Test Retake Policy

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Anchor Bay Middle School Social Studies

Retake/Test Correction Policy

Who is eligible to make test corrections?

All students are able to make test corrections to earn a half point back for each
point lost on the original assessment.

When will test corrections be done?

Test corrections will take place before or after school within the Testing
The test corrections must be done in the Testing Center the next week upon
the assessment being returned to the student.

What must be done prior to arriving at the Testing Center to make test
1. There must be a parent signature on the original assessment.
2. All homework must be completed. Homework completed beyond the five day
homework policy will not be rewarded points, but must be completed to be eligible
to make test corrections.
3. Relearning of the concepts must take place. The teacher will assign at least one of
the following activities to restructure knowledge:
Create flashcards
Make an outline or other note taking strategy
Quizlett (play games/quiz/test) You will need to print the screen to
provide proof of your study.

Social Studies: Test Correction Form

Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: _____ Hour: ____
Teacher: ______________________

Original Score: _________

Test Correction is scheduled for: _______________________ (Before School /After School)

in the Testing Center.
The test corrections must be done in the Testing Center the next week upon the
assessment being returned to the student.

Required learning activities:

_______ Create flashcards
_______ Make an outline or other note taking strategy
_______ Quizlett (play games/quiz/test) You will need to print the screen to provide proof of
your study.
_______ Other: ____________________________________________________________
_______ All homework has been completed

Please attach the following to this form before arriving to the Testing Center to take
make your test corrections:
1. Original Test with parent signature
2. Required learning activities

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