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Mariela I.

Mrs. Wilkerson
August 21, 2015
British Lit.

Pathway to a Successful Lifestyle

As a child, being told to be a leader and not a follower eventually became
an earworm and inspiration to me. My parents and family members raise me up
instilling those words to me every day, so know my goal is to become a pilot for
the U.S. Air force. The requirement to become a cadet is to obtain a high school
diploma, to physically fit and ready, and to score a 50 or higher on the ASVAB.
The steps I will take to become a cadet are to study for the ASVAB test with a
book supplied from the library. After successfully accomplish passing with a 50 or
higher. I will be able register for enlistment to the Air force. My starting salary for
basic training is $846 a month.
To be enlisted in the Air Force from the ages of 17-18 year olds you need to
be the height of 65 inches without shoes and must weigh 183 pounds or less and be
fit. To be physically fit means you have to be able to run 2 miles in 22:43 min, 1.5
mile run in 16:01, 21 Push-Ups and, 38 Sit-Ups. After meeting all the requirements
and steps, I will then reflect the tools that I need to be enlisted and do basic
training. After basic training I can start my career in the Air Force. One of my goal
was Im enlisted is to go to military college to obtain a bachelor degree and to be a

Mariela I. Gomez
Mrs. Wilkerson
August 21, 2015
British Lit.

pilot. After serving 4 years in the air force my starting salary would be $2,828.40
per month for being a pilot. After 15 years in the service my end goal is to retire
and branch off and become an entrepreneur for my different businesses.

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