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Common Literary Devices:

Euphemism - The substitution of a similar expression to replace one that is either

harsh or offensive. (eg. Instead of saying Nelson Mandela died, reporters might
say that he passed away. Eg. Instead of saying that they shot and killed their
own troops one might say that there was an incident of friendly fire. Instead of
saying that someone is balding one might suggest that they are a little thin on
Foreshadowing - is the technique an author uses of giving the reader, listener, or
viewer of a story hints of what is to come later in the work.
Hyperbole - is a great exaggeration to emphasize strong feeling (ex. I cant
believe that lunch is 30 minutes away, Im going to starve to death!).
Idiom - is the figurative use of words in a certain way that has meaning that
should not be taken literally. Stop pulling my leg! means stop joking, NOT that
someone is actually physically pulling your leg. Other common examples: Piece of
cake, Costs an arm and a leg, Break a leg, Hit the nail on the head, When pigs fly
Irony - A contrast between two things. Three types of irony are:
1. Verbal is a contrast between what is said and what is meant (sarcasm).
2. Dramatic Irony happens when the reader or viewer is aware of something that
the characters involved are unaware of.
3. Situational Irony is when the opposite of what we expect to happen, happens.
Metaphor - is a figure of speech that implies comparison between two different
things (WITHOUT using like or as).
Onomatopoeia - words whose very sound is very close to the sound they are meant
to depict. Eg. (zap, buzz, pow, bam, crack)

Oxymoron - is a combination of contradictory terms (silent scream, civil war,

jumbo shrimp, freezer burn).
Paradox A paradox in literature refers to the use of concepts/ ideas that are
contradictory (opposite) to one another, yet, when placed together they hold
significant value and when understood create deeper meaning. (eg. My advice to
you is to never listen to other people's advice. eg. In order to get ahead in life
you need to take one step forward and two steps back. eg. Deep down, you're
really shallow.)
Personification is a type of metaphor where you give human characteristics to
animals or inanimate objects. (Eg. The wind whispered. The moon smiled an eerie
Pun A play on wordshumorous use of words that have different meanings. (ex.
A bicycle cant stand on its own because its two tired. Broken pencils are
pointless. Have you heard about the broom.... its sweeping the nation. Grace
walked gracefully down the aisle.
Simile A figure of speech involving a comparison using the words like or as.
Provide TWO examples of your own common Idioms

Provide TWO of your own examples of Hyperbole.


Provide your own TWO examples of Euphemisms.

Think of an example of Verbal Irony (sarcasm)
1. "The sun was like a large ball of butter" is an example of what literary


2. "The wall stared at me silently" is an example of what type of literary tool?


3. "If I do not eat my daily papaya, I will surely die" is an example of what type of
literary device?


4. "The road was a ribbon of moonlight," is an example of which of these literary



5. "The wise fool is burning my taco" employs what kind of literary device?


6. This question will use an example from Shakespeare's classic play, "Romeo and
Juliet". In the Fifth Act of the play, Romeo arrives at the Capulet family tomb to
find his love, Juliet, supposedly dead. However, we in the audience know that Juliet
is not really dead, she merely took a potion to make it look like she was dead for
her own motives. When the audience of a story knows more than the characters
involved, what type of irony is employed?

Verbal Irony
Dramatic Irony
Irony of the Situation

7. If you were bullied by another kid on the playground, and afterwards your friend
came over and said "I'll bet you loved that" and you said "Of course", what type of
irony were you employing?

Philosophical Irony
Dramatic Irony
Verbal Irony
Irony of the Situation

8. "Flaming ice" is an example of what literary technique?



9. "I simultaneously composed and destroyed the opera while writing it" is an
example of what kind of literary device?


10. "Bob is as brave as a lion" is an example of what literary device in action?


13. In the movie "Casablanca" you expect the loving couple to stay together, but
then the girl hops off on a plane! Hey, that's not what I expected! What type of
irony is employed in this instance?

Dramatic Irony
Irony of the Situation
Verbal Irony
Ironic Chronicling

14. "He fell off the motorcycle and a dozen tiny fists pounded the criminal's
clavicle" uses a unique type of metaphor. Which of these types of metaphor is said

None of these

15. My mother always told me never to get close to any danger, as that would be
dancing with the devil. Little did I know that in my professional ballroom dancing

career, that is exactly what I would do." What literary device is used here through
the whole example?

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