Syllabus CP 12

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Smith ELA
Ext 2108
Teacher Site:
Office Hours: Tuesdays after school or by appoinment
ELA 405 College Preparatory British Literature 12 FULL YEAR 1 CREDIT This
section of Senior British Literature examines the literary and cultural origins of British
Literature with a major emphasis on thematic exploration. The reading selections are
arranged chronologically and trace the development of British Literature up to the present.
Several major works will be read with analytical writing and projects assigned regularly. A
variety of practical as well as literature-based writing assignments will allow students to
hone their writing skills in preparation for college and career readiness. A course expectation
is that students will read approximately 20 pages per night.

Materials Needed:
Three Ring binder with dividers, notebook paper, writing utensils
Angelas Ashes Frank McCourt
1984 George Orwell
The Importance of Being Ernest Oscar Wilde
The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
Othello William Shakespeare
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
Short fiction a history of British writers from the Dark Ages to the present

Habits of work make up twenty percent of the grade. There are four habits of
work which lead to student success in this class. They are as follows:
1. Come to class ready to learn. This includes being at your desk on time
and working on the Do Now when the final bell rings.
2. Actively and collaboratively participate in class. Class participation is
crucial to success in this class.
3. Assess and revise my work. Assess and revising entails completing
drafts and self-reflections.
4. Complete daily homework. If absent make sure and hand in homework
the day you return for credit.
Students will be graded on a daily basis on at least one of the habits of work.
The remaining eighty percent of the grade will be based on:
1. On demand open responses these are prompts given for the class
period to test knowledge of material and skills learned throughout the
Two grades will be entered, one for grammar and organization, one for
2. Essays and creative writing
Two grades will be entered, one for grammar and organization, one for
3. Final unit tests
Daily Classes
Do Now Every day a Do Now will be posted on the board. It will vary from
day to day. Students are expected to complete the Do Now and keep in their
notebooks to be used for larger projects. A do Now will either test knowledge
or present new material.

Agenda Walk The agenda for the class period will be read.
Mini Lesson A short lesson will be taught, either on grammar, writing, or
other various topics.
Application Students will be expected to take the skills used in the mini
lesson and complete work using those skills. Activities vary from day to day.
Debrief The days work will be summarized and students will assess their
understanding of the material.

Absences and Late Work

If absent work must be made up the next day. Check the teacher site for
work and resources. You are responsible for making up any missed work. You
can always email me for materials as well.
Late work will be docked points for each day late. You may email all work if
you are planning an absence. Extenuating circumstances do arise and I am
always willing to work with you, provided you make prior arrangements.
Plagiarism: Will not be tolerated.
For more information on how to avoid plagiarism, visit the Purdue OWL site:

Have a Great Year

You must read, you must persevere, you must sit up nights, you must inquire, and exert the utmost
power of your mind. If one way does not lead to the desired meaning, take another; if obstacles arise,
then still another; until, if your strength holds out, you will find that clear which at first looked
Giovanni Boccaccio

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