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Dear Mr.

My name is Rachel Charlow Lenz. Im currently working toward a
Masters in Teaching from Drake University and have been acting as
your daughters student teacher since January 25th.
I am writing to confirm that your daughter [name redacted] has
retaken the lesson 5 vocabulary quiz and scored a 17/21 (81%, a B-).
As you know, this is a significant improvement on her first effort and
should boost her overall grade. However, please be advised that while
[name redacted] is always welcome to retake vocabulary quizzes, kanji
quizzes, and speaking tests, the upcoming written exam will only be
offered once. It is in [name redacted]s best interests to be prepared
for the test next Wednesday. That said, I also want to reassure you
both that a poor exam score will not necessarily cause irreparable
damage to [name redacted]s grade. Written exam scores can be offset
by homework, quizzes, speaking tests, and projects. I have seen how
hard [name redacted] works to improve her Japanese, and I know that
written exams are not always the best form of assessment to reflect
student growth. Please be assured that [name redacted] will have
other means and opportunities to show how much shes improved. Her
efforts will not go unrewarded. If she continues to work as she has this
past week, I believe you will see significant improvement in her grades
by semesters end.
If you have any questions or concerns, please dont hesitate to contact
me. I can be reached via email at
Rachel Charlow Lenz

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