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-Observa e identifica a travs de imgenes diferentes acciones (verbos).

-Retoma el listado anterior y anexa otras acciones ms.

Infiere por qu se le llaman a estos verbos irregulares.

Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que, al conjugarse, no siguen el modelo
de conjugacin verbal de amar, temer o partir. Dichos verbos nunca modifican su raz en
ninguno de los tiempos, modos, personas en los que puedan estar conjugados.

Realiza un cuadro comparativo (de verbos

regulares e irregulares)

Lee el fragmento de un texto, un cuento o leyenda

en pasado simple; subraya los verbos en pasado y
clasificalos en verbos regulares e irregulares.
Once upon a cold night without people on the street a boy named Max was back from
school to home when depronto one began to feel a chill of feet cabesa which prevented
moberse him of his depronto place spotted in the distance a human figure the which will
desia to max that asia asercara that depronto figure disappeared figure, was stunned by
what happened depronto the bolvio to see within a very scary dark alley he entered the
alley depronto a very strange sensation he felt before him I appeared before your eyes
devil who took the neck and dragged till the hole in which he was the devil and it yevo to
bovieron never heard from the guy and till now it is not known what has happened to him.

Deduce y explica la regla gramatical de verbos

irregulares al utilizar el auxiliar did en sus formas
negativa e interrogativa.

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