Assignment c2 Dance

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Dianey Mendez

Dance 6/ 12:45

Assignment C2
The video I am describing is a short dance choreography of the song cheap thrills by sia. The
dancers are three girls who appear to be tall, thin, Hispanic, and have dark hair. One girl has long
straight hair and she has blue eyes, another one has long curly hair that reaches her waist on her
head she wears a head band and the third girl is wearing a pony tail and a hat which makes her
facial line stand out she has a thin nose and big eyes. All three of them are wearing black pants, a
white T-shirt, and black shoes. They start their choreography by skipping forward, into a
suspended kick and then spinning in a fast tempo from left to right in a slow motion, when the
beat goes into rest they also rest for a small moment then proceed to a gallop in a jumping jack
formation, the girls move to the ground, crawl in a bound flow accent then get up and spin in the
air reaching the ground at the center of the stage turning backwards with their backs facing the
audience. After this movement they proceed to putting their hands on the back of their heads
making a rest in the time keeping a sustain pose. They then move on to galloping once again and
spinning to the front of the audience while they are doing this the note value becomes heavy.
Along with that they start making motions as if they are doing their makeup and hair while at the
same time swinging their hips from left to right, after that they rest for a short moment once
again then proceed to doing a crisscross move with their legs but they are sliding from left to
right at the same time. The next movement that they do is stick one leg out away from the body
and point to the front with their finger in a strong force while at the same time swaying their hips
in a curved asymmetrical posture in and out. They then slide back smoothly putting one hand on
their mouth by having a shocked reaction on their face by making a shocked expression. After

doing this they start to crisscross their legs and at the same time throwing each arm from left to
right then up and down giving the impression that they are throwing something in the air then
following along with a two-step and kick in the axial position finishing off the choreography
with a last curved spin in the air landing in an axial position slightly bending their backs and
finishing the choreography. After this they begin to freestyle.

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