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LESSON 1: Social Media Introduction

Grade 11 English- Social Justice Portfolio: Part I

Focus Standard:

Additional Standards Addressed:

Powerpoint Link:

Writing Into the Day: Think about a time something impacted you when you saw
it on social media. What made it have that impact? What was your reaction? (5
Examine past social media communication of its time (propaganda posters)
focusing on the issue of slavery. Compare and contrast to modern posters
dealing with human trafficking.
Note: Model on board with Example 1, Examples 2-3 done in groups.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3 (dependent on time):

Discussion Questions:
Elements of rhetorical situation (audience, writer, purpose, context).
What stands out to you when looking at these different posters?
What similarities and differences do you see?
Why dont we use the same kind of posters now as we did in the past? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of both methods?
(20 min)
Discussion handout link:

Additional Activity (dependent on time): Students look up modern anti-slavery

movements on social media (i.e. End It Movement, IJM, Invisible Children, A21,
etc.) to examine ways they represent the issue of slavery on different platforms
(Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
Writing Out of the Day- Come up with a list of hashtags that could be used in
representing your issue.
(60-90 sec.) during class write as many as possible

Wrap it up!
Review parallels between past and modern methods of promoting social justice
causes. (2 min)
Assign Homework (handout link: (2 min for
explanation and questions)

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