Activity 8

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Lee un texto sobre el descubrimiento de Amrica en pasado simple, en

el cual se usen verbos regulares. Identifique los verbos en pasado
simple, que aparecen en el texto y escrbalos en presente y en
pasado. .
The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in
1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe
to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he accidentally stumbled upon the Americas. Though he did
not really discover the New Worldmillions of people already lived therehis journeys marked
the beginning of centuries of trans-Atlantic conquest and colonization.
During the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of several European nations sponsored
expeditions abroad in the hope that explorers would find great wealth and vast undiscovered
lands. The Portuguese were the earliest participants in this Age of Discovery. Starting in
about 1420, small Portuguese ships known as caravels zipped along the African coast,
carrying spices, gold, slaves and other goods from Asia and Africa to Europe.
Did You Know?
Christopher Columbus was not the first person to propose that a person could reach Asia by
sailing west from Europe. In fact, scholars argue that the idea is almost as old as the idea that
the Earth is round. (That is, it dates back to early Rome.)
Other European nations, particularly Spain, were eager to share in the seemingly limitless
riches of the Far East. By the end of the 15th century, Spains Reconquistathe expulsion of
Jews and Muslims out of the kingdom after centuries of warwas complete, and the nation
turned its attention to exploration and conquest in other areas of the world.

Redacta enunciados afirmativos a partir del texto

presentado y expresalos de manera oral y escrita.
Transforma esos enunciados a su forma negativa e
interrogativa, utilizando tambin Question Words.

Transforma esos enunciados a su forma negativa e

interrogativa, utilizando tambin Question Words.
1. I dont like peas.
2. I dont think he is going to join us.
3. He is not jewish, he is catholic.
4. I am not planning to go out tonight, I am too tired.
5. I am not russian, I am polish.
6. I do not feel well today.
7. I dont do dishes, my boyfriend does it.
8. I cant see well.
9. I dont think you need a new shoes.
10. I am not looking forward to change my job.
11. Thank you but I am not hungry.

12. I do not eat meat, I am a vegetarian.

13. He cant have milk, he is allergic.
1. How are you doing today?
2. How old are you?
3. Were you out last night?
4. Where are you going?
5. Is he Brasilian?
6. What is your mother doing for living?
7. What would you like to do this weekend?
8. Do you speak polish?
9. Can you swim?
10. Have you ever tried ski jumping?
11. Do you know this show?
12. Who is your favourite actor?
13. What type of music do you like?
14. What do you think about the conflict in Gaza?

Elabora un texto en pasado simple expresando las

diferentes actividades que hayas realizado el fin de
semana pasado, incluyendo los adverbios de
secuencia (after, before, first, then y finally).
Sally left home when she was 18. She didnt want to go to university, so she went to work in a book
shop in London. One day, a customer came to the store. His name was Bill. He liked Sally, and
asked her out.
They went out to dinner and had a nice time. Bill told Sally that he worked in a bank in the financial
district. Sally smiled and said that she hoped she would see him again.
Nobody is sure how it happened, but Sally and Bill fell hopelessly in love, and ended up getting
married. They moved into a small flat together, and paid incredibly high rent for a few years, until
Sally announced that she was pregnant.
Bill asked for a loan from the bank so they could buy a nicer flat in a friendlier neighborhood outside

London, and a few months later Sally had her baby. They named the baby Andrea
Sally se fue de casa cuando tena 18 aos. No quera ir a la universidad, as que se puso a trabajar
en una librera en Londres. Un da, un cliente vino a la tienda. Su nombre era Bill. Le gustaba Sally,
y le pidi que fuera. Ellos salieron a cenar y lo pasamos muy bien. Bill le dijo a Sally que l
trabajaba en un banco en el distrito financiero. A Sally sonri y dijo que esperaba que ella lo
volvera a ver. Nadie est seguro de cmo sucedi, pero Sally y Bill se enamor perdidamente, y
termin casndose. Se mudaron a un pequeo apartamento juntos, y pag el alquiler muy alto
durante unos aos, hasta que de Sally anunci que estaba embarazada. Bill pidi un prstamo al
banco para poder comprar un piso agradable en un barrio amigable afueras de Londres, y unos
meses ms tarde Sally tuvo a su beb. Llamaron a la Andrea beb.

Comenta la relevancia del uso del pasado simple con

verbos regulares, wh questions y adverbios de
secuencia as como las implicaciones que conlleva la
correcta pronunciacin de los verbos regulares en

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