Employability Interview

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Name: Johnny Lemus Date ________ Period A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
1. What job are you applying for? _Construction ___________________
2. Why do you think you want this particular kind of job?
1. _I enjoys building things.
2._I like working with others
3._I like to help others if they need it
3. What talents or special skills do you have relevant to this job?
1._I can sometimes get the job done and organize
2._I have some good techniques to finish the job
4. What kind of working experience do you have?
1._I helped my dad building a shed
2._And helped my dad build a little house in Tulsa
5. What are your future plans and goals?
1._To graduate high school with a 3.5 GPA or higher.
2._Also to graduate college with a good degree
6. What extra curricular activities do you participate in?
1._Play soccer
2._Help some people
3._Like to fish
7. What hours are you willing to work and when are you not available?
1.__8am to 5pm
2.__7am to 3pm
8. Do you prefer working with other people or by yourself and why?
_I prefer to work with other people. Because if you need help with something they can
give you a hand and help you with anything. And you can even sometimes make friends
with them.

9. What are your strongest work values?

1._I can encourage people to finish the job even if they dont want to.
2._I would help them if they need it

Name: Johnny Lemus Date ________ Period A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills

10. Are you willing to relocate with our company if necessary? Why?
__Yes, because I would be getting a higher position of the job and I would get pay a
little bit better than the job I had before.

11. How much money do you expect to begin earning with this job?
__$10.25 an hour
What are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
1._I would respect my peers around me
2._I would work my hardest
3._I will get the job done
13. What are your weaknesses?
1._Sometimes I can be afraid of heights when we build
2._I can get nervous to if I dont get the job done well.
14. What do you not like doing with this kind of work?
1._Sometimes it can be dangerous what you are doing
2._you can get hurt badly with a tool
3._Sometimes you dont know what you are doing.
15. What questions would you like to ask me about this job?
1._How much do they pay?
2._How far do you go to build?
16. If you were stranded on a desert island by yourself what three things would you want
to have with you and why?
1._Water ______________________________________________________________
2._Food ______________________________________________________________

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