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Matthieu Romagn

65 bis avenue du gnral Leclerc, 95390 Saint-Prix

Mobile: +33687064159
April 29th, 2016
Object: Application for an Internship at ACG Capital
Ms., Mr.
I am writing to you to apply as a Private Equity Intern at ACG Capital. I heard about
your offer through our Career Center.
Currently in M1 at HEC, I am looking for a long internship during my gap year,
starting between June and September. I am well aware that you expect mostly
students in their second part of their gap year, but this letters purpose is to show
you how my past experience is relevant enough for me to apply to this internship.
Entering the Grande Ecole track from HEC in 2014, I felt the need to apply all the
concepts that we were studying and to experience corporate challenges. That is
why, only one month after entering HEC, I started working at Hedgeguard, a fintech
company developing software for hedge funds. At Hedgeguard, I learnt both social
and technical skills, among which the ability to develop complex dynamic Excel
models and creating reports for investors. I started at Hedgeguard to consolidate
accounting data from 3 countries into one predictive model testable to business
hypothesis in order to anticipate both internal cash flows and future fund raisings.
By the end of 2015, I had created this model and developed with Imad Warde, the
CEO, a comprehensive software to automate this task. The skills I have acquired
while working with Hedgeguard make me operational as an Analyst.
For my gap year and planning for the future, I would like to use those analytical skills
to work on bigger projects, while staying in small integrated teams. ACG Capital,
because well positioned on the Fund of Fund market, would fully meet my
I hope my application will get your attention and I look forward meeting the team for
an interview.
Best Regards,
Matthieu Romagn

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