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Girls Press

(The Best Press Ran By Girls)





There are so many dogs in the world but

today we are going to learn more about
the Golden Retriever. Golden Retrievers
range from white to red colored. The
Golden Retriever was a breed for
hunting, the first Golden Retriever in
the world was from Germany. Golden
Retrievers make great service dogs from
pulling people in wheel chairs to being
diabetic response dogs.

This week is teacher Appreciation week

they have a lunch in for the teachers on
(Thursday May 5) you can bring in food
for the lunch in to help the PTO . If you
Appreciate your teacher you should get
them something this week . Your
teacher works so hard to teach you .
Monday "V.I.P. day" , Tuesday "Behind
the scenes day" , Wednesday "Fan mail"
Thursday "Autograph day " , Friday "Hats
off " ! Help your teacher out next week
, By doing something nice! Hope you
appreciate your teacher!

-Katelyn Kraemer



This week I interviewed a sweet little

girl in Mrs. Christopoulos's class. Her
name is Olivia, Olivia's favorite special
in school is gym. She also loves to play
with blocks during indoor recess. Olivia's
favorite show to watch is Paw Patrol
and her favorite animal is a lion. her
favorite food to eat is apples she loves
to eat them at lunch time and at home.
Finally Olivia's favorite color is blue and
her birthday is September 14 2010. If
You ask me Olivia is a very interesting
- Gabriella Gueccia

Sees a
a Giant

-Addison Simpson

4 days ago at NASA astronomers saw out of

the Hubble Space Telescope, a Hubble
image of an enormous bubble being blown
into space by a super-hot, massive star. The
Hubble image of the Bubble Nebula, or NGC
7635, was chosen to mark the 26th
anniversary of the launch of Hubble into
Earth orbit by the STS-31 space shuttle crew
on April 24, 1990. The Bubble Nebula is
seven light-years acrossabout one-and-ahalf times the distance from our sun to its
nearest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri,
and resides 7,100 light-years from Earth in
the constellation Cassiopeia.

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