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Engagement Survey

Circle your response to each of the questions

1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Mostly, 4 = Always
A. Emotional Engagement Questions


1. I enjoy the work that I have done in this class so far.

2. I get the chance to express my ideas and opinions in this class.

4. The work that is set in this class is interesting.

5. In this classroom there is mutual respect between members of the class.

3. I am encouraged to do well in this class.

B. Cognitive Engagement Questions


1. I wish to do well in this class.

2. I am encouraged to think about the subject matter in this class.

3. I can see the links between this class and everyday life.

4. I study for this class at home even if I dont have a test.

5. I talk to people outside class about what I am learning in this class.

C. Behavioural Engagement Questions


1. I pay attention in this class.

2. I think about wagging this subject.

3. I am treated fairly in this class.

4. I try to complete all of the work set by the teacher in this class.

5. I know what is expected of me in this class.

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