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Name: Lindsey Parish


Statement of Purpose
My mission is to create an inclusive environment that engages all learners. I
desire for all my students to be built up in confidence and in love, trusting
both me as the instructor, and one another as peers. Students should be
willing and wanting to come to me with all matters, understanding they will
be loved always and treated fairly for any actions they commit. My mission is
to see all management issues through a neutral lens, adjusting from within
myself or correcting the actions of my students when needed.
1. Respect others and yourself
2. Try your hardest
3. Be safe
1. Homework
Students will always place homework for the night on the right side of
the folder. They will turn in homework each day first thing in the
morning into designated homework bin. Parents will be informed the
right side is for specific homework for the day.
2. Papers
Students will immediately put take home papers into their folders each
day on the left side. Parents will be informed the left side is for specific
papers needed. Classwork turned in during the school day will go into the
finished work bin.
3. Lining Up
When lining up to leave the classroom, students will push in there chair, and
form a single file line, unless otherwise instructed.
4. Restroom
Students can leave for the restroom whenever they need, as long as they
take the bathroom pass with them. One girl can therefore be out at a time,
and one boy.
5. Classroom library
When I am not teaching the whole group, you may check out a book. To do
so, select a book (you only have three minutes at the class library) and sign

out the book on the sign-out sheet. Take good care of the book; when you are
finished, return the book to the basket and check it off the list.
6. Getting students attention
To attain students attention I will silently raise my hand, or ring a bell, (or
something of that matter). Students will be given an opportunity to recognize
all eyes need to be on me, and cease their conversations or work.
7. Schedule
The schedule for the day with be posted on the whiteboard for students to
refer back to throughout the day.

Consequences Positive Behavior

Marble Jar- As a class, the behavior or students as a whole will dictate if the
jar gets filled with marbles each day. When the jar is full, students will
receive a positive reward, determined by their age and interests.
Super Week- If a child goes through a week without any check marks, they
will get a special note home and get to pick from the treasure box.

Consequences Negative Behavior

Clipboard Chart- Students will be monitored by only me. I will track
behavior challenges on my personal clipboard. When a child receives 3
marks in a day, they will be sent home with a note for their parent to sign
explaining their behavior.
Take 5- Students who are continuously disrupting the class environment will
have to take 5 where they can take 5 or so minutes to reset and calm
Action Plan

How it will be completed

Completion date

Homework and papers will

be turned into specific area





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