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Katelyn Kister

Job Shadow- Pharmacist


Vern Shaffer
1.) Mr. Shaffer became interested in Pharmacy when he was younger and went to
his community pharmacy and talked to the pharmacists.
2.) He describes a typical work day is very hectic, crazy, and stressful.
3.) His job duties consist of supervising the technicians, patient consultations,
answering calls, and double checking prescriptions before they are handed
4.) The best educational preparation for this field is sciences. Chemistry is a
major science to focus on also including anatomy and life physics. Mr. Shaffer
attended the University of Southern California but also recommends the
University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University .
5.) Skills for this type of job consist of organization, communication, focus, and
time management.
6.) Personal attributes consist of being a people person and having patience.
7.) Mr. Shaffer explains himself as outgoing and a people person.
8.) His favorite part of his job is working with the staff and with the people.
9.) Some difficulties in this job include the changes with health care and
government programs. He explains that the changes are just the way it is.
The future job outlook is very good especially for women.
There are many advancement opportunities including team leaders
and management.
There are no comparable job titles but when you acquire your
pharmacy degree what you do with that can branch out into many areas.
Mr. Shaffer said that State Pharmacy Association and APA are just a few
of the organizations in this field.
In order to make an informed decision about this job, he said to
consider the pros and cons.

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