Note: Attempt Questions of All Three Sections As Directed. Distribution of Marks Is Given With Sections

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M.B.T.A. ( Second Semester) Examination, May 2014

(Human Resource Management and Organization Behaviour)
Time Allowed : Three hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Note : Attempt questions of all three sections as directed. Distribution of Marks is given with
Section A

10 x 2 = 20.

Note: Answer all the questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

1. (i) Explain the concept of Human Resources Management?
(ii) What are the duties of Human Resources Manager?
(iii) Give the differences between recruitment and hiring?
(iv) Explain the need of employee training?
(v) Define Job evaluation.
(vi) What is Payment of Wages Act, 1936?
(vii) State the meaning of personality.
(viii) Define perception?
(ix) Define the term group behavior.
(x) What is positive group dynamics ?

Section B

5 X 6 = 30

Note: Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 6 marks

2. Discuss the role and functions of Human Resources Management ?
Give an account of evolution of human resource practices in Indian context.

3. Discuss the problems faced in human resources planning. How these problems can be
over come.
Explain the importance of personal empowerment and how it is helpful to the travel
agency professionals.
4. Briefly discuss the principles and determinants of compensation management.
What are the Legislative aspects of HRM ?
5. How the attitude, belief and values helpful to a individual to make difference with other
in a service oriented organizations
What is transactional analysis?
6. Explain the importance of change management and its process in star category hotels.
Give a brief note on organizational management.

Section C

1 X 10 = 10

Note: This question is compulsory and carries 10 marks.

What do you mean by performance appraisal? Discuss the need or performance appraisal.

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