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OREDA Offshore Reliability.Data Handbook 4th Edition Published by: OREDA Participants Prepared by: SINTEF Industria! Management Distributed by: | Det Norske Veritas (DNV) OREDA-2002 2 OREDA-2002 Copyright © 2002 by the OREDA® companies! ENI S.p.AJAGIP Exploration & Production BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd ExxonMobil International Ltd, Norsk Hydro ASA Phillips Petroleum Company Norway Statoil ASA Shell Exploration & Production TotalFinaElf All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical Photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the copyright holders. Comments or questions to the book can be directed to: SINTEF Industrial Management Safety and Reliability OREDA Project Manager NO-7465 Trondheim NORWAY Phone: +47 73 59 27 56 Telefax: +47 73 59 28 96 email: http: —_http://swww.sintef:no/oreda/handbook/ Copies of the book may be ordered from: Det Norske Veritas NO-1322 Hovik NORWAY Phone: +47 67 $7 99 00 Telefax: +47 67 57 74 74 e-mail: http: _http://www.dnv.convogpi/oreda_esreda/oreda/areda.htm ISBN 82-14-02705-5 OREDA® = gistered trade mark name of OREDA (Offshore Relial ity Daz) ‘ The companies listed below are those being members of OREDA in 2002. @OREDA OREDA-2002 3 OREDA-2002 DISCLAMER Information in this document is intended to permit data utilisation in the interests of evaluating and improving safety and reliability in the oil & gas industries (exploration & production). Publication of said information does not imply verification or endorsement of the information, Neither the publishers nor the originators of data included in this document assume any liability to parties adopting any product, process, or practice based upon the usage of the information. ‘The correctness of the data listed in this document is assured only to the limits that the producers of each individual chapter, and their sources, can ensure correctness. A listing, description, or definition of any item in this document is not to be regarded, by implication or otherwise, as in any manner licensing any person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any device or item that may in any way be related thereto, ‘This document may not be employed in any manner that might be construed as endorsement or censure of any item listed herein, and should only be used within the scope of the intent stated above. ‘The existence of this document does not imply that there are no other ways to present the offshore reliability data compiled in this book. Furthermore, the viewpoint or technical perspective expressed in this publication is subject to changes brought about by technological developments and comments received from users of the former OREDA Reliability Handbooks (-84, -92, -97). Requests for interpretation may arise regarding the meaning of parts of the handbook as they relate to specific applications. Those requests should be directed 10 SINTEF Industrial Management at the addresses given. As publications issued by the OREDA project represent a consensus of all participating companies, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the joint agreement of those companies. For this reason, it may in some cases be necessary to consult the OREDA Steering Committee. In these cases it will not be possible to provide an instant response to interpretation requests, except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. @OREDA OREDA-2002 4 OREDA-2002 PREFACE The reliability, availability, maintenance and safety (RAMS) of offshore exploration and production (FE & P) facilities are of considerable concem to employees, companies and authorities: RAMS analyses ‘ate carried out to provide a basis for decisions in offshore engineering, fabrication arid operations. Ii order to allow these analyses to be conducted, a source of reliability data is required. The OREDA participating companies have responded to this need by publishing four reliability data handbooks. The previous editions of the OREDA handbook were published in 1984, 1992 and 1997 respectively. The current 2002 edition has not been changed significantly compared to the former -97 edition, However, it should be noted that drivers are no longer included within the boundary of the driven unie but defined as separate entities. As che 2002 edition contains a lot more subsea data than previously, these data are presented in a fashion more adapted to subsea application. The handbook is divided into two parts. Part I describe the OREDA project, different data collection phases and the estimation procedures used to generate the handbook. In Part Il the reliability data tables are presentedfor both topside and subsea equipment. In order to interpret and apply the data given in Part II in the most correct manner, it is recommended to read Part | before using data shown in Part II. While each new edition of the handbook is considered to be a step forward, it is realised that the quality and the quantity of the data presented in the handbook may be inadequate for certain applications: The OREDA Steering Committee's intention is therefore to keep the handbook up to date according to the state of technology by publishing new editions. ‘The current handbook covers phase IV and ¥ of OREDA data collection. This represent broadly the time period of 1993 — 00. It may, however, be seen that some data collected may be beyond this time period. Data collected are in general not covering the whole lifetime of equipment, but typically a time windows of 2-4 years of operation. Infant mortality failures are as a nile not collected for topside equipment, hence, the data collected are from the normal steady-state operating, time period as illustrated in Figure S. For subsea equipment failures are in general collected on a whole lifetime basis, i. including the infant mortality period. ‘The source data for this book are stored in a computer database except for phase I. The database and the associated software are available only to the oil companies participating in the OREDA project. The data presented in this handbook are extracted and compiled from this database and presented as generic data tables. The database does, however, contain additional information -and information on a more detatled level- than what is covered in this handbook. For those who want to exploit this possibility, one of the participating oil companies needs to be contacted. A list with contact names for each participating company can be found in the OREDA Homepage: http:/ © OREDA OREDA-2002 5 OREDA-2002 CONTENTS DISCLAMER. PREFACE, PARTI... INTRODUCTION. Tie OREDA Provect. PROVECT PHASE: PARTICIPANTS: ORGANISATION . EQuipMeNT CATEGORIES COVERED IN THE DIFFERENT PHASES SCOPE OF THE OREDA HANDBOOK... LIMITATIONS... THE OREDA TOPSIDE DATA STRUCTURE: ‘SysTeM HIERARCHY... Equipment BOUNDARIES .. INVENTORY DATA. FAILURE Data, ‘THE OREDA SUBSEA DATA STRUCTURE.. SYSTEM HERARCHY.. Equipment BOUNDARIES .. INVENTORY DATA... FAILURE EVENT AND MAINTENANCE DATA... ESTIMATION PROCEDURES. FAILURE RATE, ESTIMATORS AND UNCERTAINTY LIMITS FOR A HOMOGENEOUS SAMPLE. MULT-SAMPLE PROBLEMS... ESTIMATION OF DEMAND PROBABILITIES. TOPSIDE DATA TABLE FORMATS.. Dara TABLE, RELIABILITY DATA.... DATA TABLE, MAINTAINABLE ITEM VERSUS FAILURE MODE. Data TABLE, FAILURE DESCRIPTOR VERSUS FAILURE MOD! SUBSEA DATA TABLE FORMATS... Data TABLE, REUABILITY DATA ... DaTA TABLE, COWPONENT VERSUS FAILURE Move... Dara TaaLe, SUBUNIT VERSUS FAILURE MODE. DOREDA OREDA-2002 8 : : Data TABLE, EQUIPMENT UNIT VERSUS FAILURE MOOE .. DATA TABLE, FalLURE DESCRIPTOR VERSUS FAILURE MODE MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATION PROCEDURES.. No FAILURES ARE OBSERVED FOR A SPECIFIC FAILURE MODE WEIGHTING OREDA-O2 Data wiTH OTHER DATA SOURCES. DEFINITIONS .... REFERENCES... PART Il. RELIABILITY DATA PRESENTATION.. SRG € & & 8S BS 8B Pumps... Combustion Engines Turboexpanders. ELectric Equipe! Electric Generators. Electric Motors MECHANICAL EGUIPMENT.. Heat Exchangers... Vessels. Heaters and Boilers CONTROL AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Fire and Gas Detectors. Process Sensors. Valves... Sussea EQUIPMENT Common components Control systems Manifold. Running tool... Wellhead and X-mas tree. @OREDA OREDA-2002 7 OREDA- 2002 PARTI © OREDA OREDA-2002 8 OREDA-2002 INTRODUCTION THE OREDA PROJECT The Offshore Reliability Data (OREDA) project was established in 1981 in co-operation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. The initial objective of OREDA was to collect reliability data for safety equipment, The current organisation, as a co-operating group of several oil companies, was established in 1983, and at the same time the scope of OREDA was extended to cover reliability data from a wide range of equipment used in oil and gas exploration and production. Offshore topside and subsea equipment are primarily covered, but some onshore E & P equipment is also included. The main objective of the OREDA project is to contribute to an improved safety and cost- effectiveness in design and operation of oil and gas exploration and production facilities; through collection and analysis of maintenance and operational data, establishment of a bigh quality reliability database, and exchange of reliability, availability, maintenance and safety (RAMS) technology among the participating companies. PROJECT PHASES Phase I (1983 - 1985) ‘The purpose of phase I was to collect and compile data fom offshore drilling and production operations, The data were published in the OREDA-84 handbook. An objective of the handbook was to demonstrate the ability of the eight participating oil companies to co-operate on this issue and create a forum for a common co-operative process in this field. Data was collected on a wide area of equipment (large population) but not with as much detailed information as in later phases. Phase II (1987 - 1990) The scope was adjusted to only collect data on production critical equipment, to improve the quality of the data, and to store the data in a PC database format. A tailor-made PC program (called the OREDA software) was developed to aid the collection and analysis of the data. The data were published in the OREDA-92 handbook. This Handbook also contains the data collected in phase L Phase III (1990 - 1992) The number of equipment categories was increased, and more data on maintenance programs were collected. The data quality was improved by means of the comprehensive “Guidelines for Data Collection” and through quality control. The OREDA software was modified into a more general-purpose data collection tool, and its user interface was improved. The data collected in this phase are contained in the OREDA-97 handbook. Phase IV (1993 - 1996) A new general software was developed for data collection and analysis, plus specific software and procedures for automatic data import and conversion, Data were collected mainly for the © OREDA OREDA-2002 9 OREDA-2002 same equipment as in phase Il, and the data collection was - to a greater extent - carried out by the companies themselves. Data on planned maintenance are included. Phase V (1997 - 2000) Some new equipment classes were included and more focus was given on collecting subsea data, As a parallel activity, the ISO standard 14 224: “Petroleum and natural gas industries - Collection and exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment” was developed and issued in July 1999. A revised version including downstream equipment is currently being developed by ISO TC67 Workgroup 4 with the secretariate at NTS in Oslo. (See: httpx/ Phase VI were completed in 2001 and phase VI is planned to last 2002 - 2003. Up-to-date information on the OREDA project is available on the Internet address: PARTICIPANTS During phase IV and V several changes have been experienced in company participation in OREDA as to new companies joining and leaving OREDA as well as companies being merged/sold. The following summarise the companies that have contibuted with data in these phases: ‘Companies Phase lV | Phase V | Comments AGIP_ N a BP. y ¥ ‘Chevron v y ‘Margjed with Texaco ELF t w Merged with TOTAL Esso/Exon Y a (Merged with Mobi) ‘Norsk Hydro 2 x Phillips Petroleum Company Norway Y Statoil y z Saga Petroleum v ‘Sold to Norsk Hydro ‘Shel v 7 Texeos ¥ Werged wih Chevron TOTAL z ‘Merged with EIf ORGANISATION OREDA is managed by a Steering Committee with one member and one deputy member from each of the participating oil companies. The Stecring Committee elects one of its members as chairman and appoints a Project Manager. The Project Manager co-ordinates the activities approved by the Steering Committee, including data quality assurance. Det Norske Veritas served as Project Manager during phases J and Il; SINTEF during phases Il - V, and act as current project manager in Phase VII. @ OREDA OREDA-2002 10. OREDA-2002 EQuipMENT CATEGORIES COVERED IN THE DIFFERENT PHASES: Table | shows the equipment categories that have been included in the four OREDA handbooks (including this one). Most of the equipment derives from offshore installations, but a few equipment units from onshore E&P have also been included. In phase V more emphasis has been placed on collection of subsea data. Table 1 Equipment classes covered by the four OREDA Handbooks Phase! | Phase | Phasoill | PhosetW | PhaseV | SUM eaupmant cass ediony | C32edton"| S02, | (oe ein) ‘Syston (4983— | (1987-90) |(r990- |rr993— | ga7— a5 33 2s) | 00) o_of wits No. fun [No.of uit | No. of [Nar oFunie Rotating 34 36 2) eT ‘machinery |-Compressors | 45| % 36) 203 “Ceroustion engines 9 4) 403 “Pumps 47s] zi] os} 28] a2] 288 ~ Turboexpanders: 7 8 154 “Elecic generators 76 rr ar 3} 220 “Etecine moors so] -sz2| 176 En) 33 =p ae ai] ot State 2 4 3 artement |-Heal exchangers 519) 79 1s 5 a] as —| | “Vaives 356 eas] __ono[ x1 300] sare omer topside |-F&G detection 3663 5826, 7a} 779] 036s qupmant sProcass sencorsicontral| 3740 4er| tao so] 4436 Wie ~Hisc systems 1381 Tait equipment | Mise, sataty systoms 1703] 1703 phage only ies, uty systems 1026 — | __820 = Contr systems 7% 77 n Jequinment |-Wellnead'& X-s tee 2 es] 1a ‘The right hand side of this equation denotes “the probability that the item will fail in the time interval @, ¢+ A), when the item is still functioning at time 7” or with other words: “the probability that an item that has reached the age ¢ will fail in the next interval (, 1+ A.” The approximation is sufficiently accurate when Af is the length of a very “short” time interval. The failure rate function is sometimes also called ‘hazard rate’ or “force of mortality’. The life of a technical item may generally be split into three different phases: the burn-in (or infant mortality) phase, the usefid He phase, and the wear-out phase, The failure rate fanction will usually have different shapes in the three phases. As illustrated in Figure 5, the failure rate fanction may be decreasing in the burt-in phase, close to constant in the useful life phase, and increasing in the wear-out phase. The curve in Figure 5 is called a “bath-tub” curve because of its characteristic shape, and is often claimed to be a realistic model for mechanical equipment. If we assume that the failure rate function is constant during the useful life phase, this means that the item is not deteriorating during this phase. The deterioration will start when, or if, the item enters the wear-out phase. ‘® OREDA OREDA-2002 24 OREDA-2002 Fallure rate function Burn-in phase Useful Ife phase Wear-out phase Time, Figure 5 Bath-Tub Shape of the Failure Rate So-called bum-in problems may be caused by inherent quality problems in the item, or by installation problems. Inherent quality problems may sometimes be removed by careful quality testing prior to installation, Installation problems have been disregarded in the OREDA data collection, notably for most topside equipment. The burn-in phase is therefore not included in the OREDA database, and we may assume that the data collection is started with, the usefull Tife phase. For subsea equipment data is collected on a whole lifetime basis, i.e. data collection starts when the equipment is installed and ready for its intended service. This means that the equipment may no necessarily have been Many of the items covered in OREDA are subject to some maintenance or replacement policy. The items will thereby often be replaced or refurbished before they reach the wear-out phase. ‘The main part of the failure events in the OREDA database will therefore come from the juseful life phase, where the failure rate is close to constant. All the failure rate estimates presented in this handbook are therefore based on the| jassumption that the failure rate function is constant and independent of time, in which case} Af) = A. Note «No statistical tests have been performed to verify the assumption of a constant failure rate. * Since data are assumed to come from “bottom” of the bath-tub curve, the failure rate estimates presented therefore represent some kind of minimum over the entire life cycle of the equipment. ‘An important implication of the constant failure rate assumption is that an item is considered. to be “as good as new” as long as it is fimetioning, All failures are purely chance failures and independent of the age of the item. ‘The mean time to failure, MITF, may be calculated as ®@OREDA OREDA-2002 25 OREDA-2002 1 MTTF =— a These and related concepts are thoroughly discussed in e.g., Hayland and Rausand (1994), ESTIMATORS AND UNCERTAINTY LIMITS FOR A HOMOGENEOUS SAMPLE When we have failure data from identical items that have been operating under the same operational and environmental conditions, we have a so-called homogeneous sample, The only data we need to estimate the failure rate A in this case, are the observed number of failures, , and the aggregated time in service, 1. The estimator of A is given by: Number of failures» ‘Aggregated time in service See e.g. Hoyland and Rausand (1994) for further details. ‘The aggregated time in service, 7, may be measured either as calendar time or operating time, and both these are presented in the data tables in Part Il. Note that this approach is valid only in the following situations: ‘© Failure times for a specified number of items, with the same failure rate A, are available, ‘* Data (several failures) is available for one item for a period of time, and the failure rate % is constant during this period. * A combination of the two above situations, i.e., there are several items where each item might have several failures. This is the typical situation for the OREDA data. In the data tables in Part II of the handbook, estimates are given for each failure mode. Uncertainty intervals for the failure rate ‘The uncertainty of the estimate A_may be presented as a 90% confidence interval. This is an interval (Az,Ax), such that the “truc value” of A fulfils: Pr(Az $2 < Ac) = 90% With n failures during an aggregated time in service 1, this 90% confidence interval is given by: 2 i 982405 — ZOU a0) @OREDA OREDA-2002 26 OREDA-2002 where zon and zoosy denote the upper 95% and 5% percentiles, respectively, of the 72 distribution with v degrees of freedom, see Table 4, page 31. Example Assume that n = 6 failures have been observed during an aggregated time in service t= 10000 hours. ‘The failure rate estimate is then given by: = n/ T= 6-10" failures per hour and a 90% confidence interval is given by: 1 L 1 1 Soto c= soecuen | = ( ———zosu2 —— aroste] ~ (26-10%, 118-104 (= ae ) (smn "20000 * ) ¢ 18:10") ‘The estimate and the confidence interval are illustrated in Figure 6. Foilure rete 102 8 4 5 6 7 B 8B 10 14 12 Callures per 16 hours) Figure 6 Estimate and 90% Confidence Interval for the Example. Note The given interval is a confidence interval for the failure rate for the items we have data for. There is no guarantee that items installed in the future will have a failure rate within this interval. MULTI-SAMPLE PROBLEMS: Tn many cases we do not have a homogeneous sample of data. The aggregated data for an item may come from different installations with different operational and environmental conditions, or we may wish to present an “average” failure rate estimate for slightly different items. In these situations we may decide to merge several more or less homogeneous samples, into what we call a multi-sample. The various samples may have different failure rates, and different amounts of data - and thereby different confidence intervals. This is illustrated in Figure 7. ‘© OREDA OREDA- 2002 27 OREDA- 2002 Falur rate 7203 4) B&B 7 BDH 4B ates ar TO Fears) Figure 7 Multi-Sample Problem To merge all the samples, and estimate the “average” failure rate as the total number of failures divided by the aggregated time in service will not always give an adequate result. The ‘confidence’ interval will especially be unrealistically short, as illustrated in Figure 7. We therefore need a more advanced estimation procedure to take care of the multi-sample problem, Below, the so-called OREDA-estimator of the “average” failure rate in a multi-sample situation is presented together with a 90% uncertainty interval. Spjatvoll (1985) gives a rationale for the estimation procedure. The OREDA-estimator is based on the following assumptions: ‘* We have & different samples. A sample may e.g., cortespond to a platform, and we may have data from similar items used on k different platforms. In sample no. i we have observed 1; failures during a total time in service % for PADD © Sample no. i has a constant failure rate 2, for / =1,2,...5 & © Due to different operational and environmental conditions, the failure rate 2, may vary between the samples. The variation of the failure rate between samples may be modelled by assuming that the failure rate is a random variable with some distribution given by a probability density function 10). “The mean, or “average” failure rate is then: 6 = [2.-7(A) dA. and the variance is: a =[(a-8, J -a(Ayda ° @OREDA OREDA-2002 28 OREDA-2002 To calculate the multi-sample OREDA-estimator, the following procedure is used: 1, Calculate an initial estimate , of the mean (“average”) failure rate 8, by pooling the data: Total no. of failures Total time in service Sn 2. Calculate: 2 Se 82> 3. Calculate an estimate for 0”, a measure of the variation between samples, by: ie X §) when greater than 0, else 0. FS: 4. Calculate the final estimate 6° of the mean (“average”) failure rate @ by: 5. LetSD=6 In the data tables in Part II of the handbook 6" corresponds to the mean (column 4), and SD corresponds to the standard deviation (column 6). The lower and upper “uncertainty” values are given by: eger J (A) dA = 90% Lome @OREDA OREDA-2002 29 OREDA-2002 Since the distribution (4) is not known in advance, the following pragmatic approach is used: 6. m(A) is assumed to be the probability density function of a Gamma distribution with parameters ot and B. 7. The parameters ocand B are estimated by: B a=p-e 8. The following formulas are now applied: i Upper = sess 2B. where Zoosy and Zoos, denote the upper 95% and 5% percentiles, respectively, of the 3C-distribution with v degrees of freedom, see Table 4, page 31. In situations where v is ‘not an integer, an interpolation in the 72-distribution is performed. Note 1 More detailed analysis of the OREDA data (see Vatn 1993) has indicated that there may be a large variation between installations. The multi-sample OREDA estimator should therefore as a mule be used instead of the n/z estimator which is based on a homogeneous sample. The variation between the samples (installations) is measured by the standard deviation SD. Note 2 In the OREDA-84 and OREDA-92 handbooks, a slightly different approach was taken. The mean value was estimated with the same procedure as in this handbook, but the lower and upper values wore given a slightly different interpretation. Note 3 In the case of k= 1, the procedure cannot be used. In this case the n/t estimate is given for the mean, and the /ower and upper values should be interpreted as a traditional 90% confidence interval. Note 4 If no failures are observed for an item, the following approach is used to obtain lower, mean and upper values for “All failure modes”: 1. Let A, denote the failure rate estimate (“mean”) one level up in the taxonomy hierarchy. SOREDA OREDA-2002 30 OREDA-2002 2. Let 7 denote the total time in service (operational or calendar) for the item of interest 3. Let 5. The standard deviation is given by so- fe 6. 4.90% uncertainty interval is given by ) ESTIMATION OF DEMAND PROBABILITIES If information about “number of demands” is given (see Section “Data table, Reliability Data”, page 32) it is possible to estimate the demand probability. The demand probability is always related to one specific failure mode, for example a critical fail to start. The demand failure probability is estimated by: ser counn x 2002 12 J sense eman (202 8 a) Pa where 2 is the number of failures with the appropriate failure mode, and d is the number of demands. Note that in the data table presentations the demand probabilities may apparently look different. The reason for this is that in some cases there are registered “demand failures", but the number of demands is not recorded for one cr more inventories. For these inventories, the demand failures are not added to the total number of demand failures for that data table. @OREDA OREDA-2002 31 OREDA-2002 PERCENTAGE POINTS OF THE CHFSQUARE DISTRIBUTION Table 4 Percentage Points of the Chi-square (x”) Distribution Pr(Z> Za) = 1 0.00 0.00 z $.02 6.63 2 0.01 O10 $.99 738 9.21 3 9.07 0.35 781 935 11.34 12.84 4 0.21 0.71 949 11.14 13.28 14,86 5 O41 115 11.07 12.38 15,09 16.75 6 0.68 1.64 12.59 1445 16.81 18.55 7 0.99 217 14.07 16.01 18.48 20.28 8 134 2.73 1551 17.53 20.09 21,96 9 1.73 3.33 16.92 19.02 21.67 23.59 10 2.16 3.94 18.31 2048 23.21 25.19 ll 2.60 4.57 19.68 21.92 24.72 26.76 12 3.07 5.23 21.03 23.34 26.22 28.30 13 3.87 5.89 22.360 24.74 27.69 = 29.82 14 4.07 657 23.68 26.12 29.14 31.32, 15 4.60 7.26 25.00 2749 30.58 32.80 16 5.14 7.96 26.30 2885 32.00 34.27 17 5.70 8.67 27.59 30.19 33.41 35.72 18 6.26 9.39 2887 31.53 3481 37.16 19 684 7.63 8.91 10.12 30.14 32.85 36.19 38.58 20 743 8.26 9.59 10.85 31.41 3417 37.57 40.00 25 10.52 11.52 13.12 14.61 37.65 40.65 44.31 46.93 26 1116 12.20 13.84 15.38 38.89 41.92 45.64 48.29 27° «11.81 12.88 14.57 16.15 40.11 43.19 46.96 49.64 28 (1246 13.56 15.31 16.93 41.34 4446 48.28 50.99 29 13.12 14.26 16.05 17.71 42.56 45.72 49.59 $2.34 30 13.79 14.95 16.79 1849 43.77 46.98 50.89 53.67 40 20.71 22.16 24.43 2651 55.76 59.34 63.69 66.77 50 27.99 29.71 32.36 34.76 67.50 7142 76.15 79.49 60 35.53 37.48 40.48 43.19 79.08 83.30 88.38 91.95 0 43.28 45.44 48.76 51.74 90.53 95.02 100.42 104.22 80 S117 53.54 S7.15 60.39 101.88 106.63 112.33 116.32 90 $9.20 61.75 65.65 69.13 113.14 118.14 124.12 128.30 100 67.33 70.06 74.22 77.93 124.34 129.56 135.81 __ 140.17, ‘@OREDA OREDA-2002 32 OREDA-2002 TOPSIDE DATA TABLE FORMATS DATA TABLE, RELIABILITY DATA Each data table contains an identification of the item and the estimated reliability parameters. The figures provided should be interpreted on the basis of the assumptions specified in the boundary definition for each equipment category and the estimation method applied. The format of the data table is shown in Figure & [Taxonemyne tem Population ‘Aggregated tive in service (10®hours) No of demands Catendar tie * ‘Operational time T Feiure mode Woot Failure rate (per 10"hours) ‘Rate [Repair (manhours) fainwes | Lower | Mean | Upper [SD [aft | rophrs [Min | Mean [Max [Cormments Figure 8 Format of the Reliability Data Tables: The various entries of the data table are explained in the following: Taxonomy number and Item ‘The taxonomy number is a numerical identification of the item. The description of the item is given in a hierarchical structure. Only data from items of this generic category of compon- ents/equipment are input to the estimates presented in the quantitative part of the data table. Population Total number of items forming the basis for the estimates, Installations Total number of installations (platforms) covered by the data surveillance for the item in question. @OREDA OREDA-2002 3 OREDA-2002 Aggregated time in service Two types of time scales are presented as the basis for the failure rate estimates; calendar time and operational time. The aggregated time in service for the total population is given for both time scales. Note that while the calendar time is given with high certainty, the operational time has in many cases to be based on estimates (by the data collector). Number of demands The accumulated number of demands/cycles for the total population is given when available. In several cases these numbers are based on estimates and not accurate measurements. Failure mode This column contains a brief description of the manner in which the failure occurred, when such information is available. Number of failures ‘The total number of failure events is presented for each failure mode, The accumulated number of failures is presented as “All modes”. Failure rate The failure rate columns present estimates of the failure rate for cach failure mode. Results are given both under the “multi-sample” assumption, and under the assumption of homogeneous data sets. In the multi-sample situation the failure rate is assumed to vary between installations (platforms), and each platform represents one sample. The following entries are included: Mean ‘An estimate of the “average” failure rate with respect to the specified failure mode, obiained by using the OREDA estimator. (Lower, Upper) A 90% uncertainty interval for the failure rate. SD A standard deviation indicating the variation between the multiple samples. att ‘The total number of failures divided by the total time in service, ic. the estimate of the failure rate we would use for a homogeneous sample. All the entries are measured per 10° hours and refer either to calendar time (marked *) or operational time (marked 4). @OREDA OREDA-2002 34 OREDA-2002 Active repair time (hours) This column contains the average calendar time (hours) required to repair and retum the item to a state where it is ready to resume its functions. Active repair time is the time when actual repair work is being done. It does not include time to shut down the unit, issue work order, wait for spare parts, start-up after repair etc. The active repair time is therefore normally shorter than the downtime where some of the activities indicated above may be included. Note: During the data collection exercises it has been very difficult to obtain data regarding active repair times, In the OREDA database there is a good coverage of “restoration man-hours” data, whereas the data for “active repair time” is rather sparse. It should also be noted that active repair hours are highly influenced by how maintenance is organised on the platform. The figures for active repair times should therefore only be used as an indication of what the actual active repair times would be. It is highly recommended to use some kind of expert judgement in addition to the values given in the handbook. Repair (manhours) The repair columns present three values of the repair time (man-hours). The mean value is the average number of man-hours recorded to repair the failure and restore the function, The min and max values are the lowest and highest umber of man-hours recorded for the repair of the item. Comments ‘When available the on on-demand failure probability is given in the Comment field. DATA TABLE, MAINTAINABLE ITEM VERSUS FAILURE MODE The reliability data presented in the data table in Figure & (page 32) does not give information on which part of the equipment has failed. In the Maintainable Item versus Failure Mode listing the relative contribution from each maintainable item to the total failure rate may be obtained. The figures in the table represent percentages of oceurrence for each combination of failure mode and maintainable item. The row sum represents the total percentage of failures that are related to the actual maintainable item. Note that several maintainable items might be assigned to each failure record. In such situations, the “score” for the actual maintainable itenv/failure mode combination is set to I/n, where # is the number of maintainable items listed for that failure record. The column sum represents the contribution for each failure mode in percentages. This information is valuable input to an FMEA/FMECA analysis, The FMEA/FMECA analysis is further a major part of a reliability centred maintenance (RCM) analysis. As the RCM methodology focuses on failure causes, it is also important to have information regarding failure causes as discussed in the next section, Note that several maintainable items might be assigned to each failure record. @ OREDA OREDA.2002 35 OREDA-2002 DATA TABLE, FAILURE DESCRIPTOR VERSUS FAILURE MODE In the Failure Descriptor versus Failure Mode listing the relative contribution from each failure descriptor (canse) to the to the total failure rate may be obtained. The figures in the table represent percentages of occurrence for each combination of failure descriptor and failure mode. The row sum represents the total percentage of failures that are related to the actual failure descriptor. The column sum represents the contribution for each failure mode in percentages. ‘As mentioned above, the information about failure causes is essential in an RCM analysis. For example scheduled replacement of units is only applicable if one or more failure causes may be related to ageing, wear, corrosion etc. ®OREDA OREDA-2002 6 OREDA-2002 SUBSEA DATA TABLE FORMATS DATA TABLE, RELIABILITY DATA Each data table contains an identification of the item and the estimated reliability parameters. The figures provided should be interpreted on the basis of the assumptions specified in the boundary definition for each equipment category and the estimation method applied. The format of the data table is shown in Figure &. [Taxonomy na Kom Population | Installations “Ragregated tine In service (10° hours) Faitare data Calendar ime ‘Component | Noof | | Severtyclass | Fallarerate er Whours), | Active repair vunits time (hours) ticloli|u [tower Mean [Upper [SD [ni | Mean ‘Subunit no. 1 (Component 90.1 (Component ra.2 [Subunit no.2 Component no Equipment level (Commars, Fe componenss wth no fees, nfs eto 0.5 based on a nom fermate pit, * Mean fale or he common component used n te esta, Figure 9 Format of the Reliability Data Tables The various entries of the data table are explained in the following: Taxonomy number and Hem ‘The taxonomy number is a numerical identification of the item. The description of the item is given in a hierarchical structure. Only data from items of this generic category of compon- ents/equipment are input to the estimates presented in the quantitative part of the data table. Population Total number of items forming the basis for the estimates. Installations Total number of installations (platforms) covered by the data surveillance for the item in question. ®@OREDA OREDA-2002 37, QREDA-2002 Aggregated time in service The aggregated time in service for the (otal population is given for calendar time scale for the equipment unit level. A subunit and its related component(s) may have different calendar time recorded as the latter is recorded individually for each subunit and component in the database. Component This column contains the list of subunits and component for which the failure data is presented. The subunits are in bold letters. The equipment unit leve! data are presented in the last row. The number of items on each level is listed in the table. Number of faitures The total number of failure events (#) is presented for each subunit and component, The criticality distribution is given for each item i.e. critical (C), degraded (D), incipient (1) and unknown (U). Failure rate ‘The failure rate columns present estimates of the failure rate for each subunit and component. Results are given both under the “multi-sample” assumption, and under the assumption of homogeneous data sets. In the mniti-sample situation the failure rate is assumed to vary berween installations (platforms), and each platform represents one sample. The following entries are included: Mean ‘An estimate of the “average” failure rate with respect to the specified failure mode, obtained by using the OREDA estimator. (Lower, Upper) A 90% uncertainty interval for the failure rate, sp A standard deviation indicating the variation between the multiple samples. nt ‘The total number of failures divided by the total time in service, ie., the estimate of the failure rate we would use for a homogencous sample, All the entries are measured per 10° hours and refer to calendar time. Active repair time (hours) This column contains the elapsed calendar time (hours) requited to repair and return the item to a state where it is ready to resume its functions. This is the part of the total repair time used on-site. The mean value is the average number of hours recorded to repair the failure and restore the function, Active reapir time should not be mixed with downeime which my additionally include time periods such as shutdown, repair vessel mobilisation, start-up after repair etc. Comments ‘The comment field presents comments to the calculation of failure rates. @OREDA OREDA- 2002 38 OREDA-2002 For components with no failures, n is set to 0.5 based on a non-informative prior. * Mean failure for the common component is used in the estimator. DaTA TABLE, COMPONENT VERSUS FAILURE MODE The reliability data presented in the data table in Figure 8 (page 32) give information on which part of the equipment has failed. The Component versus Failure Mode lists the number failure modes for each component. The figures in the table represent number of occurrence for each combination of failure mode and component. The row sum represents the total number of failures that are related to the actual component. The column sum represents the total number of each failure mode. This information is valuable input to an FMEA/FMECA analysis (see ¢.g. IEC 812), The FMEA/FMECA analysis is further a major part of a reliability centred maintenance (RCM) analysis (see e.g. Rausand and Vatn 1997). As the RCM methodology focuses on failure causes, it is also important to have information regarding failure causes as discussed in the next section. DaTA TABLE, SUBUNIT VERSUS FAILURE MODE The Subunit versus Failure Mode lists the number of failure modes for cach subunit, The figures in the table represent number of occurrence for each combination of failure mode and subunit. The row sum represents the number of failures that are related to the actual subunit, The column sum represents the number of each failure mode. DATA TABLE, EQUIPMENT UNIT VERSUS FAILURE MODE The Equipment unit versus Failure Mode table lists the number of failure modes at the equipment unit level. DATA TABLE, FAILURE DESCRIPTOR VERSUS FAILURE MODE In the Failure Descriptor versus Failure Mode listing the relative contribution from each failure descriptor (cause) to the to the total failure rate may be obtained. The figures in the table represent percentages of occurrence for each combination of failure descriptor aud failure mode. The descriptor is presented for each component. The row sum represents the total percentage of failures that are related to the actual failure descriptor for each component. The column sum represents the contribution for each failure mode in percentages. @OREDA OREDA-2002 39 OREDA-2002 MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATION PROCEDURES No FAILURES ARE OBSERVED FOR A SPECIFIC FAILURE MODE In the data tables failure rate estimates are only presented for those failure modes for which failures have been recorded. The standard failure rate estimate in this situation is A=0. An alternative procedure for estimating the failure rate in this situation is given under Note 4 on page 29. To use the procedure, the term “Al! failure modes” should be replaced with the failure mode of interest. Further information may be obtained from the Intemnet address: http:/www.sintef.noforedafanalysis! WEIGHTING OREDA-2002 DATA WITH OTHER DATA SOURCES In many RAMS analyses, data may also be available from other sources than this handbook. For offshore RAMS analyses, the most obvious data source in addition to this book, is the previous handbooks, A method for weighting data from OREDA-97 and OREDA-2002 is given below. The method is based on an approwch suggested in the OREDA Data Analysis Guidelines (Vatn 1993). The caloulations are repeated for all failure modes of interest. Let Ay denote the mean failure rate for Phase TV and V data (column 4) in the OREDA-2002 handbook. Further, let SDyy Genote the standard deviation in column 6. A is the comesponding mean in the OREDA-97 handbook. A weighted failure rate estimate is given by: where |x| denotes the absolute value of x. If in addition, standard deviation and uncertainty limits are required, please consult the Internet address: where also a rationale fot the above procedure is given. @OREDA OREDA- 2002 40 OREDA-2002, DEFINITIONS: The main terminology used in the OREDA-97 handbook is defined in this section, The specific definitions of the terminology and parameters used in the statistical estimation procedures are included in the section “Estimation Procedures”, Terms marked with (C) are categorised in pre-defined codes. Active Repair Time Active repair time is the total (calendar) time required to repair and return the item to a state where it is ready to resume its functions, This excludes the time to detect the failure, time to isolate the equipment from the process before repair, delay and waiting for spare parts or tools, and any time after the repair has been completed if the item is not put into service immediately. Time for testing is included when such testing is an integrated part of the repair activity. Boundary The interface between an item and its surroundings. Calendar Time ‘The interval of time between the start and end of data surveillance for a particular item. Component (C) - Subsea These are subsets of each subunit (subsea inventory) and will typically consist of the lowest level items that are repaired/replaced as a whole (e.g, valve, sensor ete.). Equipment unit The highest indenture level including subunits and smaller entities belonging to that equipment unit. Equipment unit corresponds in most cases to tag number for topside equipment. Failure The termination or the degradation of the ability of an item to perform its required function(s). It includes: Complete failure of the item Failure of part of the item that causes unavailability of the item for corrective action Failure discovered during inspection, testing, or preventive maintenance that requires repair «Failure on safety devices or controlimonitoring devices that necessitates shutdown, or reduction of the items capability below specified limits. The following outages are not considered as failures: * Unavailability due to preventive ot planned maintenance * Useful definitions related to this Handbook will also be found in the standards ISO 14224 and NORSOK 2016, @OREDA OREDA-2002 Al OREDA-2002 ‘+ Shutdown of the item due to external conditions, or where no physical failure condition of the item is revealed. A shutdown is not to be considered a failure unless there is some recorded maintenance activity. ‘A required function is defined as any function necessary to maintain the item's capability of providing its output at specified capacity and quality. Note that a failure could be either complete loss of function or function degradation below an acceptable limit. A failure wit! normally require a work order and involvement by maintenance personnel. Failure Descriptor () ‘An attribute of the failure event that can be easily deduced technically. The failure descriptor is the apparent, immediate cause of the failure and is related to subunit level. Failure Mode (C) ‘The effect by which a failure is observed on the failed unit, The failure modes describe the loss of required system function(s) that result fiom failures, or an undesired change in state or condition. The failure mode is related to the equipment unit level, The failure mode is a description of the various abnormal siates/conditions of an equipment unit, and the posssible transition from correct to incorrect state. The failure mode can be subdivided in two major classes: 1. Demanded change of state is not achieved 2, Undesired change in conditions (state) The first class typically comprises events like fail-to-start/stop and fail-to-open/close, i.e. directly related to a failure of the fienction of the unit, The latter category can either be related to funetion and condition as follows: a) Undesired change in manner of operation (e.g. spurious stop, high output) b) Undesired change of condition (e.g. vibration, leakage). This category does not affect the function immediately, but may do so if not attended to within a reasonable time, (See e.g, Rausand and ien (1996) for a thorough discussion of failures and failure modes). Trem A common term used to denote any level of hardware assembly; i.e. equipment unit, subunit, maintainable items and parts, Maintainable Item (C) ‘An item that constitutes‘an assembly of parts that are normally the lowest indenture level duting maintenance. @OREDA OREDA-2002 42 OREDA-2002 Number of Demands The total number of times an item is required to perform its specified function(s) during the calendar time. Operational Time The period of time during which a particular item performs its requited function(s), between the start and end of data surveillance. Population The total number of items of one particular type in service during the period of the event data surveillance. Sample The group of items of one particular type in service - described by its taxonomy code - on one installation during the period of the event data surveillance. Severity Class Types (C) CRITICAL FAILURE: A failure which causes immediate and complete loss of a system's capability of providing its output. DEGRADED FAILURE: A failure which is not critical, but which prevents the system from providing its output within specifications. Such a failure would usually, but not necessarily, be gradual or partial, and may develop into a critical failure in time. INCIPIENT FAILURE: A failure which does not immediately cause loss of a system's capability of providing, its output, but which, if not attended to, could result in a critical or degraded failure in the near future. UNKNOWN: Failure severity was not recorded or could not be deduced. The severity class is used to describe effect on operational status and the severity of loss of output from the system. Bach failure has been associated with only one severity class, either critical, degraded or incipient, independently of the failure mode and failure cause. The severity classification is confined to the location and use of the equipment unit that has failed. Subunit (C) - Topside ‘An assembly of items that provides a specific function that is required for the equipment unit to achieve its intended performance. Corresponds frequently with sub-tag number(s). Subunit (C) - Subsea ‘A subsea equipment unit is subdivided in several subunits, each with function(s) required for the equipment unit to perform its main function. Typical subunits are e.g. umbilical, HPU etc, The subunits may be redundant, e.g. two independent HPUs. Taxonomy (C) A systematic classification of items into generic groups based on factors possibly common to several of the items, e.g. functional type, medium handled. BOREDA OREDA-2002 43 OREDA- 2002 REFERENCES A. Hoyland and M. Rausand. Reliability Theory; Models and Statistical Methods. Tobn Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994, IEC 812. Analysis Techniques for System Reliability - Procedures for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, 1985. ISO 14224. Petroleum and natural gas industries - Collection and exchange of reliability and maintanance data for equipment. International Standards Organisation. NORSOK Z016. Regularity Management & Reliability Technology. NORSOK standard issued 2000 by NTS ( OREDA-84. Offshore Reliability Data, DNV-Technica, P.O,Box 300, 1322 Hovik, Norway, I" edition, 1984, OREDA-92. Offshore Reliability Data. Det Norske Veritas (DNV), P-O.Box 300, 1322 Hovik, Norway, 2 edition, 1992. OREDA-87. Offshore Reliability Data. Prepared by SINTEF and marketed by DNV. edition, 1997. M. Rausand and K. Gien. The hasic concepts of failure analysis, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 53:73-83, 1996. M, Rausand and J. Vain. Reliability Centered Maintenance. In C. G. Soares, editor, Risk and Reliability in Marine Technology, Balkerma, Holland, 1997. E. Spjatvoll. Estimation of failure rate from reliability data bases. In ‘Society of Reliability Engineers’ Symposium (1985: Trondheim). J. Vatu. OREDA Data Analysis Guidelines. Technical Report STF7S A93024, SINTEF Industrial Management, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway, 1993. Hi. Sandtorv. Experience with the collection, quality control and application of an offshore R&M database. Workshop on QRA databases. London 1993. H. Sandtory et al: Practical experience with a data collection project - The OREDA project. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 1995 K. Haugen et al: The analysis of failure data in precence of critteal and degraded failures. EsRel Conference in Bournemouth 1995. K. Haugen et al: Analysis of OREDA data for maintenance optimisation. Conference on Safety and Reliability in Industrial management, Trondheim May 1996. P. Hokstad et al.: Estimation of average rate of occurrence of failures. EsRel 96. H. Sandtorv: Quality of reliability databanks. EsReDa conference on quality of reliability data, Stockholm 1998 H.Sandtory: Problems and solution with the collection of reliability data from different data sources. EsRel'99 Munich. H. Sandtorvy; Evolution of operation experience data collection methods. EsReDa Conference 2000 in Lyon. R. @stebs et al: Subsea reliability perfomance - oil & gas industry. Deep Offshore Technology Conference. 2000 in New Orleans. © OREDA OREDA-2002 44 OREDA-2002 PART II Reliability Data Presentation ‘BOREDA OREDA-2002 45 OREDA-2002 RELIABILITY DATA PRESENTATION CONTENTS a & MACHINERY ... Compressors... 4.4 Compressors. (100-1000) KW (1000-3000)kW {8000-10000)kW .. {zo000-0000} TURBINE S388 Se eeezeeezzazea 1.2 Gas Turbines... 1.2.1 Asroderivative. 424.4 (1000) KW 4.21.2 (3000-10000 1213 (10000-20000)KW 1.2.14 (20000-40000)KW 4245 422 4224 ‘Chemical injection... Combined function. Completion fu. ‘© OREDA OREDA-2002 46 OREDA-2002 Flare, vent & blow-down. Gas processing Gas production’ 43.1.1 Gas treatment 13.112 Heating medium Materials handling. — Ollexport, 131.15 Oilprocessing Olly water treatmen 131.17 Seawater If. Water fire fighting. Water injection . Gas treatment Nain power. ROLY Combustion Engines 1.4 Combustion Enigens... 14.1 Diesel engine... Compressed air... 11.2 Emergency power. .3 Main power.. A 5 Process shutdown and ESD Water fire fighting.. Gas engine... 1421” Crude oi handling. 1.422 Emergency power. 1.5 Turbosxpanders.... 7 1.5.1 Combined function 1.52 15.24 . 1.5.3 Gas treatment 153.1 Centrifugal... ELecTRIc EQuipmenr. Electric Generators. 2.1 Electric Generators, 2.1.1 Motor drivan (chese’, gas motor) 27.1.1 Emergency power.. 1.1 (-1000)KVA. 12 (1000-3000)KVA.. 1.3 Unknown. 2 Main power.. 2. 2. {(-1000)KVA.. {(1000-3000)kVA. ‘Turbine driven (gas, steam). Essential power. (-1000)KVA., 2.5242 — (1000-3000)KVA.. 24.213 (3000-10000)VA... 24.22 Main cower. 24221 (-1000)KVA B2 1 1 1 1 4 A a 2 2 2. RERBNNNNND @OREDA 47 OREDA-2002 (3000-10000)KVA.... (10000-20000)kvs (20000-30000)KVA.. Electric Motors . 2.2 Electric motors 2.21 COMPRESSOF Compressed air.. Cooling systems 2213 Gas (rejinjection.. 22414 2215 22146 2.2.2 2222 on 2223 Condensate processing. 2224 — Cooling systems 2225 Crude oll handiing.. 22.2.6 Flare, vent & blow-down.. 22.27 — Gas processing. Gas production. Gas treatment Heating medium Oil export... Water injection MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. Heat Exchangers Air>Sea Water Gas>Ar..... Plate - compact Gas>Watglycol Plate - conventional. Crude Oil->Sea Water. Waterglycol->Crude Oil Water/glyco'->Sea Water Wiateriglyeo>Watityeo Printed cireuit Gas->Watiglyco} ‘Shell and tube. Condensate->Ga: Crude Gil->Watalycol Flare Gas->Wat/lycol Gas->Watiglycol He-comb->He-com Oil->Fuel Gas G@OREDA Heaters and Boilers CONTROL AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Fire and Gas Detectors.. (50-100)m3.. Destillation column, (100-300)m3.. (300-1000)m3. Flash drum (1-10)m3, (400-300)ms.. (300-1000)m3. 3.3 Heaters and boilers. 3.34 Direct HC fred neater _ Heating medium 3.3.2 Electric heateriboiler .. 3.3.21 Gas treatment. 3.3.3 HC fired boiler. 333.1 — Oilprocessing 3.34 Non-HC fired boiler. 3.341 Gas treatment. 3.3.42 Heating medium 4.1 Fire & Gas Detectors. 411 Flame... 4.1.44 Infrared 412 H2Sga 4421 HS gas... 413 Heat. @OREDA OREDA-2002 49 OREDA-2002 4.13.1 Rate compensated. 4.1.4 Hydrocarbon gas.. 4444 Catalytic 4142 Infrared. 41.43 Pholo-electric beam. 44.44 Unknown 532 4415 Smoke/Combustion . 533 44.5.1 — Photoelectric... 535 Process Sensors 536 4.2 Process sensors. 538 424 540 4244 542 4242 543 422 5a4 4.224 546 42.22 547 42.23 SAB 4224 “548 4225 550 4226 551 4227 4 423 “563 4234 555 4232 556 4233 557 4234 558 4235 559 424 560 4244 562 4242 563 4243 564 4248 565 Valves 566 4.3 Valves described by taxonomy 568 431 Ball 575 Emergency shutdown (ESD) 581 Flare, vent & blow-dow 582 43.13 Gas systems. 583 43.14 Main power. 585 43.1.5 Oilsystems 586 43.1.6 Oily water treatment. ‘587 43.1.7 _ Water injection. 588 432 Buterty. 589 432.1 Cooling system: 592 4322 — Gas systems. 593 4323 Oil systems 504 43.24 Oily water treatment. 595 4325 Seawater 5968 4326 Water injection... 597 4327 Well servicing 598 433° Chook ‘500 Chemical injection. 600 4332 601 4333 602 4334 603 434 604 43.44 606 435 607 Chemical injection. 613, @OREDA OREDA-2002 Flare, vent & blow down. Gas systems.... Gil systems... Oily water treatment, Sea water li. Globe. 7 ‘Chemical injection ‘Combined function. Compressed air... Condensate processi Cooling systems . Essential power... Flare, vent & blow-d Gas systems Main power Oil systems ily water treatment. Sea water lit... Water injection ATA 437.3 Main power. Water fire fighting _ Water injection 43.8 PSV - Conventional wibellows.. Condensate processing 43.8.2 Gas systems. 4383 _ Oilsystems 439 PSV - Pliot operated. . 43.9.1. Condensate processing. 43.10 Unknown... 4.4 Valves described by application... 44.1 Blowdown. 4441 Ball (11-50) inch... 4441.2 (6.1-10) inch 4414.3 Unknown. 4412 Gate. es 44124 (1.4-5.0) inch. 442 By-pass. 442.1 Ball 4a2it — ( 44242 (6.1-10) inch. 443 Combined. 4431 Ball... 44344 (1.1-5.0) inch.. —_ (20.1-30) inch. ABA ESD cnn 4441 Ball... : 44441 (1.1-5.0) incl 44.412 (6.1-10) inch 44413 (101-20) inch. 44.4.1. (20.1-30) inch. — {30.1-40) inch. @ OREDA OREDA-2002 4442 44424 444.22 444.23 AAADA 445 4454 44514 44512 44513 44514 44515 445. 44832 44533 44534 448.14 448.14 4482 448.24 448.22 448.23 4491.3 44914 4492 51 Gate. (4.1-5.0) inch (6.1-10) inch, (10.1-20) inch. (20.1-30) inch. ESDIPSD... Ball (1.4-5.0) inch (81-10) inch. (10.1-20) inch, (20.1-30) inch. (30.1-40) inch, Unknown... (1.1-.0) ineh.. (6.1-10) inch, (10.1-20) inch, Ball . (1.1-5.0) inch. (5.1-10) inch, (10.1-20) inch.. (51-10) inch. (10.1-20) inch.. CHECK nnn (1.1-5.0) inch... Diaphragen. (6.1-10) inch... (1-10) inch... (10.1-20) inch... (1.1-8.0) inch... (6.1-10) inch. (10.1-20) inh (20.1-30) inch. (10.4-20) inch (20.1-30) inch. @OREDA OREDA- 2002 52 44.10 Relief. 44.101 Gale... 444044 (44 441012 — 61- “0 inch. 44102 Globe. 44.1021 (1.1-5.) inch. 4410.3 PSV - Conventional 44.10.31 (1.4-6.0) inch.. — (8.4-10) in 4.4,103.3 Unknown, . 44.104. PSV- Conventional wibellows 44.1041 44.10.42 44.105 441051 441052 4411 44a 441 (.1-10} inch... (10.1-20) inch... (20.30) inch {30.1-40) inch Gate. (6 1-10) inch... 441123 (10.1-20) inch. 44.11.24 (20.1-30) inch. 4.4.12 Unknown... ~ SUBSEA EQUIPMENT... Common Components. Contra! Systems. Manifold Flowline. Subsea Isolation System. Risers Running Tool. Wellhead and X-mas Tree. @OREDA OREDA.2002 PREFACE Part IT of the Handbook present numeric failure and maintenance data for the various equipment classes as described in Part I. Part Il is organised as follows: ‘The equipment classes are categorised in 5 major categories, as shown in the following table: System [Machinery Equipment class = Compressors - Gas Turbines - Pumps - Combustion engines ‘urboexpanders Electric - Electric generators equipment - Electric motors ‘Mechanical ~ Heat exchangers equipment - Vessels - Heaters and boilers Control and - Fire &Gas detectors safety equipment |- Process sensors - Valves Subsea - Common components equipment - Control systems - Manifold - Flowline - Subsea Isolation System - Risers. - Running tool = Wellhead & X-mas tree 1, For each equipment class (e.g. compressors) there is an Inventory description at the start of the respective chapter that contains: - Descriptive part - Boundary diagram - Subdivi ion in ‘Subunits’ and 'Maintainable Items' - List of failure modes @OREDA OREDA-2002 54 OREDA-2002 2. Then the data tables described in Part | with failure and maintenance data are given for the whole equipment class population (i.e. all compressors). Similarly the cross-tabulation of failure modes and failure descriptors/maintainable items is also given for the whole equipment class. 3. Next, the equipment class is split in more narrow taxonomy classes (e.g. centrifugal compressors) and the same tables as indicated above are presented for each of those taxonomy classes. Note that the split into various taxonomy classes may between equipment classes. The guiding rule has been to retain a population of similar design, size, performance and any other characteristics that has been deemed appropriate and at the same time keeping the size of the book within a manageable level. @OREDA OREDA-2002 85. OREDA-2002 MACHINERY Compressors Inventory description ‘The compressor driver along with auxiliary systems such as lubrication, cooling and start systems for driver are not included within the compressor boundary as shown in Figure 10. Driver units are recorded as separate OREDA inventories (Electric Motor, Gas Turbine or Combustion Engine) and the failures on the driver, if recorded, are recorded separatelyfor each of thos driver categories, ‘A compressor train is considered as one inventory in OREDA. (Each compressor train may consist of up to four compressor stages either as separate units (casings) or integrated in one compressor unit). For compressors with a common lub.oil- and seal oil system, failures are as a general tule assigned to the subunit that is assumed to be the one most affected. Otherwise the failures are assigned to the lub.oi) system. Inlet and outlet valves are not within the boundary. The boundary definition is shown in Figure 10, and the subdivision in Subunits and Maintainable Items are shown in Table 5. oN Figure 10 Compressors, Boundary Definition @ OREDA OREDA-2002 ‘Table 5 Compressors, Subdi' 56 ion in Maintainable Items COMPRESSOR: OREDA-2002 Power trans: mission ls Gearvox Antsurge le Bearing system le Seals Casing = Lubrication |* Cylinder liner Instruments ls Couplings ping Shaft seals. J+ instruments Radial bearing Thnust bearing Iinerstage seals Vaives & Piping Piston" Packing Rotor wlimpetters {Compressor unit Control and [Lubrication Monitoring | system J» Reservoir wiheating system Je Pump wimotor| je Filter + Cooler je Valves & piping = Oi > Insiruments Je Instruments le Cabling, Junction box ele. Control unit Actuating device Monitoring Internal power ‘supply l* Valves Je Seals Miscetianeous. Base frame je Coaler Je Drygas seal |* Valves Je Instruments |» Magnetic le Overhead tank] bearing control Je Reservoir | system le Scrubber |» Piping ls Pump + Purge air wimotorigear |» Silencers + Fitter Je Valves le Seal gas l* Seal oll = Butter gas system (For all subunits the Mis "Unknown’ and “Subunit” are included.) 4 , Reciprocating compressor only @OREDA OREDA-2002 List of failure modes AIR BRD ERO ELP ELU FTS STP HIO INL Loo SER NOL OTH OHE PDE UST STD UNK VIB Abnormal instrument reading Breakdown Erratic output Extemnal leakage - Process medium External Jeakage - Utility medium Fail to start on demand Fail to stop on demand High output Internal leakage Low output ‘Minor in-service problems Noise Other Overheating Parameter deviation Spurious stop Structural deficiency Unknown Vibration (@ OREDA OREDA- 2002 58 OREDA. 2002 Tomar i " wy oars Population | Installations “Aggregated time in service (10® hours) No of demands 131 8 Calendar time * ‘Operational time * B2472 ae as Failure mode ‘No of Failure rate (per 10 hours). ‘Active it (manhours) failures: Mean _| Upper SD ok | reps | Min | Mean | Max, a ae] omy a] aed] onl et a) na] a sas? 0.08] 268.58) 1176.02) 469.51) 245.33) Joraratisnrenving | x] So] tay] as] tat] ove] 7a] woo] sf ro a 0.00} 6.03} 24a] 12.28] 1.24) st 0.00) 6.20} 34.23] 17.26) 2.08} Erato tz] oma) zee] zal yee] aa) sel cng wt 0.00} aa] 43,25] 13.34] 4.95) Fmemtesoe Poss | at) 9m) wa] Soa aca] isi] @3] as! x2q) ang medium ast 1.00) 12.45] 51.85] 58.15] 18.14) Ereroauge-Vayrenn) 3) 90) ay) ear] aco art] we] 1a] ae] 10 at 1.01) 24.22) 105.90) 41.83] 12.78] arosatn sod | oz} sem) “sen] aol ts) 203) 10] ars) a 069) 40.25) 127.61] 45.80) 28.69] ascend si au Ve) aa] “se om| as) a5) as) 3 0.00] 2.80) 1.49) 7.43) 1.24] arom | om] cf ‘tse] om) cas] nal veo) 4c) 1 0.40) 045} 2.49} 1.56) O41 — ee ee er er er at aot 2.68) 14.47] 9.25) 2.06] loves ise] oc sai] moe sein] am] aso] as) 225] ato 1537 0.00 A411] 230.34] 187.13) 63.08] ese *| cel ‘om seo aay amo] sna) 4a] aa] 00 FT o.0f 186 9.91] 54 124] Other 4 0.0 a7] 862 3.69] 1.05] TO} 10) 22 390 a 0.00 3.07) 16.14] 7.20| 165] tea a] cof voy esa] ce) woe] re] as] 8a) ano ast OOH} 20.11 Voda} 81.951 28.45} a | co} ay) ‘coon sual 03] ose] as] ata) no sof) eo 14,91) 77.85) 63,78] 20.82) acess mm] co] ms] uo mao] ea} ae] tof azo) ag 124 027] 60. 2430) 82.81] 51.13] rues ef ool “af “ied “aay a] ase] a] edo et 6.00) 4.02 14.75) 617 2.47] owen we) caf an) isa) caf an) se} oa] aor] ang ru on asd} 14.03) 4.35 4.13] puns sie] Ga iad ram] snd aaa] ta) ea] 49] aa sat w (267.11) 1031.46] 380.84) 224.30] swrsicumacing | | Son] ves] aa ass] ayo] se] 20) ef an ast a ‘2Ad} 3203) 12.42] 6.10} cra ox te] sof ba) ae] tsa) ela] 2a) ai] iat 0.08 16.69] 54.82] 24.00| 7.42] toons feant)| @ OREDA OREDA-2002 59 OREDA- 2002 [Taxonomy no [hem i Haciinesy Compressors Population ] (nstalletions: ‘Aggregated time in service (10* hours) No of demands cr 38 Calendar ume * ‘Operational time * e287 38285 2083 Faure mode Not Failure rate (per 10 hours) ‘Active [__ Repair (manhours) {sites | Lower | Mean | Upper | SD | nit _| reps [Win | Mean | Max torial wakage - Process 4] 00) 4m 628q]zase} Teel ze] sf Ba] Sa edum ast] doi] 20.89) 92.26) 36.28] 2020) Externatleakage- Utiky medium] —95*| 0.00 3368) 16470) 68.96] 2485] 13.5] 03) 20.6 218. gst] ocd} 4625) 22298) e167] 38:17 Falta stat on demand a] aco 034] t.55f 13s] o28| tof to} to} st] ago] aaa] 2.45] 43} Fait sop on demana x} a4 1.35] 267] ordl 134] 3a] 5) 48] 7 st} goof zi} nga} 5] 285] High out 4] coo) ose = az) 152] 108] aa] 30) a4] 4) oor] 145] 4.93) 180) 1.88 itera leakage 1s] ooo 3.48] tt) 629) Bao] aaa] 10 $5.4) 2180 vt} oon sso] 25.78] was] 838) Low ope yor} ooo] ater] 173.39] Biz] 2951) m06| os} tas} 2a) joat| ao] aes] 34e53] 5814) 44.94] [Minor inservice proolems 2} oof ose] 1.81], 67082] 2.0) 20] 20) 20 2) oo] 076) az] are] 2 Noise 4] ooo] ose] asa} 1.33 1.05] 74) $0] 28.0] a) co vag] $201.92) .68) oer cet] 005] 23.23 sta) 4.90] 17.76] 233] 10) 277] ano Gat} 077] 3563] 13895) 51.50] 28.04 Overheating wy} 834] 43.22) 1906) 732) BS] 1.012] 80) vet] ooo 11.35, S486) 22.48) 11.34 Parameter deviation sor] o.00] 41.05} 233.42) 12480) 27.9, 38] 03} BT] 1019) wort} ana) 48.2) 75518] T88aq 44.12 Smuatrel deiiercy x} coo] 2m] rast} Foe) tga] aa) 8) 4] 170 Pe ee Unknown &| ao} 34 year] 771] 157) ao} a0] 33.5] 64 st} 00) tao) e020) 1789} 2.87 Merson 1s] 025, 406) 11.84] 32} 340] 9.8] 10) 223] 6 ast] oa} bag) 2070) 7465.36) se wee] tal eal rare) meal mma] 04 0s] 9a roget| 9.20) 725.38) 2326.94) Ban.7i) 438.70 Abnormal instrument esding amr] 92, 10624) 471.62] ase] 97.62] 48] 3} 7a) tA saat] a7] 148.99)] 260.20) 154.21 Eran oop +] anol 255) © 12569] 5.30) 183] 0a} 16 a0) 370 it ooo ate} 084) 25] External eakage Proves zx} oo art aoe tag} coz} na] to] tas] 1150) mesium ast] poo tir} 53.28] 21.29) 8.48) Exmelleokage-Uitymecun] 112%) 019) 30.5] 105.80] 38.24] 29585] 1230.3) 2hs} 3700. nist] 08a} 12820) 44081} 162.35] 46.58) Faiito sa on demaret tr} 034 1.87] 08a} 26] 0} 4a} Ae] wo 312] ts] 886] __ Ot [Bommante (con. @OREDA OREDA-2002 60 OREDA-2002 item Mectinery Conrpessors Population ] lnstalaions ‘Aaggragaled time sve (1 hours) No of demands a] 38 Calendar tne ~ ‘Operational tine F 2a 38235 24253 ire mode No of Fare roe (per 10 nour). Bales air (ranbours) nue [Tower [Mean | Upper | SO [nf _| reptvs Mean [Max nara wakage we] om) teat esa) anna) aep ta) taf] 4a!) ai} 2264} rosos) aaa] 18.9 Low ope +) aol a2} 135) 6] 26 zo) 20) 2d 1) aco) caf 223) 107 0 Maer mserice prblens zee] ago) a643} 423.73] 25979 a520 © 23,03] an} 70d) zest! aol 11511] 63607] sig6q] 1344) Noise «| acol ax} 70] zi 209) a37| a0) naa] 330 at] oc] so] sas] 355 330) One se] om 98) s2g7| azn} tare stn] 10) na] ont. : Git] ams] 355] satea] suas] 25:30 Overheating we] aso) 501532] sax] 262] 122) 20) 224) rot} oof 852] was] 126 41] Parameter deiton se} oc 112q] saa] 213! ge] 58) 10] 103] aa sit] ac] 162] 226) 2672] 158] Sra deleney 1] oo} 413} t672] a3] a0] 08) 158) ta rit] 06g} soa} 2016] 738) 5.0] ose ve] Si) Sa) 2a) a) ta] us] an) al ist} oc} 2084) 10637] Fee] 789 Mwai we] ocd) 5251768] eae] ass] a] 10] tta] 1130) 1s} oe] 3m) zeaal roan) 783 Vatnown sv) am] 2837] t0nst) 4187) 1648] 156) 08) 235] 2439) sat] ood 433s] 100.25 geez] 25.08 Anreralasrumestrendng | 21+] age} 298] 410) 2232) Sasa] 10] ai} zit] acc) 14a] aad) 3577] 8 Enemalieatage Unity medum] — 5+] Og} 153] B77) 473) zi] 70] 70] ass] tet st] oc 23] tei] 8] 206 Lom ouper 1} or] or] aes] zm] oe} =] 1206] 120] 120) 1] oc] om] as] a1) om Nose +} oc) 93] 20s] 1100s] tae 5 1} oc} avi] asi] 2a] om Other 1s] acy 253] 30s] rz5q) 32] te) 20] 20] tos) is] oc) var} sas] zi] 815 Overeating +} oo af 135] 062] 025 so] 30) 39 1} oof 920] 223] 107] oat Uninaxin ve] oc 75] 173) em} an] 9a) as] as] zanal ve] oct) ts] ta] tse] 722 Vixen +} oc] 950] 30} 229) oe] =} aa} gn} 1] oc} 5m: amr] 330) ae An modes zzes'| 03s} 56s] 270887] 107030) 592.6] 113] 03) 179) 10180 zase'| 1632) r30nse| 417573) asttt1] 93420] (Comments On cemand probabil for consaquense dass: Ctl and rate mode Fal tat on demand = 85 10¢ @OREDA OREDA-2002 61 OREDA-2002 ‘Maintainable item versus failure mode, to be continued tera: Compressors FO A Teg as Gar [em pea] 00 f oat Laer om | 000—| oon Poo sans tapout | oe [ers tex Tei [ou Powe poo Pooo Pose tore ios o00-_| ao [oo [neo Loco ae0 a0 | 000 ao0 in te 900“ Poor [ors [ow | ver | sea ooo | oor Tuap go ta3 [am [om [aor [000 | aco [coo 000 | 00> 000 Cing ici Tos 47 oan | oan [wor | ooo face coo [oor [00 [000 Caer Gur} aae [ose Poe [om 000 Pom oor aco 00 Crees oa Pano [on Loo om Poof oat cor] 200 000 lt asf om ow [om |e pass Poo [aor | 000 [oon Cons: sonmgkommams Poor} om [oe [ars | aio uo ago —t uo) [ovo [000 Cet A A Coonimg o ana a A ET xing ter [sambaobano Pan —pes [00 [0001 oc [ooo Poon nine CE A EC tryin dof vor Pom—[-ate | 9c [ban 90000 o.00 a0 Fines(s) oo | 900_[oot [ota [oor [00 | ooo | oo | 031 | 0.00 Geasbox!var drive 00g [090 | 9.00 | 0.15 6.00_] 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 | 6.00__| 0.09 Tsuen oa ts oa) [-s00—] 9x8 [ocr [ae [om | ago —Pa90 a0 Taser. gene te | om —[-a00—[ ow [ocr P oe [oan | 00 oor uo Taran $or | ow [om] ase nce Past Pao no [oe [ 300 Tet rs qer_foo Pom Lipo | ost [oot 00) oor Po Tissue speed FO Tse emp te [om [om [at [ oe Pare [oo 000 | 001 [00 Tuner ran a Taal 5p nef om | 048 [ane] asa [a0 [009 [000 | 000 [050 I ove RE ize oan [one Tom be | eon 000 | 00 Po Taesege cb tear—pem | os er Poa Poa o00 Loar [orf oan “The figures are percentages of the total failure rete for tho actual maintainable iternfalure mode combination, © OREDA OREDA-2002 62 OREDA-2002 Maintainable item versus failure mode, continued em: Compressors aR [ero [ee [eu [ero [Fis [ao [mi | 100 | Nor ibe ot ‘oor | oo | 00 | ooo | 000 [600 [ao [ooo | oo | 300 Lutein occ [ooo [oo [en [000 [oa [00 [oon [oor [ono Mentonng, ‘oar [ooo fou | eo [00 [oa [oo [ooo [on [00 Ot ‘000 [oo | 00 | 026 | 07 | 00 [om [ize | ooo [000 Ci ark whesting system ‘aoe [ooo [ov | vor [ooo [oa [ooo [oon | noo | 00 Otter ‘ore fom [os nas [oe [oo [oo [oon | oz | eos ‘Gverhead val ‘ooo [oof 000 | oo4 [oo [ooo [oo [ooo [aco [a0 Packing amo [oo; az | 09 | 007 | noo [ooo | ooo | co | 000 Poon ooo [oo foo {oso | 00e [000 [ooo [ooo Tce [a0 Ping pipe suppor + below £0 Cc Pistons ooo [oo [aoe |-os0 [00s [oo [oo [ooo | co | 000 Pump wlnor aco [oo fats | oas [ooo [ots [ooo fom | 132 | a0 Pup wimaterigear ‘000 [oo pau | o40 | aoe [ao | om [ooo | ois fore Purge at ‘ooo [oo fo [ove [0c [vor | oo | ooo [oo [a.00 Radial bearing ‘ooo foot fn | 2.00 "ao | oo | oo | cco {oof a.00 Reservoir wheating system ‘oo foo [ao | aos | a0 [oo [oo | coo Toco [a0 Rotor w impor CA A A Seal gas ‘000 [oon ors | 01 [000 [000 [000 | 0.00 [000 ["o.00 Seal ot aoa foo [a0 | o% [oo [ow [eo foo [oor 00 Seas ‘aco [oo [aoe | ax | oo [om [oo foo [aot [ono Shaft ‘ooo [oo | ove [oss | ooo | 900 [oo [oz | ocr | oo Sioncers ‘ooo [oop foo | ooo | oo [oo | oo | aco [ano | one Subunit ‘ore [oor foo [oe | aos [ox [oo [oor [oes [or Ths berg, CC a Unknown oss [oo fois | 128 | 000 [osr [ooo [oss Tose [ooe Vales ‘oes [ooo 121 [i [ose [ozs {oo [ars | 221 | 00s ovat va23 Loz fai [io | is [327 [oz [2 | ns [on ‘The figures are percentages of the (ola failure rate forthe actual maint @OREDA OREDA-2002 63 OREDA-2002 Maintainable item versus failure mode, continued tem: Compressors cHe [om | ror [ser | stb [ste [unk [usr [wie 7 sum ewating eve ‘oo | 008 | 000 | -o00 [ooo [oor [000 [004 | 000 [0.26 Aavisurge syste oo (os [on |orw [ou [oor [oo [oor [ooo [203 Base fam ooo [oo [3.00 [oss [os [oor [000 [ooo [004 [1.06 Searing ‘oo oo [o.oo [oor [ooo [003 | oo [ooo [020 Bufler gas aster ‘oo | 00 | o.04 | ood {ooo [ooo [ooo | 000 | 00 [oe {Gebing & junction woes oo [os [oor | oce [oo [ooo [oor [oor [ou [07 Casing ‘om | ooo | 00 [013 | oo [Tose Too) [eo [ooo [038 ‘Check vas. aor [oo [a2 Toor [ow [oo [oo [oor | oo [ost Control anit ooo) 031 [040 [coe [oor [ots [oor [053 [ora [335 ConratisokengScheckvalees | 000 [oon [ooo [oor [ow 10.00 [oo | oo [oo [027 Coolerts) ‘eos [oo [coe [os | a00 To [oo [oo [oot [ost Coupling to Sven ‘ooo [ooo [ooo [oo [eo To [oo [oo [aia [036 Couping te ever ‘aco [aco [ooo [oon [ao [ooo [ooo [ooo [aoa [033 Cine ner s40_[ aoa [os7 [ost | 022 [0g [ozs [ois [or | 13.68 Dry gas seal oo [aoa [oon [oor [0+ [000 [oo [ono [oo | 022 Fert) ooo [os [ose [733 [oo Too [oo] ois | oco | a95 Gearbodvar.arve eos [nas [oor [oor [oo [ooo [aac | 0.00 | 004 [oss nstumnert, ae 000 [eos [ose [ooe [om [oo [oo | 900 | co [1.27 Instrument. genera 00 [04 [026 [ois [oo [ooo [0.90 | 0.09 [0.00 [50 Inger, evel o00 [oz [ose [oze [009 | 000 [aoa [azn [000 [az Instrument presse 000 [ors fos fo [oo | a0 [001 Toca [0.00 [657 Instrument, speed 000 | ono ae [ooo [000 | ooo [0.00 [v.04 [000 [cas Tsuen, wmparaiare coos [oz fan [a2 [oo [oo [oo [oss | ocs [793 Tnsinumert ration oo [oe fan [on [ao [ooo Tf o00 [40 | 040] 297 Incemai ping 09 [os Tans [ozs [ooo [ooo [7o.00 [0.00 | 0.04 [0.55 Intel power 805) oo [ore foo foo Too [oor [oso [ote [000 [075 Intersiage seals 00 [ace }0.00 {a0 [ooo | oo [0 [oss [oo [ose ‘The figuras are percentages of the total failure rate for the actval maintainable iternfiature mode combination @OREDA OREDA-2002 64 OREDA-2002 Maintaénable item versus failure mode, continued Item: Compressors oat [om [roe [sie [sip [sre [unk [sr [ve [sum Libeoi 090 [03 [000 [oo] 000 [000 [oo [001 | oo [046 Lbrization CC A TT Menton, oon oz [oss | ar [oo [on | co [cos | e0o_| 181 1 0.00 [003 | 0.00 aos [ooo | 000] 009 |-o0s | ooo | 185 Quark eee syser oo [o22 [ooo [aos [oo [oo foo foo [oo [ose Ger Goo [oar [dca | aso | oos [oo [osr [ons | aca | 3.00 Qvechead tr 05 foo. oc | ac foo [om [00 [ooo [ooo | aos Pcking oor [ooo | oo) | oo [000 | 000 | ov | ono | a0o_| 037 Pipi oo [oor [om [om [ors [ow [ow [or [ou [13 Ping. pipe suppor + belows oo [eos | oc | oz | oo {oo | oo | oo | oor | 0.06 Pixon) 300 [900 | ooo | ooo [oo [000 [oo | on [ooo | az Pump winesor on [ooo 10 oz [oa oe fo [om [om [37 Purp whnoioTgoar 00 [oat [oco | oos foo Tose [000 | aoe o08 [50 Puage ot an ooo for [013 | ooo | 000 [900 [ooo [ooo [os Reka bearing oo [ooo [ooo Too [000 [000 [00 [004 [000 [010 Reserv whaling syste 00 foo [om jeer [uo [eo [oo [oo [ooo [ors Rew pars oar [ooo [oo foo | ao | 59 [000 |oos [ooo | or Sool gas 300 oot [ooo [ano | a00 | a0 [oe | 000 [ooo | oz ‘Scala a0 [ane [000 [ao | a0 | aso [oo | ooo [oct | 57 Soak soo [ows [oor [009 [ov [oso [000 | o00 | 000 | as7 ‘Sait sale a0 [ane [ao ooo | ao | oo foo | aoe | ooo | 1.13 Slencars ‘300 [ono [ooo | oo [ao [050 [an | aon | 000} aos Subunit ‘ara poss {aos |o2 [a0 | 000 [ao | 032 | ooa | 347 Thrust bear aos [oof o00 [000 oo [cos [a0 [000 | os Poe Urksow, ‘oat [os for [ar [oz [oo [ors [oss [oz | 750 Valves oz [iar | 197 | 13 [om [oos [oss [ozs [cos | nies Toul ani [66s [eer fran [ois [oss [ie [sa [19 | 109 ‘The figures are percentages of the tolal failure rate for the actual maintainable itervfalure mode combination © OREDA OREDA-2002 65 OREDA-2002 Fallure descriptior versus fallure mode, to be continued Mem: Compresscrs aR [oro [ar [ew [ero Tes [wo Tin [wo [nor | Bioekagsipngges ois [og [ooo [oe foo Too Too [ooo [031 | a0 Breakage ‘az6_[ase [aos | oo | ano {ao [ooo [ooo [oo | a0 Bust ao) aon Poor [oon [ono | no [oo {oon | oo | a0 Caan ‘aga [ano ooo | aon [ooo [oo [oo [00s foo [aor Clearence! signet are tus oon [oo [om [ooo [oo | ooo | ooo | ooo | 000 Combined cons not) aco | oo | ooo foo | oo [ooo Too0 Poor [oo Cortninaion ae) 000 | 000 | aos [ooo [oon [ooo [oon [ono [ao opt fate 40) 000 [000 [oo [ors [oss | ooo | oor [ova | oo Corusien 99 000 [ooo [oor [oor fom | ocr | oor | ooo | 000 Deforetin De) e00 | 000 ooo [ooo [oo [ooo | ooo | aoa [oo orton faa pe! | 000 | 000 [oon | ooo [op [aco [ooo | ooo | 000 Flocrical faire general dor | 900 | 000 [oor [on [ou | ooo [ooo [aco | 200 Evosion 000 | aco | dos [ooo [oo [ooo foo [090 [a0 [200 Excemaliniuence— general oof oco | 290 000 | ooo [a0 | eco [000 | 000 | 100 Fake 0.90 | o0o | 000 [009 [000 [ooo foo [ooo [a0 | 000 Fauy powavaays ‘000 000 [a0 foo [ooo [aor [ooo | 000 | oa | oo Faaty sunardiceonate 340 [ooo | oo foo [or [aw [ow [000 [oo [oo Irsrurent fare - gener 27 foco [oo [oa [oss [ors [avs | aoa [vee | o00 Leake oe Pom [106 fats” [ooo [aor [ooo | aos | ooo | o00 Locsnnose ‘ore 009 [eco [oa [aos [ors [aco [oo | ono [one Wate elure— genera ‘a1 foo [ors [oa [ooo [ooo [ow [oo | oco | oot Wecharical Fallre -gentrah ade [ooo [are [256 [ors [ass Pour [or [91 [ois Wise, exe wlencos. ‘a1s [900 [ooo [os [aco (coo Too [e.0 [026 [on Wiscllneous- general ‘a0 ooo | ono foo [aco [ou Faw [eo [ode [oo No cause found 25 foo [om [oo | occ [am [ao [000 | oa | oo No poner! yeas CT TC A No sipalindicatonalar an [ao foo [oor [ooo [ois [ao [oo [ooo [ooo Open circ aaa foo [oo face [occ [aos [aw | oo [000 [con ‘Gtrer an [aos | 00s 000 | oo | cor} a0 | oo [oo | ooo ‘Out eraser 377 foo | ooo Too [oz [oz Jaw [oo [oo [oo ‘Overeating ‘ann aor fois | oor [oor [oo [oo [oo | 000 | ton ‘Shaw rug 13 foo [ooo | oo ace [ooo [oo [090 [000 [ooo Sofware faire ‘043 Pao eo [oo [oo [on | oo | om | oo [ooo ‘Sain ore [ao [ooo | oo [aot [os [ou | 013 [000 [ooo Union oss foo [oo | ois | oon [ozs | 000 | oo [om | 009 ‘bation asi} oo oct [ore [ooo , 000 [oo foo [oe [ong Wear 18} 000 | ooa [150 [oz | ooo | oo | asa | om [aia Tata v.28 Loz [si2_[iom (16s [327 oz [aa | os [on The figures are percentages of the (otal fallure rate for the actual failure descriptortailure mode combination. @OREDA OREDA-2002 66 OREDA-2002 Fallure desoriptior versus failure mode, continued eam: Compressors oae_[ OM [oe [Sk 1ST [unk ust_[ we [Sew Bonaceligaed uo fom fos fo eae [aon [00s | or2 oon [154 roaiage 000 [ooe [ass aoe [aon [aos [oon [oor [sz Bust a TCO A Camsinn ood | oot veo aos | exe | -oco™ | aco 0.00 [om [08 ‘Cerance wget Tare ooo | oe a0 foot | ooo | aco [oto [9.00 [002] 065 Continad causes ono [904 o09[909 | oco [ase Toco [oo [-a03 | 022 Comerinate aor Pom | 009 | ons | aco [ooo | 09 | 000 [oon Tze Cone fare a Pox) o4o”| 003 [act [00 000 | oe | 000 28 Coxresion ooo [012 poo [93s [oo | ono [oso [oo [oot [ 0.9 Detormsien ‘oo [oof oor foe poco | aco [aco foe [oas [025 aren son ‘or [oor | 000 000 [ooo |oco | ooo [oo [ams | 078 lesa fare set 02 Po | oo | oo Pore fons | ove [01s | ooo | 108 Erosion ‘aad [ aoe [oo fom Poo foc | ons 900 f-a03 [08 Ener sance gene amor [013 [090 [ooo | 000 | 000 [om [amo Tose Ful A CN Fay ponerse 00 | oos| ooo Ton [oo [oc [oo fate fom [ors Fauiysgnalingeat ona ‘ae Poor | 050 foo foo [oco | om foe Po [46 inesuper ae gavel FL A Leakage Too [ese [ors [ars oo [oo |aoo [aos [ov | ose Looseness ‘00 [oss [aoe —fa2 [oof aco foo] vo [as [ 132 ‘ete fluro genoa om [ocr | cw fom [ow foo [ors [ors [oo | 103 Mectoriol Foti gota as1 pas | isa) en—fon om [oa [on | os: [3398 Ric. steal fumnces gor_Loor [ors [ors foo Poor [aoe [aos [a9 [110 Hiselareois general toe} oze | om oot foo [ooo [aos] 000 Pam _| a6 locase ond a0 | 013 | 004 | 000 aco [om 900 [ae | vor [are io power Rage coo [ccd | 000) 000 [a0 [oa 900 | 908 | 000 | aw No sigrovivzouofaoen ago 013 | o00 o00 feo fac —| 900 | 300 | a0 [102 Open teat 00 | 060 | o40 [ore [0 | a0 | 990 [9.13 | 0m | At ‘her oo pose [oes [os [ooo [00 | 013 | 009 | oo [141 Oca aqeent ow Poao Loa | oo ooo [oo | 900 | 926 | os [a2 Overeating ow | 00s | 0.13 [ooo | 000 [ooo [90¢ [o26 | om [oss Shor eruog ooo [ooo] coo [oo fan [au | ono | 09 | oor [oz Sot far ‘ow Pam [ox | om coo [aud | 000 | 000 [ o00 Tosa Sing ‘amos [oa | c1a coo [tine [006 | a.00 | 000 [102 Union 08_[ost [oor [oor coe [aos [087 [a2 [oo | a5 Viatee ‘00 Pow [ars Pow feo —peoo | ooo fom [ox] Wear aoa Pam poor oo eon [ooo | nos [ozs | sas Toa a7? 66s [oa | 447 [115] 035 | 190 | $47 [100 | 1000 ‘The figures are percentages of the total failure rete for the actuat failure descriptorfailure made combination. @OREDA OREDA-2002 67, OREDA-2002 [Taxonomy no. item ia Machinery \Compressors | Conrionet Population | Installations ‘Aggregated time in service (10" hours) No of demands fo we Calendar time ‘Operational time ™ nao 19867 1.3308 Failure mode Woot Faire rae (per 10 hours) ‘Active |__ Repair (manhours) fares | Lower | Mean | Upper_| SD [ale | roptrs [Min | Mean | Max. Critical vas] 5.49) 73.1] zoneT) _oase| 75.00] S28 1.0) 798) 18180) vast] 14a) 181.63] S093) 166.51] 112.00) Abnormal instuent reading 2] noo) 21] sr] tas] um) as} 70) 120] 70} at] 95) 12.03] 4557) 16.0] 150 Breakdown x] 000, 167] 849) gee] 151] 5] 255) sta} 14810) st] noo] 13.86] e125} 2400] 228] Era oupat s| ooo] 3.40) 17.25] re] 302 sia] a0) 1025] sana st] 00] st8] 2544) 10. 431 Exteel leakage - Process z| ono} 1.24) a0] roi} eal 20] 995] 197. medium at anol ars} 353] 150] Exeralookage- Unity medun) —@] Dod) .92] 16.83). 403] 352) Lop 46a) 1234] et] 021] sos} 10362) sar} 6. Felt sat on demand 4x] 058i] 2587] 7as0l 27.87) 2466] zB) 10) 4.07040) ast] 153] 41.99 125.58) 43.22] 3683] Fats ap enc 1) tal ‘od Sal “alo | ee | High eupes rv} oo} as] 262] 1.31] os] 70, 40) 40) 4 ooo] a7 = 427] 225] 05 Internat eakage 5s} ooo] 321] 1765] aaa] 282] 1134] 20) 714) 08 st] ooo] 64a] aaa 15.13] 3.78 ow caput Z| ooo) 12490} 3.56) © 01} azo} ergo] 7ar.5] 964 2100] tsa) was] 383] 80 Es a] om ix) sn] ze] to] | ee] and a oo 2 gx2] a7) 1.80 Overeating tr} oon oar] 262131) asa] zeal 4a7.0) 4470] 4470} too 07 = 427] 2.25] 0.5} rte datn ee er a] oo 1353] 25) 150) Spurious stop wor] 015, 2333 e828] 32.55, 3020] aaa] 10] 47.4] tae cot] arg 4402] 164.94) 0.87) 48.10] Veron s| oo] 284) rosa 389) 25230) m0} 73,1000 st} an ani] rato} ae] a5) Degraded 2ogr| rosa, 11420] 313.45] 10131] 10520) 19.4! 05] 237] 0. root] 15.47] 17403] 481.45] 156.19) 157.11 Abnermal instrument eading ww} og 725] 2524) ao} 7.08] 50} 20] 18.4] 290 vat] coy 12.25) 427] 18.22) 1082 ae ouput s| 4 2ao} 1059] 4.54) 252] ta] 4} 18685 st] ano} 3.45) 17.95] 8.00) 376 Esnemal leakage - Process. | 003) gee 3825] 14.14) tor] =a] as} 136) aa edium ot] ane] rt] srr] 2.25] 1503] [Comments sama ‘@OREDA OREDA-2002 68 OREDA-2002 Faxanomy wo em iM actinary Compressors Central Population | Wsiallaton’s ‘Agaregated ima inservice (10"haurs) No of demands 65 8 Calendar time * Gperationa tive F na 59867 133 Falla mode Not Failure rate (per 10" hours) ‘Raive [Repair fmanhours) faites Lower [Mean | Upper_[ SD | a7 | ropars | Min | Mean | Max Exenaiveacage Uiiry med] — 59°] ae] S208 101s] se.5 ea7O] lat eO] zal 210 st] 953] ase] tss65] 58.29) 4225 Feito sion on dom +] oo] rs] aad 3.66) 151] 35 ro] 70} at} ooo] aaa} 1372] G99] 226) High oun +} ov] tas] asa] 3.40) act] asf so], aa a} oct] 28a} 10.00] 69] 08 Isceralleokage tr] ooo] a} 285] a6] 503] ste] 20} oat] 2160 sot] ooo 77] 3694) 55] 782 Low output iz] oz 677] zai} 6.93] 5541 so) 20] 141] 00 nt] oo} too} 3852) 13.8] 20] Minor in service probiers z| oo] oe] za te] 101] 20] 2020) A) ooo] taf 535 te] 150 Noise x] oo] saa) 42] 1.82) an] ta) sa} aa] aa st co} 2 rr] 2a] 2a Otrer sx] 03) 2g rigaal 41.52] ats] as] to} 27a} a set] 045} S008] 16562) 6104] 43.60 Overnesieg 2] org} 10 240), a7i] 101] ta] 25a] 260] ae 21 cof 17735] 207] 150 Parameter dviation s| coo raf 19.87] 760] 453] aa] 20] 82) st] oo 67a) zai] ase} 67] ieaton | oi} 649) 1556] 584 453] a8] sa} 30a} ae et] coi] 863) 23.42] 1082) 6 Incipient coe] ai] 24190] 73740] 255.69) 25086] 98] aa] 153) sata] aget] 10787] 10286e] 274461] 275.96 37435) onal insrimenreadig | 217] 1.09 az) agri} 1079 162i] 33] a} 7a 80) ant] 350) 14525] 43358) 159.79) 15861 Ena utp se} oof 2a] aaa) 6.38} 250) zz] ta] 404] a7 et} oof 3631678) 57] 78 External oskage - Proctss zl} oof 7} sas] a3] 0r] ss] a] ss] aa acim Fl ee Exerratieakage tay modi] — 86°] 052] 41s4) 13490] 43.98, 4229) 13903} ass] 3700) cet] 210i) erazi] 73.13} ata] ot Fai wo sat on denart | cod oe} ate} 147] 0], a] ta] a] a it} ono] 603}] 197] 075 intemal eakage 4s] 00 333] 17708] s2049] 2416) 1.8] 18) af set] 431] 6ce] 156300] 579.67) 3608 Low ous +} coo] oa} 27] .90) 20] 20h ad at} aco] os} 358] 158] 075 Mor in-sevice problems se} 003] 296 zeae} 48.43] 2970] 58] 10) 8). sot] cae] sre] 716.5] 79s] 4436 [Comments ‘cort @OREDA OREDA-2002 69 OREDA-2002 FTaxanemy no tem faa Machinry compressors Conus Population | Instatetions ‘Aggregated tie n service (10 hours) To of demands 8 1% Talender tine ™ ‘Operational time 129 1.9067 113303 Failure ode Woof Flue eat (per 10° hours) ‘Rete ir fwanours) taiwes [Lower [Mean | Upper [SO [ah | repres | Min [ Mean [Max Nase aT a a) ony af 82] ta) ar cine sv} ox] zeae} 0052] 30.07] 2567] aos] 10 38a) sana sit} coq] 390s] 1603] 65.09] 384 Overnesirg z) coo) 142] 75] 277) tort] 20) so] 2) poof 53) 2875 2.15) 0 Param devin vx} eo saa s088]125e) sou] 20) 187] a2. vat) oon woos aa] 1978] aa Suan sefeony st} ooo) 264 1168) 5a] 282] 123] 40] to] st st) ooo) 398] 1642] B23] 3.) Urécown 2} 00o) to) 343] as] | 40) 59) Fe Yeraton sr] an] 52] 1872] 50) asa} 2] 10) aoa] 99} st] 00a] 933] 3580) 1368] Unknown 4s] 02 ane] 155z8| srs! 205) 231] 10] ze] cana 4s'| 029] 637s] 23n4s| © sa0e) sa vncamalistumentreacng | 21'| oo tazo] 230] 32.7] 1057] gal 10g} 8 at] oan] ans] 19539) 5403, 15,79 exeralicakago-Usity mesin] 5] aaa}, 25if i513] G7] zse]_ zo] 70] 855) 0 5] ao} sas] argo] 24s] 378 Low oun vr} anf 135) 783] 40g 120] 2a] 20) 1} oof 155) a6] 45 O75 Noise +} oof 06s} ams] ta] oso] eo} | +] oo ras] ssi] ase] snes vz] 0.03] 1251) 4309) 1385, 54) 160] ol 232} 108 a} 907] 1872 e233] mn] 97] Overeating Tao] oss) ar] om] sol 30] 3a) it) aoc 063] 386] 1}. uskoown z} aod 1s) ast 19s] 101] 630] 30) 12604 z080 2) oon] 18) 48) 63] 1) Yeraion v] oo 1 1087] si om so} 30) al fe ee) ‘A modes aor] rr} zag) te7tee] aseao} aszsi] tas] oa] 283) tena aot"| are] r45550] s4ensa| wooure| 677.25] (Comments {2 domans probably or consonance clas’ Crtea ad fate meds End n gar na dome! = 56 108 ®OREDA OREDA-2002 70 OREDA-2002 Maintainable item versus failure mode, to be continued tem: Compressors - Cantrifugal AR | oe_| PPA eRo_[ FIs oe ean cone ‘an _[0.00~ | 000 [900 | 900 [on 000 [900 | 000 Pats Sys ass_[ 000 [on fos [ow [os 4s [000 | 000 Beaing 700 [ aco [aw foo [ooo Pari foo [oo Tow foto Buller gas ism too a0 [cao fori [a00 [eof [oo [os [ooo ‘Cbg &neton Boxes on peso [oo Port faw faz [oo | ow fom | oo Casing CC Conroe ta} oof oper [022 [100 | oo [oon fom [oon Cons, soming Rcheckvanes [or | 000 | eo [osx [ow [oo [oso [oo [om aco Cooter 00 | 000 [000 oz [oo food taco | oo fom [aon Couping wo criven unit oo foo0 [oo | o61 [aco [300 [0.00 [6.00 [x00 | a0 Coupirgra aes 00000 [ooo [air | aco [oo 0.00 | ve [oo | 000 Cle siet Too [900999 [a0 Pos ogo oco [ono | aco. Dry gas seal ‘0.00 [3.00 v9 [900 | 0.00] 003 [000 [or | oo | no ites) 00} a0o a0 | on [ooo fooo [oz Tom Joss co Gearhoxivar tive 022 [000,000 [oss | aw | coo [000 | o00_| ooo | 022 inset ow a7 [000_] 000 | azz [ovo | osc [000 | 0.00 | ood [000 Insure genet 056 000 [000 [00 foo [aso [aoa [oo [oo | oco [Cieseument eve! a6 [0.00 | ooo | o4s [oo | om [ooo [ai [oso [000 Instant ress 510 | 6.00_| ooo | 033 922 | 076 | 0.11 [000 [an [aor Iestument sped ous Too [oo [oo [ooo [oss [ooo [oo [nae [oon insrumex, emperu 631090 [coo [028] 922 | 0 | 090 | 000 [090 [oon Tsun. bration 168_|-09_[ 900 078-017 | 000 | 609 | 000 [000 | 00 Iie png ‘300090 [200 | 000 | a.00| 000 | 009 | 000 | 060 [900 nero poner SoH) ‘sa | ogo 200 | 000 [909 | oze [oo [oon [ooo [ a00 Terps sols ‘oo Loo [ox fon 0 oa [oa [or [oo [a0 “The figures are percentages of the tota fallure rate forthe actual maintainable itemvTailure move combination, @OREDA OREDA-2002 ral OREDA-2002 Maintainable Item vorsus failure mode, continued Item: Compressors - Centrifugal AR [ard [er [au [ero [rs [ao [im [100 [nor Tite oi 017 oon | 009 [oz [ooo [ooo [ano [oo | oco | 000 Luzceation ‘a0 [ooo [ooo faze [oo [ao [ooo [00 Toco | 000 Montoring 178 [000 fan | o00 | ooo | coo [aco [000 J 000 [000 [ow 300 foo pooo oss ooo | oo aw [an tooo | ooo hark wheting Stam 006} ooo [ooo Jair [ooo [oo [oo [om [oof uoo ‘Giher 033} aon [or | or | aoe | ooo [00 foo [022 [ott ‘Overhead tak 000 | ao Poor [o17 | ooo | oo oof 000 | 000 | coo Peeking ‘a00 [000 Pooo [oir | ooo | 000 | -o00 | oo [oon | 000 Ping ‘a0 [900 [000 oss [ooo | 000 000 [oo [00 [a0 Piping. pige suppor below ‘00 [909 Faas 033 | oo [oon [900 [000 [00 [a0 Pump winx ‘300 [000 aoa [ogo | oon | 022 | 000 | 007 | 000 | 000 Pump vimaoigear am [oa | aco | 100 | oo [022 [000 [000 | 000 [04s Purge at Do] 200 [000 [oti | aco [aco | o00 [oor | 000 | 000 Radial beat) ‘oof at | ooo [ooo | 000 | ogo [a0 [oo [ooo | 000 Reservar wheating sien ‘90 | 000 [000 [on [ooo [ooo [aoc [oo | 000 | oco Rotor wimps om | o00 | 000 [aco | ooo [00 [a00 000 | 905” Toco ‘Seal gas ‘000 [oo Poss on | ooo | oo | ao. [ooo | o00 | 000 Sesto, ‘an | a0 | ooo [ors | 000 [oa | aoe [oo for: Toco Seals ‘aon | ooo pon fore [ooo Too aw [oo [00 [000 Stat seals ‘90 [s60 [on pars [ono [os fon oss [oot | ooo [Sonne ‘az foo | ooo | are [ooo [oss [oo [oo [oo [000 Trust osaring ‘oo foo | oco [ow [ooo [ao [oo [oo | a | 000 Unknown sab on2 | owe | 27 pono [100 [oo [22 [os Too Vales, ass poo | 2 [zs fon {ow | oo [oz |o2 Tor Toa zis? [oss | 266 [ise | ize [555 | oss [ess [15s [oso The figures are percentages of the total fallure rate for the actual maintainable itervfailure mode combination. ‘© OREDA OREDA- 2002 72 OREDA-2002 Maintainable item versus failure mode, continued Mem: Cangressers“ Coneriga Ti oe ee Faas tw {ors [oop_fomfaorpaas—poms Ponta [0s ere to_[te poston pon pam—pon | onpomen = do -por fenton ois foes ona awe Pon hea ec ees beef ono feu tent om 800] one | nos oon oss ton ee re tape emo | oo foe Loon Tas Cant Somgecmaae [oot ton one ont ooo noo Poon nor [nor oss Son Sn-tom—[eor fer aorf poe aor [oy oe eae Coupling to driven unit 9.00 _] 3.00 00 | 3.00 0,00. 00 000 | aco | 033 094 Coupling io driver goo [ooo [aco | ooo | oo Too fcc | oo | 000 | 0.37 Cans oe gees tae poe papa pono nce ons 80) 0 Filter(s) 009 | v.67 0.44 12 6.00 | 6.00 On Oz 0.00 344 Seana or pane Lae por oa oa [nape ae Sup on forgo p one ot | ooo Ten SSS a one ef eater pop oat on oa [nol 1sE eee on enna eat a a inne oe teat aetenfom pao tom [os [ont [est et as oe ae ae Se Sefen—| om f t50 pom poor po —pas eat Po ome tebe boat om fanpop | esp oss ‘The figures are percentages of the lotel fellure rate for the actual maintainable itemifailure made combination, @OREDA OREDA-2002 73 OREDA-2002 Maintainable item versus failure mode, continued tem: Comaressors - Centritugal [om ore [poe ST So Sie [oS Sam ibe ow [03 | 00 an poco | oso [ooo | or was 094 ‘Luorication ooo [ooo | 00 | 5.00 [ooo [ooo | 000 | 00 | pop | 0.26 evar ‘ow [om | 200} af ono fon [avo | 02 om [zie o ‘ow [or | o00—Po00 oso | 090} ono | 006 | 009 [a7 ‘oni ling ser ‘ano [oss | ov | az [ooo [aoe [ano | 000 | ooo [as One ‘am [oz | 00 fon} oa fone om | on | on] 200 Oval nk ‘amo | ano [co [am ono [ono f-oco | 009 | oa] om Pang ‘out | om [coo fro [om [09 | 00 | ew] cov | 078 Pong cof eo} on—feo0 Powe 0.09 | 009 | coo | coo [03s Png poesgpatsteams Pow Poze [oa foir [om [ao | eoo —[oeo | omg | 100 Pang mae copa | co pon—fag | om —e00 fen [en ass Paap waar coofur [ooo —oze fate fom fon pon [ane Page ‘oo s00—[ 0000 Paw | e00 | oo | ono Toon Ton Ra beatg aoe Pao [0909] sa] 00 [000 onc | oo [ors Ress whet 3a cao | ao0 [000 Fo.n1 oo | 009 | oo [000 [eon 022 Fo telers ‘wt | s00 000 [eco [000 | a0] oon [oan | 009 Seis aco | aoc oco | om | 090 | oo | oa [won| 085, Selo eo0—| 02 | oo oco | om [ooo | 000 ooo fan | iae Ses 00] uo oa—_[-o09 | a0 | v0 | oa0 [ann | aco [os sansa 00a [co [oso [090 000} aa0—f ane[ nao [152 Suture oops ow on Paw | om —f oe ans [anf ae Tiras bang cir [ooo | ow 000 Pago | om | 090 faco [on faze Unknown oz [ass | ow om Paz fom [oo Pun Lass v.10 Veber aco [32 fo Pez [000 Lon | 00003 [000 | roas Tas oe [rare [ss [arr Pass [oar [am [ees zee” [ron ‘The figures are percentages of the total fallure rate for the actual maintainable iterwfailure mode combination. @OREDA OREDA-2002 74 QREDA-2002 Fallure descriptior versus failure moda, to be continued tam: Compressors - Centrifugal aR [ord [tir [eu [ero [ris Two Tit [100 [Nor Bockapelpuaned oz [oo Tom [oi [ou [oc [oo [000 057 | 000 Breskage oat [on [oo |o2 foo [om [000 [o00 [ooo | a0 Burst orf 000] 000 [090 [ovo Poo Teo To00 | oo0 | a00 ‘Ciesranca/algament fate oz foo [on [oss foo [oo | coo [c.00 | oc0 [ooo Combined causes on_fooe [000 [a0 foo [oo | o.00 [e.00 {oc0 | a00 (Gortaminon oz [ooe foo [on [ooo Joo] 600 [v.00 fac [ooo Contd alite 0c | 0.0¢ [aoe oz [oss Toss [x00 [0.11] e909 v.00 Corrosion an foe [ooo fon foo fon [ooo [ort T0060 [000 Deformation oz [oe [eo | ocd [ooo [90 [o.00 [0.00 [oii] 000 Eantsotaxon fat ‘oe [000 [coc [000 [ooo [ooo [600 [0.00 [0.00 | 000 edncal fee - general ‘ao [ane | ooo | ooo [oo [ose | 000 [900 [aco | 000 Erosion aoe [0.00 [000 J-oco [00 [990 [000 [000 [000 [000 Fatigue 0 [000 [000 [022 [aco [00 [000 “| o00 [0.00 Toor Fauly powervotage ao toco | 000 [ooo [ooo [on | oac [000 [a0 [0.00 Fauty signalingicaton/alerm 8100.00 | ooo | ooo [a4 | o44 | 0.00 [0.00 [oo [000 Tsrument fale - general an, o0o [000 [oz [033 [111 | 022 [ooo Tow | 000 Leakage on eo [1a | asi [on [oo [000 [022 Too | 000 Looseness oa, 000 | on | oa | 000 | o3x | o00 [0.00 [0.00 [0.11 ‘eter! foture general 033] 000 | oze | 078 [ooo [oo [022 {000 [oso [000 ‘Mechanical Fare - general oz Ton [oo [iss [oo fore [on [or [oss [033 Mize external inuerces en [oc [ow [on [eo | oor [000 [000 Tor | 000 ‘Wiscelianeous -goneral 000 [000 | oo {ooo [ooo [or [ooo [00 [ooo [000 No cause found, 067_[ 000 [000 [on [ooo [en [oo [oc [ooo [oa No power votege ‘ot [ooo | oo | oo [oo [oir [000 [oso Toco | 000 No signavindicatonfaarr 14 [on [oo [on [oo [033 [ooo [ooo Toco [oac Open cicut ot [oo | -c90_|-oon [00 [022 J e00 [0.00 Tone [oar ther (000 [000 [ox | aoo | e00 [oir | eov [600 [ooo | ane Guolegusmert aa] oo | 0.00 | oo [oss [03a [ooo [os [022 | ooo Qvereatng oo oo [on | ooo [000 [o0e T oor [e070 [ooo | woo ‘Sticking oat] oii [ooo |e [on [oz [aor J 033 [ooo | 000 ‘Vana 07a] 000 | 00 | 022 [ooo | 000 [ooo [ooo | 00a | ooo Vibration ‘033 | oo | 0.00 | v22 [000 | 000 | 090 (aco [coo [ase | Wear oat} 000 | en | 3n_| 000 [ooo [ooo [sas [ozs To. Tosa 21s | 033 | 265 | 1754 | 178 | 555 [oss [esa [185 | 969 ‘The figures are percentages of the total fallure rate forthe actual falure descrptocitallure mode combination. @OREDA OREDA-2002 75 OREDA-2002 Failure descriptior versus failure mode, continued Item: Compressors - Centrifugal ‘ore [Orn [Poe [sie] Sto | Srp [unk [ust [via [Som Biockagelpuaged om_fon fo [os | oo fos [oo [oss [ooo [2ii Breakage ‘oon [oss fom fos [on | oo [on [oo | co | 2% Burst ‘coo ao | oo0_{ 0.00 [ove [090 foo [000 [000 0.11 ‘Cearengel barren lure am fo on [on | oo | 006 | 000 | oon [oz | 122 ‘Conbied eases oo foo | ooo | oo [ooo | 09 [oo [aco Too [01 Cersamiation anos [on |122 foo | 000 [00 [ooo [oo [222 Conta as ozz_[oaa [oar | 000 [oo | [oo [oar | ooo | 465 Contosion ‘e007 Teas [00 [oss foo | 090 [eo | ood [ao [333 Deformation aon foo fort | o22 [000 100 [0s [ooo | a0 [oss Earn solti faut ao fait | 000 | 000 fom | 00 [oo [on | ooo | 02 leew lire -gareral on_fow foo [on foo) on [00s [oz | oo | 178 Erosion ooo fait | 000 | oo [000 {00 [ooo [ooo [ooo [on Fasque aod Pao foot | oo [eo [00 [ooo [oo [coo [oz Fauity ponenorage ‘oo faze [o.oo oo | ono | 09 | oor [oot | 000 [033 Faulty sqnaVindcallonlan an [an [ooo | on | 000 [09 [oo T.00 [oss [ines Insurent faire - genera 00 | aa5 [oz | os7 [oo [oo foo [rss [ooo [sz Leskage. noo [156 [022 [om {oo [oo | oo [oi [ooo | i321 Loaseness 9 [on [oso [ose [oe [oo [oo oo | aze [2.66 axel tale - goneal 90 | ooo | oo [oss [oss o00 [ooo [033 [aco [277 Til Feae = gem ‘000 [10 on [oer [om] o0o | ooo [ove [ore | oe isc. ederalinfiuenees 90 an fom fon [oo |o0 | ooo [on [ooo [oss Misoolaneous— genoral p90 [an foo Pon [oo foo foo [oo aco [oss Ho ese found 0.90 [023 fon [ooo [oo [oo [oo [or [on | 149 No powor votege 0.00 | 000 foro [ooo [oo [oo [oo [oz [oso [a4 ‘No signalingleadonalar ‘00 foas [oo [oo [oo [oo [ooo ooo [ao | 222 (Open cut 1.00 fo0o [ogo oz [ooo fon foi [az [oo [133 Gren on [100 fon fon [oo [oo [om [an [co [70 Ou agus ‘090 [100 ow [ooo [ooo [on [ao fox [oss [i027 Guerheatray 90 fon fon [ooo [ooo [00 [oo [0.00 Povo [33 ‘Sicking 000 fore fon fos [oo | om [ao 000 ooo [244 Unknow 000 fo7e [ooo foo foo Voi Pan [oss foo [233 Vibration 9.00 [aco [ono ooo fom | aor [ooo [oss | ue | 200 ‘Wear ‘ooo [100 [ono oe ooo [aos [a0 [0.00 [aa fin. Tau! os; [isi [ass [or [oss [om [os | 666 [266 | 1000 ‘The figures are percentages of the total faluro rate forthe actual failure descriptorfalture mode combination, @ OREDA OREDA-2002 76 OREDA- 2002 Taxonomy no tern wid Mectinery Compress Centitae les ven Population | Instalations ‘Aggregated Ue in service (10" hours) Wo of demands * 9 Catenaartine™ ‘Operational time F 51 1.1503 2.856) Foilure mode Wo of Faire ate (per 10" hours), ‘ete ic nanhours) feitwes | Lower | Mean | Upper [SD [nh _| roptes [Win [ Mean [Max Criticat ee] 06s] 0.7) zoo) ase)” 77av| asl 10] wa] 1aT80 sat) ogo] 11355 auza1) 40.42] 10997 rate ouput | coo} ane) 2133/97] 34a] 74] 30] 1495] sano) at] cool 625] 3305] 15.05). Extral leakage - Process z} goo 230] ai] 508] 1a ea} 20] a5] 7.0) medium 2! oo} 265) 12x] 5a] 2d Fxwsrallkege- Unity meduer] "| .a0] at] ar] 1687] t2a5) 1235] 1288) Taal +] coo) tof sa] 28) 127 Fakta ston en dean sot] car} 2586] 9628] 3553] 25.08] © 247] 10] a0] ead) ’ xt] are] 3503] 13033] aaa) 35.05 High over 1} aos} ogi} 2630.87, or] 70] 140] 140) 140 ee Ireroaeskaue a] ooo at] 2503) 11.45) 3.48] tars] sro] z3a)—s040] 4] coo} 527] 29a] 281] 40 Low ouput z} ao = 234 ©1171) 5.0) ire] sen} 190] 791.5) geao| | ool 266 28a] 530] 234 otter vr aco 32h et] ase} saa] ss0) sa 1] oof 153) aa] ase] aay Overheating +] oo asi} 2a} .87) owe] 2230] aero] saro} ara 1] ono} 13) S54) 21g Parnes dewaton 1} oo ces} cei} 1.69) or] tof atoll tt] cool vt) sa] 22a] 1.9] Spurn stop av} 025] x60] 127.40] se99f 564) sa} 10] ora) Teta ait] oat] sae] 100.85) agi] ara raion | ooo} rox] ze] 16x] a7] tag} aro] asa ato it} cos] tz 33] tn}. Bogradea sez] 3103) 11539] saa] e72a}esz| 175] os) 25a] 10.0 root] gs) 15133] 30180] 7967] 119.15 Atal nstunent eat zl 90 ze 1339] sau] 1.74 oe at] poo) sai} 262] 7] 2.34] Ena outa #} cao) 3 21.31 974] gas} nal 109] zea] 80 a] cool 625) 3305] 1503467 coral leakage - Proness zr} in] ea t52x] 57] ca] 37] | ea] ag medium 7] 3a} asi) 267o 90 ae eerralieakege-Utey monn] 26" 3.12) aaaef 7848] 2497) 22.60) 109] 20 204] 2180 ast] $59) 3490) B96) 25.72] 30.37 Feb slop on demand z] oo 174 790] ar] ta) 5] 70] 70} a) 236] iss] eg) 2M High oupet | 05a 265] 6.10] 179) zu] az] 30] 47] at] col ang) rari] a] 350) [Comments {cont @OREDA OREDA-2002 7 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no em | sai Machinery Compressors Coreg: Elecre dicen Population ‘Aggrogated time in service (10"hours) Wo of demands u 9 ‘Calendar time = ‘Operational ime F 3751 11503, 0.8560 Failure mode Noot {per 10° hours). ‘Acie ir fmanhours) atures | Tower ‘SD_[ ah | ropes [Min | Mean | Max naraleakage el on 147] 65. s88. 20) Bsa] 2160 st] oat z24q] 335) Lom cut e} ocd roo} 5.22} 56] 20] 56) 15a st] oat 67] 01 Minar insorvice problems 2] ony 2a raf 20) 2a 2} a) on: an) 234 Noise x] ow. ace] 261] taal so] asa] aad at] om] 4a] 350) omer ast) 22 3363] 2173] ans] 40] 363] arog ast] 3a 236) 22.20) Parameter deviation ae] 06: toa} a5] 2a 20] 8] ze st] oat req] 9.35] rato e] aa aie] 5.22] 10] 60] 4) sta st] ont was] 701 Incipient zee] 149 wax} 2sia6) tas] 03] 136] sat. asst] 143 sum] 31424] JAonomelinsrumertresding | a] 76 4020} 1233] 6] 10) 74] 7a vast] ns 198.29} 174085 Eat omput 3] 00 a4] 261] a0) to] 90} 18.) at] oa aso] 3.0 External akg - Press vl 6 169) gv} 20) 20) 20] 2) recium Tog 22) 1.7] Excercaleakoge Utitymeium] 25] 049] 23 2123] 66] 0s] gala ast! od 3aoq) 2920) Irteralleskege vr} oo os} —o87] 20) 40} ao] a} vr] oo 210) 1.47] Kine inservice problems ar} 02 4336) 3217] 48] tc} a3] zea sit] oad ns} 4322 Bose a] oa 2n| 34a} a] ag} 7a] #] oll 387] 467 oxner x] on oi] ass] asa] 10! 95] sata atl ol e525] 3872 Parameter devon a] cea 799) 261 20] sa] see 3] cow 267350 Sucka decency | 633) aaa} tas] ao} ais] sag v] coal 10.02] 467 Urknoin x} coal 258087] | 4s} 40} ag | 2 aay ‘iraion tr o:9| 771 603] 27] 10 193) nna | ca0) gsi ane (Commante {cont @OREDA OREDA-2002 78 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no tom fiat Machinery Compressrs ental Free diven Population | Installations: ‘Aggregated time in service {10 hours) ‘No of demands: 4 ® Calendar time * ‘Operational time © ars 4.1803, ‘08560 Faire node Noor Faire rate (per 10° hours ‘tive sic (vorhours) tstwres [Tower [Mean [ Uppae [SD [oh | repnes | Min [ Mean [Max Town T] eo rao] zea] 1239] 00] 1283] 1.2) 1040) 7 14.93 6145] 23.32] 818} Anon! nseuent ate z| oo 2] 1339] ax]. a0] as} 109] 2a oO $.3)) 2632) 11.17] 2.34] Extenaltediage-Utrymetum] — 2] 035) tof 43] 12 a7 0] 70] aa) 1880 a| 007} 21 10.31} 4.08} 2.34} cer z| 01199] 5253] 1.74] 300} 600] en) on z 00y 34] 13.60 5.09] 2.34 Ursown ss} oof ogi] 23] oa] 7] ts] ao] 30) a0 1 4 to] asda] 15 A modes ar] 4933 vasore| cors7| asso] 49) 03] 308) 18180) ast] 61.94) A7TA99} 572.11] $46.54) comments Lon demand probably x consaquonen cass Cae en etre made Fay soon demans= 610% @OREDA OREDA- 2002 79 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no Item tt Mactinesy Compressors (Contig let ven (000-1000) ww Population | installations ‘Aggrogated time inservice (10¢ ows) Wo of demands 5 3 ‘Calendar time | ‘Operational time * 1299 0.1705 0.1258 Failure mode Woof Fitre cate (per 10" hours). ‘Rete [__ Repair (manhours) | atures | Lower [ Mean_| Upper_[ SO | of _| repivs | Win | Mean | Max Great ar) 21.15) 16176) aer8al i797) 1688] 25.7} 1] 92] 5800) at) 10:11] 25643] 772.48] 26219) 21467] Ente opt 2| 915 1147} 3669) 13.24 1.23] 148.8] 70] 2025) 800 2) ape} aitc] 8428] 31.53] 15.90) Fait starton demand vz) sags] see) 106.12] 20.32) ozo] 7010] 110, iat} 20a) 0300] 23755] 8073) 95.41 High ouput 1s] anol 573) mas] sca] a7] 70] 140] 484 at] 06] 8.57] 3318] 1223) 28 verreatng +) ano] 573) 483] gee! 587] 2230] anno] 479, aarc 1/006} 9.57) 3216] 223] 28 Spurous top wi} 949) s2z1] 157634607) 6453/51] 1.9] 100) 25 ait) 386] so1s7] 30703] 10505] 87.6) Degraded 13] 3328) 748) 130.25] 3008) 7ez6| 3141.0] a6) 148 sat] 1597] 11601] 280-72] ens2] 103.36) neve our 3| 008 1705, 5354] 23.46) 1760) a5] 100) 190s 3] aug) 33.26, 13428] 50.52) 23.88) Externe ierkoge-Provess 3] 115 1768, ago) 1632) 1760] 40! 10] 60,2 mec 3] 24] zat, sz04] 19.79] 23.85) extemal eakage -itymedum] — 2"| tu] ga) 3827] 1083] T1320 20] 30, at! ard tea2, 55:38] 1858] 15.0) Fait tap on demand 1] ong 567), 2434] 942] 58 : | aod pao] ssn} 943] 7.95) etral leakage 2] 134 112) 3023} 953) 11.73] taal 360] 1420) 148 2/03) 1638) 5084] 1787] 15.90) Noise 1} ou 573) 2483] 954) 7] ast sol 5a) a] ong 957] sana] teas] 7.05 ote: x} 00g 567] z43e] az) 87 | tt] ood 7.) 255i} 943) 7.85 ineipiant sr] 10.12) 3446] 104053] 363.13) 35783] 53) 03] 82] 720 eit) sas] e437) 211699) 77308) 485,00) Arenal instant acing ar} 18.7) 14628 344.07] 105.43, 479] 4.8, 7.8] 80 zit} 74) 237.17) 72004) 24817] 190.2 Eat: output +} 009 © 567| 2434 9.42) 57] 0) so]. T6 at) 004 7.10) 25.51) 9.43] 7.95] Exemalleakage -Uittymedum] "| 14.48) 3498) 268) 1497] 35.20] 32) 3] 5.7] et zea] 4960, a6 81] 20.19) 47.71 Mor evserie proslers a7} 017] 9613, 30731] 14562, 9972] 48) ofa] ra ait} osi] v9674] 77832) aR 25) 136.17 Nise vy} 039 6eal tr] S87) | at] ose} aso] zara] 735|__ 7.05 [Comments (cont) ‘@OREDA OREDA-2002 80 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no eer iiaan Machinery Compressors Cerentugal Electric driven (100-1000) KW Population | Installations ‘Aggregated time in service (10 hours) Wo of demands 5 3 Calendar time ‘Operational time 1299 o.r705 0.1258 Failure mode Woof Faiure rate (per 10° hours). ‘Active [__ Repair (manhours) faitures| Lower | Mean | Upper | SO [ot _| reps | Min [ Mean [Max omer ww] 00a] _60i] 239.70! s2ay se66) = 60) 3.6] 12a 500) rot} ota) r1e50) 47928) 187.80] 79.51 Smuctural deicenoy z| rao] nse] 023] 953] ria] 14s] 40) 20] 00) 2) aa] 1638] S064) 17.87) 15.90) Unknown z\ ons) 143] 3668] 1324] 11.73] 188] 3.0) 31.5] 00) 2] ons, tao} 478] 31.63) 18.80] One vl 6. 5.13] 2483) 96d] 87] 300) Bao] 600) 600 at] 0.96, gsr] 33.46) 12.29) 3.85] Unknown tr} 6. 513] 2483) gee] = 5.87] 15], 30] 30]. 1t] oe) gsi] sang 1.2785] All modes, sos-| 42.72] s79.4s} 168484) seaos] 60420] 138) 0372.9, 5800) oat] 17.001 1047.22] 11735] 818.34) (Comments (On demand prbebity Fr consoquonce class: Cal and fate mode: Fao starton demand - 85 10" @OREDA OREDA-2002 81 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy ne hem pana Mactinery Compressors Conaitagal Elecrie diver (1000 3000) Population | Installations ‘Aggregated time in service (10" hours) No of demands é 5 Calordar ime ™ Operational ina T Bs 0.2012 0.1677 Failure mode Wo of Failure rate (per 10* hours), ‘Reve [__ Repair (wanhours) atures, Upper, | SD_[ n/t cepts [tin | Moan [Max Coticad 7, serio] 1838330, 40] 128) 197) at e659) 720.38 Erratic onpat a z.oc) 7.03] 9.4) 28] 30) 8} z ox) tai} 11.2] External oskaga-Procass 1 221) a7} 47] 700} 1970) 1970) 970) edium 1 mse Ba} 5.6) Fai to ster.on demand 12 igi29| 72ai] 2056) 13.719] 159) zed 1 air7a Tae} 71.54 other 1 wo] 4g] 47 +) sao} s90} 59a) 1 ss Parameseedovation 5 zis] 9: ag} 40) a} 40g t 2878] 1223] 5.36] Spuricus ap a sous) iiss] sas] 46] 20) ral aba a 346.70) 12.70) 11923] Degraded 2 area] 33.34] 15007] 14905] a4) a0 32 26932] 56.17| 190.79 rate out 1 vera) 747] 47] 160] 20] 320) a2 1 2472] saa] 5.96) Exteraleakage - Process x 467] 1514] 994) 33] os} aa} medi a aaa] 1655] 1192] Exceme leakage Unity mesium] ws7] 3207] 3977] 70] 20] a} 2. a vest) 38.13] 47.9) Fel ta sop on o2nend 1 wis} 747] 497] 35} 20] 70) 70 t aan] Sai) 5.96] High oiput | r3.06] 704) gz], ag] 40] a] 1 vrai] 595) 598 Irtemaiteskege 5 ar7o] sani] 2485] 266] 20) 826] 216 Ey 1333] 46.50] 29an Low eueput 3| six} gsi] 1agi} 20) 20] 20) 2a ? saga} 11.22) 17389 Oren 5| 7028} 20.55) 2983] 420) so] 74.8] 100 st teas] 24,t2) 35.77 Parameter devon 3| wear] 28,22) 2485] za] 20] 7.3] 280 st 105.38] 39.72) 298 Incipient 130) 195250] 60403] 64823) 8.7] 10 720] 130" 2075.40] 651.88) 775.03] Arnoralnstumentreaing ae wagsa2| 06.19] 47786] 42] 1.0) sa] 40] ait vsts.c6] 536.24) $00.79] rate oreut z 6370] 7.241 94] 55] 10) 58] 100 2 sadel 21.09] 11.92] [Comments {com @OREDA OREDA-2002 82 OREDA-2002 [Taxonomy m0 em pag Meonnery Comprssees Cenetiga Ercan 100.3000) Popuiation | Installations ‘Aggregated te in sevice (10 hours} No of demands 6 5 Calender ime ‘Gperational tine as aig 01677 Faire mode Woot Faire rate (per 10° hours) ave air fmanhours Tower | Mean | Upper [SD [nie _| reps | Min | Mean | Max Enamel ieekage Procoss ‘voy 46] arate] ASH] 0f zat zal esi 0 5.73) 2070] 1225) 5.9 Excma tesiago-Uvaymesim] wor] a4) 4752] 11386) a7] aa] 14] za] 133) aoa vot 314d) 586] $258) 88s] sae Incrnatiockage r} coo] a4) tata] 747] ax] 20} an alt +t| oon) 5:35 2470] gaa] 5.08 Mico serves prbions tz] 2103} 67.33] 13496) asec] 6462) 4a] 10] 5) znd sat] 62x) 7307] 13264] at] 77.59 ote we] 479] 7095] zona] casi] 7954] 209) 19 253) rag vet] 190) a5] zon] sang 95.5) Sewer dion z| 1a] 952) 2300] ra 9.4) 20] 80] 19) 28) 2) on] no] 333o] na} tre vein | ony 54a] 1905) tof 457] so] go] 0) a +t] 035] Gog sa] 59 5.9 At modes tex] 11137] sonaa) 250776) szu08] se0z2] 9) 0s] 134) A109) got] 1s0.0t] rizes7] 286005] _s90.57|_1106.39 [Comments on comand peonabity fx consequanen cass: Citic! ane falure mode: Felt sat on doman = 1.5 10 @ OREDA OREDA-2002 83. OREDA-2002 Fraxonomy no nem hang Machinery Compressors Cenrtons Ect rien 3000-10000) Population | Installations ‘Aggregated time in service (10"hours) Wo of domands » 7 Calendar tine ™ ‘Operational tine F 1697 7261 0.5100 Failure ode Woot Fature rate (per 10° hours). ‘Rative [Repair (nanhours) taiures| Lower er | SO [ah | rephrs | Min | Mean | | Max [crear 2] 2 17es4] 6580) 2443] z193| 20)” 2203) rata] Pe 72036) 81.24) aa Excraloskage- Process 1} oo re] 300] 138) 20] 20) 20) 2 lmetum at] ons] 59a] 395] 1.985 Exot xkage - Unity neds ord a2i) 138} 1a) tase] 235) 235] a8 99 nr] ste) 185 Fata sae.onsomand on zaso] 1254 025] 1885] 20) 1728) 7040) an 33.09) 12a), 1177 real teakage 0 nse] ra0¢ Si] tans] sro] a13—] 040) 0 4716] 2033) 7M ow cupin 0 wssq 8.14, 2.75] s2i] igo] 7915} 64d 0 ass} 853 a2 Spurs sop 02 seaa] zi tts) ass] Zu} aus.) si89] ww] 02 sors] 3744) 1961 tation roa rae] 300) 1.38] 130] zo] aio] aie | on sige] tae] 185) Deoraces ae} sais] songs) 26337] 82.47] coal 136] 20) asa] za) ast) zo} 13875) 33782] 03.2o] 8628 Anal iestument eating 2] oo 31) rag] 718] 28 san] 40} 40) 2] ooo) 723) aa] ae] 382 nora leakage - Process 2} ao) 367] ase] 208 | 80} so} 100 ‘medium at} ceo] 1.29) ae.a5] 14.39) 3.07) nena akage -Uaty medi] 11") 23] 77.48] asce] 2267] 1535) 167] 30] 322] 218 nit] a3} 3199] sara grail 2.57 High op 2} esa} an} 759] zach 275] sa) 30} so} 70) | ani] 426] = 1703639). Iona teatage vs} ore} 14s) a2] 13s] 338] 80} 0) oc at) conf ta] asi a3] 108 Low catgut sooo] 6.13) zor] 1317] 413] 0} 40} ao] ts ee Misr in-seniceprblens | soo} 3.25) 1325 © sn] zs} 20) 20, 2) a 2) oo] st] es2] sa] 392 Nose 2| cool asi] ss aar} 275) 60] 20a) azole) at aor) 56] 1408) ze] as Otier va} oz) sae] i788] aa] 17014] ac] 263) t099) rat] 0558) 43.a0) 15808 5742] 25.9) Peseta deviston 1] ona) taf 42} 1.35} 138] 25] 20) 20] it} gon] 222] 1160] ia} 1.96 Vivatin 5} 3.25) oso] 3.5] 71 689) 187] 6c] 38.496) st] ota tex] 5475] 2009] eo] Comments (cor @OREDA OREDA-2002 84 OREDA-2002 [Taxonomy no Tem aig Machinery Compressors anntugal Erect etn (3090-10009) Population | Installations Aggregated time in service (10 hours) Wo of demands 2 1 Calendar time™ ‘Operational time F 160 07261 5100 ihure mode No of Fallure rate (per 1* hours). ‘Aative [__ Repair (manhours) Jstures | Lower | Mean | Upper aie_| ropiws | Win | Mean | Max fncipient ee] 19.09) 151.20] 34098 e6'| 306s) 204i] 507.54 Abnormal instrument reading ae a4 7524] 19758] ast) ith 105eq] 263 08 Ememalteakage-Litity medium] — °} O15} 2147] 7381 at] oto] 577] 88.12] 90) sz] 10) 273) sat.) 128.2 sg20] 126, 10] 117) 720 6.03 sea] 42/20/79) 32a 7.85] Mirrir-serice problems S| aus} 5.53] 20. a3} 67) 40] 6a] Thal a] at cai} 20.91 5a Nise 3] oss] 419 1097 asf aa) of 9a] a st} too] sax] 1407 5.8 tier e} aso 20.56 6207 vige| 015} 30] 1880) 5310] stl 194) 2027) aa. 1588] Parameter devition i ee 1.38 20) 20) 20] tH coof asa] zit 1.96 Unkromn ir} coo} 2a) 14.20 138 40) 40] ag at} oo} asi] a 1.96 ioracon se] 020] 1212 3805 aa5] 26] 10] 220] 1190) st} oa} asz] 4768 un] Unknown | 000) as] 39.87 eae] 70) 30) 46.0| oA} st] 0] 17.33) 76.2 4.0] Abnormal iran acing 2} ooo} 367, tras] 298 | 30) 6s] roa at} oon} 729) 3495] 392) 275] 2.0) 70) ass] tt} 392) Estemaltesiege-Usitymedum| — "| 6] gt] B75| at} om} gee) 14 lather vr] oot 166627) 138) | nt] ag) at] 1490 196 [Altmodes suet} azn} sige] 12a] 254.16] 19282] Gas] 10/635] 1818.9) uot] east] 429.18] v07r731| 33229] 774353] (Comments On cemard probebiy for consequence cass: Civ and tate mde: Fal p strton demand = 1.2 105 @OREDA OREDA-2002 85 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy wo nem nina Mectinory compressors erate! Ecc ven eo000 sonc0)W Poputaion | lastatations Aggregated tine in service (10% hours) Wo of demands 3 1 Calendar tine” ‘Operational time 0.0526 0526 Faure node Noof Fare ran (por 1 hours) ‘Reive [Repair fmaniours) taiuros | Lower [Mean | sper [SD [nit | repivs | tin | wean | tax Begreava Ty] az] 273d] ene] zara) 203] To] tsa) a0 st] sasz1] 20234) sata] 24734) 24734] Exemetienege-Uany mecim| 6 so} 2000] g513] 9574 6a] 190) 60 a ar ee er) oer 5 sf mos) 88.13] 9613 70] 169} 00) 3 513] 20006] s813) 85:13 Paces deaton z zac i077] 3805 2805] | ga] 70] a seas) 11977] 3608) 280] vaton | reo) soze| 190] 1903] ] 40] ro] 40) t roe) 9025] 1903] 1903] incipient 2 ves] seoas| mst 2831] -|20| 4a] 20) wt za3i] 36aes] 220.31] 2203 merrier unent icading ° rat 22527] rae] 14 ao) sa] 190) ar mere) 22627] 1148) 11615) Mor inserrce pobiems “ zero rare] i610) a610f =| 30a] 20) 4 wef rate] 7640) 7620) Parretercowaton 2] sao} i977] 3a03] 380 rao] s2al al 2 seo] 19.77, 3005) 3005 Ai modes as-| samee) a7sss| esas] arses] arses) = -| 20] 150] sz0) 2st] 33neq 7565] 66829] 47565] 47545; omment= © OREDA OREDA-2002 86 QREDA-2002 Taxonomy 00 em Ving Machinery Compressors Cenmitugel Turbine driven Population | Installations: ‘Aggregated time in service (10 hours) Wo of demanas 2 8 Calendar time™ ‘Operational time * 2489 i) 0.4085 Failure mode Failure rate (per 10* hours) ‘Rative [__ Repair (manhours) Lower | Mean ‘SD_[—nR_| reps [Min | Mean | Wax. eiicad 182] 7349) 11208] 2198734] G5] 1.0] 83) 14870 5293] 10731] 17648] 37.78] 10748) Breakcows no) 14] 528 ver) vagio| vaio] 14810 oo) ard as] 244] rae up 0.00 467} 2417] 10.26] © 33] 43) 30] 5} 140 ao 56) 276] 148] 458 Exaraiencage-Uary mesun] | coi] 527) 2125) Boo] um] as] 10) 28a} 80) 3) coy 789) 075] 1597.88 Fale sta on cera as] 325] aise] 946] 2708) 2500] 30) 20) ses} 2030) ist] 78] 4197] 946] 29.10] 3683 Fatt stop on seman vr] en) 178) S06] tT} 189 | v6 29] an] 535] 2. oer vf] ota] 178508] 167] 17 J 4 | at} pao} 297, tani} Sas) aa Perera desation 1] oo] 14) S26) 1.98) 185 a at] pov 21] 25} 305) 2. Spurious stop re] 1579] 2569) 37.54) 647] 2867] tac] 20/162] a) ast] 969, 35.70] 7508) 20.70) 903] eration a] 2 60] 1287] 3.33] 861] 4go] 693] 100. 4{ oo] 9.19] 3021] tase 971] Degraded ror] 12,79] 149.60) 417.19) 135.20] 17335] 33.2) 10] 210] 1600 yout] sino] 232-74] eaaao] 236.44) 253,99] Aunonnat eseumaneroadng rz] 16] 19.2 53.74) 1781] 2000] 50] 20] 16] a9 wel] aaeq) 29.29 gra) 417) 2931 rats eupit v} col 14] 5.26) 194) -) aa} aa} 4a it} om} zie] a5] ata] sternal leakage - Process ax] aga] 1978} 5248) zon} 21.87] | ua} ra] seal medium at] 063) 2a14)—as.74) 3049) 3175 External teskage -Usktymmedar] 33°] 61] 4320) 37.37] 4843] 55.01] wooo] 20) 74] BB) sat] 0.52] 694s] 23640] 87.00] 80.59] Fats sop on éorand er 56] 16] 1] iT] ooo} = 2g] 13.1] 8.15) ih oat vs] om] 14} 528| 107 as] as] 35 it] on] 21] 825) 30g nena eakage z] on ge] zai] 7] a Jojo 4 21 ow] a7) 3350) eso] Low cpt =] ooe} azz] nas] Tse] 333] 30] Bo] 90) aa 2) 00] Sta) 1305] 6.92) al oer se] 03e] 47s] 14357] sz] saci] 54] a9] 198] 1000) ast] a7) 7209] 23568] 95.91] a0] [Comments on) ‘© OREDA OREDA-2002 a7 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no tem aa Macnnery Compressors cenvge Tate ven Population ‘Aggregated time in service (10° hours) ‘No of demands: 2 8 Tatonder ive ‘pertional 268 05999. 0.4005, Faluremode | Woof Faiare ras or 1 hows) Fete air arbour tsiures| Lower | Meon [Upper [SD [oh | repres | Min | Mean [Max verrening Zz] om asi] aaa] 205) aaa taal aeo] 260) 260 a 0.07} 5.98) 13.29] 6.93] 4,88) Parone dtr v] oo} 19 rao} 26e]_ 167] ga} two] tao] 09 it 0.06 3.19) 14.93) 6.07) 248) eraion x] oo] aca tare] 52} S00 too} ato] a5 3t 003 6.89} 21.39) 10.23) 7.33 rcipiont war] za07| 2667] osnas] 215.10] 24503] v7.0] 101 247] 3700) tart] 15.25, 390.87] 118051] 401.18) 359.60] turer insumareeacirg | s8*] aan] seo] te4se] a3cq)snas] za} 20] 90) sot] 21.66) 142,62] 35224 107.70] 144.09] rae out z] cof dar] 2417] 1026) 335] east ceo] ars] 1370 a 0.00) 5.63 2764) 11.48) 4.88] Exemaiestage -Pocoss +| coo) aes] 27a] 94s] 147] so] ga] gal mediuen w 0.00] 4.85} or ac) 244] Exomal stage Usty mean] 57*| 02] saan] were] ioe] ors] aoa} 10] 485] 700 ait 0.40} 90.52) 338.56) 124.56) 90.36) Lom asp x} col) tae] zo] vad tr aol 20] 20 tt 0.04} 2.12) 8.25} 3.08 2a4} ior m-scrmce areas we) coy 3265] ssnaal saz] socal 6) 20] 14a} 70 ast 10} 66.50 270.30) 102.05} 43.96) cree we) eri] 2423] 2083] 15.5] 2567] 220) 10] ara} oad ot a 34,92} 98.13} 29.65] 39.07] overeating ++| oof 214 gy] sao] a7} tof 20] zo} ad 1 0.06} 2.58} 7.986 2.39) 2d] Pere cet x} oo) 900] 9634] aio] 1500] 78] 40] 138) 09} st oO 44.87] 170.38) 71.31] 22.98) Suc decioncy +} son) sae] tai] ari] tx], | st] sao] t oO 3.68 17.57] 7.38) 24a xen v| oof 13] oa] 25x] tr] 0] go} 1 2.24) 1053) 4x 24a] raton vf on] te] 505] ttn] 1 oO 2.99] 1a 5.13] 244) komm ae" 531] 10035] 29005] 9577) suse] aaa] 10) a4] 248 at 5.39] 141.72) 427.38] 145. 92.80] fonamalinseennrexing | 1s'] oa] 43] ts27i] $629, 167] 30] 10] 5] Ra} at 03 70.13} 254.24) 93.94) 46.40) Edema! teatage-Lity meen} 27] 000) 578) 937] 1268] 500] 5 et 0.00 10.34) 83.35] 23.28 7:33] Low apa x] oof 338) 1371] 20] 87] tz] tao} tt 0.0 3.58) 125)] 3 244 = con, @OREDA OREDA-2002 OREDA-2002 FTaxonomy no em 12 Machirery [Compressors Centitigal furtive oiven Population ‘Aggragated time in service (108 hours) 2 ‘Calendar time” ‘Operational time 05909 Failure mode Wo of Faure rate (par 106 hours) 8) failures | Lower | Moan ‘Max ose TP on i.76) vom a oie ar} ogg} 30.2 105 9} ait) 23a) a7 el lOvetheating r} oo 149} 3} too) 219} Uninc rv} oo} aad 24g at} oom) 289} Veration rv} ooo} 489} 9q| ood} 435} it modes saat] rraad] 56429) axa"| 160.16] _ 870.17 [Pomme Cr demand pabatity for conseauence cast Cita and fue made: Fal to sat on derend = 45 10 OREDA-2002 89 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no em itaaa Mectineny compressors cecsrgat urbe ven 3000-10000 Population | Installations ‘Aggregatad tn in service (10 ours) Wo of demands 0 4 Calendar time ™ Operational ti 83 601 2d Faure mode Woot Faure rate (pot 10 hours) ‘Rete | Repair (wanhours) taitures [ Lower | Mean [ Upper [SO [ale_| rophes [Win [ Mean | Max rtical | 528) | 20489) 6736) 66.28 {aay 78) 2030) ot] aaa] wuss] 23078) | 75837223] Fata sar on dorend | 457] see] 15993) 5233) 4379 80] ers} 2020) it] eon] saan] 17769] 5508] 56.18 Spurious sep +] 000} ssi aeuz] 950] as 360] 60] 360) at] on) wee) 2814) 1003) a raion +} ova] 777] 28.33] 104) 6.25 so} eo} a0) at] 05s} Bee] 2507] 830) a Dagrades uu] 1363) 9866, 220] 7457) 87.47 10] 194) a. sat] aga) asd] aangs] 151.15) 11235 Abcesmarument easing a] a4) tod) 3968] toe) tam 20) 133] 20) at] aar)2ra4) tesa) 25.72) 208 Extra aakage Process 2 agz 709) sisal 1773) 189 | sv] a) wd) maciom 2) an} tecr] asi! 1373) 1605) Extmaleokoge-Usrymecirn) stoi) 2.82) T1593] 450i] 324 50} 194) an) st) ani} s041] 2703] soni] aaa Low cut +} 00x] 77] 2939) 10.84] B25 | 20) 220) 229) 1) 05s} a as07] 83) a9 ine x} 379 wai] 4615) 136] 184 ee | 3) ts] 300s] gona) 29.79] 248 Incipiont 1} 1158 7270] 19272] sa07] 6873] sal 20] 14) oa ait] ass) rt037] 31206) te22] 9828 Abpea insrumer ein «| an) 22) s92e| 1753) 2499 so] 53] a a) aaa 3075] 12598) ese] 3210 Extra leakage Process ie] ae 1042] asta] 1694 525) ae} go} aa] mosion it] car} rosa] 44.93] 17.05]. Extomalleakege-Usity medion] 17] ts} 77] 2839] 108} 625 150] 150] 150) it] css} eo] 2507, 830}. nor in senicn preston 1} a0 a7] aaa} tose] 625 4 x90] sas] aed a] cs} eo] 2507) a0 on 4] sol ee sal nal us wo] ada 2] cod 198) itz] a108) 1605) Sructralefcieney +r} 03] x17] 2930) tans] 6.5 e410] 640) ead tt} ess] 860] 2507] aol 80 \Uoknown +] ooo] 9x] 24m] aso) 825 | sof 60) 89 a] ord a9} 2804) soos] 803 ‘Unknown ws] as] 15352) 4005s] 13445] 8122] «| 40] 188] 1050 sat] 963} tsi) anes) vase] 10433) Aono instrument eadirg 6} 03] 5043] 152.26) ssa0] 37a «=| 1.0} gs] st] va eras] 20650] rz09 4815 (Commenis ont @OREDA OREDA-2002 90 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no tem pana achinory armpressors ‘Ceratugs Tutine sven (3000-10000) Population | installations ‘Aggregated time in service (10 hours) No of demands 0 4 Calendar tine” DpwationaltimeT | 983 ove! 01246 Fallare mode Noof Faire ate (per 1 hours). ‘Aaive ir fanhowrs) sauces | Lower [ Mean | Upper [ SO [af | ropes (Win [ Mean [Max Toe ear Te tap 2a) 120) at] ass} Bao] 2507] eq] 03 Over s| agi] sas] amas) sii aia} 20] aa) tos st] oat] sts] 17673) 6321] sa Vivation +) aci] ra} anal 1699] 625 sol ao) a 1] oni] 1098] 4433) ros A modes ar} 6265, 3582] 946.5] mass) aa) 19] za) a03a) at] cose] sora] 1315.06] aia [Comments Cn comand peohahity or consequence cass: Crtcal an falro made Fall to sta on aman » 1.2 10° (@ OREDA OREDA-2002 ot OREDA-2002 Taxonomy no nem uaa basniney Compressors Ceriuge Tutinearven 0.20000) Population | installations ‘Aggregated ime n srvice (10"houre) Wo of demands @ 5 ‘Operational me” 198 0.2049 Failure moda | Noof Faiharo rate (per 10+ hours) ‘Rative [__Ropsir (manhours) taiuros| Lower [Mean | Upper [SD [af _| ropes | Win_[ Mean | Max ical 35'| S451] 7076! tozsol 134s] 7osr| se] a4 1a8T0 at say mug ae v8] Breakdown +} co] 197] sal 24a] 227 vasio| sic] 148io] at] oc 305} rosa] aa} Erte ous 2] coo} 75] 524s] izgi] 4s] aa) 30] as} al 2| oof 57] rst] i4ae 702 Exerntteakoge-Uutry eam, 3] ace} 7.38] 286s] goa] G2] as} 10] 80]. S| oid 1123 597) s30q) 1055 Fett sont on demen | tas] 1736} 4858) 1584) 1819 aof 20] sa} at] gas} zz] 5527) 14.36) 2808) Fatt sop on demane +} ace] so] aig] 29227 Jo o4yo4 1] cool 453] te90 zz 3.51 owe: +} ox] 252) ae] 298) 22 | a*{aoof 453} ego] taf ast Parameter devin +} ao} ta} gea} ae] 227 aol ao} a a oo} 308) 04a] 388] 35) Sputous sop as| 5.0o] 2.26] 78.18) 2283] 34.10] 100} 2.0) 148] a ast} sia7)szoa 76.23] 1380] 52.8) erator | 105, 6.29) 1670) 5.09] 62 40] 709) 1000} st] 27] tase] 2.96) G08] 059 Degraded so | 2342 ater] 572s] 18173] 2040/32! 10] tal 100. got] 4420) s4tac] 873.59] 277.78) 315.94 swrmalnsrumon acing e| sao) 2025] sos) 1557] 4s, .0| 190] 83) 2a st] ress) 3227] 205] tos] 3158 rac cutout 1} oo2} 133] 69} aaa 227 ao} 4a} a) i] 02] 305] rea] 365) 3 st Ecemalieakage- Process ar} oe] 243] roa] aco] 2509 so] 136) 90) nec nit] gas] sas| tates) 535¢] 380 xteral leakage -Usity odin) 23°] 7.08] 55.38] 173.43] 58.04 63.65] 1000] 20] 310) ana aot] a5] tose) 2rzea] ari] 9829 Fait sop on comand 1) ons] 25a) ga] 298] 227 at] cof 453] tge0) 72] ast igh our ie 35} as] 38 at] oo} 305] toa] 38] Bat eral isakaga x) ooo] 551] 24.33] 55]. - ; ft) rae ea) ie) Low cup 1+] oc] 33, w3ss] 5.25] 227] 30) oo] at] ood 395] rae) abs] chor wor} 36a] 7632} 23585] 83.4) 6820] 254) 20) 282) 1600, sot] 9a] srana]__sazg7]_r1sael _ 15.31 [Comments {cor @OREDA OREDA-2002 92. QREDA-2002 Taxonomy no ikem azz Machinery [Compressors Corral Tartine ven (7000-20000) Population | tastalaions ‘Agaregated time n service (10 hours) Wo of demands 2 5 Calender time™ ‘Operational time F 1906 0.4399 2340 Failure mode Noot Failure rae (per 10% hows) ‘Active ir manhours) faiwes| Lower [Mean | Upper [| SD_|nit_| rop.hes | Min [ Mean [Max Overheating Zz] oss] 4a nas] 330) 455) zope] eo) (280 2] os sof ari] 8s] 702] Perametsr dition vr} os} 27 10.86] 4.04) © 227!) 180} 120) te a{ cco} 40) zt.a0) ze] 351 raion x] 03} 6a 2.34) 678) too, 180] 260) st] orf ror) aan] 1213] 10593 Incipient 135'| 7137] 35752) 766.15] 22268) 3000] 192] 10] 48 200 13et] 2.26) saa] 1441.26) sage] 47743 Abnermalinssument reading ss] e337] 1329 21325] 4433) 12508) 2920] gal_ ae sot] @50e] 21ssq 34583] 9667) 193.6] rat extt 2] oo] 715) © aa4s] tat} 45s] 38] ga] 75] 1379 2! oo] as} ari} 1465 7.00 [Enemelieakage-Ustymedum) 36" 454] 777] 22010] 7612] BiB 408] 1.0] a7) TU. ast] deg] ra519) 41203) anny] 12538 Low ovat von se] 246] 22] 2of 20] aa | owe a0 © 10.89) 35) 351 Minor in-service problems ir] ozs] si.3q] vars] 94s] snes] 6s] 20] 17) 78] a] asi] sr} san.96] 12504) sae) Other us| gr) s00q sao} 1559] stay 230] of 288) a ut] sae aan] tous] 323i] 49. rereaing vs} om at 1385) 526] 2.27, to] 20] 20} ee Parameter desiation | oot] 2age] rz765] soo os} 73] go] 138) sa 3] asa S40) 231.47] een) 31.59) tein v] 00] 2 ans) 285) 22 |S | a oso} 453) 10.90) 721) 38 oknown 25] 06s] Tas] 23266] 850 293] 20] 3882490) 2st] tor] ety 433.21) 19924) 97 Abnormal stument reading 13'| 0021 sri] wwasz] 6293] 295s] 20 ao} 60] sat] aod aan] 30375) e152] 45.64) Exomeliokage-Uiity mean] — 3] Oat] 84] 386) 15,73] 68 st] aad tsa] 7322] 28a) 1083 Nase vf a0} 2 aie) 288) ai] ta 5 : Mo 4 vago} 721) 351 otter 5] a3 secs 4537] 1728) sae zo] 20] ita] 38 st] sa] nar] 7454) 24a) 21.06) Grerneatng vs} ae] 197) 569) 248) 227 ao} ao] a st] one 3.05] t0.49) a6) 35 Unknown x} oo] a3} 1355526227] 12a] 2490) 2490] 24s it] oo 35y]_vze] as) [Comments @OREDA OREDA-2002 93 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy ne ere haze Machinery Comprssors | Constgal ubiae avon (10900-20000). Population | Tntattions ‘Aggregated tne Inservice (10" hours) Woof damanas v 5 Calendar tine * ‘Operationatine 1808 9.4599 0.2549 Faire mode Woot Faure rae (per 10 hours). ‘Reve [__Repalr (manhours) ‘aires | Lowor | Maan | Upper _[ SO | nlz_| repiws [win | Mean | Max 1254.60] 29876 e50.19) 18.8) 1.0) 30.2) 14810 Al modes 2aer| 29223] 2357.12] 624-29, 1004.00] 2et| 371.45] [Comments cn dered prot lor consequence lace: Gical and fare made: Fale ctat on demand = 24 108 @OREDA OREDA-2002 94 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy mo tern 1443 Machinery compressors Certtuge Uekonm Population | Installations “Ragregated time in service {10* hours) No of demands 8 a Calendar tne” ‘Gperational tine © 0 0.2365 0.0648 Faihire mode Faire rate (por 10* hours) Repair (manhours] Tower [Mean | Upper [SO [nie Win_| wean | Max Citicat Tai] 6165] We2i] 5529) 67.8) rar eT) 971) 26569) 2800.94] 102101] 24691 Abnormal instrument reading 2] pas} 848, 2204) 732] ate] 25] tro} 170! 179 2] 355] toa67| 332.46] 11430) 3086] Breakdown z| 007] 848, 28244 1036 ads] 65] 25.5) a5] aT at] or] i740 ara2a} e072] 30.86 Exemalieakege -Usity medium} —4"} 262] test] 41.59} 1268] 151] ats] 185) 4] 4*| 26} 23871] 76963] 27997] 61-73 Fat stat on demare 4] so] wai] 3273846] tea1] as] 10,8] tos . at] oso] uzaza) 17.36] 15235] 1.73 rwernaieakage vr} ozi} 423, 1268] 423] 423), «tg 20] 20] 2 it] 09 5550) 226.62] e572] 15.43 Spurious stop a| oes} 1268] 48.72) 1794] 1268] as] Go, Bo] . st] oe] ana) 29.424 27556) 4830) Degraded | sar 1268] 2662) 732] 1268] 137] 110) 305] 00) st] pai] 5463] 12.96] 3834] 46:20) Low output x] gai]. 163] 2662) 732] 1269] 137] 0), 405] 00) 3t| pei] 463) 128.901 3834) 4530) Incipient a2] 340} 34869) 140751 ates] sasea) 3410) ga] aot] 37.88) 4941.54] 16757.281 616292] 1265.43] Abnormal instrument reading x] aa] 1268] 2662) 732] 1268] ano] 60) so] 8 at] ost] 120.52] asa} ter17] 45,0] Exematwakage -Usttymedim] —24"] 963} 101.47| 275.96) aaz9] wora7] = aa] to) 92] 30 2et] ages] 469.37] 450904) 187757] 370.37) Fai stat on derane v} oz} 423 12.66) 423) 423) tof ao] to] at{ 009] 5550) 226.62] as.72] 15.43 rtenal eakage ar] 004 193.71 _s7ag0] 24050] 19am] 19) 10] 30185) ai*| 429) 2805.38] 1777826) 4446.04) 72531 Minr inservice problems 4] s7 w6a1] 3279245} 151] as] 20) as] 5 atl gry] r7a4o, 52205] 17428] 61.73 Omer ur} oz] 423) 1266] 2x] za) aol go] 30]. i] oc) 550) 22662] sz] 15.43 lOverhening xv} oz] 423) 1265] 423) 42a) tao} go] a0] sea itl oa} sso] 72662] sz] 15.43 eration vr} oz 423) 1268] 423] za) a0} 255] 255] 2.5 it ona sso) 226.82] as.72] 15.43) Al modes torr] 3437] 42703) 1202.45] 392.13] 42703) 45) 6] 980) tort] 94.73] _seao.s7|_10535.s9| 1350.64 Comments [On comand probatity fr consequence cass: Ceical and falnco mode: Fal ost on derec = 4 10% ‘DOREDA OREDA-2002 95, OREDA-2002 [Taxonomy no hem 1131 Machinery Compressors Corstuga Unknown Urkroun Population | Installations “Agoragated time in service (10° hours) Wo of demonds 8 3 Calendar time” ‘Operational ime T x9 02365 0.0648 Falke mode Woof Fallore rai Ger 10 hows) Repair (manhours) tsiures| Lower | Mean | Upper | SD Min_| Ween | Wax extiea 16] 7ai| 7.68] 17621] _ 5528) toy 282] (Be tet] 971] a6ss9] 2go8s4) 1021.04 Aonoratinseuren eng 2] oss] nae} zeal 73e sto] v0] 70) 2] 356) tons] guzel] mao] 8 Breakdown z| oor] ade] 28.24] 135] 845] 5] 285] 3557 2] ary) vido] avez} e072] 30.85) Evcmalteakege -Uslty medium] 4°] 262) 16.81] 41.9) 1269] Tot) 18] 185] 364) wa 41 260) 236.7] 76063) z79.7] 81.73 Fst stor on demand +] sn] 1651] 2279] 84 vost] 4a] 30 58) 108 a] 99] aza74] ar7 36) 153.35] 61.73) rcernalookage ve} oa] az} zee] gz} zs] a} zo 20) at] cos} sso} 2662] e572] 15.83] Sous op x} cos} zea) seize] rss} teva] aa] eo] 80] at] c2e] aves} 72042] 27588) 46.30 Degraded |. aay] 26a] 22} 7.32) 126837] 100] 05] so at] gor] sass] v2n96] aad] 46.30 Low op x] 34] 126 2662) 75e] 1268] 1527] 11.9 305) 509) 3 vze9s] 3854) 4639 Incipient a 114075] 16.64] 24659] = 34) 1.0] 8] att) are 4 1675726] 6162.82] 1265.43] Aanormel nme eading s| 3.43] tse] 2662] 73e] 1258] 4] 60] o) 3t] gsi} vase] sai] teztn] 40.30) Extemalteskage- Uiitymedom) — 24°] 983) tor] 27598| 9879] woi7] 49) 10] 92580) zat] 585) 146957] 450008) 157757] 37037 Faia sar on demend +] o2i] 423] res] ts} az] ao] gf tg) tg at! oa] $50) | 22662) e572) 15.88 ern eckage ar] 003] 198.71] szo90) 34050) torr] 15] 10] 30) 1535 cat} 29), 2a953a] 11773 26) 445.64) 725.31 Minor ceric proces s} 57] tes] zz79 8.46 6m] as) 20] as] at] gin] vraag] 92208) 17428) 61.73 Other vr] oz] 42x ze] az3) aa], go) 30} ao) it] 008) ss80} za62] w572| 15.2 veteatng | oz] 423) 1288] 423) 423] tao} so} eo] a8 1) 008) 55.50) 226.62] 85.72 exaton rv} aa] 43; i265 423) az] 30, 255] 255) ass 1] og $520) 22662) 572) 15.43 in modes or] 3437] 4270s) v2nz4s| ass.ta) az7ox| 45] 1.0] 96,980) soit] 94.731 seaa.g7|_18525.59| 6632.54) 1558.64 comments On demand prebabity for consequence dass: Creal ang falure made: Fala str on demend = 44-101 @ OREDA OREDA-2002 96 OREDA-2002 Taxonomy 6a Tem a2 Mactinery Comoeessors Rogprecatng Population | Instatiations ‘Aggregated tine in aervie (17 ours) To of demands x 10 Calendar tine™ Operational time sees 0732 05046 No ot Faure rate (per 10° hours. Rate ar (manhoura) atures [Tower [M SO_[nfe_| repines [Min [ Maan [Max evicar ser] Oil 347.0) ez suse] aa) as] 180] 2809) ser 451.9 756.18] 727.28} Atal sumer eaiog vy) oo 308) 137] t80] 160] 160] 160 ronda 1.98) 1.93 Bresktown z] of 227 2] 273] 15s] 140] as] 2070 21 om) 341 an] 338] Eat rat z] ooo 50 ax) 273 200] ag] tao} m0 Hoo] 23.2 vad] 3.9 Enteral eshage Process ae] ooo] 256 1072) S463} 38] os] gaat ecm ao] con) 4555 11438) 7925 Etera eskags Lamy meciar] —16'] Oo) TH ato: zag] 34] tol 6a} 500 wt} os] 241 a Feito sant on denon rr} co 154 2507] ts02| a4] ac) azo} mo mm} oo] svat] 6598] 71.80 Feito 9 0 denond zl ont 454 7a] 27] 35] as] toa) 180 2] co} aq 1816) 398 Low ott sa} con} 12204 gonso) ising] 2] 05] ins] te80) s40!| 600] 140. MI) za Noise z| cool 32] 730) 213] 230) 40] tas] 30) | ceo] ar 15.3] 3.6 omer + coo] and ee} ta] toto] 1 ooo 1007 v3} 198 Overheating st] ooo] sass 1ssaq s7ao| 3a] 08] 2] 380) at] cao) 7208 vagy 12687 Perametr deacon ae] cco) 4279) 23170] 1074 ezee| 5) os] ata) 200) at] oq) sn30]2750e] ram) gr.18 Spurious cp xe] 743) 4347) 0422) 2 angi] tea) to] tas] aad) sot] sree] en2a] t0354) 2220) 504s Suna ceicieney s| ove] 126, 2670] a6 6s, a] 20 138] 60) sty ise] 1005) 2473] 756) oat Veraton s| aoe 6a] ze] aan] Gas) an] 10] 76] st] 299 a7] i990] 535) at Degraded za] oan} sas] tosisr] 39037] 32312) 23] 03) as) 8d aunt) 5.86| 46336] vasa.90] 52867) 47757 Eric op | 134 2458] 7295] 2429 toss! ago] a0] 204] at] s8q] S080) taa00] aes] 15.85) Externe inkage Process ze] anf 240] 12896] saat 3273] 2) 05] 39] 24a iveium zat on) 34a] 18793] 62.95) 47.56) Fnisna tstage-Usityresun} | ga] gel gar] sto] toss] aa] oa] 23] 2a at] isi] ser0] 3749] isn] 15.05} Comments (con @OREDA

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