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The Four-Process Approach

Concept Covered: The digestive system can be studied using an approach that looks at
four basic processes of which the digestive system is capable and how those processes are
applied in the specific sections of the digestive system.
Grade Level: 11-12

Standards Covered:
CO.HS.2.3: Cellular metabolic activities are carried out by biomolecules produced by
CO.HS.2.5: Cells use passive and active transport of substances across membranes to
maintain relatively stable internal environments.
HS-LS1-6: Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form
amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.
Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to discuss the different aspects of the digestive system using
the four-process approach.


Document camera

Prepare any slides or images you may wish to use prior to class.
I do all of my notes with students on the document camera.
Hook: Give students an overview reviewing where we have been and where
were going.
1. Ask students what the digestive system does.
a. Lead with questions like the following:
i. What happens to food?
ii. How does food travel through the digestive system?
iii. What is the purpose of the digestive system?
b. Make a list of what the students brainstorm to be the roles of the
digestive system
2. Notes. Follow the outline below:

a. Epithelial cells line the entire digestive tract from the mouth to the anus





b. Epithelial have two sides

i. Apical
1. Faces the lumen or inside of stomach, intestines, etc.
ii. Basilar
1. Sits on basal lamina
a. AKA Basement membrane
a. Movement in the digestive system
i. Because of muscle movement
1. Examples
a. Churning, peristalsis
a. What is an exocrine gland?
i. A gland whose secretions reach the outside world
1. Examples
a. Salivary gland, sweat gland, mammary gland
ii. Parts
1. Duct cells
2. Surface Epithelial
iii. Secrete ions and water will follow
a. Chemical breakdown of macromolecules
b. What macromolecules are digested?
i. Proteins
1. Into amino acids
2. Has directionality
a. Amine terminus
b. Carboxy terminus
ii. Carbohydrates
1. Into glucose
2. Examples
a. Starch, sugars, etc.
iii. Fats (lipids)
1. Into glycerol and fatty acids
a. Uptake of nutrients
b. Occurs mainly in the small intestine.
o Exit ticket: Ask students to brainstorm where they may see the four
processes of digestion in the mouth, esophagus and/or stomach.


Provide notes for students who need this accommodation.

Allow time for students to ask extension questions.

Anticipated misconceptions:

Some students may think that digestion and absorption are synonymous
Some students may think that digestion is the overarching term for everything that
happens in the digestive system.
Some students may confuse chemical breakdown (digestion) and mechanical
breakdown (motility)

Exit ticket: students should show a basic understanding of what
the four processes are to apply them to the mouth, esophagus
and stomach.

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