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Gomez 1

Mariela Gomez
Mrs. Wilkerson
30 March 2016
6th period

The ability of a human doesnt depend on ones gender

All the things I have done is just the beginning of all the things Im planning on
accomplishing in the future. Is this a true statement? The statement is true because people in
authority is place in the school system to teach and guide us how to survive in a college
atmosphere or in the real world. But in life all that you have done doesn't show all you can do.
So the big question is which one is it because Im lost. In my opinion all you do does not show
all you can do because one day you can be a falling student then turn around and be a passing
student. But in society the truth is all that you do shows all you can do. And I'll explain why.
When you go to an interview for a professional job, the first question is do you have any
experience? If the answer is no you are left jobless and moneyless. But if the answer is yes you
got a job and can produce for yourself. So tell me if that's right, show me what you can do is
always the first statement. So which one is it? All that you do show what you can do, or all you
do does not show what you can do. by Mariela Gomez. The quote relates to this novel because
thing that were done by the characters do dont really show their full potentials. From reading the
novel, Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid displays gender stereotypes, mother/ daughter relations,
and Fathers displacement among the family. Annie John is a novel about a little growing up
infatuated with death and having mother communication problems, and self-esteem difficulties.
It was several lenses that could have been done but the one that stood out the most, in relation to
the text, was the Gender/ Feminism Lens. From reading the novel, Annie John by Jamaica

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Kincaid displays gender stereotypes, mother/ daughter relations, and Fathers displacement
among the family. Further along in this paper, it will delve into each aspect listed above and why
the particular Len called gender lens was chosen and how they relate to the book.
Gender/feminist Lens is basically finding text in a novel that shows you how females are
categorized to a specific thing.
In Annie John, a book written by Jamaica Kincaid, gives some examples
of how women are minimized of their potential to produce success. For example, Annies mother
is the parent that stays home and cooks and cleans. She also shows Annie how to maintain a
house. As my mother went from pot to pot, stirring one, adding something to the other, I was
ever in her wake.As she dipped int seasoning, she would into a pot of boiling something or other
to taste for correct seasoning, she would give me a taste of it also, asking for what I
thought.(Kincaid, page 17) Why it is that Annie has to learns how to maintain a house at a
young age why is not doesnt her encourage her more about school than keeping a cleaning
home. Annie's father is the parent that works and provides money for the family. During my
holidays from school, I was allowed to stay in bed until long after my father had gone to work
He left our house every day at the stroke of seven by the Anglican church bell. (Kincaid, page
13) Another stereotype was when the father (African American male) had a child with another
woman, and left her to fend for herself and the child. Neither my mother nor my father ever
came straight out and told me anything, but I had put two and two together and I knew that it was
one the woman that my father had loved and with whom had a child or children, and who never
forgave him for marrying my mother and having me. (Kincaid, page 17) Annie's great
grandmother use to prepare her father for work in the morning by cooking and cleaning. When

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he was no longer in school and had started working , every night, after he and his grandmother
had eaten dinner, my father would go off to visit his friends. He would then return home at
around midnight and fall asleep next to his grandmother. In the morning his grandmother would
awake at half past five or so, a half hour before father, and prepare his bath and breakfast and
make everything proper and ready for him so that at seven oclock sharp he would be out the
door off to work. (Kincaid, page 23) These examples are all the ways that allow you to know
that males were dominant compared to females. For example, why is Annies father the only
working parent? It is clearly nothing wrong with the mother she can work and provide to, but
instead she is a stay at home mother. Annies great grandmother was the preparer for her father,
why is that he couldnt do those things for himself. Hes a grown man and can fend for himself
like any other living human. Going back to the quote what you do does not show what you can
do because he can do all the things that his grandmother does for himself because he is younger
and stronger. He should have some types of morals and not allow his grandmother to do too
much for him but chooses not to.
The text undermines the stereotypes because during this time when this was
wrote it was perfectly fine for the women to stay at home clean, cook, and be available for sex
whenever the men wanted. From a man's point of view they may think it is alright for a woman
to stay at home, and basically be a maid that they have intercourse with occasionally. It maybe
okay for a men to allow their wife to do this things because they grew up with seeing that the
man is the provider and the woman is the housekeeper. Or either they may feel as if its okay
because they are the one working and making money to maintain their families financial. Men
may feel because they run the household they can prevent the mother from working because she

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wouldnt make as much as him. Or men may feel as if the mother should stay and maintain the
house and kids so they won't miss out on anything from their children childhood because a child
and mother bond is the most important thing as well as disciplining. They may also feel like if
the mother is not so much present in children life as much as she is suppose to be and bother
more with work more than with her kids that they wont receive the love they need from a
mother, and be lost or looking for it in different directions where do feel loved. Another reason
why men may not want to take the risk for their child looking for love in the wrong places is
because they can end up in the wrong places and punished for their life decision they were
forced to make just for the feel of love.
The world today feels like everyone should have their very own independence so
they wont have anyone to blame anyone for their failures and struggles.They may feel everyone
should have their own independences but, they dont pay like it. For example at age 30, both
women and men have experienced a wage growth of almost exactly 60 percent, meaning the
typical man would be earning $65,300 and typical women would be earning $51,000. Typical
jobs for women are registered nurses, elementary teachers, and human resource administrators.
Typical men jobs are software developers, project manager constructions, and computer system
administrators. In many ways its kind of messed up how women dont get paid as much as men
but, they still have the freedom to work and make money. So the bright side of women
independences making money.
In the novel Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid they gave an example of how men
affect the mother and child by leaving. The results of Annies father stepping out on his baby
mother made her want to harm Annie and her mother.It was one of those women who were

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always trying to harm my mother and me.(Kincaid, page 17). When seeing that he had a family
probably made her even more mad and make her want to resolve with violence. Which is not
okay and not the answer to any situation, but at the moment it probably brought up bad memories
from the past and it made her feel less of a women because he went and created a new family. Or
Annies dad may have left his baby mother broke because he was the providing for the
household while, she was maintaining it. Sixty- five percent of black African American males
leave their household and see their child at least once a month.The results of Annies father
leaving his baby mother broke made her mad and want to harm his second family. Annies
mother decision to be a housewife for the father is stupid, because if he left one of the women's
that he had a child with who is to say that he wouldnt leave you and allow you to struggle as
In conclusion,women depending heavily on a man might be a bad habit
you would have to break out of. Ladies its okay youll learn because youre going to realize
that you always want to have your independences because at any given time a man can leave you
and go produce for someone else. In this world today you cant trust anyone for their word
because they can go back on it because no one is perfect. Okay its not bad to have a husband
thats a provider but to always have to ask him for your wants is annoying. Also to always have
worry if he leaves how I am going to live comfy and fight in court for the custody of the kids and
if youre not fit for the job you will lose your kids and an opportunity to be a mother for the
kids. Women, I understand that you would like to please your husband, but dont let him
minimize your independences. Please ladies never forget that youre very much capable of
running your own household as well as a men. In the process of reading Annie John, I found

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some real life examples of things that go on today in our everyday life. This book was very
interesting and very grateful choosing to read it. It made my eyes open to many more point of
views and shined some light on some problems that still go on in the world today as we know it.

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Work cited
Annie John

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