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29 April 2016


Guided Notes: Europe after the Fall of Rome

As the ______________ fell the various groups that invaded and
settled the land developed and created their own states, dividing
Europe into smaller kingdoms.
The creation of these small kingdoms marked the beginning of the
__________ which lasted from about 500 CE till about 1500 CE.
Another name for this period of time is the _________________
which comes from the Latin word for Middle Ages.
At the beginning of this age most of these new kingdoms were not
_________ unless they were a part of the former Roman Empire.
Christianity slowly spread throughout Europe due to ________
and _____________________
Over the years ________________________sent out
missionaries to teach and convert the northern parts of Europe.
While missionaries traveled to spread Christianity Monks were
religious men who lived apart from society in
These isolated communities were called _________________.
_____________ was a Monk and a Missionary who converted the
Irish to Christianity.
Legend says that he won the Irish peoples favor by driving the
____________ out into the sea.
But actually there were never any ____________ in Ireland
He was declared a ____________ by the people of Ireland
Most European Monasteries followed a set of rules created by an
Italian Monk named ____________.
This rule was called __________________

29 April 2016


______________ had a big influence on Europe

They performed many _____________ inside and outside of the
Gave _______ to the community such as health care for the poor.
Ran _____________ and copied books for those who couldnt
read or write
Collected and saved ________________ from Greece and Rome
Served as _____________ and advisors to local rulers
They also spread ________________
In the 480s the Franks conquered Gaul, which is the area that is
now France, under a strong ruler named ______________ he
was the first leader of the Franks.
As strong as Clovis was the strongest leader of the Franks was
______________________who became leader in the late 700s
To build his empire, Charlemagne spent much of his time at ____.
He led his armies into battle against many neighboring kingdoms
and _______________ them.
By the time he was finished Charlemagnes empire included
modern day France and parts of _______, Austria, Italy and Spain
Charlemagne was the first _______________________
On Christmas day ____________________ crowned him since
he was Christian and had conquered part of old Roman Empire
This title symbolized a return of the greatness of the
Other that war Charlemagne also liked schools and built many
_______________ across Europe.

29 April 2016


He also brought scholars to his capital of _______________ (In

western Germany)
Muslim, Viking, and ____________ armies all started to invade
and attack Europe.
___________ raided Britain, Ireland, and other parts of Western
They looted towns and monasteries and took prisoners to sell into
The attacks were swift and savage and could happen deep inland
because of the Vikings _________.

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