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By: Chloe Cheung

Collage Introduction to the dance
Information of
different forms of
the dance


Has an image

Negative point: random

Good colour combination ads.
Neat and clear layout
Different dance classes
Title for different regions


Introduction/ information
related to content
Me: What is Indian Dance?
Yvonne: Indian dance communicates Indian stories and meanings to
Me: How many types of Indian Dances are there?
Yvonne: There are many variety of Indian Dance throughout the culture
in different states of India. The one we will be focusing on will be called
Bharatanatyam Dance.
Me: What is Bharatanatyam Dance? Which part of India do this dance?
Yvonne: It's a dance from South India, it was developed over
thousands of years.
Me: How would you like your website to be? What media should be
Yvonne: I would like it to include videos of the demonstration of the
Bharatanatyam Dance also showing pictures of different posture of the
dance since each posture have a meaning to it. I would also like to
include the music soundtrack for the dance so people have an idea of
the rhythm and speed of the Bharatanatyam Dance.
Me: Would you like to include an introduction to the history of the
Bharatanatyam Dance? If so, do you want it to be a short summary or a
long explanation of it?

Yvonne: Yes, it should include the basic information of the dance and
each should be in short paragraphs or in bullet points.

Me: Would you like to include different links on other Indian Dance to
give the audience a more variety of information on Indian Dance?

Yvonne: Yes, you can put some youtube links or website links for the
audience to discover more types of Indian Dance.

Me: Who do you aim your website at? Teenagers or adults just looking
for a new hobby?

Yvonne: I would like to aim my website at adults who's looking for a

new hobby.
A rough sketch of the main page of the website I am going to design. It includes the basic
layout of the website. The menu bar should be also the same as the actual website. The
picture collage banner at the top will be made by Adobe Photoshop.

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