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Wants from Retirement



Wants from Retirement

Common Sense Living Private Limited

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

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Welcome on board, the SS Retirement.
My name is Anisa Virji, and I am the Managing Editor of Common Sense
Living. And like you, I have come to the startling realization, that I need a
Not just any plan a retirement plan.
Im a dreamer, you see. I believe the whole world is mine to explore. And I
need a plan to get me away from my desk, and over there.
So I brought myself down to earth and thought okay, dreamer, time to
become a planner.
As I ploughed through piles of research on luscious retirement plans
promising me paradise, I realized that none of them allowed me to design
my own perfect retirement.
These retirement plans seemed to think its all about hanging up your
workbelt, putting on your pajamas and wasting away, living cheaply on some
tiny pension or dividend. These plans shouldnt be called retirement plans...
they should be called, Plan How to Become Old and Boring.
If thats retirement, people, I dont want it. I want an anti-retirement. And I
know its not just me. We all have dreams for ourselves that we can design
according to our own ideals. So I bring together here the ten most important
things you should demand from your retirement plan.
To your rich retirement,
Anisa Virji,

Managing Editor, Common Sense Living

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants

from Retirement

1. Increased Peace of Mind

Instead of locking up your worry of what is going to happen when you retire in
the back of your mind and putting too much effort into avoiding it, you should
bring it up front, dust if off, organize it and create a proper plan and then you
never have to worry about it again. Voila! Peace of mind.

2. More Control
No more thinking someday when I retire I will or wondering will my retirement
actually be any good? You need control over what kind of retirement you choose.
Wanna retire early? Plan for that. Want to never retire? Well, theres a plan for
that too. A good plan lets you take control and become independent.

3. A New Life Possibility

By trying our extra income ideas you can figure out what it is you love most
that can make you money and support you. And maybe you will find more than
extra income a new business, a new career, a new life the possibilities are


4. Money
Okay, you think. Maybe you can get more peace of mind, more control, even a
richer life. But how does a planning guide get you more money? After all, youve
just left your job. Well, it can. By showing you how to make that snappy side
money, you need to boost your retirement savings.


5. Live King Size

When most people think about retirement planning, they focus on cutting down
on life today, to plan tomorrow. Sound like fun? Not even a little bit. You need a
plan that gives you ideas for living life gloriously whatever your income doing
the things you love. Is that even possible? (hint with us it is).
10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement


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6. Freedom
You can travel the world, have grand adventures, and keep on earning income
every step of the way. That, my dear friend, is freedom. And that is what you
need to keep life interesting.


7. Better Health
There is so much research that says people start losing their health when they
retire, that we have to believe that there must be some kind of co-relation
between not working and being healthy. So, we say, plan for a retirement where
you can do something you love and that will keep your body healthy, and more
importantly, your mind sharp.


8. Reduced Stress
Knowing that youre sorted for your life, before retirement and after, will likely
help alleviate any possible financial stresses that you may have had if you chose

to stay un-planned.


9. A Lifetime of Happiness
Most people go through life either living as though they will live forever, or
as though they will die anytime now. Both are awkward what you want is a
balanced life where you enjoy each day of your journey, while still progressing
towards a larger goal. This plan will give you that goal something to work for
while still reminding you to live every day, filled with happiness.

10. Are You Planning For A Purpose?

What we want to bring you is a life with a purpose that carries you from today
till your very last day. So tell us what you need.

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement


Increased Peace of Mind

By Anisa Virji
When I took my first economics class at university, this quote by Gregory Mankiw, a
professor of economics at Harvard University and a former chairman to the Council
of Economic Advisors, really got me thinking...
To get one thing that we like, we usually have to give up another thing that we
Suddenly, I saw this principle of opportunity costs crop up every time I had to
make a major decision in my life.
Opportunity cost is defined as what you give up by making one decision in favour
of another.
Say you were choosing between pursuing a career in medicine versus a career in
If you chose medicine, you would give up many years of your life to get trained but
would have a financially stable career.
As a photographer, you could start working right away but would be faced with
financial and professional uncertainty.
As you can see, the decision is often between time and money -- how much money
or time you would give up by choosing one over the other.
But there is one more aspect involved in opportunity cost, and that is your personal

Increased Peace of Mind

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You could choose a career in medicine - because you believe it is a noble profession
and you would save lives - at the cost of having your passion as a career.
Or, you could choose photography - because it is a passion and you see it as a way of
connecting to people and being happy - at the cost of a profession that saves lives.
Every time you make a decision, you lose the chance to do something else, and that
is your opportunity cost.
Using this concept of opportunity costs to make decisions helps you prioritise what
is most important to you - it reveals your values.
You can use opportunity cost analysis as a tool to assess your current versus future
life as well.
So, fast forward several years to your retired life to consider this scenario...
You are retired from your full time job, and this is what it looks like...
Youre living a leisurely life. Reading all the books you couldnt during your work life.
Spending time with your partner, traveling to new places, exploring new hobbies, or
just being at home. Writing a book, consulting, teaching, spending time with your
grandkids, volunteering with an NGO.
You could choose to work part time doing the same thing you did before. You could
choose to work for yourself - starting a business or consultancy. You could make
your own hours and enjoy flexibility. You would have the financial security of an
income. Your physical and mental health would (according to some studies) benefit
from the regular work. You would have growing wealth and the peace of mind that
comes with it.
But to reach that idyllic retirement scenario, you have to trade something you like
today. Instead of living a lavish lifestyle, you might have to trim your expenses now,
spending sensibly, working hard and investing wisely to prepare for that dream
On the other hand, if you choose a lifestyle today that doesnt allow you to invest for

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

tomorrow you might end up living like this...

You have to keep working in retirement to support yourself and your partner...
You havent saved up and invested enough of a retirement corpus to feel financially
confident, so you have to keep working to support yourself. You might live in worry
of an illness you cant afford, or of running out of retirement funds before your time
is up.
You still feel shackled by your
employer and are living paycheckto-paycheck. You dont have the
freedom to travel the world, go live
with family in other places for long
periods, or even write that book you
have been holding inside you all
your life... You are worried you will
have nothing left to leave for your
children when you are gone.
So what do you choose: Live well
now, and live well later... Or live
lavishly now, but die poor?
As the brilliant poet Tennessee
Williams says:
You can be young without money, but you cant be old without money.
Retirement is your second life - dont use up all your energy in your first life at the
cost of your second.
If you envision and plan your retirement with your opportunity costs in mind, you
will journey towards your golden years with increased peace of mind.

Increased Peace of Mind

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More Control Over Money

By Mark Ford
Are you a doctor, lawyer, or other professional? How about a salaried employee?
If so, youre in a trap. And youll never get out unless you listen to me today. Heres
At the end of the day, you are charging for your time. And if you want to make more
money, there are only two ways to do it:

Charge more per hour

Work more hours (though there are only so many hours you can work and
still have a life).

Professionals and top executives, you may be surprised to know, dont make as
much money as youd think.
As they improve their skills, they earn more for every hour they work. Eventually,
they might even earn a million dollars per year. To earn that money, they have to
work hard. Often, that means 10-14 hour workdays.
But if you have extra streams of income, your income isnt dependent on the number
of hours you work. You can make money when you are on vacation. You can make
money when you are sick. You can make money when you are sleeping.
All you have to do is get the thing going and then hire a few superstar employees to
do the work for you. You pay them a good salary and take the profits as they come.
If you are being paid by the hour right now, you may be earning good money, but
its hard to enjoy your success because you are always up to your eyeballs in work.
Retiring is an option. But when you retire, you lose your active income. When I

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More Control Over Money

tried retirement I was rich, and happy to write poetry and paint. But I was always
worried that I would run out of money, and that one of my investments would tank.
That is not financial independence. I promised myself I would never fall into that
trap again.
Im a big believer in financial independence.
Being financially independent means exactly what it says: You are not dependent on
anyone or anything to pay your bills.
So What Is the Secret?
The secret to being truly free of money worries is to have multiple streams of
income, each one of them enough for you to live on.
Many master wealth builders I know enjoy a dozen sources of income. Some are
modest, some amazing. Thats the great thing about creating cash flow.
Although you never know what will happen with any individual income source, if
you get enough of them started, one will turn into a river.
The Eight Rules for Financial Independence
When I decided to become rich, I began to keep a journal of thoughts I had about
money. And the eight rules I came up with then are the same rules I follow today:
1. You cant truly trust anybody but yourself with your money.
2. The harder someone tries to convince you to trust him, the less you should.
3. However good a track record someone has, never believe that he/she
cant suddenly start losing your money.
4. All markets rise and fall. Dont ever believe anyone who assures you that
they can predict the future.
5. If you dont learn to spend less than you make, you will never have peace

10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

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of mind.
6. Most of what you buy when your income is above $100,000 is
discretionary. Dont fool yourself into thinking you need a big house or
a fancy car. You dont.
7. In making financial projections for yourself or a business, always create
three scenarios: one that shows what things will look like if things go as
hoped, one that shows what will happen if things are just okay, and one
that shows what will happen if things fall apart.
8. Know that the third scenario is optimistic.
Add these up, and you will come to one inevitable conclusion:
The only way to be truly financially independent is to have multiple streams of
income, each one sufficient to pay for the lifestyle you want to live.

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More Control Over Money


A New Life Possibility

By Ritika Bajaj
Retirement has endless possibilities. If you keep a positive approach and refuse to
let your mortality deter you, you can achieve a lot... giving your life more enjoyment,
fulfillment and meaning.
Inspired by my own ruminations, the many silvers around me, and our retirement
planning efforts in Wealth Builders Club India, I developed seven ideas that can
enrich your life in retirement. Heres the list...
Take up a hobby you never had time for
I have vivid memories of my late grandmother doing crochet till almost the last
week of her life. She seemed so content and absorbed in what she was doing. Even
today, I see her handiwork around the house and theres a knot in my throat for her.
You now have time to pursue your passions. Gardening, Sudoku, knitting, painting,
pottery, singing, writing... anything that makes your heart sing. You can even make
extra money selling what you create... and your creations will ultimately make you
Work part-time and continue to make some money
Youve just finished a long innings working and building a career and this advice
may seem ironic, but the beauty of a part-time job is that you can choose the
number of hours you wish to work in the day. Its a great option for seniors who
have more to give professionally. It allows them a less structured way to contribute
to the workforce.
You can explore the options of being a consultant, taking tuitions at home, blogging

A New Life Possibility

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or copyrighting which are lucrative and can be done from your desk, lecturing at
nearby colleges or reinventing your skills for another industry. You can also consider
starting a small business of your own, this will help you use all the knowledge gained
in your career as well as add entrepreneurial skills to your bouquet.
Travel to places youve always wanted to go to
Were you often sitting at your desk surfing pictures of far and exotic places... blue
seas, high mountains, clear skies, never-ending deserts, gush waterfalls... Well, now
you have the time and money to check them out in person.
Almost everyones bucket list has some must-see places on it, so take yours out,
open your atlas or Google your favourite destination, find the best deal online and
pack your bags for the place of your dreams.
Join groups that have similar interests like you
Being alone is tough. As you get older, it can lead to loneliness and depression. To
avoid reclusion, join different clubs and groups, such as the Rotary Club meetings
which have many senior participants. Many opportunities are available now, groups
for almost every area of interest. If youre a wine or cigar aficionado, find out which
groups in your city pursue that; if youre an avid reader, join a reading club and if
you like bridge, join a bridge group.
Volunteer your time and expertise
Volunteering is popular among seniors, because they have time, dont need the
money, but would like to impart their skills to the lesser privileged. With age and
wisdom behind you, NGOs generally look at silvers as pillars to further their cause
and create change.
Look up options near your home, find an NGO whose cause you can relate to and
see how much time you would like to give. Make it a regular habit and you will see
huge benefits... your life will get enriched manifold by all the lives youve touched
through it.

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

Stay connected with people of all ages

When youre older, it becomes even more important to know what people younger
than you are thinking. If you listen to them without judging them, you may just
guide them to take paths that are more suited for their growth. So interact, inquire,
be curious about new trends and stay connected with people of all age groups.
Dont hesitate to fall in love again
Theres no reason that you need to be alone in your golden years. In fact, theres a
host of dating and even matrimonial sites for senior citizens. After all, everyone has
a right to love, no matter what age. It can be difficult to start over, especially if you
carry the memories of a late spouse or partner. But as long as we live, we love... and
sharing all the love you have with someone special is just the next step.
So smell the roses once again, wake up with a smile and rejoice in the rays of a new
morning. Life has only just begun in retirement... its up to you how you wish to
live it up!

A New Life Possibility

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Money in Retirement
By Anisa Virji
My cousin employs an 86-year old woman part time at his doughnut shop.
Shes a great worker - strong as a horse, punctual to a fault. But he worries about
her. He cant help but wish shed just quit and retire already!
Do you need some money? he asked, willing to help her in any way he could. No,
apparently she had enough to last her a lifetime and then some...
Then why dont you want to stop working now and just enjoy life? Why not retire?
She got a twinkle in her eye as she said, But I am retired already. Ive been for over
twenty years now, and loving every minute of it...
Ive worked hard my whole life - I was vice president of a small firm by the time I
retired. And I couldnt wait for retirement.
I dreamed about it. Planned for it. Prepared in every way. Put away money. Bought a
lovely house outside the city with a garden, next to a golf club where my husband could
spend his days...
We retired at the same time and did everything we dreamed of... I gardened, he golfed,
we visited friends and family, read, and...well...lived in leisure.
But one thing happened we were not ready for.
God, we were so, so bored!

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Money in Retirement

There was a time when retirement represented a time to do nothing - a few years
of peaceful downtime before you moved on to another realm. But now retirement
is full of unappealing hazards. It affects three areas of your life: your health, your
wealth, and your peace of mind.
Your health: Many studies show that retiring affects your health adversely. As soon
as you retire, you tend to slow down. There could be any explanation for this.
Maybe you get more sedentary because you are not running off to work everyday.
Maybe the regular routine of employment keeps your body and mind tuned up. Its
possibly just a psychological effect of Im retired therefore Im old. But it makes
sense that you could lose your edge if you stop working.
Your wealth: It doesnt matter how much money you put aside, you can never be sure
it will last. The economy could collapse and disintegrate your retirement corpus. An
illness could drain your savings. Costs of living could increase dramatically. You
could live much longer than you plan (not the worst possibility!).
Your peace of mind: You can never be fully relaxed when there is no regular income
in regularly. Instead of living independently and happily fulfilled, you are wrought
with anxiety about whether the markets are crashing, that is not a happiness-filled
retirement. Not to mention that you might just end up feeling bored, or worse,

10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

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So, back to our question: to retire or not to retire?

Should you choose not to retire and stay stuck in a job thats draining your spirit day
after day, watching your youth slip away, waiting until you can quit and do things
you love...?
Or should you retire only to watch your health, wealth, and peace of mind leave
I recommend a third way: Dont completely retire.
Instead, transition to a part-time retirement, where you do something that you love
(instead of hate), that energizes you (instead of drains you), that becomes your
reason to wake up and gives you the flexibility and security of an active income
(instead of something you dread and imprisons you).
Find a hobby - something that you love, that youre passionate about, that you can
have fun doing, and that can be profitable. It also needs to be something that:
You can do from home. After all, you dont want to be running around stressing out.
What would be the point of that - might as well have stayed at that back-breaking
In a few hours a week. Youre technically in retirement, so you should have all the
time you need for your longs walks, grandchildren, and books.
Flexible. You might want to travel and see the world. Or go live with friends and
family in other places. You need to find something that allows you to do this.
Makes enough regular money to significantly add to your retirement funds. Some
might think this to be the hardest criterion of all. You can think of something you
love to do and makes you happy (like, say, gardening), but can you make money
from it? We believe you can, as you will see later on in this book.

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Money in Retirement


Live King Size

By Anisa Virji
How can we keep life interesting as we get older? someone asked on Quora.
We all get to a point, a plateau, where everything starts to seem same old same old,
and as the sands of time drip through our restless fingers, we slip into a living coma.
What am I doing now that matters, really? What is the point of this day-to-day
drudgery? What is the point of a life where the most exciting thing that happens is
postman aaya. Wait a minute, the postman doesnt even come anymore.
Is this it, you ask yourself? Is it over? Have I achieved everything I am supposed to
and now nothing more to do?
Goals fulfilled. Wealth achieved. Respect garnered. And now what? Waste away...?
If you look back at your life, you will see many events and experiences - even
permanent changes - that made you very happy. But over time, happiness faded
away and you got used to it.
Maybe you made your first million, bought your first home, lost 50 kilos, published
your first book... all huge achievements that made you happy. But that happiness
never lasts. A few months or even a few days in, depending on the achievement, the
happiness recedes and normalcy returns.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. It is, in fact, a psychological phenomenon called
hedonic adaptation - our tendency to return to normal after periods of ups or
Thankfully, this means that our sadness doesnt last. Unfortunately, we cant make

Live King Size

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happiness last either.

But we can, according to psychologists and happiness experts, Kennon Sheldon and
Sonja Lyubomirsky, delay adaptation and experience happiness for longer. They
suggest two things we need for this: variety and appreciation.

VARIETY the spice of life, of course. We accept this in theory but dont always incorporate
this philosophy in our everyday decisions. That is because we are afraid of change.
You might have a wonderfully fascinating life waiting for you if you chose to step
out of your comfortable but boring life. So how to make life interesting?
Well, the answer is one word: new.
Do something new. Pick up a paintbrush. Or pick up a saw; make a table.
Learn something new. A new language perhaps? A new dance form?
Learn how to swim.
Go somewhere new. The world is a book and those who do not travel
read only one page,
St. Augustine apparently said, and I definitely agree.
Believe something new. Change what you think. Most of us go our whole
lives with tunnel vision - looking for support for what we already
believe. Reading newspapers that align with our political stance, making
friends who have common values, completely avoiding thoughts, ideas,
and people who challenge our deeply entrenched belief system. I say,
go out, find the challenge, and dig into it. If you are religious, have a
conversation with an atheist. If you are a liberal, pick up a conservative
paper. If you only read non-fiction... well, read fiction.

While variety is all about doing something new, appreciation is sort of the opposite.
It is about savouring what youre already doing... really focusing on and enjoying

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

the little things in your life. That first sip of chai in the morning. The jasmine-laden
evening breeze. These things... they make up your life. And if you dont stop to
acknowledge them, they will easily pass by unnoticed.
If youre worried that you cant enjoy life because you dont have enough money because you havent saved enough when you were younger, or conversely, you are
young and think you need to scrimp and save to secure your future - thats where
we come in.
Here at Common Sense Living, we believe, thanks to our wise and worldly mentor
Mark Ford, that you dont need to spend truckloads of money to live a rich, luxurious
And he doesnt mean rich in the sense of spend more quality time with your loved
ones. He actually means sleep on a bed of luxury, drive the worlds best car, and
travel to the worlds most beautiful places. Hows that for a king sized life?

So, it doesnt matter who you are, how old you are or whether you think youre over
the hill. If youre the kind of person who says Im bored, you will be bored. But if
you say Im interested, you will do all the things that make life interesting, even as
you get older.

Live King Size

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Freedom To Live As You Please

By Mark Ford

Someone once said that the three most important decisions in life answer the
following questions:
1. What are you going to do?
2. With whom?
3. And where?

What Are You Doing?

It is never too late to ask, Am I doing what I want to do? Is it giving me all of the
benefits I want and need? How close is it to my perfect job?
Take a few moments now to think about it. It might help to look at this brief list
that identifies what for me are the most important characteristics of the perfect job.

Your Perfect Job

I would be happy to do the work I do for free.
I believe it has value to me and to the people who pay me for it.
It is fully challenging. It engages both the logical and the creative sides of
my brain.
If you find that the what to do of your life is not perfect, dont panic. If it is paying
the bills, it is something. Our first responsibility, as moral citizens of the world, is
to support the financial well-being of our families.
But if your work falls short in other areas if, for example, it doesnt challenge your
intelligence and imagination you should commit to making changes.

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Freedom To Live As You Please

If you are lucky, you may discover an opportunity to slip into your perfect job.
More likely, you can move toward it step-by-step by making adjustments, as I did
in my career.

The Perfect Partner

I had always considered the question with whom to be about ones spouse. And
that is probably its original meaning. But it is also relevant to ones occupation.
The people with whom you work your boss, your partners, your colleagues, and
your employees determine to a great extent both the satisfaction and the success
you will have from your working life.
If you stop to think about the work experience youve had, you will realize that
much of the pleasure or pain youve experienced came from the relationships you
had your interactions with the people with whom you worked. And you may think
that you have no choice in these matters. After all, you cant hire your boss. But in
fact, you can. In choosing the business you work for, you are choosing your future
If you find yourself in a toxic work environment (a work environment that is political,
rather than entrepreneurial), dont hesitate to look for a better company.
And when it comes time to hire employees, dont consider only their work skills and
talents. Consider also whether or not you will enjoy working with them.
The following characteristics should help you choose the best possible partners:
He/she respects you
You have his/her back
He/she has yours
You dont expect him/her to change. You are happy with him/her as he/
she is.
These four characteristics may seem obvious, but I managed to ignore them for

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most of my working life. Gradually, I came to recognize how important it was for me
to make good choices in terms of partners. These are the characteristics that, after
all of these years, seem most important to me.

The Perfect Place to Live

Where you live and work is important too. The physical environment you naturally
prefer very much affects your perfect life. (Do you love the mountains, the plains,
the beach? Do you prefer big, bustling cities or tranquil little towns?)
When you are starting out, you must go where the work is. But as you move up
the ladder of business success, you will have more choice in the matter. This is
especially true in todays world, where in so many industries one can work remotely.
Consider, also, your commute. Some people enjoy spending an hour or more every
day commuting. They use this time profitably to listen to music or books on tape
and so on.
Other people such as I prefer a very short commute. Locating my office a mile from
my home has enhanced the quality of my life. I can walk, bike, or drive there in less
than 15 minutes.
More specifically, the quality of your immediate work environment your office
affects the quality of your life. Since you are likely to be spending a big portion
of your active day in that one place, make sure you like everything about it. Your
office should not be an accidental, messy place that has what you need. It should be
a haven where you can work productively and a bit of paradise filled with art and
artefacts that give you pleasure.
Whether you are young or old, beginning a career or enjoying a retirement job, you
can find good answers to all three questions.
Start today by thinking about the three questions I listed at the beginning of this
essay. Conjure up your perfect life. And then begin the process of having it.

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Freedom To Live As You Please


Better Health, Better Memory

By Anisa Virji
Have you ever walked into a room looking for something, forgotten what you were
there for, and walked out empty-handed? Id noticed it was happening to me a
lot recently. I used to have a spectacular memory, really good for late night examcramming, and being an impressive conversation.
Looking into the issue worried me.
Several areas of the way I lived my
life were not only contributing to the
loss of memory, some of them were
actually shrinking my brain! Shortterm memory-loss can progress
into Alzheimers disease, a form
of dementia, one of the saddest
afflictions I have ever seen.
My brain is my favourite part of my
body. Its what I use to make my niece
laugh, to make my eyes smile, to read
books that open up worlds for me,
to write letters to you. Without it, I
am nothing. So I figured out exactly
what I need to do, and not do, to
bring my brain back into shape.
Like getting your body in shape, the
brain also requires two things: food
and exercise.

Better Health, Better Memory

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Brain Food: What to Eat and What Not to Eat

Get Omega 3: What goes into your mouth can really affect what goes on in
your brain.
Ive often heard people refer to fish as brain food. I was never sure whether that
was an old wives thing, like drinking chai makes you darker, and sneezing before
leaving the house is bad luck. But oily fish like salmon, tuna, herring, etc. are brain
food because of the omega 3 fatty acids in them.
If you eat fish just once each week there is a 60% reduction in the possibility of
getting Alzheimers. If fish is not for you, Omega 3s can be found in other sources:
flax seeds, walnuts, soybeans, even cauliflowers.
Haldi: Yes, good old turmeric.
If you are not already using it in your curries and vegetables, you should do so now.
Research shows that a chemical called curcumin in turmeric can boost memory and
stimulate the creation of new brain cells. Its a part of our food culture already, so
lets use that to our advantage.
Lycopene: A powerful antioxidant that protects against memory loss.
Research shows that lycopene can protect against free radical damage in cells which
can speed up dementia. Tomatoes are the go-to lycopene source, but you can also
find it in other pink/peach fruits such as papaya, watermelon, grapefruit, etc.
Flavanols: Your chai breaks - theyre helping your brain.
I know sometimes my brain doesnt function very well until Ive had my morning
cup of chai. Compounds found in green and black tea are good for yout brain. All
tea blocks the destruction of neurotransmitters.
And so does dark chocolate (one study showed that 60-year olds who drank flavanolrich chocolate for three months were functioning at the brain capacity of 30-40 year
Heres What Not to Eat: Memory killing foods.
Anything deep fried. Surprised? Of course youre not, we already know samosas
are unhealthy. Also most processed foods - things from packets that may have
preservatives can send toxins to your brain; foods high in saturated fats such as
cheese; and anything with nitrates such as beer.

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

Brain Training: Exercise Your Brain

1. Learning something new keeps your brain size intact.
Your brain actually starts shrinking sometime after you hit your thirties, and
just keeps getting smaller after that. But you can keep your brain size, by
learning! So take a class, pick up a new language, start playing chess, play a
musical instrument, your brain will thank you.
2. Keep your brain busy: Challenge your brain to keep it sharp.
Mental activity of all kinds powers up your brain. They say that having
conversations with children help their brain to develop faster, and that is
true for adults as well. Engage in stimulating conversations and talk to new
people to boost your brain. Riddles, Sudoku and other brain teasers keep
your brain in shape. Lumosity and Elevate are some amazing free brain
training apps that you can use everyday to challenge and grow your brain.
3. Yoga: A double whammy in the brain game.
Yoga, as Indians have always known and the world has recently discovered,
is brilliant. It doesnt just stretch our bodies, it stretches our brains as well,
helping in two ways - the physical exercise can help to generate new brain
cells; and its stress-relieving effects can prevent loss of brain cells. Pranayama,
or yogic breathing, is particularly effective for the latter.
4. Sleep enough: Thats when your brain works best.
Our brains dont sleep when we sleep - they work to assimilate everything
thats happening in our lives, without the distractions. Adults need at least
seven hours of sleep each night to perform at their cognitive best.
5. Dont multitask! Unless you want a smaller brain.
Research now shows that multitasking makes you stupid, specifically media
multitasking where you are looking at multiple screens/devices at the same
time. One University of London study shows that it can reduce your IQ
(intelligence quotient) by ten points. I often watch TV AND send emails
AND write newsletters, butI love my brain too much and this research is
hopefully going to change my ANDs to ORs - focus on one thing at a time!

Better Health, Better Memory

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With the advances in medicine, we are now living longer than ever before. To enjoy
that longer life you need a brain that lets you live fully - lets you stay independent,
keep learning, keep working ... and play with your grandchildren.
You can stay young your whole life if your brain is in shape. So dont just nod in
agreement, take these steps to improve your brain functioning.
If you dont believe me, try this now: Sit up straight, close your eyes, and take one
deep breath counting up to five. Then release that breath slowly counting to ten, open
your eyes.
Big improvements dont take as much time or effort as we think. Did this one deep
breath clear your head, untie your knots, and calm your stress? Then thats all it

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement


Free and Clear of Stress

By Mark Ford
One of my readers, PT, sent me the following confession:
I have no savings, no significant assets, and bad credit. And to make matters worse,
I just hit 60 and I feel like everything is suddenly starting to go wrong with my body!
Give it to me straight, Mark. Is it even possible to save myself at this point?
If you have ever felt financially or physically old, this essay should be helpful. For
the answer to PTs question is yes. And not a qualified yes - a definitive yes!
Virtually all financial and most health problems can be solved. When you are young,
you feel the truth of this instinctively. As you age, your psyches natural optimism
sometimes fades. The burden of debt and joblessness - even aches and pains seems terminal.
But that is an illusion. You can fix all your financial problems, one by one. And you
can acquire wealth. And you can do all this starting at age 60.

What You Can Do in Your 60s

Lets begin with PTs health issues, since without good health, it is difficult to put
your full energy into your business and financial objectives.
He doesnt have a terminal illness. He has diminished energy, occasional muscular
fatigue, chronic aches and pains, and the growing feeling that his body is falling
Your doctor may tell you that these are inevitable symptoms of aging. And there is

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no doubt that the body is designed to wind itself down as it ages.

But that doesnt mean that you have to give in to physical debilitation and the
mental gloom that goes with it. By taking advantage of new discoveries in nutrition
and exercise science, you can be strong, energetic, and pain-free all the way through
your 70s and 80s.
I provide myself as your example. I come from a family that is predisposed to obesity,
heart and digestive problems, and depression, which caught up with me in my late
Knowing next to nothing about nutrition, I spent about 20 years gaining and losing
weight as my strength, flexibility, and stamina gradually diminished. Then, in my
early 50s, I began consulting for the natural health industry. This gave me an inside
view at all sorts of breakthrough studies that showed me how I could eat, exercise,
and relax better.
Today, in my sixties, Im in very good shape. Im not what I was at 25, but can
work 16 hours straight, wrestle men half my age, and spend six days climbing Mt.
The point: You can regain some measure of youthful vigour, stamina, and optimism
by implementing a good eating, exercise, and sleep routine...

How Much Can You Accomplish?

Behind PTs question is a common prejudice: that our years for being productive
are between 30 and 60. There is no doubt that you can change the world in that
middle third of your life. But you can accomplish great things in the last third, too.
Here are a few examples of what these people have been able to do in their 60s or
Harland Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders, was 65 when he started
Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC. As demand for his tasty chicken grew,
Sanders opened a restaurant. And the rest, as they say, is history.

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

In 1954, at the age of 52, Ray Kroc opened a hamburger stand - when
most people his age were retiring. Kroc revolutionized the fast-food business
when this hamburger stand eventually became McDonalds.
Car icon and businessman Henry Ford was 60 years old when he created
the first car assembly line.
At 70 years old, Golda Meir became the fourth prime minister of Israel and the first woman to hold the post.
Consider this: As of 2009, the, persons reaching age 65 had an average life expectancy
of an additional 18.8 years (20 years for females and 17.3 years for males). That
means we sexagenarians have many more years to live well and thrive!

How to Save Your Financial Future

Do you empathize with PT? Heres my advice.
First, stop reading all the doom-and-gloom material out there. Yes, debt burdens
our world economy. But you are not going to make yourself any richer by worrying
about it.
Spend your time reading about motivational subjects and acquiring knowledge.
Second, believe this: It is perfectly possible - even likely - to eliminate debt and
acquire wealth within seven years if you are willing to do the right things.
That seven-year term is a personal projection, but its not without basis. It comes
from what Ive done many times over in my own life and what Ive seen other people
When you are young, seven years seems like an eternity. But at 60, you now know
that it will pass faster than the blink of an eye. Thats why its so important for you
to take my advice seriously and put it to work immediately. If you wait even a week
to get started, you will find it easy to push it off another week and then a month, and
before you know it, those seven years will have passed, and you will be in the same

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bind you are in now.

The third thing you must do is take responsibility for the financial mess you are in.
You must accept the fact that only you can turn your life around. You have to step
up to the plate. You must make a serious personal commitment to change.

Dont Forget to Live Rich

I dont believe in retiring in the traditional sense. I dont believe in giving up
meaningful work, for example. I have many friends who tried replacing work with
golfing and grew tired of it all too quickly. . If you are not a professional golfer,
golfing is useless. What you want to do with your time is improve yourself by
practicing something that you think is useful.
Another great mistake people make when they retire is that they give up their active
income. There is nothing you will regret more - in terms of financial decisions than to substitute passive income for an active one.
Being 60-plus years old is not a problem. Its an opportunity. You are older now,
and that means you should be wiser. You should be able to use that wisdom to make
good choices.

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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement


A Lifetime of Happiness
By Anisa Virji
A long-time reader, Mr. Jain came to visit me at the office this week. I was extremely
happy to see him, of course, as I always am to meet all Common Sense Living
But as I talked to him about his life I was even happier to learn more about him.
He had, in my opinion, lived the most wonderful life, and was, in extension, living
an even more wonderful retirement. The kind of retirement we always talk to you
about - one full of freedom, flexibility, security, and most importantly, happiness.
So I asked him what the best part of retirement was for him. And through his
contented smile and animated words the picture of a perfect retirement emerged
for me... one that I attempt to draw for you below.

Bringing Out My Suitcases

Mr. Jain used to travel a lot when he was the business head of a large government
bank. That travel wasnt travel, though, it was work, and he would carry with him a
small practical piece of luggage.
The first time he traveled in retirement - he finally pulled out of storage his suitcases.
He was going on vacation, to somewhere he would enjoy, to relax and see the world.
That suitcase brought with it the realization that from now on, he will always travel
for his own purposes, never for anyone elses. And so he packed the cases and went
forth to travel to his hearts content.

I Can Work As Much As I Like

He actually works more now than he did before he retired. He consults, advises,

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creates manuals, gives business advice. He keeps up his connections, never lacks
for want of projects and in fact has multiple retainers that bring him more than Rs
50,000 a month. If he ever needs more, he just has to accept more projects.

I Never Have to Compromise My Principles

But he never has to accept projects he doesnt want, and more importantly, work
with people that he doesnt like. Reputation matters to him, and he only chooses to
liaise with ethically sound institutions. He also doesnt ever want to work directly
with clients (he has had enough of that) and he makes that clear upfront. Finally,
he sets his own hours, and does most of his work through email, so he retains his
personal freedom.

Theres Time To Give Back

On several of the projects he works he never asks for compensation, so if someone
needs his help but cant afford it, it doesnt deter them from reaching out. He doesnt
need it. Hes completely secure. And he is happy to give his time where it is needed.

I Can Meet Interesting People... Just Because They Are Interesting

He was talking about me, of course! Im just joking, although he did set aside time
in his short Mumbai trip to come meet us and we were very happy about that. But
he has many friends here, and he had made time in his schedule to catch up with
them, and get some work done at the same time. What wonderful freedom to be
able to choose where and with whom you will spend every minute of your time.

I Can Spend As Much Time with My Grandson As I Like

He loves reading our newsletter and told us that when he reads them, his grandson
looks over his shoulder and asks what he is reading. I have a treasure for you for
when you become a young man, he tells the boy. He was keeping a folder of the
articles and he was planning to gift his grandson someday. (Im so pleased by the
compliment that Im blushing). It was clear that he has a very close connection
with his grandchild. Now that he is not always inundated with or away for work, he
spends lots of time with the child and looks forward to being a big part of his life as
he grows up.
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10 Things EVERYONE Wants from Retirement

Theres No Pressure, No Stress and No Problems

Mr. Jain is happier now than he has ever been. The freedom that comes with
retirement is unprecedented. He is still as productive as ever, still connected with
people and new ideas. Reading what he likes, meeting who he likes, going where he
wants, and working when he likes. He reminds me of the quote:
Im retired. Having a good time IS my job
And he can do all this because he has created financial security for himself through
his decisions when he was younger. He planned and put money away in stocks and
other assets that bring him a regular income in addition to his pension, he built a
reputation that brings him the opportunity to work whenever he needs it, he has
taken care of his health so he is healthy now in retirement, and thus he lined his
nest egg with the soft fur that keeps him and his family comfortable.
When thinking of retirement planning people often focus only of finances - but
there are three things that are essential to a happy retirement - financial security,
good health to be able to do the things that you love to, and something meaningful
to do.

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Are You Planning For A Purpose?

By Anisa Virji
You have seen by now that we believe one thing very strongly, that retiring from
work does not mean retiring from purpose.
Whatever your purpose may be, it should outlive you.
Plan for that to live until your last day. And it is okay to think about your last day.
Because you are not going to live forever, so you need to pack in everything you
want to do before that. And you need to start doing that now.
Our mentor Mark Ford puts it this way...
Some people, who have had meaningful careers, retire with the hope of finding bliss in
leisure but then find that leisure has given them a life without meaning. They feel lost.
But there is no reason ever to live a single day without purpose.
Have you started planning for your retirement? If not, why? If yes, let us know
what your retirement needs and ideas are, by sending us a note at support@
And for our part, we are working to develop a host of resources to help you design
your own ideal retirement.
Ideas with lucrative part-time learning and earning opportunities that will provide
you with easy money-making avenues.
Ideas that you can implement from your home that will ultimately help you lead a
richer and fuller life in retirement.
Ideas on how to spend much less and enjoy life more every day of the year.

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Are You Planning For A Purpose?

Our retirement ideas will give you a different perspective on what to do with your
money, so the rest of your life can progress with unbridled enthusiasm.

We at Common Sense Living are committed to bringing you ideas for life and
wealth. So stay with us... and we will write more to you in our newsletter.

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Know Your Editor

Anisa Virji is the Managing Editor for Common Sense Living,
and the Wealth Builders Club India.
When she was 17 she left the comfort of her home and family
in Mumbai and travelled to the US to study.
For over a decade she traveled and lived in over 20 countries
around the world, working with international organizations,
and absorbing many cultures along the way.
In Cambodia and Indonesia she worked to build peace in post-conflict societies
and a Tsunami struck region. In China, Morocco and France she spent summers
studying the local languages, and in Turkey she researched the local culture.
She then moved back home to Mumbai to be with her family, and served as the
Director of Marketing and Communications for their business, a nationwide chain
of retail stores.
Her love of communication, and her vast global experiences, drew her to Common
Sense Living, an initiative that aspires to bring Indian readers ideas from around
the world that make their lives fuller and richer.
She has a Masters degree in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of
Pennsylvania, and one from the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London. She
completed her Bachelors degree in International Relations from Brown University

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