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Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS)

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (third edition) is designed to

assess group programs for preschool-kindergarten aged children, from 2 through 5
years of age. Scale consists of 43 items organized into seven subscales which are
space and furnishings, personal care routines, language-reasoning, activities,
interactions, program structure, and parents and staff. The understanding of what
the ECERS assessment is to designed to assess process quality in an early childhood or
school age care group, and to protect the childrens health and safety and most
importantly is building positive relationship.

This assessment supports childrens development be making sure that the

environment is safe and supportive for developmentally appropriate learning to
take place. Learning opportunities should provide hands on, concrete experiences
that children are interested in. children should be involved in keeping their
environment safe and clean for everyone. The environment help children
developmentally if they are giving quality and appropriate experiences that are not
over stimulating and in their right zine of proximal development. ECERS can
support and guide a classroom or program by providing appropriate guidelines that
best support the child in the environment.
By using the ECERS assessment at my site, I learned that its very important
to have positive relationships with everyone working in the classroom especially the
children. By building these relationships with staff, children, community and
families I learning that you are not alone other people are there to help you. This
assessment helps not only the teachers but the childrens environment by making
sure it is developmentally appropriate for them.

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