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Module 10

Financial Reporting & Audit

Financial Reporting

Purpose of Harmonized Formats

To review the overall performance and progress of a JP

Donors Government & Agencies need financial reports

Harmonized formats help facilitate the preparation of the reports

Types of Harmonized Financial Reporting Formats

3 Types:

1. Financial Progress Reports

2. Certified Statement of Income and Expenditure

3. Sources and Uses of Funds Report

These formats can be found in the Harmonised Financial

Reporting to Donors in Joint Programmes, on the UNDG Website
Parallel Fund Management

JPs with Parallel Fund Management, agencies prepare

Annual Financial Reports

Final Financial Reports

These reports are submitted to the JP SC

Pooled Fund Management

MA prepares

Annual Financial Reports

Final Financial Reports

Final Certified Statement of Income and Expenditure at the end of the J

MA submits to the JP SC, for submission to donors.

Pass-through Fund Management

Each agency prepares

Annual Financial Reports

Final Financial Reports

Final Certified Statement of Income and Expenditure for its

components of the programme
The participating agencies submit these reports to the AA

AA then prepares consolidated/aggregated Financial Progress Reports and

a consolidated/aggregated Certified Statement of Income and Expenditure.

AA also prepares a Sources and Uses of Funds Report on its activities as AA

The AA submits these reports to the JP SC and donors.

What if donors do not accept the reporting format ?

3 harmonised formats were developed from existing reports used by agencies

These formats are to be used as guidance

Some donors request the use of different formats, or request more frequent

JP SC Mechanisms may also request more frequent reporting.

Types and frequency of formats will need to be negotiated in the setup design of
the JP
Audit under the 3 funding arrangements

Each agency is responsible for auditing its own contribution to the JP based on its
existing rules & regulations

To be conducted in accordance with the respective agencies’ requirements.
The audits conducted by the MA’s internal/external auditors should be
considered acceptable to all agencies contributing to the pool.

Each agency is responsible for auditing its own contribution to the JP based on its
existing rules & regulations
Audit opinions of the agencies should be accepted by the other all other agencies
End Module 10

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