Tanka and Haiku Poetry Outdoor Writing Activity1

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Tanka and Haiku Poetry: Outdoor Poetry Project

As we take a walk in the woods, remember to put your nature thinking cap on.
You are to be in harmony with nature, so make sure the cell phones are away, you
QUIETLY observe, do not litter, and leave natural items as they appear. Think about
the questions below as we quietly walk through the woods. We will stop about 1015 minutes into the woods and sit while you reflect and write on these questions
and begin writing your poetry. You will lose points for talking with others or
showing any signs of immaturity.
What natural objects capture your attention (stream, leaves, bug, cloud,
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Look at the object closely, what do you notice about the color, shape, smell,
feel, and sound of the object?
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Now write 3 Haiku poems and 2 Tanka poems. Each poem must be about a
different object in nature. Haiku and Tanka poems must focus on nature and have
a peaceful theme. (Dont squash the beautiful bug youre describing at the end of
the poem!)
Tanka-5, 7, 5, 7, 7 Syllable Arrangement
Tanka Example :
Droplets fall softly
Puddle forms with water drops
Ping and patter sound
Fresh scent of rain fills the air
Spring arrives with great beauty
Haiku- 5, 7, 5 Syllable Arrangement

Haiku Example :
Quiet trails in the woods
Lead through jeweled pine forests
Scented statues rise
Write your Practice poems on the back of this sheet. Final Poems must be
neatly written in ink or typed on computer/construction paper. Poems must
contain colorful and neat decorations.

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