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Scotts Weekly Newsletter

Forms Home this Week:

*Cultural performances permission form
*Swimming lessons permission form and waiver

Week in Review: April 18 - 22

We had a busy and productive Earth week!
On Monday we took a walk down to the Fairy Garden with Mrs. Pakenhams class to see what we could
make to add to the garden or bring home to start our own little Fairy Gardens at home. When we came
back our students had the choice to make a fairy from pipe cleaners, old buttons, wood beads and silk
flower petals or make cork animals and bugs by reusing wine corks.
This weeks poem is Its Earth Day Today. It is the most difficult poem they have learned so far! They
used markers to colour the punctuation, underline the rhyming word pairs and colour in the picture clues.
Ask your child if they remember the 3 Rs from the poem.
On Tuesday and Thursday both K classes made their Earth Day t-shirts by reusing old shirts. Mrs. D and
Mrs. Keiver helped us out and we had quite the assembly line! Check out the class blog for photos!
On Wednesday the caterpillars arrived in Mrs. Pakenhams room. Our classes buddied up to get the little
caterpillars settled into their new home. Ask your child what they had to do to help out.
On Friday we went for a walk to pick up garbage around the neighbourhood. Each class in our school
decided on a diferent area in our schools neighbourhood. Ill let you know next week how many bags of
garbage were collected.
Amidst all of this we continued the story City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Willems and read the fourth
chunk about the Winter season and the fifth chunk about Spring Again. Ask your child about the new
character that was introduced! We were all surprised!
We learned some new dice games this week as part of our Learning Centres. Students have been to 2 out
of the 4 stations so far and we will finish up the stations next week. Our newest survey question is
What is your favourite weather?.

Upcoming Week: April 25 - 29


*Library and Home
Reading Book
Performance at


*Garden View Visit

*Jersey Day: wear
your favourite
sports jersey!


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