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Technology Integration Matrix

The goal is to promote technology integration that is seamless and that adds significant value to students learning of core
curriculum (language arts, math, social studies, and science content). You will investigate theoretical and practical issues
surrounding the use of multimedia, applications, Internet resources, educational software, and hardware within K-12 classrooms.
The Technology Integration Matrix is to assist preservice educators in making connections between theories, resources, content,
and pedagogy.
Learning Objective
Students will analyze projects completed in class on the Technology Integration Matrix to demonstrate the relationships between
theories, content, technology, and pedagogy.
Course Objectives
2. Integrate technology into curriculum and pedagogy for ALL students.
4. Describe appropriate uses of technologies (Internet, multimedia, communication tools, etc.) in learning environments.
Skills Development
5. Apply information literacy skills (including searching and evaluation strategies) while using electronic resources.
6. Locate, analyze, and contribute to information from Web 2.0 sources.
Teaching with Technology
12.Research, teach, and publish ways to use innovative technology in education.
1. Read all information (introduction, objectives, explanations, the matrix)
2. Compare the concept, project, or method to the matrix.
3. Fill in how and why the concept, project, or method applies to the theory and standard and provide suggestions for use.
4. Write a five sentence reflection describing more detail or providing clarification for the information you filled in on the
5. Load the matrix to the appropriate dropbox in BlackBoard and post it to the matrix page on your ePortfolio.
Explanation of Standards
Colorado Academic Standards were created by the Colorado Department of Education to increase student performance in K-12
education and success post high school. The standards create accountability and are a topical organization of material in multiple
content areas. Every grade level has several standards for each content area designed to provide clarity and direction.
The standard elements include:

Prepared Graduate Competencies


Grade Level Expectations or High School Expectations

Evidence Outcomes
21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies

Explanation of ISTE Standards for Teachers and Students
ISTE is The International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE created technology standards for teachers and students in K-12
education to assist learning in a digital society, because technology has forever changed the way teaching and learning occur.
The benefits of using the ISTE Standards include:
Improving higher-order thinking skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking and creativity
Preparing students for their future in a competitive global job market
Designing student-centered, project-based and online learning environments
Guiding systemic change in our schools to create digital places of learning
Inspiring digital age professional models for working, collaborating and decision making
Explanation of Educational Theories
Education theory is the theory of the purpose, application and interpretation of education and learning. It largely an umbrella
term, being comprised of a number of theories, rather than a single explanation of how we learn, and how we should teach.
Rather, it is affected by several factors, including theoretical perspective and epistemological position.
There is no one, clear, universal explanation of how we learn and subsequent guidebook as to how we should teach. Rather, there
are a range of theories, each with their background in a different psychological and epistemological tradition. To understand
learning then, we have to understand the theories, and the rationale behind them.

You may agree or disagree with theories presented, but knowing and understanding if they have any value to add to your
pedagogy, and if they are in alignment with your teaching and technology integration philosophies, is vital to your preparation for
becoming an educator. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts and theories presented, please take the time to follow the links for
further information.
Explanation of Differentiation
Technology can be the great equalizer. In a classroom of 30 students, how will you meet the diverse needs of students?
Technology is one method to assist you in making this process a bit easier. Differentiation is modifying instruction to help
students with diverse academic needs and learning styles to master the same academic content using engaging techniques and
methods. As you complete projects for this class, you need to think of how they can be adjusted for gifted and talented students,
students with physical disabilities, and students with learning disabilities.

Technology Integration Matrix

Colorado Academic


for Students


1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

While teaching
about the
behind the basic
concepts of
mathematics, as a
teacher I can use
primary sources
to map out the
locations of where
they lived and
worked. This will
be for older
children most
likely and this can
be used in a cross
curricular activity
with history as

Students will
understand the
history of certain
mathematicians by
using primary sources
to interpret their lives
and influence on the
math culture.

Standard 3.a

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic
3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability

Students can come

up with data from
across the country
about the
population that
drinks Starbucks
coffee and come up
with statistics from
each state and map
it on Google Trek.
The students will
have percentages of
each states
population that
drinks it and then
they map it out by
state. This will be
interactive and
could possibly be

Students analyze by
organizing their data
they calculate about
percentages in the
populations of the
different states.


Student Use


used in a cross
curricular situation
with geography so
the students
become more
familiar with the
Standard 2.a

4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric
Reading, Writing, and Communicating
1. Oral Expression and
2. Reading for All

During a non
fiction section of
reading, possibly
in 6th grade, the
teacher will assign
a project where
they read a book
about the
railroad and map
out using Google
Trek the journey
the people went
on. This way the
teacher can see
how well the
students are
interpreting the
text being read
and also teach
them the
needed for the
project as well.

The students will

apply their learning of
the Underground
Railroad by
implementing their
learning and
understanding of their

Standard 2.a

3. Writing and
4. Research and

Using primary
resources is perfect
for a research
project that
students would
prepare in a writing
class. They could be

Students will create a

presentation using
primary sources and
constructing an oral
report using these

learning about a
famous American
author and use
primary sources to
help them with their
research and
information about
that author. Then
they can do an oral
presentation and
show the primary
sources on the
projector to help
with the project.
Standard 2.b

Social Studies
1. History

Primary sources
are meant to be
used in history.
Most historical
events that
teachers will
teach will include
primary sources.
Especially when
teachers teach
about the history
of government.
Some primary
sources that could
be used include
actual documents
like the
Declaration of
Independence and
letters written to
and from various
founding fathers.

The students will

analyze the lives of
past presidents by
organizing documents
from their lives and
presenting them to
their class using
primary sources.

Standard 1.b

2. Geography

Geography is the
most appropriate
subject to use
Google Trek with in
the classroom.
There are endless
activities to teach
students about
locations within the
world and then
having them map it

Students will analyze

the capitals of the 50
states by organizing
them onto the map on
Google Trek.

out using Google

Trek. An example
would be learning
all of the state
capitals and having
them map out all of
the locations of the
capitals on the 50
Standard 3.b

3. Economics
4. Civics
1. Physical Science
2. Life Science

When teaching
about the food
chain and
different animals,
the teacher can
use Google Trek to
map out the
locations of the
animals the
students are
learning about.
They can then
better learn about
the climates,
locations, and the
types of animals
in certain areas.

Students will
understand where
animals live and
thrive by comparing
their lifestyles to other
animals while learning
about food chains.

Standard 3.c

3. Earth Systems

When learning
about the Ring of
Fire, students can
map out all of the
volcanoes and hot
spots on Google
Trek and be able to
see for themselves
how the Ring of Fire
is arranged.

Students will be able

to apply their
knowledge about
volcanoes by
implementing their
knowledge using
Google Trek to map
out the Ring of Fire.

Standard 3.a

Learning Disabilities EEOs

Physical Disabilities

Gifted/ Talented

Google Trek can be

helpful for the
students who have
difficulties with
writing or reading
maps. They can
zoom in closer or
farther to make
more sense of the
world itself and
better explain over
typing why they
think that places go
where they need to
without having to
draw borders or
write small to fit in
all of the cities of a
Teachers can
assign extra
projects that add
in primary sources
when other
students are not
yet advanced to
comprehend some
of the concepts
within the
sources. For
example, if other
students are
doing projects on
past presidents,
then gifted and
talented students
would be required
to add in primary
sources to their
projects on top of
the research

This was the most difficult matrix I have constructed this semester. Primary sources and Google Trek are fantastic resources, but
mainly focuses on the history and geography aspects of learning, making it difficult to think of projects integrating them into
other subjects. If I can easily do a cross curricular lesson with history and another subject, then these resources become more

appropriate for the contexts. It was interesting to look through the primary source websites in general, and I believe that these
resources will help me in my future lesson planning greatly.

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