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Date: April 3, 2016

Teacher: Recep Batar
Grade: 6th, 7th, and 8th
Lesson: Serve
Content Area: P.E. Volleyball
Timeline of Lesson: One 50 minute, one class period.
TEKS: Recognize the role of games, sport, and dance in getting to know and
understand others.[7.E] Identify and apply similar movement concepts and
elements in a variety of sports skills such as throwing and tennis serving.
Warm up (10 minutes): Stretches
Lesson Objectives: After warm up when students are ready in the gym,
given a volleyball (for each student), net, and instruction. Students will serve
from the proper location (volleyball court baseline)when serving the ball 80%
of the time. Students will show correct form for an underhand serve 70% of
the time.


must stand behind the baseline when they are serving.

would not step on the baseline when they are serving.
will appropriately execute a controlled backswing.
will hit the volleyball from directly heel of the wrist.

Materials: Volleyball Net, Court and Volleyball ball

1. I will make two even teams.
2. The first player from each team serves.
3. The player must go and get back their ball.
4. If students missed their serve, they would serve again until they make
their serve.
5. When the first player makes a serve and retrieves the ball, they can give
the ball to the second server.
6. We will continue until everyone has served.

Underhand serve:
Students stand with their hips and shoulders paralel to the volleyball net.
The volleyball is held at about hip level.
The students opposite foot of the swinging arm comes forward.
The wavering arm should lock from the elbow during the pendulum motion.
The students should not toss up the ball to make contact; pretty it sits on a
firm hand (like a tee in golf/baseball).
Students will touch the ball with on the heel of wirist (the hard part of the

The volleyball goes over the net and lands on the other side of the court.

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction: I will use the large ball, lighter, softer, and bright
collared balls. I will allow them to self toss and set the ball. Also, I will lower the net for these
students. And they can stand closer to the net on a serve.

FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (how will assessment be used):

Formative Assessment: Surveillance throughout the unit on active participation, PE Self
Assessment of Interpersonal Skills and awareness of terminology and volleyball peer evaluation.
Summative Assessment: Peer Evaluation form and Alternative Pursuits Scoring Rubric. As
students succeed success in a modified edition of volleyball, the modifications could be
diminished to increase skill level. However, at this time in volleyball, I will be looking for
achievement as ongoing development.
Closure: We practiced underhand serving today. What type of serve do most
professional volleyball players use? (overhand).

Name four cues for underhand serving.

Face to your target when you hitting ball.

Hold the ball in medium gap with your nonstriking hand (think about the ball

sitting on a batting tee)

Use a bowling movement (step with the opposite foot and bring your striking

hand back)
As your open arm comes forward, strike the ball with the heel of the wrist.

Next class we will pactice overhand serving. As a home work you will watch a
volleyball game from youtube and you are going to observre the players how
they are overhand serving. Also observe their steps, toss, and body possitions.

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