; By | lot No. 218 and State lands S, State land W., Stave land and | part of lot No. 211 3 see 5 vs 1408 13998 70% ON. i | | JG April 9] PMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Under, Naturo wnt Coloor and No, naa ae Date ct Taree Boundaries. Brociment S04 No No 2 tithe ed. : 2 a amr, G.L Regula 813 1896) (s1/izjo4 13387. tions, 1885 | 400; B, State tan \ | . 13 aus | | 2975/08 10013 {State land and lot Tim Toy Tin | | Wo. 211; lot No. | 484; 8, tot No. 486, W, lot'No, 488 .. 910 Haji Mohamed 3118 TioT Ny Bate land; Yacob bin’ Taj | ‘eateland; 8, State . Dilah and Haji | Jandy W, Stave land Hasan bin Gading Raje . sor Haj Monamod 3702 | anpjas 21022 N, Stato land and It Yacob hin" Raja 1 By lot Now. Dilah 7Bi and TH; 8, lot No. 737 ‘and Stato land W., Stato land 0 5 2 | | Beaas 8, Bae nd an ot | fea | ae | “ 1,005 Chin Ah Pow 2846 » 310 7 1005 Wong Kan 4005 | | 19)to95 10221 N, ot Nok. 700 and ‘or; Bot No. 1155 iW, - 1013 Wong Sung On... 3,981 = 1305 : * 1028 Pook Kit Sui, Fung 384 [© | 22j9)95 9214 Hock, Cheong Sit 8} Chin'and Ho kim z Ngoa a ” 1077 Ewe Beng Huat 3,208 1/10}95 22119 N,, lot Nos. 812, 904 ‘and 707; lot Now. 707, 904 and 315; 8) lot No, 315 and ond; W., old road from Pasing Lama to Batu Gajah and al Neg. ana 2 182 Cheah Pooi, Leung 2595 | 23/0/95 28119 Nz lot Nos 479, 676, : Miand Li wae ‘er and. 480 Stato land and lot Nos, 677 and 6165 8) stato land; | Tot Non 480 and 48 3)5)04 4002 Nz lot No. 180; By i 10st 5) paras Siputeh Bata Gajait Dridespath We, Hot No. Ist ps 1,000 B95 7186 ere |snnogs 19130 bin Haji Mohamed Kasim uuz Leo Siong, Lee Hok 4,748 11/10/95 912 : Neao, Li Yit Ng ey eee | 8, lot Nos. 682 and | Bit; Wer lot Nos 1,107, 1,168,214 and 1 os FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 Under, Nature what Codo or Natu inechoons, | Sad No mactment ett, GL, Regula. 1,073 tions, 1885 eI 1128 - 1138 1,159 4,165 17 1,176 2 1178, a 1,197 1282 Lessees, Chor Kong San Haji Mohamed Basie bin Abdullah and Raman bin Mangkampi Raja EM. Hawes and M.A, Hawes Chaw Lim. Cheong Kui ‘Abdul. Abdul and Haji ohamed Sater ja Mohadam Chai Yew (f.) Leong Fook Him ‘and Leong Fook Choy: Chin Fuk Ham Nel Chin Fook Yew Sa Hong Yee Sam Choou an No. 3,980 4,000 8/11/95 13/10/95 235 1/1oj95, 2018 3/795 22st 29/9/95 280 1/10/95 22/9/05 4,008 8/11/95 1916 31/12)95 1401 29/5/95 22/9,95 3.905 | 11/1095 S01 . Area, AR 73% 321 19028 4au4 24027 270.28 25223 5300 8038 10028 10310 5028 ez 7028 2016 2.283 23/11/05 25 327 Boundaries, Ny lot No, 610; E, jot Nos. 21a Yous N,,'Stato land; E, lot No. 199 and Stato land; 8., State land fand lot No, 190; W., State land N., Jot Nos, 275 and State land and lot No. 275; 8, Tot Nos. 953, 254and, State land; Nos. 278 and 353 i lot No. 2884; E, fot No. 115; 8. Stato land; W., lot No.797 N., Jot No. 683; B,, lot No. 680; S., State Jana; W., State land N,, lot No. 579; Ey Btate land 8, State land; W,, lot No. 684 Jot No. 516; E, lot ‘Nos, 787 and 8155 8, lot No. 30; Wa Jot No, 785 N,Statoland; B, Stato and; 8., State land; W,, lot No, 652 N., lot Nos. 20 and 1155 5 E. 8, lot No, 1,187 and Stateland; W. State Tand and lot No. 10 Stato land; Blot No. 942 and Stato land 8, lot No. 942 and Stato land; W., State land N, State Tends E,, Bato land; 8. State » State land 1204; KE lot Ko. 288) 8, Slate x. 700, 701; W., State land; W., State Innd Uridie-path, Biputeh to Bata Gajah; “K., Stato land; 8. State land; W,, lot No. 189 N., Tot No. 682 and State land; E, lot Now. 579 and “82; 8, Tot Nos. 584 and 570; W., State land and lot No, 584 FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ix, Lessoes, Ml. G.L, Regula. 1,200 Khi Kong tions, 1885 a 1902 Li Khun > 1,408 Chin Ah Saick rE 1418 Von Thian Sooan Edward Lesslar - 1423 Anjang | Kamariah inti Mohamed ; 1424 Chin Fuk Ham f 142" Ong Teh, Leong Foong Khi, Phang, Weng and Tan Teh i 1452 Foo Choo Choon and Li Chin Long a 1459 Loh Sweo Ying (f.) 1461 Chin Vi Yon ' 1468 Wong Siew Choon (f.) and Leo Chin Pho “ 1,062 Chin Ah Pow * 1,068 M.S. M. Ramana. ‘than Chetty. 4 1,060 Taian Shui Neo and ; ‘Hai Tung Sen z 1679 M.S. M, Ramana- ‘than Chetty. M. Code, 1805 1,716 Leong Sam Thong Plan No, 4s0l » 18 4979 3a ais 3932 ag23 5,108 Dato of title, Mukim, £205 110/95, 249/95 13/1095 ‘Sungei Trap 23/12/95 Area, Amr azo8 11333 loos 11126 21321 23300 25.038 5322 2222 oom 13125 23301 20020 Boundaries, 805; W,, lot No, 655 Stato’ land; Ba, Btato land and lot No. 816; 8, State 1154 State land id tot No. 6; 8, State land and lot No. 1,156; W., lot fos. 1,156 and 10 4 lot Nos, 306 and B05; ., lot Nos, 312 306 and 305" » State land; E. ‘tate land; W., railway reserve from Batu Gajah to Ipoh N., Stato land; Ey ‘Beate land and lot No. 862; 8, lot Nos. 860, 861, 859, 862 fand State land; W., Stato land and lot ‘Nos, 861,860 and 859 Siato’ land; E., State land; S.,State land; W,, Stateland Jot No, 0003 Ba Jot ot 7% Ny, State” lands E. Btateland; 8., Stato Tand; W., Stave land N, lot No. 483; B, Brateland; 8., Stato and W., lot No. 902 lot No, 678 and ‘Stateland; E, State and and lot No.678; 8, lot Nos, 618, 621 and State land; W., Tot No. 1,008 N,, lot Nos. 576, 579 ‘and 550; lot Noa. 1576 and 809 8, lot ‘33, 808, 34 and Tot Nos. 580, iy ‘a5 and 34 Tot Nos. 578 and Ng; Ey lot Now. 570, 578 and State Tani 8, lot Now. 580, 576 Ny lot Nos. $885 Blot Nos, 887 and S88} 8, lot Nos. 816 and 887; W., Tot Now, 800 and 516 N,, lot No. 1,180; E Btate land; 8., Stato land; W, State land FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 Under Nataro 5 what Code oF Pang Datoot : and No, Lowcos eg Area, Bincinene PLAS No gt a ane. M.Code, 1805 1,718 Chang On, Chang 2.5180) [ MOLL Na ot No, 600; B, Choy and Leung { ‘uate land; 8, State Pak Yor | land; W., State land | and fot No, 039 7 1,783 Mohamed ao | S225 N. Stato land | ‘eato land §, State | | Tan W, State land ” 1,828 ‘Chai Yew (/.) 2404 | | 15/3/96 5 225 : 1siS SK. Supoya Pilay 6385 | | 1480 26900 Ny Slato land dnd lt By tot 1 | 1,228 and State | ot Now, | 5 We on, 4290 and | te 1902, Lee Phoo Yen. 2526 10/408 28112 Ny WoeNo, 0055 Hy lot 673; 8, Slate tnna W. State land AGL —Varis Mohamed son 4081 | 81/396 20305. 'Stato” land; “I, ct Amehor 3 te land By Joe Hamedand Abdul. No. th; W., State atoon of Absot tana Dali | 2108 Teh Yew Lan. 9,908 17)098 6394 Ny Stato lands Ey Tot No. 000° and | Statelands 8, State | land and Lot No. | Su}. W State and a 2,839 7 oe 4975, | 107/96 43.20 Tot Nos, 804, 6 and ‘eS, Ey Tot No, 688 fnd'State land Sy m Site tan an fol 11895, Wy lot Now 1165, Gand sot 2.000 Leong SuNin 6,197 247/90 15824 N, Stato Tand and Tot So. TT; B., State i Jana “ant 13 Ko, *: 2485 Wong Sung On .. a7 TE) asjo7 2220 a i 2619 Haji Mohamed Basi 6,716 27/1097 131.00 State land; Ey Win Abdallah and ‘ate land; 8, State Raman bin Mang Tend We, ke No. aja nied ” 2,686 Chai Yow (f.) 7,051 15/197 32127 N., State land; EB, Wate land and lob Now. 1,344 and 15; 8, lot Now Yiaas, Tyatd and State Inds Wy State land and lob No. 184 " 2781 Chin Thin Yow... 2807 | 14/BOF 25135 Ny Jot 80.755) B, Jot %o.760) 8, lot Soe FOL and 7035 We lot No. 702 i 2800 Lee Ah Weng 25/107 20911 Ny lot No, 44 and 8,, State land; W., Stato land 2816 ves | | ai/12)97 2012 Ny State land Bate land; and Ho Fung » 2948 Chin Hay Queo ... 6,651 16/3/98 198.37 tate land and lot 830; Flot | 0. 1,343; 8, State W., lot No. 2,820 and State land is 2077 Yow (1) 5,058 25/9/08 21914 N State land and lot No. 1,158; By, lot Now. 1,158 and 1,108 ‘Now. 1,106 and ee April 9] P.M. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE xi, eet or Nature eee ie pels "Eecimeat” and Xo. Lesseos, a i Dateof Area. Boundaries, ‘iwued. 3 Ma. M. Code, 1805 1809 M. Code, 18 MB, 1800 M. Code, 1805, 3,000 Chin Thin Yew 3,108 Mohamed Hassan bin Jadaris and Mohamed Arif bin Saluda 3161 Lee Ah Weng Bedi bin Haji Abdulrani 3820 Chai Po 3397 Loh Cheong aaa Adballah Omar 3512 Tan Swee Chun and Khu Sa Cheow 3513 Ong Hak Soo and ‘Ong Eng Theam 3583 Tang Choi 3,687 M.S. M. Tamana- id ‘than Chetty Ip Yun Kai 3,001 Lee Ah Weng 3610 3,604 Walter Graichen 3,790 Che Zabeidah binti Mohamed Hashim Hassan 8797 Lim Swee Hon 2,868) 9/5/98 7189 | | 29/5/05 as) | zits 2618 | | 1/9/98 gaz || 25/10)08 | 2119 || 16/12/98 340k | 90/1/00 50 19/4/00 z aso |B, 2610 | 11/800 | uo | | 22/8/90 27 327 3235 2107 ois 5231 7002 18010 31307 23.000 23219 2a1 25101 17025 zo 3210 * 3208 N, lot No, 7553 F. jot Nos, 658 and 760; 8, lot No. 765; W. ok No. 758 N,, State land E,, lot Nos.1,166 and 1,158 8, let No. 1,158 W,, Stato land Ny bridle-path; E, Tot No. 179; 8, Stata land; W,, lot No. 177 sid and Tot (0.660; E., lot Nos, (6594 and 6605 8, lot No, 6594; W., State Jana N,, lot Nos. 1463 and ‘2705 E., lot Nos. 270 and 272 8, lot No. 272; Wa, lot Nos, 1464 and’ 272 N, State land; E Btate land and lol No. 4875 8, lot Nos, 480, 486 and 487; W. ‘State land and ot No, 489 N,, State lands Ey rate land; 8., State land W., State land Ny, State land and Jot ‘Noa 14 and 15a; ¥, State land and ot Nos. 15a and 14 8, Stato lan State land » lot No, 1 Btateland; 8, State and; W. lot No. 180 1, State land and lot ‘Ko. 853; E,,lot Nos. ‘353, 705 and State land; 8, lot Nos. 148, 162" and Stato land W., State land ‘and lot No, 162, Ny, Stato land; Ey Beate land and lot No.7; 84 Statoland and lot No. 7; Wa Stato land N, State land; B, Btateland 8., Stato and; W,, State land N,. State "land; E, ‘rate land and lot No. 734; 8, State and and lot No. 734; W,, State land Ny, State land; Ey, tate land; 8, State land; W.,State land Not Nox 26 and 275 'B, lot Nos. 706 and 655; 8, bridle-path, Sipateh to B.Gajah; lot Nos. 2468, ‘883, 883, 26 and 27 » plan No, 419; By plan Now. 1,091, 1,900 fand 1,080; 8 plan Nos. 420 and 1,080; W, plan Nos.” 556 and 2,38] xii. FMS. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [April 9 Under, Naturo what Codoor Natur Plan Datoot onnarien Mima” = 82480. Lestcos. Weng Patt + Aree, Boundaries. issued. 3 ue Ane M, B, 1899 3875 Teow Shi 1,857) (19/12/00 14000 N., lot No. 311 tate land 8 No. 1451; W., Stato | Tana a 3888 Vong Mu am] | 2219 N, lot No, 280; E, | fot | No. 38a; Wy lot | | No, 058 a 3012 Wong Tong 1858 | | 9001 2214 Ny ‘Btato lands B. 38 ot Nov | B14; W, State land o 4096 Yeap Yen Kai. TOL 5029 Ny ot No. aUs and | Btate land; EB, Tot | Nos. 281 and 380; | 8, lot Now. 254 and x 4015 Haji Mohamed 8,269 ijigzo1 4.8.10 Yacob bin” Raja 3 4054 Samat bin Daud ms | aon 6035 | Tana M.Code, 1805 4176 Wong Mee Yoong... 2120, | 8/902 1620 N, Sinto land and Tot ‘No. 488; 1, Tot Nos. 458, 454 and. State andy 8, lot No, 486, and Stato land; W., State land, M. B, 1800 4257 Yeap See 2,602 6/5103 83.92 N, lot No. 702; B, lot No. 701; 8, State | and W, State land e 4327 Apo Singhe Gre 4954 14/12(03 15007 N,, "State “land; Ey ory | ‘ate land; 8, lot No. 971; W, lot | 1,062 nid State land i 4379 Loong Eng Kean 9189 | | 20/5/08 22200 _N,Statoland; Ey plan dice Loong Eng, F| ‘Nos.7,$83, 4008 and Khean s 3,585; 8. plan Nos. bey 3885 and 8100; Wy : plan No. 8,100 and : 4403 Ong Hak Sco and 9213)” | 27/7/04 22321 (Ong Eng Theam F fe | i 421 Wan usin bin 9580 | 15/8508 8.116 +E, Mohamed Arit \ | “No. 8200'S, plan | Nov. 81905 and 3,870; xian No. 3370 - 4409 Alma Baker 9288 | jroo 224, pan Now i ana vlan, Now, : 82, 2,600 dnd 2.2007 , plan No. 2200; W., plan No. 158, MI. Code, 1805 4,553 Leong Yen 3956 19/1/05 23.08 Na lot'No, O11; By lot “Wo. 818) By belle th, Siputok to hat Gajah; W., lot 190 é 4734 KhiKon Heng, Kok 4907 || 16/805 9221 Jand and lot Thean Choe and | 1168; Ey lot Simm Tat Tol | MoE, 1904 4531 Mohamed Zin bin | 9300 1123 Taji Hassan & 4872 Wong Chok Chan... 7,20 4400 0329 28485 W. plan "Nos." 187' and 2818

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