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Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Exemplar for Internal Achievement Standard

Physical Education Level 1

This exemplar supports assessment against:

Achievement Standard 90964

Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical activity

An annotated exemplar is an extract of student evidence, with a commentary, to explain key

aspects of the standard. These will assist teachers to make assessment judgements at the
grade boundaries.
New Zealand Qualification Authority
To support internal assessment from 2014

NZQA 2014

Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: Low Excellence


For Excellence, the student needs to consistently demonstrate high quality movement
in the performance of a physical activity.
This involves performance that demonstrates a very high skill level within the chosen
The student has consistently demonstrated high quality movement by showing a very
high level of ball skills, defensive skills, team play and offensive skills in football (1).
The student has consistently demonstrated quality movement by maintaining a high
standard in movement off the ball in football (2).
To reach Excellence more securely, the student would need to consistently
demonstrate high quality of movement in performance across all appropriate
factors/skills of the physical activity (football).

NZQA 2014

Student 1: Low Excellence

Student 1: Low Excellence


Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: High Merit


For Merit, the student needs to consistently demonstrate quality movement in the
performance of a physical activity.
This involves maintaining a high standard in the demonstration of quality movement
that varies little throughout the unit(s) of work.
The student has consistently demonstrated quality movement by maintaining a high
standard in all factors/skills in football (1).
The student has consistently demonstrated high quality movement by showing a very
high level of defensive skills, and some aspects of movement off the ball and offensive
skills (2).
To reach Excellence, the student would need to consistently demonstrate high quality
of movement in performance across all appropriate factors/skills of the physical activity

NZQA 2014

Student 2: High Merit

High Merit: Student 2



Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: Low Merit


For Merit, the student needs to consistently demonstrate quality movement in the
performance of a physical activity.
This involves maintaining a high standard in the demonstration of quality movement
that varies little throughout the unit(s) of work.
The student has consistently demonstrated quality movement by maintaining a high
standard in ball skills, defensive skills and team play in football (1).
The student has demonstrated quality movement by showing factors/skills (movement
off the ball and offensive skills) in football (2).
To reach Merit more securely, the student would need to consistently demonstrate the
quality of movement in performance across all appropriate factors/skills of the physical
activity (football).

NZQA 2014

Student 3: Low Merit

Low Merit: Student 3


Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: High Achieved


For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate quality movement in the performance
of a physical activity.
This involves:

the performance of the appropriate factor(s)/skill(s) for the physical activity

techniques and/or the standard of performance as appropriate to the activity.

The student has consistently demonstrated quality movement by maintaining a high

standard in the factors/skills (movement off the ball, team play and some ball skills) in
football (1).
The student has demonstrated quality movement by showing factors/skills (offensive
skills, defensive skills and some ball skills) in football (2).
To reach Merit, the student would need to consistently demonstrate the quality of
movement in performance across all appropriate factors /skills of the physical activity

NZQA 2014

Student 4: High Achieved

High Achieved: Student 4



Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: Low Achieved


For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate quality movement in the performance
of a physical activity.
This involves:

the performance of the appropriate factor(s)/skill(s) for the physical activity

techniques and/or the standard of performance as appropriate to the activity.

The student has demonstrated quality movement by showing most factors/skills

(movement off the ball, defensive skills, team play and some ball skills) in football (1).
To reach Achieved more securely, the student would need to demonstrate the quality
of movement in performance across all appropriate factors/skills of the physical activity

NZQA 2014

Student 5: Low Achieved

Low Achieved: Student 5


Exemplar for internal assessment resource Physical Education for Achievement Standard 90964

Grade Boundary: High Not Achieved


For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate quality movement in the performance
of a physical activity.
This involves:

the performance of the appropriate factor(s)/skill(s) for the physical activity

techniques and/or the standard of performance as appropriate to the activity.

The student has demonstrated quality movement by showing some factors/skills

(movement off the ball and some ball skills) in football (1).
To reach Achieved, the student would need to demonstrate the quality of movement in
performance of more appropriate factors/skills of the physical activity (football).

NZQA 2014

Student 6: High Not Achieved

High Not Achieved: Student 6


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