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Nurul Fikri English Course

3th March 2010

Muhammad Rifki
 “amalun”
◦ work by physically and spiritually (260 words)

 “fi’lun”
◦ work by physics (99 words)

 “shun’un”
◦ Works that creates some output (17 words)

 “taqdimun”
◦ Investment (16 words)
I have only created Jinns and men, that They
may serve Me.
(Adz Dzariyaat :56)

and when the prayer is finished, then may ye

disperse through the land, and seek of the
bounty of Allah. and celebrate the praises of
Allah often (and without stint): that ye may
(Al Jumu’ah:10)
 We are created to only to serve Allah

 We are ordered to spread all around the world

to seek the bounty of Allah

 We must celebrate the praises of Allah often

and we will be prosper
 Ash-Shalah (Good and Useful)
 Al-Itqan (Perfect)
 Al-Ihsan (do better and better)
 Al-Mujahadah (Hardwork)
 Tanafus dan Ta’awun (Compete and Cooperate)

 Taken from:
 Good for ourself

 Good for people around us

 Materially or Spritually
 Allah blessing will reach someone who done
something in perfectness

 Perfect means reach the technical standards

 Need good skills and knowledge

 Islam encourage people to always improve

their knowledge
 The first is, we do our best effort

 And then we do it better

 Wewill achieve this spirit if do our

work with the spirit oh “Ibadah”
 Using all of our resource and power to
achieve or to realize something good

 Optimalize our power and rosource

 Allah already give all the rosurce we need

 All we have to do is use them optimally strive As In a race In all virtues. the goal of
you all is to Allah...
(Al Maidah : 2) ye one another In righteousness and

piety, but help ye not one another In sin and
rancour: fear Allah. for Allah is strict In
(Al Maidah : 2)
◦ Good and Useful
 Many modern worker only work for self
◦ Perfection
 Both Islam and Modern concept encourage
perfection in our work
◦ Improvement
 Both Islam and Modern concept encourage
◦ Hardwork
 Both Islam and Modern concept
encourage improvement, but Islam
encourage hardwork in working
something good

◦ Compete and Cooperate

 Modern concept encourage competition
but less in cooperate in good deeds
As a Moslem we must chase our
careers in Islamic ways, because
Islam has a better concept in

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