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Leonora Demirovic

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1102
17 Feb. 2016
Theories of Justice Applied to Black Lives Matter
As children we are taught to hold ourselves accountable for our decisions. We are taught
the basic functions of causation and effect, action and consequence. As individuals we are
generally aware of what is right, what is wrong, and what is just. But what happens when you are
punished for an action that you are not responsible for? Up until recently I have been blind to
the injustice that is plaguing our nation. College is meant to teach us many things, upper level
arithmetic, the ancient history behind civilization and most of all, college is meant to teach
students how to inquire. We have always been taught to be submissive to authority, but now we
are encouraged to question it.
There is an extensive amount of information I have yet to tap into on this topic. It is a
conversation I would like to observe and attempt to understand the dynamics of before
formulating my own conclusions on.
This inquiry question is an enormous monster that has been floating around in my head
since the Freddie Gray murder. I have always wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of
a crime so incredibly profound. How could a man be held accountable for his own death, at the
hands of others? In recent years, the Black Lives Matter movement has taken our nations leaders
by their collars and has questioned why discrimination is still so prevalent in our policing and
courts systems.

The Black Lives Matter movement has been called the modern day civil rights
movement. Although there are globally pressing issues weighing down on our nation,
establishing equal rights and a criminal processing system that strives towards creating justice,
not running away from it. is of utmost importance within domestic policy.

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