Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions: Ecuador 2017

1. What is the room situation like while at the hotels?

Students will stay in rooms of two, three, four or five depending on the hotel. It is the
policy of ACIS (the travel company) that every student has their own bed. Furthermore,
girls will only room with girls, and boys will only room with boys. Girls and boys
are not allowed in the same room at the same time.
2. Who will take care of the passports?
The chaperones will carry the passports and keep them in a safe place during travel. Your
student will not have to worry about this. The chaperones will also make a laminated copy
of each passport so the students can carry this around with them at all times. It is also a
good idea for the student to take his/her GSMST student card, drivers license, or another
form of ID.
3. How many chaperones will there be?
This depends on the size of the group. If the group is 12-17 students, there will be two
chaperones. If the group is 18-20 students, there will be three chaperones.
4. How many students will go on the trip?
We are capping the student group number at 20.
5. Can I stay in contact with my child while he/she is in Ecuador?
Yes! You can. Most places we will go to will have Wi-Fi. Your child can check in with you
when we are done with the days activities through text, video chat or call. The group
leader will also email the parents each night with a brief updated on the days activities.
6. Does my student need to be vaccinated?
This is your decision. It is a good idea to check in with the CDC for what are the
recommended vaccinations and talk with your pediatrician and/or school nurse.
7. Will my student be registered with the US Embassy in Ecuador for this trip?
Yes! Ms. Vega will register each child before departure.
8. What behavior is expected of my child while abroad?
Since this is a GSMST trip, the students are expected to follow the school code of conduct.
9. Can the trip accommodate special diets / food allergies?
Absolutely. Ms. Vega needs to know of these special accommodations before the trip, and
will help with this.

Does my student need a visa to travel to Ecuador?

If your child has a US passport that is valid for 6 months after the travel dates, no. If your
child will not be traveling with a US passport, please check with Ms. Vega.
Will there be a tour guide?
Yes! We will have a tour guide that is native to Ecuador and an expert! He/She will be
bilingual. As a group, we will get to decide how much Spanish / English we will use. The
tour guide will be with us from the time we land in Quito till the time we depart from
What will the accommodations be like?

All the hotels the ACIS uses, are three and four star hotels. Ecuador is not a third world
country, but students need to realize that the accommodations will be different than what
they are used to in the US. This is a part of the cultural experience.
What does my student need to pack?
Ms. Vega will provide a detailed list as the departure date nears. However, the rule is, you
should only pack as much as you can carry. The less the better as we will be changing
hotels every 1-2 nights.
How should I send money with my student?
You can send your student with cash, a debit card, or a money card they can use at an
ATM. It is a good idea to have your student carry some cash just in case. ($50)
What is the currency in Ecuador?
Ecuador uses the US dollar! This makes it much easier as there is no need to exchange
money! They use the US bills, but have their own coins (centavos).

What else will my student need to pay for while there?

All breakfasts and all but one dinners are paid for in the trip package. Your student will
need to buy 5 days of lunch and one day of dinner. They may also want to purchase
snacks and souvenirs.

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