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According to World History: The human experience, by the historians Farah

and Karls,
Who first held the power of the Qin Dynasty was Qin Shi Huang
who imposed new order on China.
The ruler of this era, Qin Shi Huang wanted
to conquer the warring states This emperor succeeded and China was one nation
once more. He overpowered local owners by increasing taxes to landowners. Instead
of having a nobles he had someone(men) who were educated. Qin Shi Huang who
created Qin Dynasty, held too much power alone and The Qin dynasty was the first
man to control all of China.
Punishment for those who disagreed with him was
swift and harsh. You would be executed suggested to do things differently
than the ruler. There was only Qin's way.
So when Qin Dynasty encountered
troubles after his death, there was no one who could replace the harsh tyrant to
solve the problem.

After the establishment of the Qin dynasty, he forcibly moved 120,000

influential and wealthy families from all parts of the country to...forcing them
to move far away from their homes.
(from Document C) This would cause
anybody to become bitter and angry so of course Qins subjects saw him as a cruel
tyrant. Nobles were angry, scholars detested him, peasants hated his forced labor

In Document A it states,
Nobles were angry because he had destroyed
the aristocracy;scholars detested him for the burning of the books; and
peasants hated his forced-labor gangs.
He had changed the way the people lived
and many found it for the worst. They did not find these changes appealing for they
were being restricted so much under his rule. He executed 460 scholars who had
resisted against his decision to burn all books other than those on certain subjects.
In Document B, Jia Yi pointed out that the a common person was able to topple
this dynasty and leave the ruler to die by the hand of others because the emperor
lacked humaneness and rightness. The emperor treated his people cruelly and
harshly. He oppressed the people,filled prisons with those who opposed his
decisions, and he increased the taxation on them. He did not gain the appreciation
of the people and only breed their hate for him. Since he did not effectively act
against the revolt that ensued, as stated in Document C, his downfall was secured.

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