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2015 International Essay

Contest For Young

Celebrating the 70h Anniversary of UNESCO

Building Peace In Our Hearts And


Category: Youth
Essay title: Building Peace In Our Hearts And Minds
Name: Popa Florinela-Varvara
Adress: Erbiceni, County Iai, Romania
E-mail adress:
Phone number: 0743830670
Nationality: Romanian
Age: 16
Gender: Female
School name: Victor Mihilescu Craiu Technological Highschool, Belceti
Word count: 675

Building Peace In Our Hearts And

Have you ever wondered how peace would look like in our world? I did...
Nowadays humanity has changed; its evolving, conquering the
unknown, traveling through space and time and never stops... Us, humans, we
only use 10% of our brain and we have done so much over the last 100 years,
but there is one thing we couldnt do: world peace. But how can we find
peace when we keep waging wars and we never end them? How can we make
peace possible when all we care about is power? How can we find peace when
we are blinded by greed? How can we? Americans went to look for teritory in
space, Russians want more power, Africans, well... they just want more water.
Napoleon Bonaparte conquered the world over years of fighting and then he
lost everything. What does this say? We want power! But sometimes we want
it too much and it might be our end. Living in peace does not mean that it is
okay to ignore all the pain. You can see children joining the stars and soldiers
who walk towards the dark.
Have you ever wondered how this world would look like in complete
harmony? I did... But have you ever wondered what did the man do to make
this possible? If you did not, now it is time to think. I did wondered and then I
remembered: if we keep living by this code, will it ever become reality? We
choose guns over peace talks, we choose threats over compromise, we choose
power over friendship and in the end, inevitably, we choose death over life.
Will it ever end?
If your house would be on fire and you would have only 60 seconds left,
what would you take? If time would stop for one minute, what would you say?
If you would have the chance to go back in time, would you take it, would you
change anything? And then you realize We have here, in this world,
everything we want, but we do not have what we really need: peace.
Continents are shifting, titanic forces are in motion and what do we do? We
look for power!
I remember someone telling me that we, humans, were designed to form
and develop e life, to find its meaning. But who am I to say this? I am just an
individual believing in something that others seem to think it is impossible to
be accomplished. We use to think that heart and mind do not work together.
What made us think this way? Using our heart to achieve the supreme goal
shows how much we care and using our mind, offers us the best solution. So

they can work together! Imagine you could rule the world for 24 hours. What
would be the first thing you would do? If you ask me, I would gather everyone
around and I would send them this message: We have been given a home and
we have been treating it worse than anyone else would do. Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Our world does not revolve around watching our favorite movie,
picking the latest gossip, buying a new pair of shoes, getting mad at a waitress
who forgot to get your order because she has been working in double shifts so
she would pay for her child s education Our world revolves around our
evolution. We have the power to change it! It is time to stop! It is time to
So how many generations are necessary to make us realise how cruel we
have been? In this rhythm I expect the 10 3 th generation.

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